(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


Welcome back and glad you have a great time.

you mentioned the Singapore F1 tickets are on sales now. Can share where you get the info? Many thanks!

FAQs for 02Apr

HPTs - Home Pregnancy Tests
F1 - Formula One Grand Prix
CONGRATS - means #2 or #3 lai liao
relax - mylvera

surf web=no work=no act bz=boss can see=IT know too=reports to management on who surfs more=retrenchment

not IT oso know lor
actually IT really can track but they dont unless management tells them to track who and who, or what and what
else, where got time to be so free monitor who surfs what, if your company is very big
izit? okiez.. my company is big la.. but the mgmt always do weird stuff.... so who knws.. keke...
cham liao
i recession still buy coach bag
my hb sure scold me one
at most i tell him i buy fake ahahhaha, he doesnt cares about girly fashion anyway

harnor, sometimes mgmt weird weird one
my company oredi 3 kena axed liao leh...more on the way...haiz

mei, any topic of the day?
who doesnt surf net
CEO oso surf net mah

my qn back to you: if company is feeling the pinch of recession, isnt the fault of poor management? shouldn't they be first to go since they do not perfom/manage the departments well?

sadly, reality sux. sacrificial lambs like us are the first to go. management always gets immunity

yet to post. later in pm.


Mgt's work is to surf web to see the current affairs and how it is going to affect their operations.
I send my gal to Julia Gabriel playnest. She enjoyed the class very much. Will continue to send her to the playclub at east coast parkway when she reaches 18mths since its only 5 min drive from our hse.
my immediate supervisor surf net as well. facebook somemore... i think as long as we do our job. dun over surf the net... shd be ok lah

Yes, everyone surfs net. Different is how much time spent on surfing, and if that's affecting the job performance. Some are really good in multitasking, so doing they job well and on time and surfing at the same time with no problem.

Haha, I am the one who gets immunity to retrenchment :)
i agree but hor sometimes higher management also play politics among themselves. Afterall is up to the MD/GM discretion to decide who to go ya...my company got force ranking system so if performance is ranked 3=just met expectation & you'll be in danger zone = will be consider being retrenched/kenna warning letter from HR to improve current work performance (grace period 3 to 6 months depends) otherwise if rec'd next letter from HR 6mths later meaning asking u to go = terminated! Very stress man!
i think the bottom line is whether our boss like us anot. if they like us, we are safe.... if not, then like pixie says.. we become the lambs lor..... 'meh.... meh....'... hahahahaaaa
so kam are you 1 of the management staff in your company since you've immunity in retrenchment (if it happens)?

steph, Cs very local style right. this kind is military style leh. warning letters belongs to schooling times.
my boss likes me very much
but our job doesnt justify enough work for 2pax due to recession, how? her manager will still ask her to let me go one mah

are you working in 3M, i know 3M have such policy. For us ranking is more for dept performance and also when comes to salary increment/bonus payout at least we know how to do the distribution. And having ranking 3 cannot mean anything if the dept only have 3 person. So my feel is that we shld look at individual and see how we can manage and improve each staff
i saw it in straits time. not on sales now. the F1 tix only on sale from 9 apr. are u buying? 3 day pass or 1 day pass?

topic? PLAN FOR MYLIFE gathering lor. i may not be able to make it on 10th apr liao. i got to plan for hb bday.
your HPT is like how one? paiseh, i never use HPT before neh
strips dip in urine kind or pee onto the stick kind?
my company alot of boss's pets around:p Few yrs ago, my seniors (now all left co.) warned me, "If u want to beat the dog, must look at the master" & "Otherwise, be near to GOD = boss" u get what i mean?
Coming June, there will be another retrenchment if corporate not doing well.
my current boss (male) informed me that i will be transfer to other dept, taking on new job scope & reporting to new boss (female) when i return from my maternity leave! So sian...
Whichever date I'm also ok. Perhaps pick the date that majority can make it? Btw, how come u no call me ah? Was waiting for your call leh

