(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ
10) june
11) tute
12) sc

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) star70 (BM, FM Similac)
14) sweetpea (ebm day, Friso night)
15) Tongtong ( EBM/BF day, FM when EBM runs out, Similac)

stephie: i got qns regarding wearing cloth nappies. does your bb wear another plastic pant after wearing nappies? i tried using cloth nappies only with liners, still leaked and stained the bedsheet. so must wear another pant one issit?
tongtong: gripe water is for bb to relieve "wind" in their tummy but u have to mix with water cos it will be too sweet for bb.

starry: feed yr bb with some plain water.

Jeannie: I have taken fenugreek but it is more like maintaining the supply than increase the supply.
Hi I'm new to this thread. the mummies in this this thread seem to know each other very well. Do you all meet up often?

I recently gave birth too and can identify with the issues n topics raised. Especially the baby wipes usage. I also use 1 pack a week and will need to go stock up more soon. No wonder I saw this pregnant lady buying I think 60 packs at the John Little sale a few months back!
vine_gal,i feeding already..will monitor

me also just starting to take fenugreek, also hoping milk ss will go up
hi.. i also dunno why my ss is more than dd.. guess it's one less thing to worry about.. my ss only kick in day 5.. my mom was worried how come bb didn't shit or pee.. almost on verge to go n buy FM.. but luckily b4 tat ss came in..

old folks always got things to say.. just need to really 'ren'..

hi artemis, my gynae put me on drip + burst water bag.. total labour time 4 hrs.. good luck to u!

anybody leap day baby?

winnie - 50ml after latch is ok wat.. bb would already have drank abt 60-80ml..

hi victory - welcome! we did have a few gatherings b4..
i have ordered cupcakes for my bb's full month.
i will post the pic when i collected next week.

is it good?
i am taking goat's rue. think kelly mentioned b4. so good 2nd days already. not bad. every 2 hours pump 100ml..

starry, did u feed yr gal gal water cos fm veri heaty...
eliaw, so envy of ur ss..so how much are you pumping each time? my ss like stock market..50ml, 70ml, 80 ml..sometimes 100ml..sigh..still not very meeting dd..
don't worry ladies...the use of wet wipes will go down as baby gets older.... so stock up when there is sale.

so far the cheapest wet wipes should be Angel Wipes - think only found in John Little.
dorothy, now i start to feed a little..cos the constipation started yesterday only..b4 that she was having very loose stools...3-4 poos within 2-3 hrs somemore...now no poo!! aiyo..headache..
Starry70, I agree, my BB also like that. Last time keep pooing, commented about it, brought her to see PD, change to soy milk for 1 day, totally no poo, change back to BM + FM, now no poo, no poo since Monday early morning liao. My CL said BB 'xiaoqi' cos last time keep saying she poo poo a lot. Tom, got to bring her to see PD again. Think she'll laugh at us, keep bring BB to see her because of poo problem. :p Your SS rising stock price from 50 to 100ml, very good what.

Dor, how does goat's rue look like? Pills? Powder or liquid? where to buy?
Kitsune..100ml is once a blue moon...mostly is 50-70ml..but more 50ml..i still cannot catch up with her dd..still supplement like 2 times per day

ya, i agree baby is xiao qi..haha..but my fren say its like that..frm watery stool to no poo (for several days)
anyone using pacifier?

hb and i surrendered...bb crying non stop today. finally gave in and gave it to her. now she looks so contented but we feel guilty =(
Starry70, ya lor think my gal super xiaoqi. Last time, we say our gal drink a lot, cannot catch up with her demand cos only 2 weeks plus she drinks 120ml at 1 shot once every 2.5-3hrs. But now she's 1 mth & 1 week, drinks only 90ml maximum at one go, usually only 60ml then keep drinking a bit a bit at a time. My SS (80-100ml) can keep up with her liao, but even more tiring. Last time, the most she doesn't get enough, just supplement with FM. Now, totally don't know when she wants to drink and got no feeding/sleeping routine.

