(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Desitin creams

Thanks mummies for taking over the creams from me. I have listed it according to the sequence of orders:
1. Sunny - 1x Original
2. Dor - 1x Original + 1x Creamy
3. Karin Lee - 1x Creamy

If either Dor or Karin don't want the Creamy will let you have it. Or you can buy from Cheryl also?

For collection,
1. Sunny - are you going to the Apr gathering? if so can pass to you then.
2. Dor - can pass to you during gathering? if i don't go will pass to somebody to bring there.
3. Karin - i stay in katong

good afternoon all,
re: leaking
i tried to sterilise a bottle to collect the milk. really can make it up to 1 feeding for bb after a few times of latching. i am just scared that the milk that leak out only the foremilk. if feed bb only the foremilk, will cause the fore/hindmilk imbalance?

i've been purely latch for 1 week after bb jaundice cleared. didn't keep track of how much bb drinks. yesterday was the full month celebration. no time to latch her, so feed her ebm. i tried 80 ml (last week she only takes 70 ml), and she's not having enough and crying for more milk... didn't know her appetite increase so much in 1 week!!

weighted her yesterday too, she's already 3.9 kg! i am so happy...
btw, i tried the chocolate mousse cake from ecreative. very nice....
anyone interested to get some cake or cake set for full month, can consider. the set with marble cake, egg and ang ku kueh one no need minimum orders...
thanks garfield for the recommendation..
anyone knows what does the mom & baby fair @ expo have? not sure worth to go?
btw, i planning to go to taka fair tomorrow. anyone interested? want to go together? i will be going for my massage first, then go to taka fair. sms me if anyone interested to go together with me, ok?
re: desitin cream
i tried the original and creamy one already.
original is thicker, quite difficult to apply. in this way, i am more assured that it can help to protect bb's bottom. the creamy one has better smell. i like both of them...
ya, desitin is difficult to apply and wash away. but it's very effective when bb has rashes. last time my gal got gastric flu and kept having diarrhea, desitin protected her bum.

apr gathering? when? what time? where? i lost track on the gathering announcement.

xiao yun
i think the milk which leaked during bf is foremilk. 'cos when i collected mine using the bottle, found that it's quite diluted leh.
do you express out? if yes, those milk that you collected in the bottle can be mixed with ebm. and yes, those that leak out usually is only the foremilk. that's why i'll mixed those with watever i pump out to even out the fore/hindmilk.
i need help with sleepy baby =(

my baby is a real sleepyhead. falls asleep at my breast usually within <5 mins. so her active sucking probably only yields foremilk. i have tried burping her, changing her diaper, letting her cry etc....but once i put her back to my breast off she goes to dreamland again.

so, she has foremilk/hindmilk imbalance (green, frothy stools). after i fed her 2 days worth of EBM, her stools are back to mustard yellow colour. so obviously, EBM helps to ensure that she gets a balanced diet.

however, i still want to latch her on leh. but i can't seem to get her to stay awake. and if that's the case, for her sake, feeding EBM is better for her growth. anyone has any experience or tips on how to get baby to keep awake ah? please share with me....thanks in advance
Here are the dates for the 1st "Feb 08 Mummies &amp; Babies outing".

I may not be attending, but maybe can trouble Eliaw to pass to you and Dor if you are attending.

12th april, Saturday
1) Jeannie, hubby and baby
2) happymum2b
3) cheryl, hubby and bb
4) star70
5) Vine_Gal
6) Eliaw
7) Thankful
8) bx, hubby and bb
9) stephie
10) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (depending on timing)
11) dor11
12)tubao,hubby and bb

13th april, Sunday
1) happymum2b
2) cheryl, hubby and baby
3) Vine_Gal
4) Eliaw
5) Thankful
6) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (most preferred)
WINNIE, i'm also expressing abit now and it's dismal. Takes me almost half hour to express 40-60ml. but i'm expressing cuz of blocked ducts a few days ago. Better now but flow is still slow from my right breast.
i am quite sure i'm not meeting her demand because even after sometimes she suck until my breast is soft, she is still rooting for more. i've no choice but to supplement with 30-60ml of FM.
Hopefully after the ducts are flowing well, she will get better supply from me. but i'm prepared to do half-half - cuz easier for my parents to look after when i go back to work, and i also dun wanna lose the bonding of breastfeeding. I do relish the moments of looking at her adorable face while she's suckling.