HK people have this saying in Chinese loosely translated as "haven't reach dimpling festival, don't keep ur winter clothes yet!" meaning weather can fluctuate cold n hot. Just the week before mei came it was fairly hot around 20-24, then this week suddenly got cold wind from south china (Guangzhou), temp is around 17-20 again. So best to bring jacket along

Aiyah! Cannot see ur chubby boyboy! I also dunno when we are going to zoo. Wat time u going on 9th?
ur dept quite small ya? like tat then no choice. my dept i think got 6 of us.... i am the only one in 20s.... the rest all in 40s or 50s....
seems like there is many managers here...

i believe how the staff perform is up to how she is being lead? If the manager fail to fully uses the potential, then how to perform, how to keep up with the morale?
my dept super small. coz new service mah, so not much ppl needed

topic for the day:
what will you do if you get retrenched?
-describe immediate reactions
-describe measures you will take to cut costs
oops. u waiting for my call? oh no. sorry. i din know u are expecting me to call u. i no bring hp to hk. did u try to reach me? so sorry.
Alamak, it's ok lah. If ur busy with hb bday, pls go ahead, no need to plan for the gathering lah
put it caps some more...!

seriously if all mommies busy with other plans, no need to meet lah, I just thot it'll be fun only. The gathering is not diedie must have one lah!
anyway, most also can't confirm yet.

Yes, I am at top management. I have got instruction that no retrechment for my company and we will still have perfomance bonus which will be announced this month :) So all my staff are happy and relieved! At our company, we comply to certain IT security policy and practice. Some websites are blocked, etc. But I don't limit my staff when they surf net for personal matters (as I do surf for SMF and check e-mails). But everyone understands that their job perfomance shouldn't be affected and what's the priorities are. We are all responsible adults, aren't we? Monitoring how and what staff do is really not good, meaning you don't trust your staff, then how to have a good working relationship?
topic for the day:
what will you do if you get retrenched?
-describe immediate reactions
i will be sad and happy at the same time. sad that i cannot work in this company, and no $$ to take...and sad that it means i didnt perform well.
Happy coz i can spend some time with my boy since no work, till i find new job

-describe measures you will take to cut costs
1.bring my boy home, then can dun give my MIL so much $$. then we dont have to travel back n forth Jurong and SK, then save petrol $$
2.dont hire the part time cleaner liao
3.stop drinking so much bubble tea
4.do more milkbags business
5.cook at home. save $$ on ta bao
topic for the day:
-what will you do if you get retrenched?
i will be a SAHM

-describe immediate reactions
sad to leave my close buddy at work.
-describe measures you will take to cut costs
sell of the car???
wah!!! top management!!!!
i wonder which mummies here are high fliers :)
wah still got bonus. if i get retrenched, your company got vacancies or not? heehee

true true. no monitor lor coz as long as you finish work can liao
nope i dun work in 3M. Mine is MNC co.
Our ranking is for individual performance, we got to submit work objectives & individual development plan online every quarter. This info will be used for salary increment/bonus payout. Company dun really care how many staff each dept have, as long as your immediate boss ranked u 3 & below then bye bye to your career liow! Company practise/followed many policies but only for show niah! Sad hor...i wonder how i survived my past 6yrs!
oops. so sorry. miscom.
we can still have the gathering to see who can make it. let's fix it on sat 3-5pm. = )

mummies pls cfm ur attendance.

aiyoh, me not high flyer lah. Small company and stat board some more. The title is grand only, but $$$ not much :-(

All my staff very faithful one. Turn over rate very very low. I am good boss mah :) No lah, it's more because it's stat board, so job is secured.


Thanks for the link! Yes, hubby is very keen to go. Initially wanted to go for the Malaysia F1, but don't feel like travel. So now eyeing Singapore F1 lor.
<font color="ff0000">GATHERING WITH MYLIFE and Little Rylee!</font>
Date: 11th Apr Sat
Venue: Go Go Bambini http://www.gogobambini.com/promotions
Time: 3-5pm.

