(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

<font size="+1">Re: 26th July 2008, Baby Jumper Gym!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Group Photos!</font>


<font color="0000ff">The "staring" begins - Baby Jayden &amp; Baby Ian</font>


<font color="0000ff">Baby Eve &amp; Baby Ian</font>


<font color="0000ff">Baby Jayden &amp; Baby Ian - Standing Tall</font>

Hi wildchillies &amp; becky_cat
My son's total milk intake a day can vary from 500+ml to 700ml. Must coax and distract him during the feed to make him drink his milk. Now, he even pushes the milk bottle away at the start of his feed. He doesn't cry for milk so it's hard for us to know when he's hungry.

We feed him solids once a day now and he's enjoying it. How do we know how much to give? And do u increase the duration between feeds after a milk + solids meal?

Any mummy care to share your feeding schedule? Tks a lot!
kitsune, I stayed at BP international before, but that was donkey years ago when i was still studying. If I am not wrong, we used to be able to walk to jordon station, but need to walk and twist and turn the alleys, next to kowloon park if not then its next to some park. That time when I stayed there, find it not bad, quite clean, but not very big. I went with friends, so we stayed in a room with 2 double decker beds, not sure if its the same for the whole hotel, but we had 2 rooms, both also double decker beds. That time younger and very new to HK, so the walk to the station and back seems all right, but not sure its consider far.

BabyG, my girl has not gone on solids yet, but I put her on a fixed routine (only recently discovered that the teat I used for her too slow, thats why she took so long to finish and end up also drink less). Now on the fix routine, she goes on 4 hourly, each time she can finish 180ml. So about 4-5 feeds depending on how much she sleep in the afternoon. Your boy push, my girl will slap my hands away. She also dont cry for milk, unless when she wanna sleep at night for her last feed.

Ooooo, violetlce, they are so CUTE!!!!!

But your question, I also wanna know, becoz starting her on solids next week.
hey violetlce, the babies all so cute at the class you all went..must be fun!!

Btw ladies, just want to ask all of you, how many of you feed cereal meals to your babies and if yes, how many meals per day do you all feed? Im feeding only 1 meal a day so far and want to move on to 2 meals a day, but i think his milk drinking pattern will go quite haywire!! Just wondering if you all could share your baby's daily drinking / eating pattern?
Janbb: thks for organising e trial class.. i'll post e pix tonitz.

mylife: at first my bb also dont kw how to swallow then i make e same pumpkin puree on another bowl and show him how to eat and swallow.. now i mentioned e word pumpkin he will smile.
i tink he loves pumpkin. altot he tried pumpkin, carrot, avocado, fish.
Feeding solid

Hi mummies, would like to share the starting solid experience on my baby.

Baby is on TFM. First introduced plain rice cereal when he was 5 months old. First a couple of teaspoon only, or when he refused then I stopped. Gradually gave him more until he can take in 2 tablespoon of rice cereal. By then, I increased to give 2 feeds of rice cereal per day. During this period, milk schedule and intake remained the same. Also, give me different flavour of rice cereal after 1 week, so that he didn't get bored of rice cereal. Continued to only give him rice cereal until he was 6 months old. Intake of rice cereal increased to 4 tablespoon per feed and milk schedule and intake adjusted accordingly (rice cereal replacing milk feed).

When he was 6 months old, started him on puree. Introduce 1 type of puree every 3-4 days apart - in sequence - avocado, japanese sweet potato, papaya, pumpkin, apple, banana, local sweet potato. And had introduced porridge with fish+vege at the same time (at the infant care). He loves it all! Now 2 feeds of rice cereals/porridge replacing 2 milk feeds.