Garfield, no need to feel guilty, at least you are lucky it works. We tried giving pacifier to RaeAnne at 2 weeks cos she cried non stop. But it was no use, she continues to cry. We tried it 2 more times when she was older but still like that. Pacifier got no effect on her. I got to latch on instead and become her human pacifier. :p
starry - i pump 200ml per 4 hrs.. most of the time, the breast is not emptied.. but i store in 100ml.. does yr breast feel hard or soft after pumping? if still hard, means still got.. really gotta work hard to massage out all the lumps.. n everytime b4 pump also must massage.. pump halfway also massage..

garfield - still haven't succumb to pacifier.. but i think some point in time, have to give.. just see when only.. actually i stay quite close to u.. mountbatten..

kitsune - ya.. human pacifier works well too.. but canot rely too much.. imagine after ML, go back to work.. ARGH!!

what's fenugreek n goat's rue? somebody pls educate me too!
I sterilise 3 parts. The one touching my breast, the one connected to the pipe and the bottle. After few times of sterilising, the bottle looks a bit out of shape. So after you wash, you put in fridge? Now I put in tupperware...

Yes, PIS is very easy to assemble and dismantle to wash. How much did you pay for NB pampers?

I also not gg back to see Dr Keoy, need to travel to far liao... yeah, will call to cancel. Btw, 2nd dose of hep B jab is not included in 5in1 or 6in1, right? I still very confused over the jab thingy.

Yeah... luckily my hb is on my side... else I think one day I'll take bb and go back to my mom's place without telling them... My mom warned me not to cry anymore... she said if cry during confinement, next time will become blind... she said that's what happened to my grandma... but really diff to control esp I tend to cry easily one...

goat's rue,
Is this better than fenugreek to increase ss?

Where you buy the goat's rue?
Hi sc

I delivered at 2307. I saw Dr Wong at 11plus tt day and confirmed I was in labour. She asked me to go for lunch then admitted myself in.

I admitted at 3pm and saw her at the observation ward. I think she just delivered your baby then. She asked me to get ready and she will come back later to burst my waterbag. She came to see me at 5.30pm but my water burst already burst at 4.30pm and 6cm dilated by then.

Which ward did u stay in? I was in Ward 506 then changed to 508 cos the aircon was working intermittently. I was sweating the whole nite after delivery, didn't sleep at all. One nurse even brought a fan in for me... and she knows we can't use the fan during confinement.. sigh.

Am very disappointed with the services in TMC...
Hi Faten,
I'm from the Jan MTB. Read that you were asking about the price of the PIS Advance. I was enquiring about the prices from a few places last week. The cheapest place to get the PIS Advance is from The First Few Years (at Paragon / KKH), $629.
Robinsons about $739.
You may want to call the shops and check around, some may give breast pads or extra milk bottles.
your gal doesn't like pacifier? so how do you calm her down? the pacifier is so huge for my gal. my hb so bad, says she looks very goondu sucking it =P

wa so good...your bb is generally calm? mine has been going cranky this week. and her crying is actually howling - machum somebody torture her. today she cried till her voice was hoarse so i finally used the pacifier cos scared she'll cry till she bursts a blood vessel or something (her face was so red/black like bao1 qing2 tian1)

ya i stay very near to mountbatten, just round the corner!! btw, the PD you go to at east shore good? i'm currently going to KKH but east shore is much nearer for me.

goat's rue,
started to take yesterday already. finished one bottle of fenugreek - not much effect...so progressing to the more potent one =)
maybe no need to pump everything out. just pump a little out so that breast is not so full. easier for bb to take in the milk as well cos the ss will not be that forceful.

NHG = National Healthcare Group. There are 2 cluster of polyclinics in singapore - 1 is Singhealth Polyclinics and 1 is NHG.

The $130 charged by your PD is for 1 jab. If there are 4 jabs, will be $130 x 4. Does the $130 includes consultation charges? Cos for my PD, there's a package of $420 (for all the 6-in-1 jabs). On top of that still need to pay consultation charges of $30 per jab. So total will be $420 + $120 = $540.

me using avent manual pump. can also pump 150 to 200ml in 10 mins when the breast is full. So i think single or double pump works the same :p

the polyclinic package doesn't include consultation charges. but for bb, the charges, iirc, is only $4! of cos, go polyclinic must be prepared to wait loh...

if you refer to the immunisation info i've posted, whether it's 6-in-1 or 5-in-1, bb will still need to take the hep b jab after 1st month.

i think so bah, according to the info provided by polyclinic. just that there's 1 add'l shot if taking 5-in-1.

based on the immunisation schedule, each jab includes HIB too leh.

don't feel guilty abt pacifier. cos i've alr started for my boy. helps him to sleep better and my mum/hubby/i can rest more too. win-win for all of us. hahah :p

fei zhai shui aka gripe water is to be used when bb got wind in stomach

i use a nappy cover (which is water proof) after putting on the cloth nappies. cannot just use cloth nappies and liner alone, sure will wet the bed/whereever bb is lying on. my mum got the nappy cover from OG. quite good leh. cheap also, only $3.40 per piece. think it's pureen brand.
Hi mummies,

I m in my 30 days after delivered. Can i still got for Post-natal massage? Any recommendation on a good massage boutique? Been told it is better to go for massage...

i'm quite hard core. i take 2 GNC fenu pills per day to maintain ss and drink fenugreek tea on alternate days. My mom also cooks the papaya fish soup with fenugreek sometimes. It helps with the milk ss. Don't know abt goat's rue. haven't tried.

