(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Pauline, XY paid already.. u pay her direct can already! Sorry that you had to miss the gathering..

Tubao, somehow this pregnancy, my tummy not very big.. so my buldge is quite small..

Glad all the kiddos had great fun.. Next gathering Feb Bdae Bash.. someone else organise leh.. keke.. i want to relax this time..

Bkk + Garfield's hubbies are MUST to bring along!! Good running!!


E just opened all 3 gifts and played. Hehe.... she likes to play similar games of this tumbler.

Next time we can meet at Botanic Garden or somewhere for running, ^_^ run for fit!

Super Daddies indeed! I chased around twins, and overheard daddies' talk with children. All engaged children well!

Too bad I didn't talk much with other mummies this time around, next time we can have lunch dates with elder children only.
hi mummies, lks like u all had fun any pics?

eliaw what is a tumbler? Cant join u all for the 3 little pigs coz G has sch in e morning. Its not the holis rite? Term break is 10 mar-18 mar?

Ql, yar as we get older, we started to celebrate more birthdays and annis w my parents. :p
Hi xy

I think u can let big c play with the tumble cuz Shaun is playing them well.

Feb bday bash: ya we shd organize one .
Managed to free myself from work.

So sorry~ Can't make it to your house last sat. Guess we had missed out alot of funs.
Fortunately, the gals din know it. Still they received a lot of gifts that day from my hb's colleagues and boss.
The girls were so tired that day, missed their nap. So in the end, sleep very early after 8pm.

C school schedule not out for next year. When is the latest date to join you girls for 3 little pigs?
Hi Bkk Gal,

i had an battery operated car but the battery or charger seems to be not working.

would think its can repair or where to get the battery or the charger?

thank alot.
whoops i a bit slow

it was great to see all mummies either again, or for the first time

eliaw, you super mum lah, can organise such a fantastic party - the gifts were great! and can make cupcakes too. thanks so much yeah

tubao, we're all busy looking after our kids, some more you have 3.. maybe next time we should have outing without our kids, haha!!
Blueginger, did not receive your SMS but it's ok. Actually, I already paid for my gals 2 weeks ago to confirm the slot. Just wanted to double check with u just in case cos no new additions allowed after 1st lesson. Hubby thinks good to let them to exercise cos they always fall sick n swimming supposed to strengthen the lungs.
good afternoon mummies,
anyone there????

ok. try to let big C play the tumble while small C not around.

nice to meet you.
hope that you could join us more when we have gathering next time. can see that your son is very happen playing.

you made the cupcakes?! it tasted very nice and pretty too.
both ended up in my tummy cos i always forget to let them eat when they are awake. :p

gathering without the kids? hi-tea?
hope next year kids will be healthy then i can extra leave to spend for my personal use.
cleared all my annual leave this year due to bad economy. got to restart accumulating leave all over again next Jan.
Genice, KO while putting RA to sleep just now. :p Just collected my gifts, so i can answer u. It is a nice game of not letting the marbles drop from a tower as u pull out 'support' sticks one by one. Thanks Eliaw for choosing the gifts.
baby_yun, were you the one who emailed SGTC? if you are, then you have the reply already yes?

eliaw, haven't allowed the girls to open their pressies yet but sounds great this tumbler gift! thanks for the cupcakes too! I ate them. haha. not the girls.
Hi Bkkgal,

oops, i m not the one emailed SGTC.
and i "advertised" SGTC to my friends, and colleagues and relative.
hope it help to bring in more customers for you.

did you get my SMS? or maybe I msg the wrong person? hee...

sometimes when we have gatherings i find i'm so busy looking after the kids you hardly get to chat much. or sometimes when i want to run errands also so troublesome to bring everyone, namely boys + maid...
i smsed you regarding bread making.. not sure if you received.
or you change your number?
would like to know if you put in the whole sachet of instant yeast when you use your breadmachine for a loaf of bread?
Thank you for the presents. My gals loves their present. Channet has fun with the tumble and meimei loves the marbles and the magic bubbles too. Think Xiao Yun's family and us can have fun together using that next time we meet for the kite-flying session.

