(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

no i wasn't thinking about the quality but rather the possible radiation contamination for any products that might have been in the country since the tsunami..

can, custom make the yaolan cloth lor. put more spring so can support his weight...almost touch the floor but still can. ya he still drink milk at least 1X sometimes 2X a night. if i dun make for him he will wanna make himself! *faint*

Eliaw, will join on gd fri too but doubt I can leave that early, will reach abt 10 too need to cook for e little one.

I feel like contributing pork trotters fried bee Hoon but need to pyscho my hb to cook, we having brunch there?

Eliaw , did he knock himself?
Iso any toothpaste to recommend for kids, g is using orajel but I notice her 4 incisors are stained n seem quite resistant ones. Looks a bit yellowish now, wonder y.

Re: playdates n playtime
Iso, we can meet on e 1st week of may, I will have acess to car then. Most weekdays are fine say abt 1130? B I remember u helping ur hub, izzut in e morn?

If I drive to pinnacle on weekdays got erp? Not familiar w that area .

U wanna go for e panda playtime in July, thinking of going for the sat 11am show. Any other mummies wanna go? If buy 4 tics n above can get some disc. Iso we firm up e dates then buy tics together k. I can't post link here cause using iPhone.

Re: lapbooking
Quite a few mummies are doing it, very interesting b not easy to do at hm too much preparation ! Hehe .. I haven Done any at hm too.. Very bz doing mundane things , hh chores, prepare food, feed bb.

Bkkgal, I will return u k's clothes next wk k. Thanks. Tall abt development, I realise k is all very slow compared to G in terms of comprehending.. He is slow in picking up tricks! Anyway my sumo is turning 1 in 1.5 mths time!!! Where has time gone??? It never felt sofast w G!
Hi, bkkgal,

Though I got no much experience/feelings on talking & siblings part since twins are only 5 months, so nice to read your posts about the book. Hmmm..... my English reading speed is 3X slower than Chinese one, thinking of reading the author's other books.

Look forward to seeing you at playdate!
C is dropping his milk teeth already? so fast..

I saw you arranged for easter basket making. Where will the kids do their art&craft in Marina Barrage? I think we need tables/chairs for them, yes?

No lah, radiation contamination would be in the air/water. By the time plastics are manufactured, no more contamination liao. Anyway, manufacturing is in China. But I understand what you mean, what if they are reshipped to Japan and get contaminated there. I don't think so as contamination is not easily spread through casual contact. Wash the items thoroughly before use.

oohh, pork trotters beehoon! sinful but yummy!!
harlow mummies, wah i super long time never post liao. silent reader.

i am up to my eyeballs with work. still getting used to having a boss right in front of me (thoroughly spoilt for the past 4.5 years with a remote boss).

not only that, he's new, from a different region....wa lau...*slap hand on forehead* the "education" process is darn tedious lor!! how to tell him our APMEA region spans from Africa to Middle East to China to Indonesia to Australia. Almost want to take a map and do geography / cultural lesson. How to impress that black is very sexy and sophisticated in the west, but taboo in greater china and you will get thrown out of the banks if you go in with black black collateral.

big sigh....will complain more again another time.

thanks for organizing again! i'll pass you the manual pump back on that day
scratching head what to bring. do you think the four leaves little buns is a good option?
genice, bee hoon sounds good la! cook leh!! Actually don't need so much food cos we can't stay outdoors for too long will start getting hot hot!

bkk, i was just thinking of super simple basket that involve some cutting, gluing, stapling and colouring.. no need tables bah!! haha.. thinking to do on the picnic mats! what do you think? they have tables there.. but very limited.. alternative, everyone bring their own baskets??

re: loose tooth
It's also a mystery.. yesterday i gave him a jelly (those small jelly in plastic cup type) to eat when we were inside the store.. then i was talking on the phone with my customer.. then after that he started to cry and said something in his teeth.. and just said very painful.. n kept crying.. no hard knocks on anything.. seriously that jelly cup is also not hard.. and it's not the first time he's eating that jelly.. i suspect he could have over bit himself by his own teeth..
anyone interested to takeover 4x bintan 'deal.com' vouchers.. Bought at $75, letting go at $50..