I added my name yday but see it's been taken out. here it is again:

Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ
10) june
11) tute
12) sc
13) bkkgal

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) star70 (BM, FM Similac)
14) sweetpea (ebm day, Friso night)
15) Tongtong ( EBM/BF day, FM when EBM runs out, Similac)
i also blur about the immunisation package =P my post preggie brain cannot process the complexity! i may stick to KKH cos it includes a well baby checkup at the same time. easier for me.

PIS advanced
decided to invest in one. just nice my friend going to US over the weekend. only costs US$250 so a lot of savings =)
garfield/kitsune, i tried giving my boi this too cos he is too cranky til i cant tahan. but somehow he dun wan it too.. so like kitsune, i became his hman pacific.

thanks. still luan. cos i will call clinic n ask.

re:frenugreek/goat's rue
these are supplement to boast ss. currently only on day 2. but i can see some improvement cos i need to pump every 2 hours...
i also taking fish soup to increase ss... so i planning to stop fish soup to let goat's rue take effect...

can get from online store. luckyvitamin
sing also have but ex... this vitakids in forum do sell
snowbelle, can't rbr to price of the NB pampers. later if i get to drop by the NTUC, i update u again.

i will call dr keoy's clinic to cancel the appt too. i think the 6-in-1 jab includes the hep b 2nd dose rite? anyway, i think we better cfm wif the people at the polyclinic.

stephie/dor, ur ss very good. do u still latch on or pump exclusively?
sorry may i know where to get goat's rue?

I just brought baby to PD for check up. Doctor says if we do TBF, must avoid cow's milk, peanut, prawn and crabs. FYI.

PD janudice not gone yet, doctor says i must cut down on herbs sigh.... so CL black face...

I feel stressed so asked her if i want to supplement with FM later which brand to choose, she said Enfalac HA or Nan HA will be good. but since hubby and ihave skin problem, childhood asthma, should try to bf at least 6 mths....

sigh, but then pumping after few hours still see supply low... after latch, so a bit dishearten... not sure if baby getting enough or not... then if dont pump, then now latch, then what happen when i need to go back to work???? esp if pump reaps little milk...
winnie, for this month, i think i will latch first. next month try to mix latching with EBM. Then maybe by third month, i will feed EBM most of the time before i return to work.

ur bb got weight gain? if have, bb should be getting enough right?

what can of herbs can cause jaundice?

dun be disheartened by ur ss. mine also low. and i just realise one breast is producing much less than the other. this morning i managed to pump about 50ml from one and only about 20ml from the other. even now i touch my breast, one feel fuller and the other feels empty.

other mummies got this problem?
winnie - must avoid cow's milk? where to get calcium.. i read somewhere tat it's impt to take more calcium when breastfeeding becos if not enough body will draw from our own reserves.. is it true?

my bb having small little pimples on his forehead.. confinement food too heaty? my mom started to feed him water..

dor - ok.. must kiv in case ss drops..

pacifier - using is better than letting bb cry n swallow more air..

gar - wah! so much cheaper in US.. Bb is generally quite manageable.. so far haven't met w situations crying for no reason.. so it's cry, eat, change diapers n sleep.. i'll check with PD exactly on the charges on the jab.. i asked my clinic nurse if the PD is good, apparently, my gynae's nieces n nephews go there too.. n she's says he's good..

increase ss - drinking more fluids will help or not since BM is 80% water?
bx, baby only gain around 2XXgrams for 2 weeks. so doctor says must monitor as after 4 weeks must try to gain at least half kg to 1kg. she says mine is border line....

