(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Btw ladies

Can anyone tell me whether we can claim medisave for the antenatal package? If yes, where can we read more about it? Thanks

more on menses cramp kind... den just nw is wanna lao sai kind of pain.... i think is stomach not uncomfortable. not the womb part
today i saw my colleague who is pregnant, fainted. to all MTBs, please take care of yourself. must have a good rest.

Hi Yvonne,
I am seeing Dr J Wong next week. Told my hubby to take leave hehehe

is it ok for us to drink yakult ? before i got pregnant i always drink yakult almost everyday... cause it helps but now not sure if can drink everyday
cheryl r u ok?

linda,hw many wks preggie is yor colleague who fainted? yalo mustrealy take care.

today i on leave,last min de... tired n goggy..then my throat oso nt feelg v well, can i take those VICKS VAPODROPS?
i think im too heaty le...

Tute, for yakult,shld b ok ba,
So nice to be on leave. I have been on leave and Mc quite a lot so I am pai seh to take any more leave.

So far, MS this morning is "faint". Been taking some hormone pills due to spotting and it makes me very tired.

Cherlyn do take care. If its sharp pain then better call your gynae. If crampy kind, i think its normal?
yalo i oso had been taking Mc quite alot too...5 days last mth ... so no choice,take leave lor despite nt much leave left..

i oso dwn with slight flu,dare nt take medicine,no choice,'water parade' lor..
cheryl, hope you are better.

Apple, yesterday nite, I had a sharp pain at my right lower abdomen when I tried to get myself out of bed, this is not normal? Shd I give gynae a call? I don't want to sound paranoid to him.
cynthia, better now...

me too... last month a lot of mc. i think 4 days... i havent tell my boss yet....

when is yr next appt?
julie- you got part time maid contact? how much is the charges?

mtbs, i got eat mango ( tried little only) and yakult as usual.. i think it helps me to go toilet wor hehe.
its a while, and I thot maybe I over stretch. Was a little worried cos the pain is so bad. But guess its normal then.
for my first pregnancy, i never 'pantang' despite my colleagues and family members saying not to eat this or that .. my husband is my accomplice, he always gives me coke to drink or junk food la .. i drank yakult, etc .. i also drink ginger tea (so shiok!) and eat mangoes, etc ..

i saw my gynae in clinic d at kkh .. he has a machine in his room so i get a scan each time i go for appointment .. this is not including the detailed scan at 3 months and growth scan at 5 months.
yakult can ah? my yakult left in the fridge..new pack..bought it before i found out..now still sitting in there...dunno if can drink not cos got "bacteria" haha...

then i have been drinking barley water..home made type..then tat day saw on CNA one of the TCM program, saying that barley will cause miscarriage and thus not suitable for pregnant women and women who are having period. -_-'''
barley is very cooling de. that y i darent drink at all..i using ribena to replace my water... those can mix fruit cocktail can eat anot?? inside got pineapple leh, duno safe anot.

yeah...that's what i thought lor, drink yakult can help do business regularly


me too, have a pack of yakult in fridge never drink after i found out coz scared of the bacteria.

have u all start drinking milk ? do you drink the normal type of milk or those canned ones especially for pregnant women ? i bought 1 can of that but up till now i only drink Marigold HL :p

i only drink those marigold n HL milk... i will ask the gynae tml abt the preggie milk powder... exp leh. $20 per tin
tute, i have been drinking milk but its the regular fresh milk maglonlia (don't know how to spell).

do we have to change our bra now? heard that its no good to wear bra with underwire.
really? I have lots of new bras i bought on and off when there is sale. Now got to buy again?

I find my bra getting kind of tight already! Think been eating too much.
Hi all MTBs,

My lunch just end up in the toilet bowl again. Super cannot tahan!!

For the bra question, i am also curious when we need to change our bras huh...my boobs are not that big yet but feel tight in many clothings liao...Now is really the awkard stage where we cant wear maternity and our clothes are kinda tight....how!!!!!
tong tong, i'm using a part time maid currently. Looking for a full time maid now with #2 coming.

Me also used alot of MCs this year...left 3 more days to go.....for 5 more months!!!!
I started drinking anmum in the morning abt 2 weeks ago. Yucky... now i mix a scoop of milo into it to make it taste slightly better. I also drink Magnolia fresh milk in the nite too sometimes.

Bras getting tight too. Already put on weight. Thinking of buying extension for my bras first before getting new ones. Not sure how much they will grow, ha....
kellie, at least your lunch is out. Mine still stuck in my throat, feeling nauseous but cannot come out. Also cannot tahan liao.
Agree with you. My pants and skirts are getting tight, I have to wear them unbutton sometimes or semi button/zip. Need to wear longer top to cover them. Tops are still ok cos I have loose tops that I used to wear. Frustrating hor, now not big not small, not anyway.
really hate my manager. already inform him liao. dun even bother to congrates me only like to ask will i be taking many MC or leave anot...

just release my lunch out, want to ask him to expeite the meeting so i like to leave early, but give me one stupid face....he is a father of 2 liao still so unsymapethatic....
julie, is your part time maid good? now i cannot do a lot of housework liao so got to get a maid to help out.

er, my mum said fresh pineapples cannot eat but those cooked one, like the hawaiann pizza toppings one can eat. so i got eat the pineapples leh, but not much la.

yakult also i still drink, ok for me leh.

as for the bra, yea, got much bigger liao. but hard to buy bra cuz dunno the size will still grow or not. now only first trimester!

did you all eat ice cream?

