(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hi all, i hv given birth on 1 feb.

hi garfield9,
i am interested in buying 1 tube of desitin creamy. wonder if i can place the order with u. can i know how much? i currently staying at teck whye (choa chu kang). how can i collect from u?

many thanks!

i'm sure it's not easy coping on your own.. while having cl around have its issues.. i must say it's a great help to have around so far.. i also dread the transition when she leaves :p i've been forewarned by a few friends that the 2nd mth is the most tough one cos that's when the cl goes off.. and bb stil drinking and pooing very frequently.. hang in there.. i'm sure you'll fall into a comfortable routine soon..

doink, u're not alone.. my bb also takes ebm most of the time bec my nipple's too short so hard for him to suckle.. so i give him ebm..if latch on think my milk does not flow fast enuff for him..
sunny.. thanks for ur compliment.. and ur advice for cleaning the privates..

BX.. i can understand how u feel.. my CL is going off this fri.. and i am very worried that i got no time to pump and wash stuffs too..i think i will be in the same situation as u.Hope things will get better...

Snowbelle.. i am using capella..its more affordable compared to Mc claren..and i like it because its reversible.. its almost fully reclines w a newborn head support.. u cna c in the pic above.. my BB slept in the pram thruout the whole full month celebration
Snowbelle, I have both the Maclaren Techno XT and the Capella S207. I think the Maclaren is good for her now cos can recline to about 170deg, quite comfy and it's big, can last till she's 4-5yrs old. The Capella is small and handy, can stand on its own but only recline to about 140deg so better for bigger babies, the instruction manual said it's for BB from 7mth to 2 years old in fact. But it's cheap lar. I bought at JL during sale, only about $100 after minusing value of free vouchers.
xiaoyun...oic...i thought how u go with baby! hah.

doink...dun be discouraged. everytime when i feel frustrated, i realize it's becuz i'm imposing my expectations on my baby or i'm in a hurry to do something else.

i always remind myself - that these moments with baby are very exclusive and limited to these few months. and if baby is feeding little by little for hours, it's our chance to spend loving moments with her n in future, even if you want, there will not be much of such moments!

also always remember that they are helpless n need us to respond to all their needs.

i am facing the problem of very bad engorgement,went to c gynae,gynae said if ss continue to be so much,i cant continue to bf anymore,cos practically i m doing nothing but just bf,cos after pumping,it auto fill up again,very fast,...very kexi,meanwhile i will try to endure 1st,when it fills up,is like 2 watermelons,think everything moderation is the best,too much can also cause problem :<
any 1 want to take over my order for the goat's milk for batch 2??i had made payment to kelly already,so if any 1 interested to take over my order in batch 2,can transfer the amt to me,thanks so much
if interested,can email to me at [email protected]

hi garfield,

u can pm or email me the contact of the LC for the home visit?i will try my best not to give up,must be positive :>
[email protected]
re: cry to sleep
anyone let the bb cry when you know that he/she is fed, diaper change, no discomfort except that he/she is bored?
my boy was crying when i blew dry my hair. so, i just left him to cry and would go attend to him after my hair is completely dried. who knows, before i went to look for him, he fell asleep by his own. :p bad mummy....

i saw lots of ppl using capella. should be ok bah. shop around and look for more brands which suit your needs and budget.

not too sure about those roker chairs leh. when i took care of my gal during my maternity leave, i only let her lie on the mattress leh. when my mil took care of her when she's 3 mth old, then only she used the traditional rocker which got the net type.
i can take over the goat's rue - 1 bottle from you. please let me know how can i collect it and transfer fund to you.

also, you can try the cold cabbage method to reduce the engorgement. the best person to give advise on the huge supply problem is June and moidar. They have very good supply too. June successfully reduce the supply a little bit and continue breastfeeding.
Hi everyone, I have checked with a friend of mine whom can pump 2 litre a day, she says she pump every 3 hours for an hour duration.... it makes me wonder if i am not pumping long enough.

Any advise? I am pumping around 20 min....

