(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Thanks all for concern =)
Just got my shower n hair washed! Feel so great now!

How can the water retention be improved? My right foot hurts. Or will it goes away by itself?

i express 1 or 2 times a day. usually when there's engorgement if bb can't empty the breast.

you mean how old is my gal? she's 3 years old. i bf her till abt 1 year old. had to stop bfg then cos i was on medication. was very upset then cos i wanna bf as long as i could.

we also seldom carry my bb initially. it's only when he couldn't sleep and kept making noise/crying that's why we gotta carry him. sometimes i just let him cry and see if he'll stop after a while.

yes, can bring ebm out when we go shopping. i did that during my girl's time cos i paiseh to bf in public, even in public nursing room. but very leceh gotta carry lots of thing. so for this time, i will try to latch bb out when we go out.

wat i did was to put the ebm and ice packs in a cooler bag (those normal one used for ice creams, etc). bring a flask of hot water and a mug. when bb wanna drink, heat up the ebm in the mug with hot water.

thanks for the link. will try it out and hopefully can master the skill asap.

i breastfeed bb on demand (so far the demand is always within 3 hours). if after latching on for 10mins and you can feel that your breast has been emptied/not so full, then it should be fine cos within that timeframe, bb would have sucked lots of milk without you knowing. mine also latch for 5-10mins at times. if it's any longer, sometimes just sucking for comfort or during times when i just expressed out my milk not long ago and thus bb needs more time to get the same qty required. do you pump out your milk? if yes, perhaps can rougly gauge the qty bb suck, e.g. if you pump out 100ml in 10 mins, bb should be sucking at least 100ml in that 10 mins.
thank you dor, nobertina and stephie for clarifying my doubts.

stephie and dor, ebm do not have to be very warm when the bb drinks right?

nobertina, i felt so much better after seeing what u wrote. i dunno why polyclinic and tmc use different measurements for the jaundice level.
Hi bx,

My baby had jaundice and, like you, my PIL hinted that it must be I ate too much ginger.

I was fed up and went to check. With the facts, I feel more confident and know what's best for baby. It's so much better than to listen to common folklore.


After my baby sucking, i feel my breast quick empty. i tried to pump out the remainder which only 30ml. Will try to pump out the other side to see how much..thanks for your advice.
may I ask, do we really really have to throw the milk after 48 hrs in norm fridge??? i still have some left, not sure if it is safe to give, pumped on 25th Feb....
KKH immunisation package

- hep B 2nd dose
- diptheria/pertussis/tetanus 1st dose
- polio 1st dose

- diptheria/pertussis/tetanus 2nd dose
- polio 2nd dose

- hep B 3rd dose
- diptheria/pertussis/tetanus 3rd dose
- polio 3rd dose

according to the nurse, in polyclinics these are given separately so baby gets jabbed more times. i was there when they drew my bb's blood and she was howling in pain =( so sim tia....so i have decided to pay more so that she doesn't need to go through so much pain.
I find the massage very troublesome but then very effective... After I did the 1st session and removed the binder after 12 hours, tummy reduced by 2.5inches, very obvious... but very xin ku when the binder is on... can't eat much and worst if got constipation... so now getting slimmer is what keep me going...

I also feel like giving up... ss dropped coz did not pump regularly... but my hb just bought a PIS for me, feel damn guilty if I just stop bf due to my laziness...

My PD is charging me 6-in-1 jabs for $130, is this ex? Or should I go to polyclinic? Anyone going for puneccocal, rota, chicken pox etc jabs? My PD offered me a package that includes all these but costs $1k+...

Thanks for your encouragement. Hopefully my ss can increase again... after so many days, every time I pump only get 10ml from both breasts... Think enfalac is about $32

bf shrinks the uterus,
I read that breastfeeding will help to shrink the uterus, any idea does it do the same if we just pump out instead of latching on?

thought bm can only store in normal fridge for 24hrs only?
Full month celebration,
I intend to just order catering and invite relatives and good friends, not giving out any cakes. Now wondering do I need to give cakes to colleagues?
my bill total 3.4k after medisave. maybe coz of epidural and circumcision got 2 more specialist fee.

re: ebm,
how are you feeding your baby ebm ? using bottle and teats or through cup feeding ? i feel like pumping nowadays coz my breast gets quite painful when my bb goes for his long naps i.e. 3-4 hours..
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
bb massage,

there's one at KKH (3 sessions) and Raffles (1 session). KKH one is $85, RH one is $30.

aiyo...bb massage so have to bring our bb along! =) our bbs can make friends at an early age hee hee

you pump 3x a day? bo gao la...need to pump more frequently to stimulate ss. you have such a good pump, shouldn't waste it. try to pump 8x a day, every 2-3 hrs in the day time and once every 4 hrs at night (if you want your beauty sleep)
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ
9) xiaoyun