XIAOYUN, i also just had baby first month yesterday. my baby now only 3.4kg. she had like 40ml EBM, then cry again and had another 50ml FM. After that still cry and i latch her on for awhile just to stimulate my supply. I also dunno how much she wants to eat exactly nowadays. Sometimes 60ml enough. Sometimes 100ml also still fussing.

Sometimes i suspect she just wanna be carried and cuddled...but old ppl always say dun carry too much after become spoilt etc. sigh.

XIAOYUN, u go massage- who look after baby?

barrier cream...are all of u using barrier cream? i'm not using any at all for my bb.
Garfield, I am facing the same prob as you.
Really like to latch baby on, but she keeps sleeping. Just like now... she is taking EBM again, cos she keeps falling asleep when i latch her, then once i put her into cot, she wakes up and cry... repeat so many times liao till i fed up, give her bottle again....

Really wonder if i should move to total EBM and latch her on only occassionally, but hor, i think i will miss her latching on...

Sigh, and hubby flew to NY this afternoon liao... went to send him off and feel so sad.

I have engaged a CL recommended by my current CL for another 2 weeks after seeing how hopeless my hubby aunt is....

then end up kanna question by my MIL, why like that, how much, and whose idea is it, whether it is my mum idea wah biang!!!!!!!!!!!!

so sickening....
HI Mummies

I am from the Nov07 MTBs thread.
I have a Babyrock sling (new, not used, black in color) that I want to let go. Bought it at $102 in a BP, and will let it go at a lower price.
You can take a look at this website for more details on the sling if you are interested. http://www.babyrock.com.au/content/breeze.htm

Please PM me if you are interested. Thank you.
have you tried expressing after each feed? my gal also not very effective, after feeds i can still pump out 30ml or so which i use to feed her if she is still hungry.

dun worry too much about how much bb takes in at each feed. the amt they drink varies and it is the average daily intake that matters.

as to how much expressed milk does baby need? here is an informative article. it states that most often, babies are overfed cos feeding milk becomes a convenient way of keeping baby quiet when actually there are other reasons why baby is still crying after a feed.

very frustrating hor...just do the best you can. maybe you can latch on first, then if baby still cries after feeding for a long time (for me, if she is still hungry after 45mins), then feed EBM. i feel bad also, but bo pian leh...
dun be sad...time passes very quickly now so just focus on enjoying your bb.

your hb's auntie is your MIL's or FIL's sis? if it's your MIL's sis, then maybe she a bit offended lor. just say something diplomatic that you don't want to trouble so and so...

i intend to arrange for home visit by lactation consultant. just to make sure that i've tried my very best. maybe the latch is not efficient/effective that's why bb gets very tired from sucking and dozes off.

no prob. glad it turned out nice. i'm contemplating ordering 3D cakes from them so good to know they taste good.
Hi Garfield9,

I had the same problem with Danica during my stay at TMC. When I asked the advice of the lactation consultant there, she advised me to remove all of her clothes and leave on only her diapers during feeding so that she is not too comfortable and goes to sleep. In addition, she said I should maintain eye contact with her and talk to her for a few minutes to let her know that she is supposed to be active. If she still fall asleep after that, remove from breast and put her to bed (without clothes). When she wakes up again, put her to the breast again. I tried this steps and after about 1 week, Danica got the hint and even if she closes her eyes, she still sucks actively now. Not sure if it will work for you.
thanks for sharing. did danica cry when you did that? cos my gal will howl until her face turns black when i remove her from my breast....
realized i didn't answer one of your qn re pumping frequency. basically the key to increasing ss is how fast milk is drained from the breast. bcos pumping is not as effective/efficient as a baby's suckling, we need to pump more frequently to achieve the same rate of drainage.

so, to sustain supply, you need to pump more often than the number of times you latch. even a short 5-10min power pump makes a difference. or as the research suggests - go for pumping vacation where you pump intensively over 2 days every 1.5 to 2 hrs. it's supposed to help increase ss.