I totally understand the part that the CL gone back, i handled the baby all alone last night and she wakes up every hour.... but i am not as brave as all of you. I engaged another CL for another 14 days when hubby is away... cos i think i will go mad with his aunt alone.

baby hope, I am interested in getting your milk bag. Can i know how i can pay you? Kindly PM me.
my bb cries all the time. sleeps very little. wants to be carried. carry her she sleeps. put her down she wakes up and cry.

how many of u give ur bb pacifier? i give and i feel guilty...
bx, i also give when bb's fussy,refuse to sleep. nothing to feel guilty about. as long as it gives u some peace n quiet..why not? i dun see it as a huge problem..they will grow out of it anyway..
, i used to be a pacifier kid too.
i don't give bb pacifier. like you, i feel guilty. 'cos when bb is crying, he/she is trying to communicate to us. imagine when we are trying to talk to others, and the other party stuffs a plastic thingy into our mouth and ask us to shut up. how would we feel? that's my personal view lah.
bx, i gave in and gave the pacifier last night, but then hor, she refuses to buy it leh, only my breast works... gave her pacifier, she suck suck a bit knows it is not what she want she will oepn her eyes bigger, no use making her more awake...

but i also overcome a lot of guilt in my heart to do this...... my CL says that once your baby is eating hand, you better give it cos hand is tougher to quit.
so actually quite a number of us give pacifier.

sunny i envy u can handle ur bb without giving pacifier. my bb can cry non stop and we have tried many methods to soothe her.

winnie, i have stopped giving my breast as pacifier as my mil disapproves. coz when i start work, she is going to have big headache...
sunny, at least your baby went to sleep on his own. mine will not stop crying. i tried letting her cry for awhile (to erm, tire her out!) but she won't stop. she only stop to breath and continue crying after that!

bx..wah..at least she can sleep with the pacifier! my best bet for my baby is to be her pacifier and let her suckle until she sleep. Or carry her and cuddle her to sleep (and wake up feeling sore all over!)

winnie..my baby also eat hand. sometimes suck thumb, sometimes fingers. but not for long. just awhile and she'll cry for milk. my baby quite straight forward. usually is cuz she don't get enough from my breast...have to top up with FM.
Whenver my baby is unhappy or want to sleep, she will suck my breast for very short time. And she prefer empty breast because she doesn't want to swallow milk.

When I go out for long time, my hubby will deploy pacifier in case he can't make her happy. But baby seems waiting for me coming back every time; in the end so far we didn't use it.

MIL also keep nagging that as long as I go back work, she will use pacifier. MIL is unhappy that my baby uses her hands as pacifier sometimes. She warns me that pacifier is better than hands because using hands look ugly and difficult to get rid of habit. But I don't care, baby can pick up a lot of bad habits and get rid of a lot of them later.
12th april, Saturday
1) Jeannie, hubby and baby
2) happymum2b
3) cheryl, hubby and bb
4) star70
5) Vine_Gal
6) Eliaw
7) Thankful
8) bx, hubby and bb
9) stephie
10) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (depending on timing)
11) dor11
12)tubao,hubby and bb

13th april, Sunday
1) happymum2b
2) cheryl, hubby and baby
3) Vine_Gal
4) Eliaw
5) Thankful
6) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (most preferred)

so where will be the venue be??? any suggestion????
my bb always sleep awhile, wake up and cry, carry her then she sleep, put her down she wake up. it's like a cycle. i thought babies are supposed to sleep alot??!!
my breast is my boy's pacifier. haha.... i would use the same method that i 'trained' my gal to sleep by her own after cl leaves. 'cos i think no one can bear to see my way of training. i.e. let him cry to sleep. now with cl around, the most i would let him cry for 5 min. 'cos for NB, it's better not to let them cry too long. after full month, i would let him cry for longer time. :p
ya, i also think that babies are supposed to sleep a lot. when bb cries, there are lots of reasons. when my boy still keeps crying after i fed him, change nappy; i would see what's wrong with him. so far, these are the hints i get from him:
1) bb feels bored: eyes open big big, cry when no one is around, when pick him up, he would stop crying and eyes big big look at us. if we are 'free', we would talk to him. else, would leave him to cry for a while. :p
2) bb overtired: keep yawning. cry when put on the bed. once carry him, he would start dozing off. when that's the case, my cl would sing song and pat him to zzz. or, i would let him suckle till zzz.

