(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hey QQ i love shishamo leh but i dunno why that day it came out so bad
i ate 2 inspite of the rubbery feeling. coz i like shishamo mah
my gfs all say aiyah sin ah, eat preggy fish blah blah but i dont care. i chomp chomp down liao hurhur
pixel i dun take that oso i heard the pregnant fish nia i dun eat liao LOL LOL ..... if you wanna go back try their grilled one bah ....
i love the grilled prawn oso .... i love the california handroll not so big so still can stuff other food ... heehee .... TT love the fried rice muahhahaha
tmr on half day leave

hope to go patoh with hubby... hahaa...
if i got time to pak tor with hubby, i want to go play a day of pool with him. then go museums. then go cycling. then go suntanning. then go eat dim sum. then go clubbing
all in no particular order. but i doubt can accomplish within a day

what do you want to do with your hb if got time to pak torrrr??
2nite i go back my mom's home and feed my dog, coz my parents go starcruise
yayyyyyyyy i can spend some time alone with junior liao!!
pixel, you will go museum???

i find it boring...haha

tim sum, you can try imperial at ngee ann city...level 5....nice and yummy leh

or have you tried
i want to go watch movie with my hubby.... cos haven watch movie with him for more than 2 years... he hates sitting there for 2 hours. haha.

i know he wants to go jogging with me but i hate jogging... -_-"

clubbing sounds nice. i never go clubbing with my hubby b4... heehee
i lurve museums. i quite a nerdy person at heart. books, museums, history etc. i like history, so i would like museums. but no one likes leh so everytime i go myself kind...

tried liao, i agree, niceeee
Jess hahaha I told my hubby take leave we go par tor tmr but he say tmr got meeting

Shannonbaby hehehe ... go try if you are around there .... my frds will be gg again on Sat kekeke ask me can i make it but i cant ... heehee

Jess if you wanna go try my uncle there on your half day bo hua cos their buffet start 11.30-2.30pm .....
my half day starts at 11.54am. so by the time i reach there shld be 12.30. shld be alrite ba.. 2hours of eating...

arrange another day with ur hubby lor. me is also planned last week de cos tmr he going Army for his check up.... so i ask him to take leave.
i dont mind lor, coz got 1for1 and near technopark. 1for1 needs buddy mah.
i ask ask only. actually heart pain to do nails coz very fast chip off and recession leh...spree too much liao recently...
control control. after my package ends i also dun wana continue. better stop all these for awhile. duno when we will become lambs.
once all is clear, then continue spree-ing
i am a bad cook lei. my hubby is a better cook. keke.
nvm la, once in awhile shld be alrite ;) winkz winkz...
somemore my company going to give me my bonus for studying... so 'celebrate' lor...
jess, pixie,
aiyo mai stress urself 2 much when spending $ lar, sometimes its worth to have some indulgence, at least pamper ourselves a little bit, life is short n unpredictable, enjoy it while u can
got time par tor then must make use of the time ML LOL lately busy with my mum everyday go back no strength, sleepy no mood make love leh hahahha
<font color="ff0000">GATHERING WITH MYLIFE and Little Rylee!
Date: 11th Apr Sat
Time: 3-5pm. </font>
Venue: Go Go Bambini http://www.gogobambini.com/promotions

Child 2-11 yrs = S$15 for 2 hrs play (unlimited for wkday)
Child <2 = S$5 unlimited play
Adult = Free (finally!! we are free!!)

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Mummies below, please confirm your attendance: </font></font>
01) mylife - 10th/11th ok. Anytime 1pm-8pm.
02) valencia - weekend (my jan08 contact list no your contact. can u pm me details?)
03) luvv - 10th ok
04) grumpus - 10th/11th ok
05) angelsky - depending on which days
06) blessed serene - 10th ok. 11th after 1pm ok.
07) VioletIce - Saturdays - No preference in timing
08) mei - tbc

09) cheryl - ok
10) dorothoy - ok
11) icy - tbc
13) babynikkiong - 10th/11th ok
14) kitsune - 10th ok after 3pm.
15) sg_audrey - 10/11th ok. (i don't have your contact details in Jan08 contact list. can you pm me details? tks)
16) elmo_78 - 10/11th ok
17) mom2nat - 10th tbc
18) mcfluffy - tbc
19) godsent - tbc

20) QQ - ok
Hi Wendyg,
Do u have any idea what happened to the tooth past First Teeth? Why is it so difficult to get from overseas spree these days?
I'm ok with the date. But seems like lots of mommies can't make it. R we still going ahead?

Why is not in production ah? Can still use their existing stocks or not? What other baby toothpaste can we use then?
blackbatz, ya, I've heard of it lor. I expect her to be more manja (who wouldn't if Mummy who has been carrying me and letting me roll all over her tummy so far suddenly withdraw the privileges) but I really didn't expect her to fall sick lor. But shouldn't be due to that bah.
i found this on the net abt toothpaste for babies/children

Children under 2 years of age

* Fluoride toothpaste is not recommended for children under two years of age.
* Generally young children receive enough fluoride to benefit their teeth through food and water.
* From birth to two years of age the permanent front teeth are developing and if children swallow fluoride toothpaste they may get white flecks on their permanent adult teeth.
* To avoid this, fluoride toothpaste should not be used when brushing teeth and should be kept out of children's reach.
* However, if you live in an area which does not have fluoridated water, you could start using a low fluoride toothpaste when your child is about 18 months old, if your dental professional advises you to do this.

Children 2-6 years of age

* Low fluoride toothpaste is recommended for children 2-6 years to prevent dental disease.
* Research shows that children 2-6 years swallow a lot of toothpaste when brushing their teeth. Therefore, it is recommended that they use a low-fluoride toothpaste such as Colegate my first toothpaste**, Macleans milkteeth** or Oral B children's toothpaste**.
* Use a smear of low-fluoride toothpaste twice a day, in the morning and last thing before bed at night.
* Toothpaste tubes should be kept out of children's reach and toothpaste put on the brush by an adult to avoid accidental swallowing of large amounts.

yes, i saw it on facebook, my friend's friend!! so sad and i really wanna kill the maid. i wonder how is the child.. so heartache after seeing and it is very disturbing. poor child. how can this stupid *&amp;&amp;^%$$ maid stand on the child??!!!!

Good luck :)


But I doubt I will recieve my membership card then. May go to Malacca/KL/Desaru/Malaysia for the long weekend.
tongtong, can you go find out how is the child

i almost cried out...wonder what did the maid do to the kid in the room....why must she do that

OMG the maid kicking kid video.. i watched abit nia. REAL ANOT?!!?!?! i wanna go home to my kid liao. but i just reached office?!?!?! HOW!?