based on 2 days of observation, i need to pump out at least 500ml per day (the remaining needs will be provided via latch) i'm also not sure if i have enough for her....but dun try dunno. have discussed with hb and he is ok to let me supplement with FM if not enough =P

hmm.....now that you mention - ya, i think the silicone massaging pad makes a difference, cos when i change the angle of the pad (from 12 o' clock to 1 o'clock), can get more milk. i've switched back to the avent manual for now.

re the diaper cream...i'm not very sure also. i use it only when bb bottom starts to look red (before a rash develops), but if her skin looks fine then i won't apply anything.
Hi Garfield9,

Depends... If she was really asleep then she only howls when she finds her in her cot when she wakes. Otherwise, if she was only dozing then she will howl, be awake and I just put her to the breast again.
I think of it as a battle of wills and I will not lose to a new born :p
maybe you'd like to try playing with your baby's hair/eyebrow to keep her awake or touch her chin when she doze off. the nurse at tmc asked me to do this last time, and also agree with the point artemis brought up i.e. if you swaddle baby, remove the swaddle so she won't be too comfortable.

re: pump
i'm using avent manual right now, but hand quite tired after a while...normally i'll pump for 10 min for 80-90ml when breast is quite full..thinking of getting an electric one, but seems like medela electric (even the PIS) doesn't yield as much result yeah ? has anyone tried avent iq duo ?
Hi tute,

I bought the Avent IQ Duo on Monday. So far, it is working as well as the manual ISIS pump for me. Last week when I went ParentCraft, the receptionist lady, Neely, told me that the Medela PIS Advanced pump was better cause the suction is stronger amd within 15 minutes should be able to express out all the milk. But even my husband upon hearing that remarked, won't that be very painful? So we went ahead to purchase the Avent IQ Duo pump. Besides, I already bought loads of Avent VIA cups and will find it leh chey to pour from the Medela containers into them.

1 thing neat about the Avent IQ Duo is that the pressure is fully adjustable. So for the first 5 minutes I use a harder, slower pressure and next 5 minutes a softer, faster one. Normally, I express after Danica had her fill (around 25 minutes on each breast) before expressing. I get about 40 ml from each breast after that. Not sure if it's good a not but as I'm on total latch on now, I do it just to store up for futre use.
By the way, if you have the Mothercare VIP card and purchase the Avent IQ Duo in the old packaging (with the Philips logo) you can get 10% discount. If you happen to receive the 15% discount card from them (if you filled in your EDD when you got the VIP card), that discounts applies to that as well (which was what I did).
my boy also tends to doze off after sucking for a while. i would remove the swaddling cloth then let him latch on. during the latching, i would keep touching his chin if i notice that he's not suckling.
not too sure if i can make it for the gathering, too. where would that be? and where are you staying?
oh, you haven't told me how much you are selling.
hi feb mummies,

i do like to seek ur advice on what r the qns to ask pd during bb's 1st visit to c PD for check up?thanks so much!
Cheryl, I get the 2 tubes of Desitin from you, when's the expiry?

12th april, Saturday
1) Jeannie, hubby and baby
2) happymum2b
3) cheryl, hubby and bb
4) star70
5) Vine_Gal
6) Eliaw
7) Thankful
8) bx, hubby and bb
9) stephie
10) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (depending on timing)
11) dor11
12)tubao,hubby and bb
13) kitsune, hubby &amp; bb (depends on timing)

13th april, Sunday
1) happymum2b
2) cheryl, hubby and baby
3) Vine_Gal
4) Eliaw
5) Thankful
6) kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids (most preferred)

Garfield, hmm... never thought of rotating the silicone shield, good idea, maybe I can position it to get rid of my lump. It's still there. You said LC home visit only $45 right? Can you give me the contact? I may want to get them to do home visit, can't keep visiting KK's LC with hubby &amp; BB in tow, very mafan. :p Oh ya, my gal also keep sleeping at my breast, usually I'll keep calling her and nudging her chin while hubby plays with her arms and legs and rubs her ear. She'll get frustrated and cry, then once she opens her mouth again, I stuff the nipple in again. Very tiring to keep doing it but bo bian, better than she wake up after 1 hr to cry for milk again. :p

Tute, good flow, for manual, I need to pump half an hour to get 40ml after latch on.
<font size="+1">LV Goat's Rue</font>

<font color="ff0000">Batch 1</font>
exchange rate used 1.42

<font color="ff0000">Batch 2</font>
exchange rate used 1.42

in batch2, it was sent out in 2shipments so shipping *may* b more expensive.
Oops... It should be "...the Avent IQ Duo in the old packaging (without the Philips logo)..."