oh... stop breathing and then continue crying. that's scary!
bx, mi boy who is coming 1 mth on fri oso like tat. tot nb suppose to sleep, eat, shit, urine and cycle repeats!?! carrying him for long make mi back hurts
may i know for 5 weeks old baby, how much EBM do you all give each time?

Garfield, sorry i think you share the url before, but i cant find the information, if you can kindly sahre with me again.

sunny, my bb oso perspire alot, esp when i carry her. i shared before, my bb has alot of pimples. now i think worse. i brought her to the PD. the doc say it's eczema. i dun think so. everyday it seems getting more and more. when she cries, her face so red, pimples so red, my heart really pain. i dun dare to let her cry too long...

as for entertaining her, i talk to her, play music, carry her and walk around. i oso carry until backache.

winnie, i started giving 110 ml today. my bb 4 weeks 4 days.
garfield: you mean previously your bb's poo got bloody mucus everyday and a few times per day? my friend said change FM to the correct one wor. did you give FM to your bb when he got bloody mucus in his poo? does your bb still have the problem everyday up till today?

previously i'm on TOtal EBM and occasional latch on when heating up EBM. now i EBM on day and latch on at night. maybe i should try someday to total latch on during the day.. cuz i see some of you here total latch on too!! if you can do it, i should be able to do it too..

kitsune: how does bb ear infection look like?

sunny/xiaoyun: how do you collect the leaking milk when nursing your bb since you are holding your bb with both hands liao?

garfield: actually i admire u cuz your bb can sleep easily. mine not, everytime he sleeps we are very thankful and must keep our pace and movement slow and quiet, cuz he easily awakes. and sometime he doesnt zz thruout the day! he will sleep when we cuddle him but will awake once we put him down on his bed.. really made my head big!

sleeping atnight: my bb makes strange noises and moves a lot every night and seems that he coudlnt sleep well cux he keeps moving, but with eyes closed. dunno whether there's anything wrong with him?

sunny: your bb will cry and fell asleep but mine couldnt leh. i couldt bear to let him cry until tears all flow down and would always surrender.my bb perspire too but dont think a lot. cuz he is afraid of heat and i let him wear those shirt with holes one.
tong tong
i don't really collect the leaking milk. i just put the breast pad or towel to absorb the milk.
only few times he cries till fell asleep, not everytime.

re: cl
sometimes my cl irritates me. 'cos i always want to let bb sleep, but she would rather talk to the bb. then, when the bb is unconsolable even after she sings song or carry him, she would tell me that bb got not enough milk and wanna drink again.
but at the same time, i really pei fu my cl that she can handle housework and bb, and providing me great help during this period. and really bu she de to see her leaving next wk.
really mixed feeling...
BX: Regards to yr bb pimples, you can lukewarm water to clean bb face. Can help to minimise the face from pimples and red red cos sometimes due to sensitive to FM or cos of sweat. Till now my boy still have a bit red red cos he use his mitten to "bua" his face.

Sleeping at nite is normal for the bb to make funny noise. Nothing is wrong with the bb, my boi always make funny noises when stretching or sometimes sleeping.

