(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


So i juz cut the "flower" part wif a little stem to steam rite??

For spinach puree, i boil the leaves then juz put into the blender, nt much prob though.

Wow..thanks for all the info on the flash cards thingie.
JanBB - so far based on the class you all attended, flash in front of baby for how long?
yeah.. actually i think if put more stem in shld be no prob, coz in the end all blended ma.

i give my baby some cereal & puree approx 1hr after each ebm feed. i'd consider it a meal rather than a snack.

Yes, I am a scientist :)


Should let the food cool down to close to room temp before freezing.

Shannonbaby, You are VERY good mum, "wei da de ma ma" can do so many things in the morning, and then still have to work full day. My baby doesn't drink milk in the morning until >8am (by when he is at infant care already).

ya u are a very gd mum, me only make batch puree during wkend then freeze..when time for bb to eat, will heat it up & let bb eat together with cereal..
wow...u super woman huh. Compare to you, I super super lazy. I only make purees(one type of veg and one type of fruit) during weekend, for 7days's consumption.
I wonder, if you prepare the puree everyday and our baby only can take very small amount, how to make?
wkends i add water coz i latch him on & dun hv 'leftover ebm'. wkdays my mom adds leftover ebm if any. bm has some active component whatever that breaks down food fast, dat's why the cereal bcome dilute. U didn't encounter when u fed Nat 4yr ago? Or u forgot. haha

actually anytime can start porridge liao.. i think previous generation, where got baby cereal?! my grandma must've given us porridge as our first solids. Maybe this weekend i will make some porridge, but i will blend first before serving. Wait until 1-2 months later then i serve lumpy food. Some labels on baby cereal state up to 24months. But once my #1 started on porridge, he din seem to fancy cereal anymore.
my bb start cereals when she was 4 mths, after 1 mth, i intro fish porridge to her.. she loves it alot.
rem to make ur porridge more watery for a start. mebe 2 wks, later, u can add some carrot or spinach... expose their taste buds
popular sells small cards abt $4 per pack. But they may not hv whole series, maybe some out of stock. If the website u can get whole series, shld be easier for u.
Wendyg..yeh..i think popular had some..i saw before too last time. May check it out again..this website one looks not bad too..but not sure if i wanna buy yet. Anyone else interested??

It's $60 for 360 cards in all...so that works out to less than 20 cents per card.haha...
wendgy, i am giving my bb cereals together with puree (carrot / spinach) ..am jst wondering when shd i introduce porridge..since my bb is ok with cereals
kam, thanks. so as long as i let it cool till room temp then freeze shld be ok rite.. i am very worried that it will turn spoilt.

i am not wei da..just that my mum n MIL keep insisting its better to cook for the day instead of freezing. so i just wake up a little earlier to do it. anyway, its quite easy to cook as usually i will steam it. maybe when i can't tong anymore, will change to freezing during weekend..:p

yen, my hb n i will eat the leftover food as breakfast. like today i steam sweet potato, so my hb eat up the remaining as his breakfast.
for fruits, i will bring it to infant care then the teachers will puree for me to feed my gal, the leftover, the infant teachers will eat them up (they ask me is it ok for them to finish the rest, so i say ok since quite wasteful to throw away)..they have been eating avocados for a week already, all thanks to my gal..hehe
qq if real brown rice, me wan too. i give him cereal only if bring him outside. more convenient. at home cook porridge. didn't grind leh just puts lots water n boil 's over small fire after water boiled. press with spoon n feed with puree. borrowed baby food recipe from library, they suggest use homemade stock to prepare porridge, tastier. agree with wendgy cheaPER.
anyone cook "bee gor" for babies? i tried it after reading super baby food. its easy and healthier than commerical cereal.

just blend the rice, boil water, then put the blended rice in and stir until cooked. very easy, within 10min done...
eh think is the cereal bah .... i not sure my mil gave her eat that for me at home I cook porridge .... I cook soup for me n my husband using onion, sweet corn carrot and potato then after that i use the soup + dried scallop to cook TT's porridge after that I grind it hehehe ... she love it cos is sweet
Oh btw.... Kampong Kembangan CC having a baby show on 31 August 2008 if you all interested can go register ok ....