Child 2-11 yrs = S$15 for 2 hrs play (unlimited for wkday)
Child <2 = S$5 unlimited play
Adult = Free (finally!! we are free!!)

<font color="0000ff">Mummies below, please confirm your attendance</font>:
01) mylife - 10th/11th ok. Anytime 1pm-8pm.
02) valencia - weekend (my jan08 contact list no your contact. can u pm me details?)
03) luvv - 10th ok
04) grumpus - 10th/11th ok
05) angelsky - depending on which days
06) blessed serene - 10th ok. 11th after 1pm ok.
07) VioletIce - Saturdays - No preference in timing
08) mei - tbc
09) cheryl - 10th/11th ok. 12pm or 1pm
10) dorothoy - 11th ok. 12pm or 1pm
11) icy - tbc
13) babynikkiong - 10th/11th ok
14) kitsune - 10th ok after 3pm.
15) sg_audrey - 10/11th ok. (i don't have your contact details in Jan08 contact list. can you pm me details? tks)
16) elmo_78 - 10/11th ok
17) mom2nat - 10th tbc
18) mcfluffy - tbc
19) godsent - tbc
20) QQ - 10th ok. 11th ok

wow, your HR must be super busy man. Doing work objective &amp; individual development qtrly can be very tiring. Can't imagine if I have to submit such plan every 3 months :p

I hv always work with a female boss so I got used to it. So far, my boss has been very nice and supportive keep asking me to go for #2.
problem is the 'other' dept (currently only 4 persons incl boss + me = 5 pax) dealing with purchasing &amp; i am doing marketing leh...so job scope so much diff &amp; then GM (not my immediate boss) told me that i will not be doing purchasing matters but into other developments?? still not sure what is my new designation &amp; job responsibilities. I feel like a ball being kicked around!
my HR director just quit in Jan09. Last month, another HR exe (looking after our entity acct) kenna retrenched!! She was so shocked &amp; sad. Anyway, our HR dun monitor our performance de...since it's online submission, corporate will monitor the system but still up to the immediate boss to grade/rank u. I hate the stupid system cos stressful thinking abt it. So, for my 1st &amp; 2nd quarter this yr will be NIL cos on ML mah = no performance loh.

Ya. Small organisation supported by the tax payer money :)


You poor thing. Most often than not, unfortunately, mummies are not being treated nicely.

Mylvera, want to be super relax SAHM also cannot. This morning RaeAnne woke up at 6am running a fever of 39.9!?! She was fine last night. Don't know what happened. Luckily, hubby still around and today his lessons are in the afternoon. So he fed 'neurofen' while I kept sponging her. She don't want daddy to carry when she's sick, keep trying to burrow onto my stomach and chest. Refused to drink milk also. Luckily the neurofen worked so around 9am, brought her to see PD. PD checked her throat and she said a bit red, should be URTI and asked if she has any cough or cold but don't have leh.

Brought her back to ILs place cos I got no time to cook her porridge this morning, fed paracetemol at 1030am. Next dose should be 6 hours later or 4 hours later depending on whether temp is higher than 38.5. Left ILs place so that I can rest at home.

Thanks for the Woody tip. Went to toilet and no more 'spotting?' so feel better. hpt lines seem a bit darker according to hubby so feel more reassured.

Kam, I usually read blogspot cos that's the one linked to my blog but yesterday, I got your multiply updates from my yahoo email so I went in to read. I was surprised when you talk about retrenchment cos I remember you were working in a stat board. Then I saw your clarifications, ya lar, I used to work in two stat boards. If stat board got to retrench then it's super 'jia lat' liao. No lar, govt practice is always cut pay but not cut jobs unless it's golden handshakes for those obsolete management. Hee.