As weather is hot lately, can offer plain water for bb to drink.
bx, wah, you go up to 110. Today i gave my baby 100, but afte rthat she still demands to be latched. guess not quit eenough liao. this mummy of hers still try to ignore hee, hoping that wont increase so fast.

but how much can we increase to? any guideline?
mommies, anyone has dogs in the house? we have to babysit my MIL's 2 cocker spaniels for 1 week, so hv to bring to our house. i myself am allergic to dogs - will trigger eczema &amp; asthma. but wondering is it ok for newborn to be in same house a dogs?

jeannie - i read somewhere that anything that cannot be wiped off easily at one pass in the vagina area shd be left alone. so far, i just use cotton wool &amp; water an dribble some water down to clean it a bit. dun dare to dig.

bx - my bb also like yours. daytime hv to carry non-stop. i cant even put her down to shower cos she will kick n yell until face all red and until no more voice. she can fall asleep in my arms but when i put her down only gone case. sigh. for nighttime, when i use the aircon in the room, i actually swaddle her v tight and she sleeps ok in her crib. i really dunno how cos i'm alone at home, so sometimes v desperate i just put her in the bed and let her cry while i shower..
oscarthgrouch, for me, i did not go my IL place so far as they have 3 dogs there, fur every where. i dont think advisable.... but i think for people who have dogs all along, they will encourage....

My son also keep making funny noise when he is sleeping not only at nite day time also like tat.
Keep stretching his body when he sleeping is normal.
vine_gal, i already clean her face with warm water a few times a day. same as u, my girl always rub her face with her mittens. so i changed the mittens twice a day.

winnie, i see that she like not enough after drinking 100ml, so i just try add 10ml more. she managed to finish, so i will feed her 110ml for this week. if i see that she not enough again, then i add 10ml at a time.

oscarthegrouch, wah u let the bb cry while u shower. now i will shower early in the morning b4 hubby leaves for work so that he can look after her. i dun dare to let her cry for too long. coz if she cry too long, it's harder to console her.
no choice leh, hubby in reservist so sometimes he leave 4.30am. somemore i like to shower 2-3x a day, if not will feel super sticky and irritable... hopefully she will allow to be put down for few minutes more each day, then i can at least shower and go loo haha..
oscarthegrouch, how many weeks have you since delivered? can shower 2 - 3 times a day? i wanna shower again at night coz i perspire alot from carrying the bb around the house. but i dun dare coz confinement just over.
winnie, bx,
a lot of ppl always tell me not to carry her so much or pick her up when she cry..but what to do? can't possibly leave baby crying there right? especially when she's like going hoarse and tearing the house down man!

i realize that after week 4, baby seems to be consuming much more - like +/- 100ml.

winnie after week 4 baby tummy capacity supposed to be about 100-120ml leh i thought.

bx..my baby also put down will cry - unless she is full and placed in an 'appropriate' position. her favourite is side-cum-facing down. apparently will not be startled so easily.

jaslyn, so far i feel....the pattern of crying after feed is cuz she's still hungry even though she's kinda emptied my breasts. cuz for a few times i top up with 30-60ml of FM (depending on when she's had enough and stop sucking), she happily go sleep for long time after that. so i conclude that i'm not producing enough for her. I'll continue to supplement until my supply stabilize and also...right breast abit of blocked ducts but now much better liao.

tongtong..my baby also ilke that. if we cuddle her, will sleep or keep quiet. the moment u put her down on stroller/pram/cot/bed, she'll tear the house down with her cries.
RE: baby crying after being put down

Danica is like that too... After she is fed and changed with no apparent discomfort, she will still wake up and cry if you try to put her down in her cot. What I do is to "play" with her a little while... (make funny noises, peek-a-boo, talk to her, sing songs) and play some soothing music while rocking her. She will slowly doze off and when she is deep in slumber (I raise her arms 3 times to test if she will open her eyes :p), I quickly swaddle her and she will sleep peacefully for 2 - 3 hours. Have to on the fan to blow her though cause the weather nowadays very warm.

RE: dogs

I have 2 dogs but for my confinement period, I left 1 of my dogs with my parents-in-law so that my HB will not have to cope with 2 dogs and Danica as I did not employ CL. My MIL cooks my confinement food for me and accompanies me when my HB has to go out for his business appointments. So far Danica is not aware of the presence of my dog and no allergies either.