Feeding schedule nowadays:

8am - 150 to 180ml of FM
12.30am - rice cereal with milk
2.30pm - 180 to 210ml of FM
5pm - porridge (if at infant care) or rice cereal (if at home)
8pm - 210ml of FM
3-4am - 210 of FM

Home-made puree given as snack, 1 hour before milk. My baby can eat a lot (like 2-3 tablespoon of puree), but still can't fill his stomach. For apple, I just scrap out the juice with spoon to feed, no steaming. He loves it. But if I steamed and gave, he hates it.
no la i cannot share with u the SA Tours offers on email. too many la. Keep lookout for Straits Times these few days, NATAS fair this weekends, sure lots advertisements these few days.

cruise is so *bleah*.

i think most cereals hv iron liao, so no need iron supplements? Eg Heinz rice cereal (blue box) is iron enriched. I'm also wary of over-dosing on iron (black poo?!).
anyways, found this...

...They conclude that there is no need to add iron-rich foods or iron drops to the diets of exclusively breastfed full-term infants before the age of 6 months.

The findings do not apply, however, to babies born prematurely, as their iron stores at birth are typically depleted; doctors usually recommend that breastfed preemies start on supplemental iron early on.
<font color="ff6000">Breast milk is low in iron, but infants can absorb it much more easily than they absorb the iron in fortified formula.</font>
ah yess... i like this article
<font color="0000ff">Is Iron-Supplementation Necessary?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Healthy, full-term babies have enough iron stores in their bodies to last for at least the first six months. The current research indicates that a baby's iron stores should last between six and twelve months, depending upon the baby.

The iron in breastmilk is better absorbed than that from other sources. The vitamin C and high lactose levels in breastmilk aid in iron absorption.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies that went BJG on sat:</font>
No problem!! Hope u all enjoyed it!! Think is pretty fun to expose our babies in this type of class, though veri tiring &amp; stress by the "chim chim" flashcard, haahaa. Not sure u all keen to con't? I dun mind if got companion ; )

<font color="0000ff">Evening:</font>
Muz interview u.. what do u think of BJG as compare to Shichida(SM)? Need your 2nd opinion, thks.

<font color="0000ff">Photos:</font>
Shld we share the pix we took? Either we post here or maybe u all msg me your email, i can collate &amp; we can mass email our pix to each other tonite ;p

<font color="0000ff">Mylife:</font>
Which period are you coming back to s'pore? Maybe u suggest a sat or sun (if possible) &amp; we arrange a meetup? Wanna see Rylee too >.<
Elliot is still on total bm, but PD din give leh. Last time Nat oso no one gave. I shall ask abt it next time.

Re Fish
I am surprised many babies tried fish liao, I tot fish to be introduced ard 9 months.
total bm lagi no need to give.
bm iron better absorbed than FM iron
fish, pork... chinese culture intro v early. Angmo culture intro lamb early. I think until now my 3YO hasn't tasted lamb yet.
Kam, thanks for sharing!! Actually when you feed puree, is it a lot? So far I also feed plain rice cereal on weekdays, then weekends I feed brown rice cereal. But in the cereal, I mix in carrots or sweet potato or pumpkin and even banana...I tried to ask my PIL to feed my baby fruits seperately..but sometimes they find it hard to find the time..I also duno why. Maybe coz baby sleeping or what...

Based on your feeding schedule, I think I can also go along that line too then once i introduced 2 meals per day. The only thing is, my last feed I intend to to give ard 12am latest...if not must stay up so late or wake up so early!!
just to share how to make puree without blender.

you just need to steam the food and the use a spoon and a sieve to scrap the food....then underneith the sieve, the food will be fine enough to feed

my boy also dun like solid

he can swallow, but he just dun like
Some more pix on BJG:

<font color="aa00aa">Jayden &amp; Zander

Jayden &amp; Rayden

Jayden &amp; Ian


See Eve can crawl... wow..</font>

Thanks for the advice.

Are u guys using the hand blender or the normal big glass blender? I have the philips big glass blender but i cant make puree from it. Maybe the amount is too little. Some people says if use that kind of blender will have "wind". Is that true??

