(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Waaa....Gongxi! Gongxi! So many mtb all of a sudden! Already got top 10 liao...so who's joining the top 20 list????

You intend to send your gal to chiltern house ah? Very expensive right? If I'm not wrong, the halifax branch charge $1800 for 18 mths toddler!

Anyway, is anyone attending Julia Gabriel's Bilingual Playclub?? Feedback please....thank you!
Pregnant mummies:

1. Yunbb #3 boy 12Dec08
2. steph77 #2 boy 8Feb09
3. joyce #2 boy 11Feb09
4. superbee #2 EDD ??
5. janbb #2 girl EDD July09??
6. angelsky #2 EDD July09??
7. kam #2 EDD 07Sep09
8. Jacelyn #2 EDD 14Oct09
9. Mylvera #3 EDD 16Oct09
10. shannonbaby #2 EDD 04Nov 09
11. kitsune #2 EDD 10Dec09
12. ??

Waiting to join the queue soon:

Next CNY is on the 14th Feb 2010. So you still have 1.5 months or so if you want an Ox baby :)
Pregnant mummies:

1. Yunbb #3 boy 12Dec08
2. steph77 #2 boy 8Feb09
3. joyce #2 boy 11Feb09
4. superbee #2 girl EDD June09
5. janbb #2 girl EDD July09
6. angelsky #2 EDD July09??
7. kam #2 EDD 07Sep09
8. Jacelyn #2 EDD 14Oct09
9. Mylvera #3 EDD 16Oct09
10. shannonbaby #2 EDD 04Nov 09
11. kitsune #2 EDD 10Dec09
12. ??

Waiting to join the queue soon:

Someone send her girl to Julie Gabriel, but can't remember who. She has a blog, I read from her blog.


Indeed, it's true, it's only yourself who can take the best care of you! Don't get stress out with work. Relax!!!


so your answer is also YESSSS!!!! Oh wow!

Pregnant mummies:

1. Yunbb #3 boy 12Dec08
2. Steph77 #2 boy 8Feb09
3. Joyce #2 boy 11Feb09
4. Superbee #2 EDD ??
5. Janbb #2 girl EDD July09??
6. Angelsky #2 EDD July09??
7. Kam #2 EDD 07Sep09
8. Jacelyn #2 EDD 14Oct09
9. Mylvera #3 EDD 16Oct09
10. Shannonbaby #2 EDD 04Nov 09
11. Kitsune #2 EDD 10Dec09
<font color="ff0000">12. Pixie?!?!?!!!!!!</font>


woah TTC also have Q one ah..., me slowly.. wondering if I should plan for a mar bb.. my bday mth. LOL
Mylvera: congrats!hehe.. our thread v productive and fertile hor!
no leh, i NOT preggy lah
is this a april's fool day joke??????????? hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i very long never ML liao lah hurhur!!
kitsune_sg: Dr Heng Tan Lan' clinic at Bedok Interchange and the contact is:
Eastern Specialist Centre
Address: 445 Bedok Nth St 1 #01-00 Princess Theatre &amp; Twin Cinema Singapore 469661
Telephone: (65)-64411600
just in case you need it. ;)

Kam: dun want to join your next MTB queue- as we are going with the flow, dont want to be stressed. ;)
Wah..looking at the listing. Realised that Jan Mummies very onz..A lot of 09 babies on the way..

Wendyg and Mom2nat, jia you!!
CONGRATS to mylvera

Thanks for the advice. We tot of letting Rylee play with water in Zoo and also the Marina Barrage, cos she loves splashing water but hor, scared she'll fall down cos not use to the slipper floor. But she usually naps around 11ish. So will prob only go out after her lunch hour. 3pm can play or not? Would love to get more details from u. Thanks

The flooring at the Zoo water playground definitely safe. Marina Barrage one okay, just be careful as there is a small area besides the pool that is slippery.

