(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

playtex milkbag will leak ah? aiyo, that time forgot to ask garfield to show us how to seal the milkbag with ikea clip such that it won't leak.

polyclinic definitely cheaper. think June when before. it's less than $20 including blood test and consultation. hospital definitely more ex. the blood test itself alr cos $15 (for Mt A), not to mention the PD charges :p

me too fed my girl fm for abt 3 days when PD advised to stop bm temporarily due to bm jaundice. dun be said, will be over soon.

i think bb threw out cos of overfeeding. sometimes bb will continue to drink even tho full liao. 100ml a bit too much for a 11 day old bb. my boy 4 wks liao, when bottle feed, max he can handle at one go is 90 ml.

i'll freeze leh. sometimes i leave the milk in the fridge thinking of feeding baby but nvr got to do so. so will freeze it instead. but usually do so when there's still few hours before the 48 hours are up.

so far my 1st pack of diaper still hv stock left cos using cloth nappies in day and diaper at nite/when gg out. for wipe, still have more than half a pack of pigeon. at home i'll use cotton with water. only use wipe when the poo poo is v messy. my PD also advised to use cotton instead. better for bb's skin (cos she feels that wipes contain cleaning, etc to a certain extent so cotton with water still the best option).

Re: Immunisation at Polyclinic

Just to share the info I've gotten:

Below are the charges for the 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 immunisation at NHG polyclinics.

1) Baby at brith receives BCG and Hep B (1st dose).

2) NHG Polyclinics offers the 6-in-1 vaccination package at $326.10 (inclusive of 7% GST).

Package includes:
3rd month DPT+Polio+HIB
4th month DPT+Polio+HIB
5th month DPT+Polio+HIB+ Hep B (3rd dose)
18th month DPT+Polio+HIB

* 2nd dose Hep B to be taken at 2nd month as a separate jab. The cost is S$15 for Singapore residents & PRs, and S$20 for foreigners.

3) Our 5-in-1 vaccination package is priced at $290.40 (inclusive of 7% GST).

Package includes:
3rd month DPT+Polio+HIB
4th month DPT+Polio+HIB
5th month DPT+Polio+HIB
18th month DPT+Polio+HIB

* The package does not include 2nd and 3rd dose of Hep B, which should be taken separately at 2nd and 6th month.

It is important to follow the injection schedule as this provides the child with protection as soon as possible. Injection can be given slightly later but not earlier if he/she is unable to attend the scheduled appointment. The child should be well during immunisation.
me trying to do that now, but think i'm doing it wrong coz what i do is feed him from one side of the breast and pump from the other one afterwards coz i'm very scared that i pump till there's no more milk for him :p

re: immunisation
i'm very blur about this but think i'll stick with my current pd especially after the jaundice treatment my son had to go through, feel that it's important to get the pd's advice.
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ
10) june
11) tute

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) star70 (BM, FM Similac)
14) sweetpea (ebm day, Friso night)
Damn pissed off with my mil,
I really very fed up with my mil... This morning when my mom came over to bathe bb, she complained to my mom that last night bb vomited because cannot tahan the herbal oil smell on my body (from the massaging), that's why vomited. And I dunno what else she complained... my mom said my room also full of that smell... and said maybe can put the playpen in the living room during the daytime and shift it to my pil's room at night. I really damn pissed off... And I really scared if bb is in her hand full time, she will definitely overfeed her one, coz she dun want to waste the milk! Then I also very not happy... she can tell me straight last night after bb vomited but last night she said bb vomits is normal one.

Though I appreciate her help during the confinement month, I really hope she can go back soon. She changed the storing arrangement of my entire kitchen already... Then that day I saw her chopping chicken on the floor... my floor is cement and is done by HDB, so more sands mixed in and will crack and have holes easily. So I asked hb to ask her to chop on the solid top. Then that day when chatting with her, she told me she is now chopping the chicken outside at the corridor... neighbour saw and asked her why... she said my daughter-in-law don't allow her to chop in the house! Faint! Then I have to explain to her that the soild top is for chopping, more solid that the cement floor... she thought my cement floor is like Malaysia type, so soild one lah... think now my neighbour thought I'm a bad daughter-in-law that ill-treat pil liao!