Can i make more and freeze in fridge? Is it bad for baby??

How long can i keep avocado in the fridge?? Or i need to buy 4 avocados for 4 days??
Where can i get organic avocados??
wow.. most of the babies can sit liao hor..mine still wobbily wobbily... kekek

looks like a fun event. too bad i cant make it.. will try to join in the next event.

You are most welcome! When I first introduced puree 3 weeks ago, my baby only took in very little, like 5-10 full teaspoons. Started last week, he can take in A LOT. Like yesterday, he finished 1 whole medium size sweet potato!

It's okay to mix in rice cereal to get the nutrition. But also, you may want to give fruit/vege separately so that baby can taste the natural taste of fruit/vege, and so later they are more willing to take fruit/vege when totally wean off.

I am full time working mum. So I will try my best to give him 1 feed of puree in the evening, about 7pm, before the 8pm last milk feed. Before starting this, I thought I want to make fresh puree everyday, as hubby is very much against frozen food. But now having tried out, I really don't have so much energy left to make puree everyday. So I make more everytime and freeze up. For the past 3 weeks, I managed to give at 1 puree during weekdays, and 2 puree feeds during weekend.

Luckily my baby loves to eat puree, everytime open his mouth big big, and he will shake his head and blow bubble to indicate that he has enough. I think soon he will become a fat piggie :)

I used to feed when I get back home as well - ie 7pm plus. But was wondering if its ok to feed them so late.... just like how we adults shouldn't eat our dinners too late.
Kam, I know what you mean. I also prefer to give fresh fruits or veg. I guess you got a point abt giving seperate to let them have a taste...will certainly take that into consideration!

JanBB - wow..thanks for sharing the pics..i like the one where Jayden and Ian stare at each other..so funny... and ya man..so many babies can sit up well without support...my son still very wobbly....
jan bb
think the babies enjoyed the messing around and getting lots of stimuli in the class. =P my bb pian zui when come to crawling part haha...

SM no trial so dunno what they do for 6mo but for my girl, SM rather intensive is 75mins without the gym part. kids more or less have to try to sit still and absorb what the teacher is showing and easily distracted by other kids. SM music is nicer rather than just BJG teacher singing only cos some music played from the player. and certain flashcards shown on screen, and in many foreign languages. quite interesting. have worksheets for her age to do. one page a day. home practice session with kid at home to enhance the learning. i.e. parents must do hw and prepare materials for kids. siong!

largest diff in my opinion:
BJG advocates GD (glenn doman philosophy) like reading plus physical training, SM on imaging includes photographic memory, ESP, more memory related. BJG more wholistic including gymnastics n bracchiation ladder. BJG has encyclopedic knowledge as input i.e. cheem stuff like composers, presidents etc SM wide array of exposure like facial expressions, action pix, etc. BJG flashcards are dimensions encouraged by GD, SM not so particular abt dimensions but presentations seems more interesting and varied. SM much more expensive.

i like the BJG teacher that day. pay attention to babies' reactions and wait for them to be ready instead of just concentrating on delivering the class.

may not sign up though. have to ask boss. my hb went scuba diving.

feedback from other ladies?

My only reservation to not to feed puree in the evening is when introducing new food. When introduce new food, I will definitely do it during the day, ie in the weekend. So that can monitor if baby have any negative reaction to the new food. Other than that, I think it's okay to feed puree in the evening, they are still not like adult, they eat when they are hungry, and don't care whether it's evening, night or midnight, basic instict :)
Hi all! I havent posted since January!!!!! Haha. Busy with baby Kaelyn as I am sahm with no maid. Everything I bao gao liao. 

I have only started on rice cereal for Kae when she turned 6 mths old on 10 Jul. Will start on porridge next week when I get the slow cooker from my parents.

For puree, u all DIY? Anyone feed baby those sold commercially? I will start on homemade puree next week too after I get the blender from my parents.