Of course can play anytime! Both open all day long! But for us, we don't expose our boy to the sun during 12noon to 5pm, the sun is too hot. If you don't mind, then it's okay, just remember to apply (lots of) sun block. Both playgrounds are open air, but can still find some shedded areas besides the pool (under the trees, eg). The zoo one very crowded, at least for weekends, not sure about weekdays, lots of kids running around, but sure you can find a corner for Rylee to play as it's big. The Barrage less crowded and free, though the play area is much smaller. There is a restaurtant at the Barrage, serving Chinese food, not bad. For the Zoo, it's the ice-cream shop and of course, KFC. Oh accompanying parent remember to bring a set of changing clothes also, be prepared to get wet together with Rylee, more fun that way!
Hihi, mylvera, NT scan results is good, that's good, that's good. Was just reading Kam's multiply blog. Hope I no need to do amnio lor, I'll be 34 this year. Also worried about the results.
u're nuts. are u going to help me look after #1 &amp; #2 so that i can go thru it ALL OVER AGAIN with #3? dun say others la, u jia you yourself ok.
Windy, thanks. I'm no. 11 lar. Just now, when I wiped, got some pink/brownish discharge. Never had that when expecting RaeAnne leh, so a bit worried. Will monitor and see. :p
Thanks, Luvv. Ya, I'm going to sleep liao. Tomorrow will test hpt again to make sure the lines get darker. If really don't feel right, I'm prepared to go queue at Dr Esther Ng's clinic for 3 hours cos that one no need appt. Sigh. :p

no nid go esther Ng's clinic for 3 hrs lah .. jz drop by at Compass point to see woody. be there ard 1245pm n wait inside the clinic. Q will start at 1pm sharp so you will be the first few to see him. He will most likely give u duphaston. i was prescribe that for 4 weeks as i had cramps. dun wori so much. jz relax n dun carry yr gal. I had spotting when i was preg with #1 (1st trim) and #2 (2nd trim). jz Remember .. RELAX! dun do hsechores, dun carry yr gal. be a Super Relax SAHM for time being.

hehe cannot wait to announce liao mah ..
i am alrite

really #3 ah, mylvera?? I keep thinking u play along cos its April fool day lei.... but CONGRATS!!!!!! heehee...

hows ur audit going on?? Dun stress urself k... baby more impt!
audit? haha schedules haven't done up. Still got 1 big analysis for the whole yr to be submitted by 13 April, yet to do. This mth very siong cos sure cannot meet target haha. This month no MIRACLE from this superwoman liao. Superwoman is history! i saw bb rubbing eyes yday n told myself this "I love this bb of mine. He is so cute even in my tummy! Why shd I give him up?" haha n tt's the end to my stress (hopefully)

Relax and take good care of yourself, most importantly, think positively, don't worry too much, just tell yourself you are enjoying the pregnancy and going to have a beautiful baby in a few months time.

You read my blog from Multiply huh, thought you read from blogspot? Do you have problems logging in to my blogspot recently, cos a friend of mine feedback to say my blogspot webpage not stable, keep givin error message upon clicking......


Don't mean to give you pressure, but to give you more encouragement. Jia you! But of course, have to take it easy and listen to your God's will. Good luck!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">HELLO!!</font></font>
back. just pop in to say hi. and how's all. and congrats to mylvera new mummy to be again!

nid to go back old thread to copy the list of names for the gathering at gogobambini with mylife. anyone can help?
Hi mommies

i'm a mom from the Oct 08 thread. My SIL's personal fren's son has got Leukemia and needs B negative blood. Pls help to forward this message on.

Dear Friends,

My friend's little boy, Barney Allan Jeffs, is in need of B negative blood. The blood bank does not have any B negative blood in storage as it is fairly uncommon blood type in Asians. If you are B negative blood type please contact me so we can add your name to a donor list specifically for donation to Barney. The Blood Bank will follow up by contacting you to ask you to come in and donate. If you contact the blood bank directly, they have told us they will give the blood to the next B negative recipient in need.

Barney is 5 years old and he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia unexpectedly on Tuesday. His only symptoms were that he had been tired and pale during the past week. Today Barney had a bone marrow aspiration test to type his Leukemia and received his first infusion of Platelets and Blood to increase his blood count to an acceptable level so that he can have a central IV line placed tomorrow. The line will allow him to start receiving chemotherapy. As there was no B negative blood available in Singapore this evening, he had to be given B positive blood tonight. This not only increases his chances of a reaction to the blood, but it means he has to have a special injection so that his body won't react to the rhesus positive blood. As you can imagine, each additional injection is torture to a five year old!