Luckily, my hb understands what happened and knows that his mom always overfeed bb... he's very worried now that I may go into depression... I really dunno what to do when he go back to work next week... feel like asking my mom to bring bb home to take care of her... at least I know she's in safe hand...
i rented the phototherapy machine 3d 2n for $390. super ex. i find that it is not of much use. coz my bb still slight jaundice after using it.

as for ebm in the fridge, it should be 48 hr.

btw, ur milk ss very good. can pump so much in 10min. tempt me to buy the pis
u make it sound so convenient.

today i went polyclinic for follow-up checkup for bb's jaundice. cost $13.50 for blood test and liver test. dr said that bbs who drink breastmilk more prone to jaundice. so decided to give FM at night. so now i am going to change from TBF to mixed feeding.
bx, u changing to mix? me too so tempted esp now i pump after latch very miserable amt.... 50ml only.....

i really worried....

but for fm, how do we know which is good?

parent craft recommend enfalac.... not sure if this is right spelling....

when i pump 6 hours apart i can get 80 ml.... 4 times a day....

now i try yo pump 6 times a day only 50ml each.... dont know what happen
now i veri blur/confused. cos when i brought my boi to polyclinic for jaundice check. the nurse there made me booked an appointment for jab(bb's 1mth old). so if i going for 6 in 1 or 5 in 1. when should i start?

gald to hear that yr hb understand the whole situation. no choice just bear with it. me too have concern with my mil. cos my boi tends to be more cranky at nite. she wants to bring him out to the living room at 4am.. also cos when bb on bm, they tends to get hungry more easily(mine did).. she questioned me why keep feeding. when when i feed bb, he drinks.

snowbelle, i already dun wan to see my kitchen....see already will pek check..

reL: diaper/wipe.
avg- i used up 1 pack of 80pcs of wipes weekly.
avg- i used up abt 8-12 pcs of diapers
why? cos he poo a lot n also sometimes when he farts, some poo comes along.

i yet to start on cloth nappies cos still cant est. yet. my mum said will use them when he is abt 2-3mths old.
gals on TBF,
think may be informative to read up on how the breast produces / stores milk. will make you feel more assured as to your on own ss =) http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/milkproduction.html

the amt that we pump AFTER a feed is not indicative of our true ss since bb would have emptied our milk stores fully or partially.

how do we know our bbs are getting enough?

1. 5-6 pees and 5-6 poos a day
2. adequate weight gain
3. bb seems satisfied and contented after each feed
4. bb is nursing atb2-3 hour intervals and is not fussing to be fed again shortly/immediately after a feed
5. breasts feel full before feeds and feel softer/lighter after feeds - the milk must have gone somewhere =)
6. can hear bb gulping and swallowing during feedsd
try to ren3 a bit...must close one eye and if need be close two eyes. i know it's tough, even i have differences with my mum haha so can imagine it will be worse with MIL!

talking about the herbal oil smell, my own observation is that when i was doing the massage bb actually rejected my breast (and hence the wrestling sessions when she keeps spitting out my breast). i suspect it's due to the smell. my PD confirmed my suspicion cos she said that babies are very sensitive to changes in mummy's smell so avoid all cosmetics and fragrances if possible.
Garfield, yeap i read the website you posted....

I guess my confidence starts to sway when baby sometimes gets hungry in 1.5hr to 2 hour... and then seem to fuss shortly after feed, - refuses to be put down back to baby cot....

I am latching her 20 min per breast if she is awake, else 30 min on a single side if she is falling to sleep.....

sigh really very unsure of myself...
snowbelle... i think ur pd quote u only for 1 time injection of 6 in 1 lah. BUt we have to inject quite a few times. I went the pd at TMC then also quoted $133 for a single 6 in 1 jaband everytime go there consultation $50. Siao man. so each tim go for injection will be $180.. Of course i will not take lor. This is madness man.
for those pp whoare breastfeeding.. does ur breast feel full and hard often.. SIgh.. my totally soft leh.. like ma chiam no milk like that.
yup i changing to mix for the time being.ur ss better than mine. u should continue tbf. i only pump 20-30ml after latch. plus mil is passing discouraging comments... and bb is jaundiced.

enfalac should be quite good. quite a few mummies using. i using nan1 coz my girl drank that in the hospital.
snowbelle.. i understand how u feel.. somehow i am more tolerant towards my own mother than my MIL. Then i feel that my MIL a bit blur blur leh.. ask me to eat the wrong kind of food during confinrment.. she say can take orange... then when my CL heard it.. she was like.. "cannot.. orange is "cold" one.. now we are supposed to take heaty stuffs cause inside a lot of cold wind" Then my MIL was like izzit.. i thot can take one.. aiyoh.. i also now cannot take orange lor..