My Kae dun like rice cereal. I bought from nestle 2 flavours. Sometimes she can take 4 tablespoons, sometimes none. She is so fickle minded!!! I juz bought some organic rice cereal and puree from Millenia Walk yesterday. Dunno if she likes or not…

Oh can anyone recommend where to get organic food? Ie carrots and stuff? Anywhere in east? Or in town?
yeah i give my baby Heinz &amp; Gerber jar food. Almost bought Earth Best &amp; Healthy Times, but ex ley... controlling myself.
Evening, she was given that by PD but dunno y end up like alot more mucus coming out of her nose when she sneezed. Izzit the mucus dissolving? U mean u usually keeps some and give once u hear like got phelgm sound? Now very jiat liat for me and I dunno if I should pull my gal out of cc.
Ya, we enjoyed the class..although very tiring for the mummy! Seeing the flashcards, moving, etc is equally draining for my brains &amp; body. But i tink it's fun. I dun mind going for more lessons.

Nice pix. How's Baby Ian? Has the wound recovered? I feel so so so pai seh until I dunno what to say! This is the first time Eve got so close to a baby - boy... maybe she trying to self-defense.. keke..

I haven't download all the pix into my laptop but I saw mostly taken with Ian leh.

Yup, my gal will suck suck suck den move her head away (for dunno wat reason) while my bm shooting all over her face. Den after a while she continue to nurse...

Mom2Nat &amp; wendyg
Thks for your advice. We'll try dat out.

Thks for the webby.

Just to share Tate's feeding schedule.

9.30am - brown rice cereal (2 tablespoon)
after that nap

1.30 or 2pm - 180ml FM
play time then nap

5.30 or 6pm - porridge
sleep around 9.30pm

11.30pm - 180ml FM

5 or 5.30am - 180ml FM

any comments ah ?

I find the timing a bit weird... especially so when we did not give any milk after the porridge. Should we give him milk around 9.30pm before his sleep ah ? I thot of giving him ard 9.30pm but worry that he will wake up 3am for milk ! cos he still cannot sleep thru the nite yet.
Thanks for providing such detailed feedback. I'm thinking to start BJG first &amp; then SM when baby is older (i.e 1 yr old) cos as what u described, i tink better start him later when he is able to concentrate better ; ) My hubby prefers kindermusik cos he find it more fun there. But I prefer BJB cos is "Learning &amp; Playing". So stress for baby if both weekend burn for classes...heehee ; p

How abt the rest of mummies?? Want to sign up together? If not, we can also try the "crawler stage 2" for 9mths &amp; above next time?
think a few mummies also interested in BJG..if u all keen can start a class &amp; arrange a common date/time and attend together? Check the website above &amp; give them a call to arrange a class.. and go go &amp; have a try...

Was teasing violetice, ask your Eve "Yi Sheng Xiang Xu" for leaving a "love mark" on his face..heehee.

Hope Ian is oki.. try &amp; lve it dry..think after few days shld be oki..
<font color="0000ff">angelsky,</font>

You should joined us mah, quite fun, really.

<font color="0000ff">hammies,</font>

I think the Mummies and babies enjoyed. Not sure about the Daddies. LOL!

<font color="0000ff">amy,</font>

Baby Ian also cannot sit very well but Baby Jayden is very solid lor, can sit very well unsupported! Baby Ian is also wobbly, will fall or slide to one side if too long.

<font color="0000ff">Chaye,</font>

You should join us also next round when they reaches 9 Months.

<font color="0000ff">Godsent,</font>

Don't worry about it. Baby Ian is alright lah, the 2 scratches below the eye has become purplish red, should be healing. We didn't dare to apply anything bec of open wound, only dab to dry the bleeding. Baby Eve doesn't know anyway. Maybe like what you said, she's seldom close to baby boys. Haha.