I have one side producing more than the other, and it is the smaller one that produces more heee.

eliaw, i not sure why must avoid cow milk leh....
but regarding the pimples, my baby has it, CL uses Jin1 Yin2 Hua1 to bath her, so better. Doctor recommended us to get SebaMed wash for her since J&J is more oily...
winnie, my bb oso gain about 250g in 2 weeks. the nurse at the polyclinic din say anything. i read from somewhere b4 bbs on tbf tend to lose some weight in their 1st 2 weeks of life. after that they should start to gain. dunno how true.
thank you. last night without latching on I can pump 60ml. But this morning after latching on, I can only pump 10ml. sigh....
ya lor, so cheap hor...savings of almost $300. dunno whether it's the way i use the manual pump or not - my manual pump doesn't yield as much milk as the hospital pump leh so have to invest in the PIS advanced lor.

dor, kitsune,
try letting bb suck your finger instead?

average weight gain for BF babies,

winnie, bx,
bb would have lost weight during the first few days, and should regain birth weight within 10 day to 2 weeks. if your bb's weight is 200+g more than birth weight, then that's good. not considered too light.

my gal was 3.09kg when born, and 3.3kg at 19days. PD says her weight gain is on track, so no reason to worry that she is not getting enough BM. hope this helps.
Thanks for explaining to me. Yeah, mine still need to pay $50 consultation fee for each visit. So mine will be quite ex. There's a clinic near my place is offering about $410 for the jabs, no consultation fee but not PD. Should be ok right?

I'm a bit confused with the jabs schedule... so when bb is 1 month old, we can bring her to get the 2nd dose Hep B jab from polyclinic, then start the 6in1 jab from 2nd month onwards, right?
PD charge abt $450 for d 6 in 1 package. Maybe u wan 2 consider it since u mentioned a clinic (i assume is GP) is charging $410.. For another $40, might as well let PD do d jabs..
If u choose d 6 in 1 package, there is no need to bring bb for separate dose of hep B as d package will cover it..
Polyclinics do not offer 6-in-1, only 5-in-1 jabs i.e. must take separate Hep B jab. I am not sure abt those clinics under National Health Grp.

I also checked out EH Low at East shore, the 6-in-1 jab is S$112 each jab x 3 jabs (@2mth,4mth and 6mth) - cheapest I can find. Consultation = S$40 first visit and S$30 for subsequent visits. But his charges for pneumocaccal and rotavirus are more expensive. I cannot find any reviews on this PD. Anybody has experience with him and care to share? I am not sure whether to go to him for jabs cos I am also trying to find a good and reliable PD near my house and hope to stick to the same PD throughout...
hi ladies..
im back! have missed so so many posts, think it's impossible to catch up...

anyway, hope to slowly re-integrate and make my life normal again.

nearly had a breakdown on Tue and Wed due to all the stress, i think it's part hormones,part kan cheong as a 1st time mum and part being bossed ard by cl,mil,relatives, etc,etc... was in a state of blur and shock and didn't have any clue even for the smallest thing and tried to listen to everyone.

i've decided to take my own stand and do things my way,makes life easier.

hang on there, i can totally understand how u feel. my ss cant meet bb's demand too, bb is on 70%fm and 30%bf. and often, immediately after my bfing wrestle session with him, he starts crying in hunger in 5min. then cl/mil will say "wah bb not full ah!aunie/ah ma make milk milk for you....." it's sickening to hear suck comments but must try to block out...

okie, gotta tend to bb now, be back later ...
<font color="ff0000">Updated popped list</font>
I think most of the Feb 08 mtbs have popped by now..
Do let me know if any of u are not on the list..