looks like i'm the only tan(1) chi(1)... i recently appetite veri good... keep eating....

just now, i asked my colik whether i looked preggie or fat(still managed to fit into office wear)... she said i looked fat...
my breast is still veri sore n big... still cant fit into my bra...

anyone started buying/wearing maternity wear?

also anyone sign package with gynae already? cos i need to make decision on which gynae to take as one of the package starts at week 12....

how to break the news to boss?
dorothy, wah envy you so much that your appetite is good! my mouth is so bitter+sour that i dont have appetite to eat at all.. but forcing myself to eat, so xian.

erm, i think my waistline grow fatter liao but overall i am still wearing my existing clothes. not wearing any maternity wear yet, only change bra cup only.

i havent signed package yet.. cuz nnot yet 12wk.

i havent break the news to boss yet. maybe wait till my tummy grows bigger and he ask only admit lor =P
it is better to break the news to boss 1st.. cos if we keep taking mc as least they will knw wat wrong.. and they wont let us carry heavy stuff.. handle us with care. lol
tong, dun envy!!!

cos my #1, i put on 17KG leh!!!!

so telling myself to control my weight gain... heehee... but veri hard leh... super tan(1) chi(1)... i do eat ice-cream... but my last appt, my weight still the same.... hahaha... so far no weight gain....
i'm also super tan chi, i don't feel full at all. if you give me food anytime, i will just eat. i started to feel that i'm getting fatter but still can fit into my existing clothes and i did lost weight.

i have been very bad, have been telling my colleagues that i'm not pregnant when they ask. hehe... only boss and dept colleagues know.
Dot, so good, in my last appt, I already gain 0.7kg ( one week) cos I have been eating so much carbo in the last two weeks. Hopefully, this week, appetite is bad then I wun put on so fast.

tongtong, i also agree with cheryl, better say ow they think u deliberately hide fr them. Some boss very sensitve one leh. I also told my boss liao cos job requires travelling and I need to siam for at least 3 mths. But din dare to tell any colleagues yet. Some are already asking if I put on weight.
for my first preg i only put on a total of 11 kg but now everyone say i put on weight even before i let out the news... Is it that 2nd preg is more bvious than the first? My MS not started yet...
my colleague who fainted is in 9 weeks.

i have been eating alot, hopefully wont gain too much weight. hehehe

for the milk, must we drink the milk esp for pregnant woman or just those from cold storage.

anyone has started eating omega 3
haha...me oso feel clothes getting tighter but still can wear although i think not very good for the baby right ? so now i try to wear just skirt.. coz skirt can pull up a bit, and i used to like wearing those turtle neck shirt, but after ms starts, those tyep of shirt just makes it worse, so i stop wearing. but bra still no different leh :p

right now i only drink 1 cup of milk per day. coz from what i read normally they say that need additional calcium during 2nd and 3rd trimester. true or not ah ?

in terms of food, i get hungry very often now ! but can't eat a lot and dun have appetite to eat unless home cook food, so i force myself to cook at home so that at least i get a good meal.
but very tiring to cook

as for telling boss, i oredi told...think very early coz we are quite close. so thought tell him earlier better. =P
I only told my immediate boss... otherwise i will feel guilty to take leave or MC..like i am slacking...

Can drink milk when on MS? I find that it turns tummy...

For those who haven't seen gynae and in case u are not aware, it is impt you get started on folic acid pills.. one a day. Can buy from all pharmacies. This is impt in early stage of pregnancy.
How about anti-stretchmark cream or oil? I read from a thread here that we should start early in the 1st trimster?
i felt my bra getting tighter...so already started wearing one size bigger bra...there is this Sorella bra which i bought during sale, no underwire, some micro fibre material which is super comfi...so i like wearing that one...and cheap only ard 15 after the buy 2 get 1 free discount lor...

actually my fren said she started wearing nursing bra on her 2nd month liao...but i saw some nursing bras dun quite like the designs leh..
i haven't experience any MS yet (touch wood@@@@) and have been eating and eating. Always hungry but can only eat a bit each time.

For my #1, i keep hugging my toilet bowl...glad this round is better (touchwood again#####)
hi all,

on leave today n indulge myself in a nap.. shiok, bt now hungry,craving for ngor hiong..hee bt heaty leh,me myself dwn with flu n oso sore throat. waitg for my MIL to cook..

ny next appointment is this coming sat. Super kan cheong n... worried...

Yup i do find my bras tighter le,sighz bot quite alot of them during sales too.. think got to kip them aside 1st...haha
just saw gyane this morning, baby ok. I put on 5kg since preggy. so scary.

all my clothes are very tight, bought some loose top & dresses.
Hi mummies,
i am a mum from may's thread. I got a set of ISIS Out & About Set that i brought from Takashimaya and used only once since i brought the medela pis set. RP$149. Very good condition. PM me if interested.

ISIS Breast Pump with Sterile Travel Covers
Microfibre Insulated Shoulder Bag (used once)
2 Milk Storage Bottles with Sealing Discs (125ml/4oz) - (used for pumping once only)
2 Milk Storage Bottles with Sealing Discs (260ml/9oz) (brand new)
2 Newborn Teats (brand new)
2 Dome Caps (brand new)
2 Flexible Cool Packs (used)
8 ULTRA Comfort Disposable Breast Pads (not included, used up)
Drawstring Storage Bag (brand new)
tonite is my gynae appt... gan chiong oso... last nite keep having attack pain.. wan to shit kind.... but no shit..zzz