Sorry... Was typing with 1 hand while latching on Danica. :p
hey mummies w baby gers.. gotta ask u all something.. Do u all clean ur baby ger's privates.. i mean open it up and clean.. or do u all just clean like normally. Sometimes when i open the 2 scallop thingy and look at the vagina there.. i can see the barrier creama n some yellowish stuff( perhaps poo) there but i dunno whether i should clean it till very clean.. cause it seems quite a sensitive region. Any advice??
yeap mine is also feb baby...3 weeks plus now. i pump one side only normally... and i don't latch my boy on both breast during each feeding so normally will just latch to one breast then change for each feed or just give whichever one i feel full. so if i latch on right breast i'll pump from left and i only pump 3 times a day (morning, day and night) as i'm on total latch on or when i feel gonna be engorged usually if my son dun drink much during his night feeding. maybe that's why i can yield that much for each pump though i think my method a bit weird and like anyhow :p

but i do have a different problem, my milk flow is too heavy for my newborn son. quite a few times he will choke coz the flow too strong and cough... so too strong also not very good...i'm trying to feed lying down to reduce the flow, hopefully by lying down i'm beating the gravity and milk flow slows down.
i think i am going crazy with my hubby aunt in the house.....

today CL is leaving, i gave up on her and employed another CL in tomorrow for another 14 days so as to eat full 40 days... today the CL will prepare the food for dinner, but just need her to stir fry the veg... she also turned down....

everything i ask her to do or the CL ask her to do, she sure rejects, then when my hubby ask her then she says yes..... damn shit
your gal is so pretty!
for me, i don't clean it till very clean 'cos like what you said it's a sensitive area. as long as there's no poo or other dirty stuff there, i don't really bother.

i would choose to bath with herb as long as i am on confinement.
I'm going to get a stroller and have some questions... Please help... Thanks!

- Is Marclaren good?
- Is the stroller weight 5.5kg considered heavy or light? We are not driving, we don't want a heavy one coz diff to move ard. Heard that too light also no good. When bb is bigger, will be unstable.
- When we recline the stroller for newborn, it's not entirely flat is it?
- Is it better to have handle that can move to the front?
- Any diff does it make if the wheels are smaller or bigger?
- Any other thing I should look out for when choosing a stroller?
- Any other brand or model to recommend that is not so ex (maybe less than $300) and good?
hi all
I have the following to sell at discounted price( all brand new) as I have no use for them, interested parties, please pm me. Price exclude postage. If prefer collection, location at Pasir Ris.

1. Playtex milkbags 8oz, 140 bags per box
Qty: 2 boxes selling @ $23

2. Lansinoh Breast Milkbags, 25 bags per box
Qty: 2 boxes selling @ $10

3. Tollyjoy breastpads 48 pieces per box
Qty: 2 boxes selling @ $11 (Retail: $7.90 each)

4. Avent 125ml (4oz) bottles
Qty: 3 in 1 box selling at $16 (Retail: $22.30)

5. Pigeon sterilizing pills
Qty: 5 boxes selling at $4 each (Retail: $5.90 each)

6. Nuk milk bottles 4oz (size 1)and 90z (size 2)
Both selling at $11 (Retail: $8.05 &amp; $9.10 resp)
here's my view on stroller.
macleren is a good brand. i hv a volo for my gal but not suitable for NB.
for NB, it's better to get one which can be fully reclined one.
5.5kg is in fact considered quite light weight liao.
for handle which can move the to front, i find it not really necessary. the only benefit i can see is that when you push the bb, you can see what he/she is doing loh.
if wheel is big, it would be more sturdy.
for a stroller, it's better to get a 5 harness point one 'cos it's more secured for your bb. and the features of the pram are much depend on how you wanna use the pram e.g. weight (light weight would be good if you have no car, and don't intend to use sling), sturdiness (it's always heavy), etc.
other brands i can think of are graco and peg perego. if you want light weight one, combi is a good choice.
i stay in katong. may be able to meet in town on weekends. the price is $7 (my cost) per tube.

