(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

i have 1 more tube, u wan???

sleeping on tummy
he really sleep more better.. now my hubby also wan him sleep on tummy but when we sleep cannot lah.... day time yaolan/or sleep on tummy. nite time swaddle on bed

any suggestion? so tat we can book early....

similac infant FM for sale

i was given 2 tins of Similac Infant FM by a friend but my girls are supp on Nan Nestle. looking at selling these two tins off at $60. anyone keen do sms me at 94770974
i use 1 hand to carry bb supporting with pillow(s) underneath. The the other hand slot the pump into my bra just to collect the milk (no pumping action).
one other thing to note, the milk leaked at night seems to be more compared to day time. but i too tired to walk to fridge to store the milk and rinse the pump with hot water. as a result, i poured them away. :p

i've transfered the money to you
To Account POSB Savings
126-44412-5 goodbaby
Amount S$28.56
Transaction Reference 1621918209

can you please arrange with kelly about the collection after you got it? if possible, i might need to opt for postage.
another way to reduce the engorgement is to use cold cabbage. remember don't keep pumping. it will just make your engorgement worse.

re: bb perspire
my bb starts perspiring too. i started to wipe her body and change to a new set of clothes before sleeping. will try to give her some massage tonight. hope she will take the cue that it's time to sleep.
hi mummies,

may i know how frequent u all feed your baby?
my mil keep trying to feed baby every 2 hrs. Eventhough my son din cry for milk..

mine is 3 hr... sometime 4hrs. i feed on demand. but if less den 2 hr he cry for milk, i will gif water... only feed when baby cry for milk??? ur 2hrs, but hw much he drink?? better dun over feed
RE: baby crying after being put down
I recently encounter this problem with my son...during the daytime too, he will just wake up the moment we put him down... me and my maid take turns to carry him...this morning i put him in bouncer and he slept for a mere 20 min which is still not bad... Maybe this is the stage where baby likes to be carry all the time ? I also dun have prob at night maybe coz he doesn't sleep much during the day so night time he will just dose off for a good 3-4 hours before asking for a short feed before falling back asleep again...

re: bb perspire
my bb perspire too, especially after carrying him for a long time. notice he'll perspire more during feed. if perspire, could it be that the weather too hot ?

i feed on demand...day time usually 1.5-2 hours time while night time longer usually 2-4 hours

re: reducing ss, do you pump or are you on total latch on ? if total latch on normally the supply will adjust to your baby's demand. i recently started pumping again 3x a day and can feel that when my son doesn't drink much i.e. at night, by morning i feel my breast v full 'n slightly engorged then i have no choice but to pump otherwise my flow too heavy for my boy and he will keep choking during feed...
Thanks ladies on the stroller advise! We'll go shop again. I think can only do so on Sun but it's the last day of Taka sales right? Do you all see any good lobang for stroller there?
snowbelle, I didnt thought that the stroller deals were very good at the taka fair. If you are not in a rush, do wait around bit more. You can get pretty good stroller deals at sales at Mothercare/robinsons if you shop around abit to know your prices and wait for the sales (which happens at least few times a year I think?).

yipy, I feed on demand too since bbs is only so small and not on any solids, cant let bb go hungry just to fit into my schedule. In the daytime he is now doing this cluster-feeding thingy whereby he asks for milk every hourly or two hourly. At night he can go longer w/o milk, around 3 hourly. But of cos when he is cluster-feeding, he will drink lesser (anything from 40ml to 80ml) instead of a full feed(120 to 140ml).
re: bb feeding time
my bb is about 1.5 - 2 hrs day time. 2-3 hrs night time. sometimes can strech till 4-5 hrs at night. hope can slowly adjust her sleeping pattern so that she can let me sleep longer at night. but she will make some funny sounds when sleeping, then i got to go and pat pat her.

btw, any of you has the information on the meaning crying sound of bb? e.g., 'neh' is hungry...

headache, when bb cries, my mum will keep insisting she's stomachache, then want to apply 'ru yi' oil. my father will say she's hungry, want to eat. my other family member will say her diaper is dirty, then go and change her diaper. my hb will just carry her then she will fall back to sleep.. aiyah. very hard to please everyone le... and the rate of using diaper shoots up because of this...

tat wat my hb say when my son was so cranky and dun wan to slp at nite.... actually it depends... even ur hb say dun sleep in the day, but bb shd have at like 16hr of sleep ma....
hi ladies...

been a few days since i last posted... bb's routine went amok since cl left....!! dunno y?

think my bb is sensitive to mix feeding--bm/ebm followed by immediate top up with fm during 1 feed. his tummy is very bloated now. does any1 have any advise for this?

stopping bf
I am contemplateing stopping bf soon...few reasosn behind but majority due to my bb seems sensitive to my 'mix feeding' and im unable to provide full bm even for 1 feed. besides just stopping abrupting and suffering from bad engorgement,fever, etc,etc, is there a more 'gentle' method for me to reduce and finally stop my supply?
charges for baby sitter

does anyone know the average price for a baby sitter for 1)only day time caring and we bring the bb home at nite 2)bb stays over for 5 days a week?
looks like we are all in the same state.