Date of Purchase : 25 February 2011
Voucher Holder Name : Elicia Aw
Term and Condition :
- Non-exchangeable and non-refundable
- e-Voucher is valid until 31st May 2011
- Stay period is from 28 February - 31 May 2011
- Valid only for stays on Sunday to Thursday
- Surcharge of S$40.00 nett/room/night applies for stays on Friday and Saturday (To be
paid at Bintan Lagoon Resort)
- Room is subject to availability upon reservation
- Blackout dates:
- 22 & 23 April 2011
- 30 April & 1 May 2011
- 16 & 17 May 2011
- e-Voucher is only valid for a 1-night stay in a Deluxe Room
- Multiple vouchers are allowed to be used to extend stay
- Strictly no cancellation/amendment is allowed upon confirmation of booking
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- Offer is not valid with any other promotions
- Voucher is non-exchangeable for cash, other services and/or promotions
- Purchased e-Vouchers are sent via email and can be conveniently downloaded as PDF
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Redeem Location :
Bintan Lagoon Resort
Jalan Indera Segara Site A12. Bintan Utara, Lagoi, Kepri 29155, Indonesia, Tel: (62)
770 691 388, (65) 6223 3223 Fax: (62) 770 691 399, (65) 6543 1705
Bkkgal/xy, took a pic of the shampoo n tagged in fb. Can also check out my mobile uploads.

Tubao, u more active here than nov thread hor. Hehe. What is the title of the book u r talking abt? I'm reading 好妈妈胜过好老师now.
yeah, i think everyone bring own basket and mat easier. doing craft is nice but dunno whether kids have patience, plus we probably have to wait for everyone to come. we can immediately plant the eggs and set the kids on their hunt while the parents relak one corner. hahaha.

I just saw it! looks like a milk carton. haha, help me buy 1 carton ok? if u coming for easter gathering, can you bring along?
Gathering - I want to bring the big picnic mat that I bought from sww n the picnic backpack that I bought from NZ long ago but just realized that with no car, bring bulky items to take taxi very mafan. :p


The book is NurtureShock. I got Chinese Translation version from Woodlands library.

Yah, I read 好妈妈胜过好老师 some time ago (2 years? ago). I picked it up from airport in China. It's quite relevant to my background; the author was sincere, I enjoyed the book.

What's your thought after reading 好妈妈胜过好老师? I forgot most of it.

Haha.....Nov forum, maybe I haven't introduced solid foods to twins yet, so don't know what to post.
tubao.. u still have the 好妈妈胜过好老师? can i borrow from you next fri?

Re: dangdang
Anyone noes how to order from there direct or anyone tried before. I dun really how to order.. though i can read chinese but i see so many characters also headache.. anyone wants to order can i tompang?

Re: Gd friday
bkkgal.. haha.. yummy bee hoon but i think quite impossible for my hub to do it.. will also contribute some Choc.. danish crossaints. Both K and G loves to eat them.

Pauline.. i have the picnic mat from SSW too, will bring along as well.

I will be bringing e kids tricycle and scooter plus kite too. As for the easter basket.. haha..dun think i have this kind of small basket at home...so no basket for G. :p

RE: Arts and Sci Museum MBS
Anybody been there? I got a 1 for 1 tic so thinking of going with hub... dunno shld bring G or not.. Cost $16 for her... and dun think they will have anything suitable for her.. anyone can comment?
wow, ang moh or aw-aw eh? lol.

i'm just outside CBD, but we can meet outside also? I just need to get E to school by 1pm.

Arts and Sci Museum
I saw on the CNA morning show that they cater to kids, and parents even get a backpack which i think is full of things to entertain or explain things to kids. But, like a lot of things, they always never say which age group it's for. guess taht's not much help?? hee..
good morning!!

i've a 5-year old baby cot to give away.
need some reconditioning as due to assembly/disassembly for a few times...

let me know if anyone is interested.

Sure. See you on Friday.

We borrowed children books from library, and consolidated the lists E liked, and then ordered from dangdang. But so far we only ordered once. Hehe...... I successfully convinced my brother to sponsor Chinese books for my kids lifetime.
tubao, read the post. So funny when she mentioned about the wrinkled shirtfront and the ironed straight shirt back. But her hubby is lucky cos they still have 'pak tor' time after 10pm plus when you have more than 2 kids, the hubby has to talk even louder to be heard. Oops. :p
not that i dun want to sleep but...sigh....

Suggest for FOOD, shall we do a simple potluck with the following food list
1) Nuggets - xy
2) Cocktail sausages - Bkk
3) Drinks
4) Fishball - Pauline
5) fruits - Qingling
6) any other suggestions
Anyone looking for a microwave oven?

Just won a 22L, 800W, compact microwave oven (SHARP) in D&D. Will let go cheap or barter trade with an iron (my iron spoilt already).
mummies whom I sent the vista print link to
I just got some of my stuff today. SO NICE!!! But I have absolutely NO idea what I'm going to do with everything. I even ordered some sticky notes (post-it notes). Wish I had an event like a wedding so I could print everything coordinated! LOL
Suggest for FOOD, shall we do a simple potluck with the following food list
1) Nuggets - xy
2) Cocktail sausages - Bkk
3) Drinks- This is a bit heavy.. i think we just bring our own?
4) Fishball - Pauline
5) fruits - Qingling
6) Choc Crossiant- genice

Iso.. aiyoh.. i forgot to order.. nect time still have email us k..
Hi Iso,
IS it too late to order the stickers? Can you PM me the link please? Thanks!