<table border=1><tr><td>S/N</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>AD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hosp</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB wt</TD><TD>Deliver Type </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Grumpus</TD><TD>4-Feb</TD><TD>14-Jan</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>1.86kg</TD><TD>c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Mini</TD><TD>9-Feb</TD><TD>15-Jan</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.160kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Linda</TD><TD>1-Feb</TD><TD>18-Jan</TD><TD>Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Cheyenne</TD><TD>2.6kg</TD><TD>spinal c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Kitsune</TD><TD>1-Feb</TD><TD>22-Jan</TD><TD>Judy Wong</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>RaeAnne</TD><TD>3.255kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>22-Jan</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Stella</TD><TD>2.6kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Jess_Yew</TD><TD>4-Feb</TD><TD>22-Jan</TD><TD>Kowa</TD><TD>MT E</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Javier</TD><TD>3.085kg</TD><TD>c-sec with epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>25-Jan</TD><TD>Adrain W</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Vernon</TD><TD>3.1kg</TD><TD>spinal c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Cuclainne</TD><TD>5-Feb</TD><TD>25-Jan</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.98kg</TD><TD>c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Maruko ting</TD><TD>9-Feb</TD><TD>26-Jan</TD><TD>John Yam</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Nigel</TD><TD>3.14kg</TD><TD>emg c-sec with epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Casa</TD><TD>8-Feb</TD><TD>26-Jan</TD><TD>Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Andre</TD><TD>2.985kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Hweiz</TD><TD>8-Feb</TD><TD>27-Jan</TD><TD>Adelina Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Arianne</TD><TD>3.49kg</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Tong</TD><TD>8-Feb</TD><TD>28-Jan</TD><TD>Hii</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.33kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Tubao</TD><TD>5-Feb</TD><TD>28-Jan</TD><TD>Dr W K Tan </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Emma</TD><TD>2.98kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Ade</TD><TD>1-Feb</TD><TD>29-Jan</TD><TD>Fong Yong</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Jaena</TD><TD>3.490kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>16-Feb</TD><TD>31-Jan</TD><TD>Kenneth Lee</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Shawn</TD><TD>2.805kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Krisci</TD><TD>11-Feb</TD><TD>31-Jan</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Ariel</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>vine_gal</TD><TD>7-Feb</TD><TD>1-Feb</TD><TD>HK Ho</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Julian</TD><TD>3.015kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Moi_dar</TD><TD>21-Feb</TD><TD>1-Feb</TD><TD>Lee Wei Hong</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Dwayne</TD><TD>3.155kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Julie Lim</TD><TD>22-Feb</TD><TD>2-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Raymus</TD><TD>2.880kg</TD><TD>c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Dorothy</TD><TD>1-Feb</TD><TD>4-Feb</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Gervaise Isaiah</TD><TD>3.750kg</TD><TD>spinal c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Yen</TD><TD>5-Feb</TD><TD>4-Feb</TD><TD>Beh ST</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.4kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>twtw</TD><TD>5-Feb</TD><TD>4-Feb</TD><TD>KT Tan</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Rachel</TD><TD>3.39kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>June</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>5-Feb</TD><TD>Heng</TD><TD>EAST SHORE</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Jerome</TD><TD>3.365kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>leila</TD><TD></TD><TD>8-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Leonard</TD><TD>3.15kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Garfield</TD><TD>20-Feb</TD><TD>9-Feb</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.090kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Loinky</TD><TD>10-Feb</TD><TD>9-Feb</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Shermaine</TD><TD>2.52kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Happybee</TD><TD></TD><TD>9-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Jazzel</TD><TD>2.91kg</TD><TD>c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Thankful</TD><TD>16-Feb</TD><TD>10-Feb</TD><TD>Jeanette Chen</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Valerie</TD><TD>3.375kg</TD><TD>spinal c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Eliaw</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD>10-Feb</TD><TD>YY Tan</TD><TD>EAST SHORE</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Carter</TD><TD>3.04kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>sweetpea</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD>11-Feb</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.170kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>skk</TD><TD>22-Feb</TD><TD>12-Feb</TD><TD>Su Lin Lin</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.1kg</TD><TD>natural w aid of gas </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Panggou</TD><TD>28-Feb</TD><TD>13-Feb</TD><TD>Adrian W</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Cherie</TD><TD>2.6kg</TD><TD>epi c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Blueginger</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>Adrain Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Channet</TD><TD>3.66kg</TD><TD>emerg c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Baby_yun</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.188kg</TD><TD>natural </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Starry70</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>Chan K H</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Heidi</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Bkkgal</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD>15-Feb</TD><TD>Mary Rauff</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Kate</TD><TD>2.3kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Bx</TD><TD>20-Feb</TD><TD>15-Feb</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Ashlynn</TD><TD>2.95kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>15-Feb</TD><TD>KW Lee</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Cayenne</TD><TD>3.3kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Piglettail</TD><TD>19-Feb</TD><TD>16-Feb</TD><TD>KW Lee</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Gyan</TD><TD>2.94kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>Apple79</TD><TD>12-Feb</TD><TD>16-Feb</TD><TD>Sim Lee Ngor</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Snowbelle</TD><TD>17-Feb</TD><TD>17-Feb</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Elise</TD><TD>3.495kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>hppymum2b</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD>18-Feb</TD><TD>Adrian W</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Erlene</TD><TD>3.185kg</TD><TD>spinal c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Xuan</TD><TD>19-Feb</TD><TD>18-Feb</TD><TD>Douglas</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.050kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Emoments</TD><TD>21-Feb</TD><TD>18-Feb</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.77kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>sc</TD><TD>22-Feb</TD><TD>18-Feb</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Sean</TD><TD>4.02kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>jac</TD><TD>23-Feb</TD><TD>19-Feb</TD><TD>Adrian W</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Carlin</TD><TD>2.795kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>Genice</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD>20-Feb</TD><TD>Adrian W</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.99kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>Xiao Yun</TD><TD>21-Feb</TD><TD>20-Feb</TD><TD>Koh Gim Hwee</TD><TD>RSH</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.100kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>Andrea</TD><TD>21-Feb</TD><TD>21-Feb</TD><TD>Dr S Isdale </TD><TD>Australia</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.394kg</TD><TD>natural w/o epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>Tute</TD><TD>20-Feb</TD><TD>21-Feb</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.375kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>51</TD><TD>Jaslyn Loh</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD>21-Feb</TD><TD>John Tee</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Matthew</TD><TD>3.1kg</TD><TD>natural w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>52</TD><TD>berry</TD><TD></TD><TD>22-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Gene</TD><TD>3.78kg</TD><TD>c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>53</TD><TD>Bluewind</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>23-Feb</TD><TD>Phyllis Liew </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gal</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>3.24kg</TD><TD>emerg c-sec w epi </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
good evening all,
i am considering donating out my EBM. currently i have a total of 15 packets - 6 oz each. stored in playtex bag. do you all know where can i donate it to?
having post natal blue currently.
suddenly felt like crying. missed the 'part toh' days with hubby... when looking at bb, remembered the days when i first detected her heartbeat, first saw her small little limbs during ultrasound scan, then now she's in my arms.. things are just so unreal...
Xiao Yun