These 2 nights i handle baby alone, really no sleep man.... but last night she slept a bit longer with air con. may i kmnow, do your babies sleep in air con??

piglettail, there is a myth of wearing the wine bottle stopper around the neck can easily stop milk leh, my mum says so.

er, is baby supposed to sleep longer slowly? i mean i thot they will eat in 1.5hr to 2hr, does it mean they will slowly sleep longer stretch at night??
i can help u to collect yr goat's rue from kelly.

re: stroller
snowbelle, intially i wanted to buy a maclaren(the price is abt 400plus at bb hyperstore) but on second thought decided not to as i worried that my boi wont like to sit in the stroller(fyi, my gal stopped using her stroller at 10months) so i got a combi instead. abt $200 only

u can try isetan also. they are having sales til april.

re: cranky n crying at nite.
my boi since discharge from hosp, has been cranky at nite. from 11pm to 6am....initally, thought fm will make him full, but no use leh...
so i just tong til he outgrown the stage.

re: feeding. mine will cry for milk abt 2.5 to 3hrs.
i know can't apply too much 'ru yi' oil. but my mum keep insisting, how? now i can fully understand those ppl with CL which are very stubborn with their own ways.. hai..

it will be good if you can help to collect.
will meet up with you some day.


re: babysitter
i am interested to know the rate also..
Hi, Kitsune
TMC pharmacy has promotion for Desitin creamy promotion(2 for $20). Saw it yesterday; don't know how long the promotion lasts.

Hi, snowbelle,
Just came back from Taka fair this morning. The old model Maclaren Techno XT(pure grey & pure black only) had offer, but nice color ones at original price.

I also plan to buy stroller ; but don't think good deal at Taka fair. I am wondering whether this Friday(Good Friday holiday) there's good deal at Robinsons or not.

actually they say only after 1 mth den can apple ru yi you leh... hehe.. u say bb is ur, so u wan to take of them in ur way loh
my bb sleep in aircon room at night, he sleeps longer night time too.

thks for the avent iq feedback!

anyone know where to get the best deal for avent iq duo pump ?

1 batch of goat's rue arrived liao. batch2 (5bottles only) shld arrive soon.

i waiting for all bottles 2 arrive b4 i calculate shipping & postage charges.
i've been reading but no time 2 post. 3kids all not well. stella has reflux problem n blocked nose so very cranky. cant sleep well too. e boys also down wif runny noses & phlegmy coughs.

very tiring & frustrating. was juz telling hubby tat it's no fun being a SAHM now.
Cry #1: Neh="I'm hungry"
"Neh" is the "I'm hungry" cry of a newborn. It is based on the sucking reflex. A newborn has a strong sucking reflex, and when they combine this reflex with a cry the result is "neh". When you hear this cry, nurse or give your newborn a bottle.

Cry #2: Owh="I'm Sleepy"
The cry to express tiredness is "owh". The "owh" sound is based on the yawning reflex. The first "ow" sound can be long and pronounced. When you hear this cry help your baby go to sleep. We always found that the more tired our babies became the harder it was for them to go to sleep. Look for other clues of sleepiness: rubbing the eyes and yawning.

Cry #3: Heh="I'm experiencing discomfort"
The cry "heh" is used when a newborn is feeling discomfort. This sound is different than the "I'm hungry" cry because there is a strong "h" sound at the beginning. If you hear this cry in your newborn, they may need their diaper changed or be put in a new position.

Cry #4: Eair="I have lower gas"
When babies have lower gas pain they often pull their legs towards their chest and make the cry sound "eair". We always found that when our newborns had gas they liked a bit of pressure on their tummies. We would either lay them on our legs perpendicularly and rub their backs or hold them in the elbow of our arm with our elbow supporting their head and their legs straddling our arm. (Be sure that your babies head is always held securely.) This can also be a good time for a baby massage with slow circular motions on your baby's tummy. Gas tablets or medicines never worked for our girls.

Cry #5: Eh="I need to burp"
You'll know when your newborn baby needs to burp if you can hear the "eh" in his/her cry. This cry is short and is repeated over and over; "eh, eh, eh." When you hear this sound gently place your baby on your chest with their head over your shoulder and gently pat them on the back.

Helpful Tips
Your baby's cries are identified easier during the pre-cry stage before the baby become hysterical. Try to Listen, Decide and Act before the cries becomes too difficult to distinguish.