1) Nuggets - xy
2) Cocktail sausages - Bkk
3) Drinks- This is a bit heavy.. i think we just bring our own?
4) Fishball - Pauline
5) fruits - Qingling
6) Choc Crossiant- genice
7) Donuts or muffins - Garfield
genice, gar,
just sign up for the mailing list because they will send you offers that are better than if you go to the website directly. they send me offers like 2 times a week! just wait for the next label offer?

recently they had free business cards and free sticky notes. I ordered quite a few, but no idea what i'm going to do with SO many cos it comes with 250 pieces for the business cards! You can print business cards or business card stickers with a Christmas theme or just your kids' names so that you can stick it onto presents!
hello mummies,

only manage to log in now.. drowning in work as well...

btw, potluck is for when ah? is that for the picnic that is being planned for this Friday?

Err... not too sure if I can come or not because I have church in the afternoon, let me check with hb first and get back.
it's raining... hai...
just woke up as i woke till 6am this morning and only sleep at 10am. think the NEX jalan jalan plan will be shelved.
i normally take public whenever i go out alone. bus, MRT very convenient too.

ur labels are so nice.
i think i put too much information liao - chinese&english names, address, dob. afraid that my labels will be too busy.

it's www.vistaprint.sg
just sign up an account, you will get welcome promotion too.
XY, your MIL help you look after C2 so you can go out alone?

I signed up for vistaprint but the offers is for namecards, not useful for me. :p
BINGO! i learned not to let MIL know if I take MC/leave if I need ME time.
else, she will expect me to take over C2. that's the advantage of not staying together with ILs. :p
when I take C2 out alone, i also take public transport. i dun think i can handle if she's crying at the backseat.

re: label
my welcome offer is also the namecard.
let me check with my sis, think she got the label offer....

1) Nuggets - xy
2) Cocktail sausages - Bkk
3) Drinks- This is a bit heavy.. i think we just bring our own?
4) Fishball - Pauline
5) fruits - Qingling
6) Choc Crossiant- genice
7) Donuts or muffins - Garfield
8) Chicken wings --- tubao
re: label
i think label offer is over, it was until apr 16th, so now is namecard offer. just wait for another offer again? hope i get some of my stuff today, hee.
wink to learn
anyone got the DVD set? any good? i got the free discs from Similac/Gain, thought they're not bad although it's a bit like from the 80s kind of graphics... there's an offer now on Brandsfever so wondering if I should get.
iso.. A's birthday invites more grand than my wedding... haha. BTW, A is so smart, can hold his own milk bottle.. K is a lazy boy and he also dunno how to hold anyway.

Pauline.. namecards har.. haha.. maybe i can print.. Full time tutors can use namecards or not?Maybe that will make me more professional?

XY/ QL.. no one organising the dang dang spree now.. all closed liao and they dun seem to be opening soon. i want to order chinese books too.
That's alot you bought Iso. I love the monogrammed look - so classy!

I've just put in my order. Actually, I saved my orders and they still honoured the $1 deals. Not bad. Quite impressed.

Also ordered the free labels using XY's link. Thanks XY!
xy, iso and bkkgal.. is the postage fixed for all amt of orders? which one did u all choose?

XY.. thanks for the link.. can actually order a few sets of free labels...
Can I change to mini-sandwich instead? Plan to bring twins also, got busy in the morning.

1) Nuggets - xy
2) Cocktail sausages - Bkk
3) Drinks- This is a bit heavy.. i think we just bring our own?
4) Fishball - Pauline
5) fruits - Qingling
6) Choc Crossiant- genice
7) Donuts or muffins - Garfield
8) mini sandwich --- tubao
Thanks, XY for the link.

Genice, I only managed to order 4 sets of mailing labels and paid $11.07 for std shipping. Wanted to try and see if I can get the 5th set free but the gals were disturbing me constantly so I gave up. :p

<font color="ff0000">Hey, regarding tomorrow's gathering, where do we meet? Cos I've never been to Marina Barrage, any good and shady spots? Also, I bought 30 fishballs, should be enough for the kiddos right since got other food? :p</font>

walau, didn't know can order a few sets free.
must do it fast fast before they discover this is a loophole.

anyone tried the max. set can order for FREE? and how much is the postage?

re: gathering
want me to bring the play dough?
i dun have basket. can't find my picnic mat. aiyoh...