XY & Iso,
Yalor. Should have a gathering without the kids. We can have a whole-hearted chat with feb mummies just like what we did for our first gathering when we are still pregnant. Peace of mind.

I replied to your SMS immediately leh. Something wrong with Singtel??

I will add yeast according to recipe. Whole sachet is too much liao. Usually 4g of yeast for loaf bread. I find that sugar is the thing that makes the bread rise. Not so much the yeast.

Baby_yun, thanks for spreading the word!
Anyway, back to your question, we import the battery operated vehicles so we have to check with the importer abt the repair charges.
didn't receive your reply..
it should be something wrong with my handphone.

i always miss out sms. just like i didn't receive the sms from iso.
anyway, going to change my handphone coming Jan. Yippee!! hopefully can solve my problem soon.

for the bread, i was wondering if the whole sachet is too much. the bread has a very strong yeast smell if i put in the whole sachet.
but then a lot of the time my bread doesn't rise enough when i don't put in whole sachet. wondering what's wrong with my problem.
I use instant yeast too. Maybe you should check freshness of your yeast. Put a bit in some lukewarm water. If it frothes and bubbles, it is fresh.

Yes, too much yeast can cause yeasty smell and sour-tasting bread. Instead of putting more yeast, try half teaspoon more sugar.
big C has been requesting to go kite flying again!
let's go next year!!

keep me updated on the gathering without kids, ok? i will see if i can take leave then.
4 g for a loaf. your loaf is how many cups of flour? i remember your breadmachine is the small one.
i tried the method, it does have bubble.
ok. i try again with more sugar.

yes. cannot carry over AT ALL. due to the finance concern. something like the payroll plays a big part in the company cost or something like that.
so everyone have to clear their leave every 6 months.

re: MMR
so what are we going to do with MMR booster? they are already 46 months, way beyond 18 months. haha.

re: birthday bash
not sure if i should join the birthday bash as i have a weird thinking that don't want them to expect us celebrating their birthday every year and take it for granted. :p
so far her 2nd and 3rd birthday are small scale cake cutting at home only.
bkk-i finally bought the zoijrushi breadmaker. make my first loaf last week, i realised the bread turns hard the next morning, i made it at night. Is it the same for yours? I made the granola bread. And i find slicing the bread is very difficult as the bread crumbles very easily.

My old bluesky bakes yields the same outcome, so i suppose it might be the recipe not the breadmaker?

Feb birthday bash - hope to join if possible but i am travelling end feb
For Channet, she also have small scale cake birthday at home. She don't really behave in her usual self when she have big scale birthday celebration. Kind of nervous in crowd. But she enjoy the play at the grassroot club house.

Still have to take MMR jab after 3 years old meh? Thot all jabs are done before they turn 3.
homemade bread always turn hard faster. it has nothing to do with the breadmaker.
it's because we don't add in additives like preservatives.
if you want it to keep longer, can try increase the amount of fat (i.e., butter, oil, full cream milk instead of skim milk). else steam/microwave it the next day before consumption.
else, some ppl will use 'water-roux' a.k.a. 'tang zhong' method that also can help lengthen the 'freshness'.
Hi, tute,

So nice of you volunteering to help out organizing birthday bash. We normally have small birthday party with family members only for my girls. They seldom received any birthday gift from others. Hehe..... E so happy to receive cupcake, sugar and 3 gifts from Eliaw. She finished eating one whole cupcake at car ride before falling asleep.

I retrieved the archive of forum.
The last discussion about venue for birthday bash.

From eliaw 's on Jan 13, 2011. ""Hi hi.. updates for B'dae Bash

Just went down to Ridout Garden to survey the place.. sadly, i find the party venue to be too small to accomodate a total of 27 adults, 14 children and 9 babies.. The entire party area is also not aircon..

therefore i took the liberty to review our options and asking for vote again.. I'm so sorry to keep changing n apologise for any inconveniences caused!