just gone to PD for check up. my gal put on 200+g in past week. so happy!
Thanks for your advise.
The one I saw when it's fully reclined, bb will lie at about 45degree angle... so there are some that are totally flat?
How do we know whether the stroller got 5 harness points?
my mum will help to take care of my gal temporarily when i go massage. got some ebm for her, don't have to worry that she will go hungry..

anyway, today massage is full. so, can only go tomorrow.

re: ss
my ss go siao siao again. remember i said one side will leak about 40 ml when i latch the other? now i tried to pump out left when latching on right, the amount i got when pumping is merely 10-20 ml more than what's leaked. that's funny. my breast can automatically purge out the milk? :p
now i don't feel anymore engorgement. scared ss drops. so just now i pumped without latching, i got a total of 100 ml from both sides. it proved that my ss drops.

will start pumping more diligently from now on. my gal demand increases. just now fed her 100 ml ebm, she finished 90 ml.

why do you have so many to clear? switch to FM liao?
some review on breast pad.
i tried avent, pigeon and tollyjoy.
i think pigeon and tollyjoy are equally good. avent one is smaller, thicker. it left some streaks of fibre on the breast. i don't think it's good for bb when latching on. need to clean the fibre before latching, a bit troublesome.
so glad to read all your problems. at least i know that i am not alone in this. have been quite weepy the last few days cos of how my bb is behaving. crying and screaming, sleeping when supposed to be bf-ing, not wanting to wake up to drink, had to make the hard choice of giving the bottle with EBM and even FM. I think i am almost giving up the latching already. Not sure if is cos she cannot latch properly or i have sensitive nipples. Sigh.
Yes, supply not improving despite eating fenugreek so reducing BM and increasing FM liao.
In the end, neh even use the milk bags that I order, so sad... so thot may as well sell it rather than stocking up at home.
if i am not wrong, there are prams which can lie flat. 45 degree is not really suitable for NB 'cos their spine and neck is still not strong yet. last time my gal's PD even told us not to let her take car seat untill 3 mth old leh. 'cos car seat can't lie flat totally. but i know many ppl don't really bother loh.
5 harness points are: shoulders, waist, through the legs.
for 3 harness point are mainly on waist and legs. normally it's more suitable for toddler stroller.

after confinement i contact you again to pick up the desitin? later pm you my contact.

wow.. you must be v happy to see the weight increase. i wonder how much my boy has gained since last review. when the PD weighed the bb, did he remove all the clothes including diapers?

*pat pat*
can understand what you have been through. my nipple very sore too. there was a time my gal likes to struggle, shake her head rigorously when my nipple is in her mouth. don't know what she wants. think that she's too frustrated cos i didn't latch her on immediately when she cries.

don't be too hard on yourself. bb also benefit even from ebm. just do whatever you can. you have tried your best.
Thanks... thk I got to shop ard again... btw, i just realised the stroller i'm eyeing is Capella, not Maclaren... Is this brand ok?
my confinement is over and today is the 1st day i am taking care of bb on my own.

very jialat. bb demands to be carried all the time. i am now carrying her in my arms.

worst thing, i can't pump at all. i can't wash my milk bottles and bb's clothes! juz spoke to hubby that i want to give up breastfeeding.

think i am going mad. dun think i can cope on my own. sob...
hi mummies,

i wanted to get something from www.babymallonline.com

i cant post at the thread yet.

thinking is there anyone here interested? can pm me your order, pls copy and paste the url, size, design.

exchange rate: 1.52

postage will be advised.

how about those rocker chairs (eg. fisher price) that are inclined at 45degrees, ok or not?

no prob, contact me when your confinement is over.

ya, i was very happy! cos baby was below average previously. so now good that she has caught up. they left the diaper on but deducted 50grams from the reading.