me from jan 08 thread. I had post natal blue during the 1st week after my delivery. I cried many times. I missed my hubby when he goes to work and yes, I miss those 'par tor' days with him. I felt bad about concentrating on my baby and neglecting my house and my hubby. Basically I was in 1 big mess. I was crazy about latching on and that's all I can concentrate on.

Thank goodness my friends and my colleagues have been very supportive. I over-came the blues and was back to normal mode once I don't take the latching on so seriously. Btw, I feed my baby using EBM with bottles now.

The blues will be over. Just don't be too hard on yourself in the meantime. Talk to your friends especially those who have children. Chat in the forum and share your sorrows. I am sure u will get over this blues very soon.

Hang in there! It's not easy being a new mummy but believe me, once u get into a routine, u will feel much better.

My son is currently 6 weeks old. I won't say things are easy but I take things easy, and take 1 day at a timie. I asked for my mummy to help me after my confinement lady is gone. I felt so much better.

Jia you!
Are you bringing yr bb to The Kids clinic for jabs? I've not asked the package from this clinic yet...

Thanks... now trying to think positively but feel damn tired... ss also dropping though now I tried to pump every 3hrs... totally can't latch on...

My backache is killing me... worst than when I was still pregnant... anyone still got constant backache?
my son have been cranky this few days, have lose slp.. zzz... den day time also... keep cry, pacifier also no use somtimes. he simply cry till like got ppl rape him like tat even though we carry him... zzz faint.... duno is it he colicky again... but i swaddle him just nw... seem ok...

XiaoYun, why are you donating your EBM? U have too much of it?
Hang in there.
I cried this noon too... cos i miss my parents.... they came and went back... all the while I am just latching and pumping.... they did the marketing and came all the way to deliver my place and i hardly talk to them. feel so bad....

then hubby also irritate me... he has this ongoing flu since my discharge, and on off, everytime he kanna sure pass to me... then he just laze around and did not do any housework. so i flare up.... he still has the cheek to date his friend out in the noon.... just that his friend not free.... So i flared up....

I guess I am very uptight about this while bf thing... just now after bf, put baby down she cried... did twice and twice she behaved the same way... but once i pick her up and latch, she will fall asleep, feel that she is using me for comfort... in teh end CL steps in, she said so long as i feel she has fed enough, then dont offer the breast anymore.... just carry and pat her... just dont understand why she is always more comfortable in CL arms....

now she wake up from zz again and cry, CL is c arrying again... wonder what will happen when she leaves....

snowbelle, i have bathed with herbs since day 12th.... but alternate days, and limited to 1 pail of water.

Vernon's mummy, i am experiencing another pain, in the finger joints.... have problem clenching my fist...