Other than a bit blur.. i am ok w them.. they are quite helpful lah.. but sometimes when they come over i fel a bit weird. ANd there's one time my PIL were already at the corridor.. my CL resting in the room and i was braless wearing white top.. then i tried to go to the door and grab my bra also wanting to open. Luckily my CL came out ansd saw me help me open the door else so malu.. Then she came in and ask.." eh how come i cannot open the door leh?" Sigh..
anybody taking fenugreek now.. i just bought 2 bottles.. can i take when doing confinement?? DOes it affect the milk ss.. will it get lesser??
Winnie, what u mentioned is exactly how i feel. i am in the same shoes as you.

"I guess my confidence starts to sway when baby sometimes gets hungry in 1.5hr to 2 hour... and then seem to fuss shortly after feed, - refuses to be put down back to baby cot....

I am latching her 20 min per breast if she is awake, else 30 min on a single side if she is falling to sleep....."

btw, i have been reusing my avent cups. didn't dispose after 6 times. should be ok bah?
jeannie, ya i think the breast should feel full and hard. after feeding or pumping, it should feel softer.

urs feel soft maybe becoz u just fed ur bb?
jeannie, tose early days after deivery i feel breast exteme hard with lumps that need massage and milk keep dripping. but now it just feel full but not hard before feed and all soft and lighter after feed...

bx, do u have prob latching on after she takes fm??
hi stephie,

so 2nd and 3rd dose of Hep B cost $15 each separately?this way,5 in 1 plus 2nd and 3rd dose of Hep B will be cheaper than 6 in 1?
winnie, bx,
i know how you feel. i also feel the same from time to time. i asked the PD - how do i know IF or WHEN i should supplement with FM. PD gave me the pointers that i listed earlier.

as for fussing after feeds, sometimes it may not be due to hunger. bbs may need a bit of help to settle down to sleep...some bbs need to suckle for comfort (so it doesn't mean that by going for the breast again they are hungry as per Bkkgal's experience) - try offering your finger or something for bb to suck; some bbs want to be rocked and cuddled.

so if these other means help to calm your bb, means that the feed is sufficient.

avent VIA cups,
me too. also use more than the 6 times. i read the avent instruction booklet and it says use until there are signs of wear and tear....
immunisation - polyclinics vs KKH

thought this may be useful info. if we go to the polyclinic, bb will need to be jabbed 6x. if we go to KKH, bb only needs to be jabbed 3x.

the reason why KKH package costs so much is bcos the drug that the use (glaxo something something) is expensive as each jab covers DPT+Polio+HIB at one go. at polyclinic, DPT + polio is one jab, HIB is another jab.

not sure about private PDs.
winnie, I bottle-feed my girl EBM every morning coz i always dun have good night sleep. so my mil can feed her in the morning. I also gave her FM abt 4-5 times before.

i now have big problem latching her on. in fact i just cried coz my bb refuse to suck on my breast and screamed at the top of her lungs. luckily i had spare EBM. i quickly heat up and feed her. she calms down after being fed. my mil gave me a victory look.

so if u can, stick to tbf.

garfield, u usually transfer the EBM to milk bottle then feed or feed straight from the VIA cups?
i seldom feed EBM cos hb is afraid bb will prefer the bottle and reject my breast. if i feed EBM, will usually transfer it to milk bottle cos the VIA cup very fat leh...hard to hold =P

dun give up re latching. bbs just need to get used to latching + bottle feed together. maybe you can try to restrict EBMs to certain feeds of the day so bb can learn that rest of the time she needs to latch on. you may need to "wrestle" with her a bit initially if she already prefers the bottle. best to keep MIL out of the room during those sessions =)
hi vine,

ok noted.

I'm total breast feeding. can anyone update the list for me.

my baby wake up every 1.5 hrs at nite so tiring. and after breast feeding he refuse to sleep always ee..eheh..there aiyo dun know how to handle him.
Hi gals,

Unfortunately, I still have not given birth even though I have 2 induction pills inserted... Zzz... ARGH! Checked out yesterday noon as I did not want to waste time at the hospital anymore and I can better relax at home.

Anyway, went to see my gynae this morning and during the ultrasound, he said that my water level is beginning to become borderline and it is best to try to induce again tomorrow. So I will be trying again tomorrow. Wish me luck and/or pray for me okay? Cause I really don't want to do c-section unless really can't help it. He was suggesting a combination of another induction pill, then if still cannot but 3 cm dilated burst water bag, then if still cannot oxytocin drip then really still cannot c-section. :p I not sure how much I can endure. My HB was asking why don't I just c-section straight away... ARGH!!! Hope I am not too stubborn about going natural.
I just bought my PIS from Mom's & Babe at $688. Yes, it's from Medela.