Barney's battle with Leukemia will be a long and hard one. The family has been living in Singapore several years and his mom Annie is Irish and his dad David is from New Zealand. They are alone here without family to help them through this, so any support we can give them by trying to get donors is very much appreciated. Please help to forward the request especially around the Caucasian communities in Singapore that are more likely to have people of B negative blood type. The hospital has explained that Barney will require many transfusions of blood and platelets over this initial first week of treatment and in the coming months and a list of at least ten donors will be needed.

Thank you to those who have already started circulating information out. Please do have people continue to contact me if they can donate. We have already had a great initial response of 5 Irish B negative donors tonight but more are needed. Please contact me by phone or email with your name, IC or passport number, contact number and date of birth so I can collate the listing to send to the blood bank.


Friend of Annie, David and Barney Jeffs

If you are not B negative, but wish to donate to blood bank you may want to visit www.redcross.org.sg
When are you visiting to zoo? I'll be bringing my boy there on 9 April

As for the gathering on 10 April, sorry I can't make it...need to go Ikea to get some things. Can't make it on 11 April either cos my boy is scheduled for his MMR jab. You gals enjoy!!

Heng ah, the nurse at KidsLink managed to squeeze us in for the last appointment at 12pm next sat. Hopefully we can "click" with Dr Vannesa Tan
. We have very good rapport with the previous PD but pity she's gonna be away for quite some time...hopefully she'll come back one day since her clinic is much closer to us.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">mylife</font></font>,
pls pick either 10th or 11th that is suitable for ur timing. tks.

<font color="ff0000">GATHERING WITH MYLIFE and Little Rylee!</font>
Date: 10th Apr Good Friday (i.e. public holiday) or 11th Apr Sat?
Venue: Go Go Bambini http://www.gogobambini.com/promotions
Time: after 1pm.

Child 2-11 yrs = S$15 for 2 hrs play (unlimited for wkday)
Child <2 = S$5 unlimited play
Adult = Free (finally!! we are free!!)

Interested mummies:
01) mylife - 10th/11th ok. Anytime 1pm-8pm.
02) valencia - weekend (my jan08 contact list no your contact. can u pm me details?)
03) luvv - 10th ok
04) grumpus - 10th/11th ok
05) angelsky - depending on which days
06) blessed serene - 10th ok. 11th after 1pm ok.
07) VioletIce - Saturdays - No preference in timing
08) mei - tbc
09) cheryl - 10th/11th ok. 12pm or 1pm
10) dorothoy - 11th ok. 12pm or 1pm
11) icy - tbc
13) babynikkiong - 10th/11th ok
14) kitsune - 10th ok after 3pm.
15) sg_audrey - 10/11th ok. (i don't have your contact details in Jan08 contact list. can you pm me details? tks)
16) elmo_78 - 10/11th ok
17) mom2nat - 10th tbc
18) mcfluffy - tbc
19) godsent - tbc
20) QQ - 10th ok. 11th ok
ok. the hotel i stayed, rm was big. but it was quite old. they are doing reno, upgrading the hotel. went 5 days. rained 2-3 days. not cold. sometimes windy.
My 2 boys are driving me up the wall. #2 can chatter on and on, quarrel with #1 with his baby language..

"You try, I try!" :p
mei, but the website looks very grand hor

tot temp is about 23 degrees...not cold ah? then mayb i dun bring my jacket...just bring the boys one will do.

mine too...tho my number 2 cant talk yet....but they can fight? i witness their fight before...snatch toys, snatch territories to play the train, cars etc

and they really fight for me...pushing each other away from mummy
yap. its grand look. old cos' some of their rms are old concept (my rm comes with microwave, cooker, fridge with freezer).

not say not cold. cooling. still nids windbreaker, esp when rain (rem ur umbrella/raincoat).

morning mummies

boss not around today, can refresh jan08 thread. but a lot of work to do today, and here a lot of retrenchment going on liao, so must zhi dong a bit cannot surf too much website!!

mylvera, you post out the hpts liao mah huh