React to the dominant word. If you hear more than one word being said, pay the most attention to the most dominant sound/word.
If you can't understand the cry, change the position of your baby; e.g., put them over your knee, shoulder, or on your lap.
It's natural for babies to use more words than others. Don't worry if some words aren't being said as often.
Listen for the distinctive sound in each word, e.g., the "N" in "Neh".
If you can't understand the word and feel distressed, just comfort your baby as best you can and listen for the word next time.
Vernon, my bb now taking 3 oz i think 90ml ba.

xiao yun, my baby same as ur gal will make a lot of funny sound but me and hb just try to ignore him but sometimes still will wake up to look look him la..dun know y got so many funny sound.day time also like tat.
re: SAHm
ya, no joke.... i almost wanted to beat my boi cos he super cranky yest afternoon(was alone with him)n also causes me to spill some ebm onto my bed...

i got mine from bb kingdom
ask you all hor, cos my original CL does not close door when bb is with her at night, now the new CL comes, she says her practise is that she will close door.

anyone of your CL close door with babby? i quite worried leh.
artemis, when my bb dozed off, i will quickly put the EBM back into warmer and continue to feed him when he wakes up. yea sometimes 15 mins later he will wake up, maybe not full enuff so couldnt zz well.

face down position: when i put my boy facing down, i will pat on his back to make him sleep, and of course need to go check on him every now and then. i like to have him zz at this position becuz he can sleep longer and i can do my things! :p

yaolan: cheryl, where did you get the yaolan from? i think i'm getting the sarong from msia. know it's not very good but then i will still buy one for him if he doesnt want to zz on bed, especially during the day.

xiaoyun, wah you very productive leh. can leak so much!!

piglettail: if bloated, you can give gripe water. but of course depends whether you like the idea of giving gripe water to relief his bloatedness or not. hey you got alot of bm supply? why not continue to bf? i so admire ppl with good supply leh..
HI everyone,
long long time no see.

face down position:
There is once i put bb Channet on face down position. She slept well. But when woke up, she cannot turn, so she will cry out loud.

I tried from bb cot, to bouncer, to yaolan. BB channet prefer bouncer. But since I hv to huge dogs at home, cannot hv bouncer on the floor. In the end, bouncer not rocking

I oso envied ppl who can supply enough BM for their bb. at 6 weeks I still cannot supply enough for bb demand.
hi mommies, my bb is sick. she got a cold, and doctor says worried that bb so small, fluid may get into her lungs so i hv 8 different types of medication for her. more medicine! they also rented me a nebuliser where the medicine is like a spray of water & you put a face mask over your bb's nose & mouth. i really hope she gets well soon, it is very scary to give her so much medicine. but once she took the medicine, she really sleep very very well...

i also been handling bb alone these 2 nights, hubby in reservist.. understand your pain... hang in there. actually it's tiring + loneliness i think hor? my bb sleeps in aircon, but i put her in a corner where the aircon is not directed at her, and i have a humidifier in the room so the air is not too dry. she sleeps v well with swaddle + aircon at night.

re: pumping to reduce flow.. a lactation consultant told me if i really need to reduce the letdown a little bit so that bb dun choke, just pump for 20-30 sec can liao. cos they say if u are total latching & baby is enuff, dun really need to pump, unless u wanna pump to store, then that's a different story.
face down position:
thanks mummies. but how to introduce?
cos when he fell asleep, we put him face down... then he woke up n cried....
hi kelly,

can transfer my slot to xiaoyun??
dor can collect on her behalf,thanks so much!

hi xiaoyun,

i will check tmr if received,thanks so much!

hi tute,

i cant latch on bb,can only use pump,heard it will slowly supply??in dilemna,scared engorged,on the other hand,scared no ss soon...
hi ladies, i haven't logged in for a week!

spent $500 on my bb's medical... did an x-ray to check if he has any reflux problem cos he has been vomitting far too much. luckily no negative results found!

also found a lump at his anus with pus. went to a pd surgeon to remove it. supposed to be because he has glands that are longer than normal that's why. if it comes back in the next few weeks have to remove the entire gland!

yepz so been busy taking extra care of him...

re: breastfeeding

1) my bb has been suckling a lot lately. sometimes he will ask for a feed non-stop for few hours... issit due to a growth spurt? the feeding is causing my supply to increase so i'm getting quite engorged recently. it's also draining my energy, making me very tired, hungry and thirsty.

2) my bb has developed this habit of making a lot of sucking noises, and no matter how i adjust there is still that noise. i'm worried that he may be taking in too much wind. esp since his wind and vomitting problem is quite serious. anyone has tips on that? am thinking of getting a lactation consultant to help me with this problem...
Cheryl, yes I'll take 1 tube. Get from you during gathering.

KK LC said my lump due to engorgement at night, got to keep pumping every 3 hrs from now on. :p
you place him sleep on tummy after feed?

my cl doesn't close the door one leh.

since 2 days ago, my boy also suckling a lot. especially later afternoon period for few hrs. so tiring and pek chek with him. 'cos can't get enough sleep and he seems like forever hungry. i think he should be going thru growth spurt.
how old is your bb?

oscarthegrouch yeap I admit i have cried a few times since he left, cos really realy very sad.

re cl close door, last night she closed but after the first time she brought baby to me, then later she did not close liao when i return the baby...

i think my baby is also growning through spurt, cos suddenly she wants more... one day 100ml is not enough for her, then i add 10ml more, then she refuses the remaining 30ml, heart pain man.

XiaoYun, please wait for me, i will try to do transfer asap.
