(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

I do have giddiness but quite mild...
i eat a lot too

did anyone take any supplements or those prescribe by gynae?

my frd recommends me but not sure whether safe or not...(neurog***s and omin****)

hi everyone,

me back at work after long rest at home. i think i'm starting to feel the ms. feeling a bit naseuos and chest feel super uncomfortable. luckily, my desk is not pile with work. i have cleared all my emails and now doing nothing. so starting surfing. going to here and start rotting for the day. hehehe...

i not sharp pain, is those wanna shit kind of pain lah.... i din see gynae today, i will endure till thu den see... hopefully can see le.

ms is getting worst rite? i oso... except no vomit... but the nauseous feeling is real bad.. plus taste bud change
Looks like i really miss a lot of postings. Didn't open this thread for 2 days and already got more archives ! :p

I'm gonna be 27 this year and i dun think i'm too young to have a kid because i don't want to be too old when my kids grow up later. I've been married for 2 years now when we got this news, so i'm happy as the time is just right...i wanted to have 2 years life as honeymoon couple then have kids...

just set an appointment to see dr. joycelyn wong on 12 july. sure hope i'm gonna like her from all the good reviews here...

btw, do any of you have gastric ? i'm not sure why but my gastric has been worsening ever since i got pregnant. not sure if this is normal, but i'll ask my gynae when i visit her next week.

oh and thanks snoopy for the list !
yar lor cheryl. Hubby getting worried cos appetite suddenly drop. He used to see me eat a lot but suddenly nothing seem to appeal to me. Keep asking wat I want to eat but I really cannot tell him. Sometimes, I feel like eating something but when the food is in front of me, I feel like puking again. Getting frustrated of myself liao.

yes.. my dh oso ask wat i wan to eat, i tell him liao.. food reach my mouth already feel like vomit, he see my face like so sulky... i oso bo bian, i tell him i feel like vomit.... i feel hungry but duno y.... yes, appetite drop.. the food i alway can eat de now dun feel like eating liao. basically i m scare of touching food at times.. but no choice, if dun eat heartburn n gastric
mtbs, no matter what, must feed yourself well. Your baby need the most nutrients now...eat more meals in small portions...it will help..

i remember I have very bad MS throughout my 1st pregnancy...even lost weight during my 1st trimester...must still eat for the sake of baby...drink more water and rest rest rest.
hi tute, i am 27 this year too. will be seeing dr wong 2 days before yours. getting anxious though.

as for the gastric, i feel alot of gas and burping...
thanks, snoopy

My details:
Baby # - 1
Gynae - Dr W K Tan
Hospital - TMC

I have very sharp nose now, can even smell the newspapers someone seated beside me was holding... Thought of hawker ctrs, coffee shops and food make me feel nauseous immediately....very bad. Don't feel like eating. Keeps burping out gastric juice..Yet, stomach keeps churning... find it hard to focus on work with all this tummy drama going on.

Wonder if it is too early to let office pple know of my pregnancy? I am afraid I cannot cope as they sometimes load me quite lotsa work. Just last 2 weeks, I had to work till 11+pm...don't think i can take it now with this bugging discomfort
ya, wanted to know if prune juice need to add water..cos i just bought a bottle last weekend from ntuc..the sunraiser brand...based on instruction seemed like dun need to add water leh...
Hi Snoopy,
Thanks for the updates

Hi ABC, I stay in Ring Road too ler.. blk 667

Feeling full now as had bak kut teh for lunch just now.. feel like want to vomit also.. sianz
Hope my ms will go away soon!
hi Linda,

I am in my 7th week now. dr wong says that it is a compulsory test for couples to test if there is any abnormality in the blood.

since he was with me that day, dr ask him to take the test 1st. i will take mine at the next consultation.
Hi Bx,

U are seeing Dr Joycelyn Wong from TMC as well.

Why did she need you to do such test? U have done a full body check up with her issit?
I did show her my medical check up report done this year jan. She is very nice, said dun need to waste $$ to do any new body check up since it is quite updated.

She have mentioned the triple blood test, oscar test? Will anyone be going to do any of that?
Hi bx,
ic. my hubby and I did our check last oct. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Will bring along the body check info when i see Dr Wong.