Thanks. Though my bb on FM, also very cranky at night... we did all the things we can liao... still refused to sleep... put down on her playpen a while will start crying again... both me and hb really exhausted... just now my mom see me so stress... she asked me to observe for 2 more days... if still the same, she will stay overnight my place to help me see what happen...

Currently which diapers you gals prefer to use? So far I quite like pampers, nepia... Goof only got 1 pc, hard to assess... but I hate huggies and drypers... diapers running out liao... dunno which one to get... Any idea how much is pampers?

Thanks. Anyway, close 1 or 2 eyes is my only choice for now... now my hb and my mom are my main mental support... I understand bb may reject my breasts coz of the smell... but to say it is the cause of her vomitting last night instead of her overfeeding... really cannot tahan...

I see... eee... like so cunning leh... never explain to us properly... I think I'll call up to confirm... but polyclinic don't have such 6 in 1 jab hor?

Btw, which PD you went? Mine is Dr Keoy at 3rd floor.

I think if mil blur blur still fine... mine is dunno but always act like know a lot... when you explain to her... she will say... Is it? Are you Sure? Like you are wrong like that... Anyway, now at home with fil or sometimes bil ard, I also don't care... go braless but will wear black shirt... I dun want to get blocked ducts...

Sterilize the pump,
May I know do you sterilize the pump after wash? Mine is Medela PIS, I sterilize everytime after wash but I noticed that the pump seems to go out of shape... any idea?
good afternoon all,
from my review of the pumps, PIS advanced may sound too good. probably i have never use other dual electric pumps also. anyone has review on the Ameda or Avent dual electric pumps?

in fact, there's another pump that i highly recommend -- bb!! no need to wash bottle, just that when the latch is poor, it's painful.. :p

btw, I've a price list of the vaccination package information from Raffles Hospital.

(1) 1st to 6th months package ($470):
4 jabs in total - 1mth Hep B
- 3mth 5-in-1
- 4mth 5-in-1
- 6mth 6-9n-1
4 consulation from PD
The advantage of this package is that it will less likely to cause bb to have fever compared to the next package.

(2) 2nd to 6th months package ($420):
3 jabs in total - 2mth 6-in-1
- 4mth 5-in-1
- 6mth 6-in-1
3 consultation from PD

If you were to choose the alarcarte jabs, this is the breakdown:
Hep B - $25
5-in-1 - $75 (per jab)
6-in-1 - $100
PD consultation: $65

it seems like this package is quite similar to the package 2 that polyclinic offer.

2) NHG Polyclinics offers the 6-in-1 vaccination package at $326.10 (inclusive of 7% GST).

Package includes:
3rd month DPT+Polio+HIB [5-in-1]
4th month DPT+Polio+HIB [5-in-1]
5th month DPT+Polio+HIB+ Hep B (3rd dose) [6-in-1]
18th month DPT+Polio+HIB [not included - alacarte cost $75]

* 2nd dose Hep B to be taken at 2nd month as a separate jab. The cost is S$15 for Singapore residents & PRs, and S$20 for foreigners. [Hep B]

The polyclinic one is cheaper but schedule a bit different.

do you remember is this one includes PD consultation?
really kowtow to you. how come doc not give you the drip straight away?

the polyclinic jab at 5th month is the 6-in-1 already.
regarding the PIS, which part is out of shape?
i didnt' sterilise it everytime. find it very troublesome. i will use plastic bag to wrap it up then store in fridge. roughly sterilise 1-2 times a day. depends on the loading of the sterilizer.
re: diaper
i think i got too much NB diaper already.
everytime bb stay in hospital will have 1 pack of 36 pcs pampers. she re-admitted due to jaundice again this week. came back with another pack of pampers. and i have 2 more packets of NB diapers which are from Nepia and GOON. no chance to use them yet. now haven't switch to cloth diapers cause think no time to wash her diapers at the moment.

re: wet tissue
i used up 1 packet of johnson and johnson 80 pcs in 1 week. now use cotton ball for wee wee and wipes for poo poo. expenses for bb are very xiong...

just paid 300 for the phototherapy. bb on the bed now....
wow i think i win the "use wet wipes" competition hands down haha...my usage is 3 packs of 82 pieces per week!!

but i use them also to wipe down changing mat after bb uses it so that may explain =)
talk abt bb expenses...