Yio Chu Kang Grassroots Club
Date: 27 Feb Sunday
Time: 5-9pm (Setup time starts from 5pm-6pm, but we can start using the room already)
Venue - $214
Cake - $85 (2kg - we can go for smaller ones)
Food - $12 per adult (12x30min order)
* We can also opt not to cater.. It's not compulsory.. *

Total - $15.30 + $6(Cake) per child, $13.33 per adult

What i like about this is the playroom is totally private.. and fully aircon.. then we can have our dinner too.. then cake cutting.. this playground may not be as new compared with Polliwogs but thumbs up for cost..

Cost for Macdonald's - $9 + $6(Cake) per child

Cost for Polliwogs - $588 for 15 children ($42 + $6(Cake) per child)''

Sorry, we usually brought kids to parks, seldom attend other kids' birthday partys. can't contribute much experience.

Tangzhong method is by far the best to produce soft, fluffy bread that lasts 3-4 days. My mother uses 1 tablespoon of TZ in every Zojirushi recipe and she likes the result (but not me cos I like to try non-Zoji recipes).

Just sharing this recipe (non-TZ) that worked very well for me:

<font color="0000ff">HOKKAIDO MILKY LOAF</font>
Fresh milk 104g
Whipping cream 63g
Milk powder 13g
Egg 65g (1 pc)
Salt 4g
Sugar 33g
Breadflour 225 g
Cake flour 25g
Yeast 4g

I use regular mode, soft crust function. You can omit cakeflour if you wish and replace with breadflour. I find that cakeflour gives the cake a "crispy" finish i.e. the skin of the bread is crispier.

The whipping cream is nice and gives it a milky flavour.
XY, the zoji home baker makes 1lb loaves so usually my measurements for flour should not exceed 2 cups of flour or 250g. this just a guide from my experience.

QL, invest in a good bread knife! It will make slicing easier. I do find the Zoji recipes quite hard too. In fact, the first time I made a wholemeal loaf, it was so dense and hard that it made a "THUDD" sound when I threw to the floor! haha. learnt my mistake, never ever follow their recipe to put fully wholemeal flour. Now, I use a small proportion of wholemeal in the recipe.
G took the MMR booster just 2 days ago with her little bro who took his first at 19 mths. Just nd to make an appt and go down to take the jab. They have to take before they enter Pri 1, they will reissue the vaccination certificate after the jab .

Our kids are also due for the 4 yr old growth checkup next feb.

Thanks for sharing, the tumbler sounds tough for G !
bkk-thanks! will try out your recipe. The tangzhong requires to monitor the temperature right?

MMR - thanks for reminding..wld never follow new schedules for the jab if i don't come into this forum..haha..
thanks for the recipe.
no need oil for the hokkaido milk bread?

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!</font></font>
Hi mummies,

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2012 for all mommies and children! Our kids will be 4 soon, how time flies!

Xiaoyun, no need oil for hokkaido milk bread. I notice most hokkaido milk bread recipes use milk or whipping cream, never oil. Oil most for cakes and muffins right?

Nordic Naturals, Nordic Berries, Multivitamins

I bought 3 bottles of Nordic Naturals multivitamins for my girls. Opened 1 bottle already but both tell me they dun like. Would anyone like to take over from me? Letting go at $25 per bottle (unopened) and will give the opened bottle.

Let me know ok?
probably whipping cream has enough fat?
anyway, have restart my baking machine inside me yet.
too busy recently making photobook. voucher expiring 22 Jan. panda eyes liao... :p

you changed job?
why now can access SMH?

hey, long time no see!
how are you?
great to see you back here.
Hi XY, whipping cream is quite fattening actually. hehe, i had to consciously stop doing milky loaf. Am also trying to restart my baking machine. Last few weeks been buying commercial loaf bread, too lazy to bake.

where did you get the photobook from? i went through your album of C&amp;C. very nice!

Cheryl, long time. You good?