Rules & Regulations is on my blog
I think I'l give BJG a miss coz too far for us. We will be bring Kaelyn to Kindermusilk 1st.

U all went liao right? How was it?
i use dried scallop,but i use the smaller ones (cos big ones too expensive liao.keke) the smaller sizes ones around 10cent coin size..

Is scallop considered as shellfish? Shellfish is one of the highly allergy food. Though my mum made this a lot for my two nephews and it's fine.
but when boil the scallop together with the porridge, wun the scallop break down into strips? Then how to sieve out from the porridge for baby's consumption?
Count me in for the meetup. :D

For porriage, I use 2 tablespoon of porriage, add lots of water then let boil with some pork (for taste), cook almost 1 hr then add water if too thick, then add fish, then beat it with the "egg beater (for bake cake one)" manually.. Then the porriage will be smooth with the fish pcs.

I add bm to heinz and become watery. So either mixed already then dun keep stiring, always feed with the top portion or I add nestle in the ratio of 4:1 (Heinz: Nestle) Nestle one is very sticky.
btw, gwyneth goes to kindermusik on friday mornings till about 1130, we can meet after that. I will ask shooting star if she wanna meet up too, since baby jayden attends the same class.
okie dokie, mark your calendar yah!!
How about timing? Any preference? I also dunno how's Rylee routine by then. Sometimes very dilemma over outings with her.
mylife, actually most of the time I am ok. You let me know if u need company we can meet up. If its friday, after 1130, I will be free already.

is it too late for me n my darling to join?

Baby Jumper Gym
(6 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

If u dun mind, can I juz put down for those show interest as at above, if dun wan then take out oki...

Now got 5 ONZ & 2 pending liao!!
Pls put down your preferred date & time.
4)Serene Ng
5)Hana - (PM slot)
6)nexyanne (Need to check with hubby)
7)Mandy (Rem u r interested last round, u on?)
8)Ahcapp (prefer weekend)

Pls let me know the timing. I prefer weekend. Thank u! =)
Tks, I haven't tried nestle one yet leh. Today I tried the Heinz one without bm, wah, so thick! Tmrw I think I will try add a little BM so not too thick.

Actually, I think dun start pork, fish, scallops too early. Babies dun need to eat such "tasty" porridge. Should consider more for their kidneys and livers, can take such "rich" foods or not. And of cos allergy oso lor. Hee... prob my girl more poor thing... I gave her plain kind of food for longer period of time. Anyway babies dunno wat is salty and so on, they taste the natural taste of the food itself. just MHO

When you gals meeting up? COunt me in.
Brought my girl to PD today for her jabs. The PD mentioned to start rice cereal first. Once get the hang, then start fruit and vege, 1 at a time like papaya, apple or banana or carrot (fruits), spinach, pumpkin or potato (vege). Can actually intro diluted juices and barley water as well.

Where home cook porridge is concern. Must have protein and vegetable. Dont use just the broth from meat to cook becoz meat or scallop broth has little nutritional value, the nutrient is the meat. We must also steam the fish or meat separately and then mashed it before putting into the porridge. Even egg is okay, but must be fully cooked egg yolk.

Btw, all these are from 6 months onwards. Not immediately start at 6 months
Hi, how to cook brown rice porridge? I heard brown rice heaty and difficult to cook. Have to blend porridge or juz cook with loads of water till like those cantonese porridge?
Mylife, dun mind meeting up. United Sq v good for me. Remind me again nearer the date ok? Might need some stuff from HK if u dun mind

Confused right, my PD gave me a slip with some information. Under 7 - 8 months, there was a fully cooked egg yolk can be used. Will check with him next time.

fully cooked yolk ok, but hold the white until after 12m.

for heinz if u add water, add lots lots until achieve desired consistency.
My MIL pressured me into cooking good food for isaac. Coz at her place, her porridge is really solid solid (her family owns restaurant - cooking is in her blood). Come back home, i scared he dun eat my plain brown rice yucky porridge, so added lots of good stuff. Not bad la, he appreciated my cooking.

u can blend the porridge b4 serving, so no fear choking.