Just to check, when u said u r in your 7 weeks? do they count by the first day of your last menses or the day/wk u conceive? or check your baby thru the scan?
hi cheryl & blurfairy,

prune juice don't need to add water. Drink moderate cos some MTBs experience diarrhoea. Try alternate days if u experience constipation. if no constipation, cut down the frequency. Prune juice helps to ease constipation fr my experience. Hope the info helps. Try Yogurt drink, more gentle for stomach & gd for digestion.

hope everything is fine now.. take care leh...


Hw's your stomach? still pain?

Over the last wkend. i simply just eat n sleep at hme... feel hungry n tired man.... Dont want to go anywhere, just want to lie dwn rest n sleep..

last nite i drink today already got the diarrhoea feeling... omg, i drink it just nw oso... i think i gonna have upset stomach soon..

no worry unless u u go toilet more than 3 times a day then must see doc/gynae for medication otherwise just stop taking prune juice for a while shld be okay. Drink more water, eat lotsa veggie & fruits!
bx, is the blood test necessary? i didn't do any blood test at all too. the test is for what purpose?

its seems like the gynae that i'm seeing currently is charging me a lot. i paid $65 for consultaion, $65 for scan $40 or more for jab and can't remember how much for medications. 2 visits so far had cost us over $200 per visit.
hello everyone,

wow... a lot of posting leh....

btw, i am due for blood test this month end when i 'm week 12...

still deciding whether to go for DS test. anyone gg? cos doc say not compulsory as i'm 32 n also my gal that time, i also din take...

anyone planning to take?

anyone like me still planning to change gynae? i already changed to dr s.f. loh from kkh... wondershould i change again. veri ma fan
Hi linda and kellie, she asked me and hubby if we have done any body checkups before. Becoz we didn't, so i guess she has to do this "thalassaemia", a blood disorder test.

linda, i know the number of weeks through the scan. she used the size of the foetus as estimation. she did not use the first day of the last menses coz mine is very irregular.

celynlee, the doc told me it's compulsory. maybe your doc haven't told u abt it?
bx, my gynae also didnt ask me and hubby to take blood test leh.

Dot, I think I will go for the test. I am 31 already and this is my first bb. Hopefully everything is ok.

Celynlee, your gynae charges sound reasonable to me. I think the cost will very much depend on the gynae and hospital you go to. FYI, my first visit already cost me close to $400 (including medication). Now I am feeling the pinch liao.
hi all mummies and mtb, many mummies i know love being preggie but i really hate the first trimester. have not posted for a while as i always feel tired and need to sleep or lie down. and the irritating heartburn, gas, burp and always the urge to vomit. sianz!

tnks SNOOPY for the list! will give update after my nxt check end of the week. hey, me prefer after the birth of the baby leh... i like the breastfeeding and no sleep better then the sicky feeling now. haha...

DOR, me thinking of changing gyne too leh. how is dr sf loh? did u ask him wats his take on ur decision to try for natural? encouraging?

BX, my hubby nver had to take any sort of bloodtest before leh.

CUCLAINNE, i had bleeding for my #1 too. could see heartbeat too but gyne told me its called treatened miscarriage and have to take extra care. so take it easy please.

KEL, i dun believe there is such thing as too young or too old to be a mummy
i think its not up to us to decide on when we want to be mums but rather god decides and gives tat gift to us. so enjoy it regardless of age.

welcome to the rest of the new mummies!
Dear All,

So many Feb 08 MTBs! :)

We're expecting our #1 in Feb 08 2008.
Our Gynae is Dr Joycelyn Wong from TMC.

She's such a nice lady. Patient and gentle as well. Doesn't rush us and answers our questions patiently even though we are her last patient for the day.

We'll be seeing her again in 2 weeks.