<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

Yup, I think so too. Babies heal quite fast. Told his babysitter to clean and dab and don't let him rub.
I'm not sure abt BP Intl but I've stayed at Stanford hotel in Mongkok before. Pretty decent, not too bad, quite convenient but of cos not as good as langham place which is directly above MTR station. Alot of Sporeans like kimberly and Miramar hotel in TST but I find it pretty old.

jus now I tried feeding carrots purée to rylee and I realized she CAN swallow quite well! So tat means all along she blearh out is becos she dislike the rice cereal!

can anyone teach me how to cook porridge with the slow cooker? I got a mini slow cooker tat I used to boil soup with, but I dunno how to cook porridge with it! Thanks!!

I'm back in Sg from 11-16Sept. Anyone interested to meet up on that Sunday (14Sept) say around 1pm? venue to be confirm. Pls put ur name down:

1) mylife &amp; baby Rylee

Anyone wants me to get anything from HK?? But u all planning trips to HK hor?? Hehe

Sorry I jus rem u asked me to check Longchamps for u! That day went to tst and walked past the shop then rem! Which model ah? Paiseh!!!
step> all the babies soo cutie..keke.. hopefully i can join you all next time. The babies in the pic all learned to crawl already? mine is still trying to keep his balance on his tummy.
Wow wow.. I love the pics, all the babies so chubby.

So BJG shld be more fun and less stress than the SM>? seems like.

I've just put my details with the organiser, waiting for them to give me a call for the trial.

My baby doesnt like tummy down time. He will cry and wants to sit up. so i think he has no intention to learn to crawl. My mum says maybe he wants to skip the crawling stage and proceed from sit to stand and walk. haa
ya i give my #1 when i hear phlegm sound and it dissipates rather quickly. maybe bb's body trying to cope with the germs in the environment? no need so drastic to stop cc lah. maybe stop cc for a week or till bb recovers?

sigh my baole no chance to "tackle" your eve. his sister hovering around him. keke

jan bb
me no pix to share. in my mom's hp. my email [email protected]. if you really keen in SM when one yr old then gotta register now liao. cos tentatively this yr no class till jan 09. registration no need pay $$.

amy chaye
do join next time. can arrow jan bb to arrange the crawlers stage trial again? quite fun. nope my baby can't crawl, can only flip over but not flip back. eating floor only leh.

I am also looking into hongkong trip. Is standford hotel near the MTR too?

For my last trip to Macau, we took ferry to Hongkong for the day to shop only.
I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to join the trial class or not.

Anyway, let me help u start the ball rolling oki...Very simple juz call &amp; reserve that slot, dun even need to pay deposit first.

Any mummies interested in the trial?
Pls put down your preferred date &amp; time.

Baby Jumper Gym
(6 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

If u dun mind, can I juz put down for those show interest as at above, if dun wan then take out oki...

2)Chaye (u on?)
3)Mandy (Rem u r interested last round, u on?)
4)Serene Ng(Rem u r interested last round, u on?)
5)nexyanne (u on?)

Hurry, 1 more mummy &amp; u all can go liao...heehee ; )
Why not u join the mummies &amp; get a common date for all to go together since u try to arrange a trial too? Cos will need one mummy's name &amp; contact to arrange the trial?

Any mummies interested in the trial?
Pls put down your preferred date &amp; time.

Baby Jumper Gym
(6 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

If u dun mind, can I juz put down for those show interest as at above, if dun wan then take out oki...

3)Mandy (Rem u r interested last round, u on?)
4)Serene Ng(Rem u r interested last round, u on?)
5)nexyanne (u on?)
6)Hana ( u on?)

Have a great time!!!

Hi Evening,

For a moment, i thought u advising me not to skip the crawler class for BJG or SM.. keke..
Ok, I will try to put him on tummy more often. He will usually make noise and retaliate even if i put his fav toy in front of him for him to reach out. I am very soft hearted, will usually fetch him to sitting position.