her hospitalization bill (including the extended stay due phototherapy) plus followup checkups for jaundice total $1500 *faint* lucky my insurance cover....
snowbelle/xiaoyun, is the PIS easy to assemble and dismantle to wash?

re: wet tissue/diapers
i use abt a packet of pigeon wet wipes (82 pcs) per week and 3 pkts of NB pampers till now (bb is 14 - 15 days old). Need to get another packet soon. on the average, i think every day need to change about 8 diapers. coz bb poo quite a few times and when bb fart, sometimes some poo poo come out.
snowbelle, my PD also Dr Keoy. My next appt is in apr. i think it is for the 2nd dose of hep b jab. dun think i will go back. will go to the polyclinic. so we just call up the Thomson Paediatric Clinic to cancel appt?

Tot my case is worst, did not realise that yours is even draggier than mine. The doc shd just drip u and will lessen yr process. Anyway do endure and good luck to u.
Jia you! Hehe.... Next time tell your baby that she's so special, don't want to come out.

Bx, Winnie,
Don't feel so sad. Read from "Letter from the editor" from Jan08 Mother&baby, Editor need to feed her son at 45 min interval.

You want to try pumping exclusively one daytime?
Mine after latch-on is less than 20ml, so I gave up pumping after latch-on. I pump every 2 hour maybe from 10am-4pm; feed baby ebm at 1:30pm; 4:30pm. Usually my confidence level will go up by doing this.

Read more postings about MIL compaint. Did my posting trigger it? Paiseh paiseh....
the assemble and disasemble for PIS is quite easy.

re: diapers
my bb doesn't poo so often. since discharge from hospital, she only poo about 1/2 times a day only. probably this explains why her jaundice level still so high..
Garfield, that time u mentioned that you will be ordering cupcakes for bb's full mth right? Which is the place that you've decided to order from? Can share with me?

leila, oh dear, your poor bb must be feeling v uncomfy. Hope your PD's supplements will help. Maybe you can use a sling to carry him around so that its less tiring for you? Plus when in a sling, the 'pouch' will wrap around him and it mimicks the feeling of being in the womb, alot of bbs feel more settled this way. Both my kids sleep *alot* more when in the sling.

tubao, dun admire me leh, cause my hb still ard this week lol. Honestly I am also not 100% sure how I will be handling both next week all alone, I guess I'll just wing it!

June, hmm I didnt count but I think I use around 6-8 diapers a day and for poop I use around 4-5 pieces of wipes, I dont wipe for pee cause I usually dont wait till diaper is full before I change

snowbelle, wow you must feel really frustrated about your mil! Thank goodness for your hb who is on your side.

snowbelle, I think that diff diapers are cut differently. For my DD I find that pampers's cutting not v suitable for her (somehow cant buckle snugly leh) but mamy poko fits her perfectly. In my bb's case, pampers fits him like glove whereas mamy poko doesnt really, so I use pampers on him. I find it important to use a diaper that fits very well, like in my DD's case, for the 2+ years she is on diapers, she almost never sprung a leak even during times she has bad diarrhea.
breast pump- yeah its supposed to be sterilised from wat I know.
artemis.. yar lor.. why the gynae never burst ur water bag and put u on drip?? I was also put on induction pill.. put only 1 then only abt 1 cm dilated totally no effect.. then gynae burst my water bag and put me on drip then after 6 hrs i deliver leh..

Snowbelle/ BX My PD also doc Keoy. I nver make appt so dun need to go back. I think i will go polyclinic..

Anybody took fenugreek pills from GNC?? I started taking already.. hope to increase milk supply.
hi june,
i dun feel itchy after i apply the calomol that given by my gynae, after apply will feel cooling then no more itchy, and try to sleep face down and let ur rashes air out...

Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ
10) june
11) tute
12) sc

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) star70 (BM, FM Similac)
14) sweetpea (ebm day, Friso night)
hi all,

is 肥仔水 called gripe water?

does this fei zhai water contained alcohol? heard if we give bb drink then bb will quickly fall asleep and can sleep 3 to 4 hours.
anyone's baby already constipating..alamak..i was complaining a few days ago that baby machiam diarrhea after having FM, now she doesn't poo for the past 2 days...aren't they "xiao qi"?!

RE: Why never drip first

According to what I read on the internet the oxytocin drip has some side effects and may not work that well if water bag is not burst. The pill is a much safer option. What's more being on drip means I can't walk around or do anything to relieve the pain without use of drugs. He knows that I would like to have natural labour without drugs so in his own way, he is helping me.