Do we need to do the blood test for 2nd appt?
cuclainne, julie
take gd care of urselves.

agreed. juz enjoy at watever age. every bb is a gift fr god.

wat's a DS test? Is it Oscar test? i only know of a Nuchal Scan at 11-12wks, normal blood test at 12wks n oscar (optional).

i didnt take oscar for my 1st 2pregnancies. i hv a phobia for blood tests so when i heard tat for oscar test, need 2 extract 3tubes of blood, i wanna faint liao. for e normal blood test, 1tube is enuff. i turn white when my gynae extracts blood fr me.
how old is ur girl? u toilet training her at nite now? my boy's turning 3 in oct but i still heck care cos he's still waking up for milk once every nite (if i lucky, he sleeps thru). my younger boy still wakes up 2-3x in the nite for comfort latching (if unlucky, can b 5-6x bcos of teething).

inuovi gal
my eldest boy's born on 10oct.
kel: wah i really pei fu u. My gal is currently 27 mth. No i din purposely toilet trained her. She jus wake up herself. i actually wish she dun wake up at night.. hahaha...
Hi Snoppy
Thks for compiling the list! My details.....
EDD: 25 Feb 2008
Gynae: Dr Lim Yuin Wen
Hospital: Mt. Alvernia

Hi Cuclainne
Must take gd care of urself, work is secondary compare to the little life inside u.

Hi all
My MS quite bad.....feel nauseous all the time, no appetite to eat, feel like vomiting or vomit after eating...haiz.....
i'm sure the situation at home will be better soon. your hubby must be feeling equally stressed cos he's worried abt you and the little baby inside u too. Hang in there!

heheh, nope, i'm not from fairfield sec...

gastric/heartburn/gas/bloating is very common during pregnancy. i get that a lot now too. dun worry, apparently, its good for the baby, cos our digestive systems slow down, make it easier for baby to absorb the nutrients.

i got headaches when i was about 5 weeks pregnant. now that i am almost in my 9th week, it's almost completely gone.
jusmom, i din ask dr loh abt natural birth cos i think too early....

Kel, what is a OSCAR test? DS- Downsym...

HI Ling0, u also see dr Lim Yuin Wen too...

i see her as well.. but still deciding which to take... Dr S.F. Loh or her...

Cuclainne, feeling better today?

your eldest boy's bday very near mine leh... My boy's bday on 11 Oct 2004,hee 1 day later than your boy..

ladies out there,

im really very sianz leh.. think its a chore for me to wake up in the a.m to come to wrk.. very stone n zombie...
Its the same for me. Going to work in the morning is so tiring and i practically drag myself to work.

By the way, want to ask, is it alright for us to drink cold drinks like refrigerated milk and yoghurt drink?
yalo.. i feel like geng mc leh...

btw ladies,hw u all come to wrk n go hme?
by public transport or hb drive?

my hb will b away to m'sia fr today noon till fri,ugh...dont noe hw i go wrk leh..
for my 1st pregnacy,i ever blackout in the crowded mrt n estimate my way out of the train n sat dwn on the bench located at platform....scary...
apple 79- I think drink a bit is ok but surely not too much. I have a fren that drink cold drink during pregnancy then her baby ended up coughing easily

So many days I did not log in already have so many posts. Good to have so many mother to be ard.

I visited Dr J. Wong (TMC)last fri and i am able to see my baby and heartbeat. The feeling cannot be describe, you just feel vhappy deep within your heart. I am in my 7 week and my EDD is 17 feb 2008. I am also trying hard to endure my MS. MTB let jia you together. It be over soon!

me too... so sianz to work....

for me, hd will send me to work, but go back got to take bus loh... but sometimes, i also geng then he will come n fetch me... hahaha

aiyo... veri fan leh.....abt the gynae tingy....

y leh?still decide on Dr loh or lim huh...
wats your concern ne? distance, price or their attitude?
I also take public transport now. But realise getting more unbearable. The crowd sometimes make me feel very stuffy and cannot breathe. We decide to get a car liao, hee... then I can also geng for hubby to fetch me to and fro work.

Thot MS getting better this morning so eat a bowl of mee siam. Now its coming back... sian.... I also wish can stay at home and jus sleep.

Okie. But have the urge to drink cold drink with some taste. Now plain water taste disgusting to me too.

I took bus and mrt to and from work everyday. I have to stand throughout the journey. Its exhausting and terrible esp when already having MS.