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)
3)xiaoyun (similac, temporarily - due to bb jaundice)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
thks for ur encouragement.
Have been having tiring days...bb's been crying every hr and have to carry him every now and then. Finally went to PD 2day and was told that bb is colicky. Given some wind drops to feed and some probiotics liquid. Hope it helps cos' little one looks uncomfy. Any ideas how to soothe the little one besides carrying him around?

does anyone know where i can buy an elastic kinda sling that has sizes. or has anyone tried it? Remembered i saw it somewhere but can't recall now. thks!!!
sorry to confuse u all by include myself in 2 categories.
my bb has jaundice now, pd suggested to give fm for the time being. got to rent home phototherapy for her too. hai..
now i am pumping every 3-4 hours to clear my engorgement. luckily my dual electric pump (PIS advanced) is here. i can easily pump about 160 ml in 10 mins. not like last time, manual single pump, i need to excercise my muscle for at least 40 minutes. because not be able to feed bb ebm, my storage for bm is now 11 bags of 6 oz. I am now using the playtex milkbag, find it very lecheh to use the clips to seal it. and bm leaks from the clips too. anyone experience this?

btw, i've been bringing my gal to raffles hospital for the jaundice review. everytime is about $55. very ex. thinking of bringing her to polyclinic/kkh for jaundice. anyone knows how much it cost?
i am quite sad for not be able to latch on my gal for 2 days until now. afraid that she will reject me eventually. hope to latch on at night, but afraid that her jaundice level will shoot up because of the breastmilk.

btw, anyone using NUK latex teat? mine one cracked only after 1 week of usage. anyone has the same problem too?
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ
9) xiaoyun

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)
3)xiaoyun (similac, temporarily - due to bb jaundice)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) sweetpea (EBM day, FM Friso Night)
some comments on the breast pump:

(1) Medela harmony single manual pump
With the SoftFit breast shell come together with the pump, pumping is quite comfortable.
Disadvantage is that it's a single manual pump. whenever you pump on one side, the other side will leak.
hence, need to use Avent breast shell to collect the leaked bm. sometimes, i can collect up to 10ml of bm on one side only.

(2) Medela PIS Advanced
it's totally a good investment. now my sleeping time greatly increase because i need only 10 mins of pumping. and i can rest while the pump doing it's work.
disadvantage is that the pumping sound is very funny and always makes me think that i am like a cow.

Btw, i am using my nursing bra to act as handsfree aid. it works well. i can just attach both pumps in the nursing bra while my hand can do other thing else..
no need to spent extra money to get the handsfree aid. :p

talking about bringing ebm out, i use icepack and cooler bag to keep the ebm. at the same time, i brought a bottle of hot water in a flask to warm up the milk.

today bought 1 tin of similac after PD reviewed her jaundice level and ask me to stop feeding her bm.
so sian. i want to feed her bm!!!

anyone rent home phototherapy? how much you all rent? the person quoted me a double light, 3D2N at ~ $300. another cost... her hospital bill for jaundice for 1.5 days already cost me $650
dun feel sad...yr gal will get well soon. i think latching on once or twice a day is fine. when my bb was undergoing phototherapy, the nurses supplemented with FM but still allowed me to latch bb and feed her EBM.

for jaundice check up - polyclinic costs $10 and KKH private children's clinic costs $80. if you are just checking jaundice level, then go to the polyclinic. but you won't be able to get expert PD consultation if you have any follow up or questions.
just saw your latest post. apparently, fluorescent lights (the normal type we use at home) are just as effective as phototherapy machines. this is advice given by doctor friends =P
bb massage,
Can hb follow or not? I dunno whether can handle bb alone or not...

I know bo gao... but very lazy and sleepy... sitting down there holding the pump for 15min and staring blankly at the wall... sian leh... but will try to pump more often now... hope ss can increase lah...
ya hb supposed to come along for massage

dun lazy lah...jia you okie?! sit in front of tv or put on some music. that's what i do. i'm also thinking of investing in the PIS advanced cos i don't think the manual one is draining my breast adequately.

if you can let bb latch on more frequently even better. cos a machine cannot replicate the way a baby suckles. so it better stimulates the ss and also uterine contractions.
Gar: Dor and I were also thinking of bringing our bb to massage class. But dor have another location need to check with her.
Really admire you! Can handle 1newborn+1toddler+household together! You inspire me.

Hi, blueginger
Maybe you want to try pump exclusively every 2 hour for 2 days. At 3rd day usually your ss will increase and your confidence level may go up.

Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
Today I went for dental check-up in the morning,
and bought 3 books at borders.
What to expect the first year--- by Heidi Murkoff....
The Contented baby's 1st year---by Gina Ford
Breastfeeding Sucks----by Joanne Kimes

At 11am hubby called, said that baby didn't want to sleep after feeding her EBM at 9am. I BF her at 1pm, and she looked contented and slept well for 2.5 hours until next feed. Hehe... So happy....
hi xiaoyun,
the nursing bra strong enough to act as handsfree aid?the bra can hold the bottles??how u do it?must learn from u,i was thinking of buying the $80 mumsfairy handsfree aid

for jaudnice,u try sunbathing?
I think I can give up on latching bb on liao... maybe after pil go back liao then try again...else I'll feel very uncomfy... if bb keeps crying, my mil will come in and take a look... Think for now, my only choice is pumping...
Btw, pumping really can't simulate uterus contractions lah?
Just now bb gave me a scare... she suddenly vomited all the FM she just drank and rolled her eyes back... really scared me... is this normal? Usually we only managed to feed her about 60ml but just now my mil managed to feed her 100ml... dunno is it too much... she's only 11 days old... dunno is it because she always drink very fast...
snowbelle, i think 100ml is too much for a 11days old bb, she is being over fed. 60ml is just fine for her currently. my son is 28days just started 100 ml this wk. snowbelle dun give up latching, u just go to yr room n lock the door to give yrself some privacy for latching.

gar:eek:nz let go together

yipy: bb hiccup is normal remember they also hiccup when they are in our womb. =)
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) star70 (BM, FM Similac)
Hi emoments,
I delivered at about 230pm on 18Dec, u wat time? Guess Dr Wong must b very busy, on 19 morning she told me got 1 c-sec which cause her came to visit me late.

Hi all,
I'm not that wei(3) da (4), just that i got not enough time to get epi. I got dilation of 5cm from 9am til 2pm, only about 2pm, i got 2-3min apart contraction, then i asked for epi, midwife checked still 5cm, then in less than 10min, it was suddenly great pain and i got urge to push, then midwife check again i already fully dilated, then they ask my gynae come and ask me hold and dun push..then about 20min,my son was born. I dunno how to describe the pain when i have urge to push...i also understand now why last time older ppl they pain til fainted.

Anyway, finally my delivery has over..now start new life with my 2 boys
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) star70 (BM, FM Similac)
14) sweetpea (ebm day, Friso night)
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ
10) june

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)
12) leila (BM, FM Nan ha)
13) star70 (BM, FM Similac)
14) sweetpea (ebm day, Friso night)
tubao, i think what u said is correct. i realised that he doesn't regurgitate after lie-down position. and he cries a lot especially when my milk is flowing out and dripping non-stop.

sc, wah u got same problem as me 40 degree fever and rashes. my rashes not improving at all after applying the cream from the gp. very itchy then i juz keep scratching. this sunday is my bb first mth and i wan to wear a dress, very paiseh if the rashes still all over my legs...

berry, totally agree with u. even though i'm tired/sick, looking at my bb juz makes me so happy.

moi_dar, let me know if the breast firming thing works, cos my breasts are getting droopy eversince pregnancy. but bfding can use anot?

twtw, thanks for the compliment. my bb also likes to sleep on my brest fren pillow after feeding!

bluegin, u can put cloth napkins or breast pads to absorb the milk. i bought avent breast pads - 3 pairs for $18.70. quite good.

re: diapers & wet wipes
how many do you all use? so far i use averagely 5-6 diapers a day and one pack of wet wipes a week... is that normal? too much? too little?

re: expressing milk
nowadays i only express about once a day and store the ebm in freezer. other than that i latch on demand. feel it's better this way, breasts not engorged and just store a bit for future use.
anywayz, read that it's not good for yr nipples to express too long. about 10 mins each side is enough.
Hi june, i use more than a pack of wet wipes a week (70 pieces) . Am trying to limit 3 pieces per poo! Now start using cotton wool in water, softer for baby skin.

For diapers , I use both cloth nappies and disposable, so far 1 pack of 60 diapers per week.
June, think it depends on how often your BB poos and the texture of the poo. Mine used to poo about 8-10 times a day and all watery poo. I used up 4 packs of wet wipess before confinement. Went to stock up on diapers and wet wipes then she stopped pooing, Day 3 and still counting, like the diapers and wet wipes hardly touched cos bottom so clean. :p

for ebm, just heat up till it's warm to the touch. use your wrist to test. drop some milk on your wrist and you should feel that it's slightly warm or at least it's not cold anymore.

think you can pump out the milk if you feel painful after a long stretch. else if bb suckle when your breast is v full, bb will only be getting the foremilk (which is v watery and will not be filling) and missing out on the hindmilk. but if your bb can empty your entire breast at one feed and you are ok with the engorgement, then no need to pump loh.

can store in fridge for 48 hrs. if exceeds, better throw away.