RE: Giving EBM

I went Taka to purchase the Avent IQ Bottle and Food Warmer yesterday and tried giving some of my expressed breast milk to Danica after heating it up through a stringe. But she doesn't like it and cries. Wonder if I should try a teat? But I scared of nipple confusion leh. Also I tried giving her 80ml according to the kellymom web site but she drank 50ml and she Zzzz... already. But hor, she Zzzz for about 10 minutes then she wake up and cry again. Does that mean she has had enougha not ah?
Hi mummies, havent had time to post, been real busy!

snowbelle, I like Maclaren v much for its stability and ease of usage. I've had the capella once (couldnt stand to use it and sold away shortly after) cause I was drawn to its reversible handles but its very bulky and ease of usage nowhere near the Graco outdoor EDT and two Maclaren strollers I had later on (I had a MC volo which I sold away, now using a MC triumph). For me, I feel that its best and most convenient to sling bb till they are slightly older, and if you wanna get a stroller then, get one thats as light/portable as you can esp since u are not driving. Maclaren has several lighter strollers (5-6kg I think) but not suitable for newborns, more suitable for ard 6mths and above.

bx, do you have one of those fisher-price electronic swings at home? Comes with music/lights too. Of cos its not good to put bb in there for too long, but some bbs find the swinging motion v soothing, and putting bb in there (if yr bb likes it) can 'buy' you short 10 mins here n there for you to do quick pumping/washing/chores/eating.

At the stage you are in, it can seem lke eternity and I know how difficult and tedious it can be for mummy when bb cant carry on sleeping when put down and needs to be carried 24/7. My DD was similar to this when she was that age too, nursing constantly, needing to be carried all the time and wakes up once put down. This stage will surely pass, and when it does and she finally settles down better when older, you will be glad that you spent all these time holding her close when she needs you. To me, I feel that my bb's need is a need, whether its need to drink, need to be diapered or need to be close to mummy, its a need, and just because my baby is fed/diapered does not mean that her need to be close to me or be carried is any less important (tho not as urgent). Just sharing my personal views. Jia you!!

(I hope my encouragement will help you feel better, esp since this encouragement is coming from a sahm who has a 3.5yo DD and a newborn and no maid/mil/mum's help watsoever haha. In my situation, its harder to be be able to pick up bb the MIN he cries but I try my darnest best. Its very important to me that my bb knows that when he is upset, I will be here.)

sunny, when bb is awake, I normally carry bb ard with me as I go about doing my stuff. Will tell him wat I am doing, will talk to him, and sing to him if I am not talking to my DD haha. He seems to like it when I sing to him hehe.

bluewind, I read that it not a good idea to use the tampon for locia cause your body might need to expel blood clots.
Hihi, everyone.

Cheryl, why you don't want to sell your Desitin to me? I said I want to buy from you before AK leh. :p You also missed me out for the gathering. I copy and paste here again. Where are we going?

12th april, Saturday
1) Jeannie, hubby and baby
2) happymum2b
3) cheryl, hubby and bb
4) star70
5) Vine_Gal
6) Eliaw
7) Thankful
8) bx, hubby and bb
9) stephie
10) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (depending on timing)
11) dor11
12)tubao,hubby and bb
13) kitsune, hubby &amp; bb (depends on timing)

13th april, Sunday
1) happymum2b
2) cheryl, hubby and baby
3) Vine_Gal
4) Eliaw
5) Thankful
6) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (most preferred)

Tongtong, my gal's ear infection got foul, "salty smelling" yellowish discharge.
hi june,

how u manage to reduce the supply a little bit and continue breastfeeding??doc said once i take medicine,even half dosage,she cant make sure the medicine would just be nice,so even half dosage may make me have no milk at all....

hi xiaoyun,

u can transfer the amt to posb savings 126-44412-5,thanks so much!once done,u can email to me or sms me

good morning!

re:facing down position
my boi about 6 weeks old. how to introduce the facing down position? we tried but he does seem to like it. my mum said that his tummy too big to face down

re: gathering
where are we going?
