(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


It's okay, just come and you'll know us. We all started not knowing each other also. One thing we'll definitely have in common is our babies!

Um, actually, when we all met last year, the thing we have in common is our bellies. Hahaha!
U are refering to 12 Sept (Fri) rite??
Jialat, i thot take half day PM leave to go shopping & meetup with mylife BUT i never think of bringing Jayden with me leh...Terrible mummy i m!! Cos' half day mean leaving from workplace mah. And I never bring baby out alone so far lah. Muz be veri challenging task leh!! U going home fetch Ian then meet there ah?

Btw u got include our hubbies as well or not?? But the time is 6pm??? Then hubby also take half day leave ah...kekeke ... Think mylife will "Gam Tong Dao Ku"..heehee..

Think I can't make it there at 6pm leh. U mummies enjoy the dinner & babies enjoy *hugz hugz* oki ; )
<font color="0000ff">Amy,</font>

Not from any branches, from HQ.

<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

Huh? You don't wanna go ar? I also haven't bring Ian out alone for longer distance, short distance have lah.


Timing wise, what is good? Or 7pm?

I can meet u all in the afternoon if u all go shopping..heehee ;) I dun mind to take half day pm lve.

Dinner a bit difficult cos Jayden sleep at 8pm+ &amp; my workplace is quite central.By then i go back to jurong fetch him then to united squares, u all finish dinner liao.

Today one of my single ger fnd suddenly pissed with me cos' since i got baby, i always meet them until 8pm &amp; need to rush home. So sad that she can't understand my situation. Me almost cry in office...sob sob..
Please state your preference, shopping, dinner, shopping AND dinner

<font color="119911">Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 6pm 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian (anything)
3) JanBB and Baby Jayden
4) Icy and Baby Xavier
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden
8) Amy and Baby ?</font>
<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

Wah... that sounds bad. It's hard to balance between family and friends sometimes. Jayden sleeps at 8pm until what time or throughout the night? Actually, I "pei fu" you because you can adjust your time according to Jayden. I think I'm quite a lousy Mummy as I will adjust Ian's time to mine. Sometimes when we are out late, I just let him sleep in stroller and continue my late night. =(
huh, u still go out after work to meet fren until 8pm. For me, immed after knock off is to RUSH home to take over my boys.
I meet with my frens.... twice a year???
they all come to my home &amp; we order fast food.
last time we used to go hi-tea, midnight show, chaplins etc.. those were the days eh!
Please state your preference, shopping, dinner, shopping AND dinner

Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 6pm 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian (anything)
3) JanBB alone (violetice, ONZ u, to stop u fr spending $$, haha!) (Shopping in the afternoon)
4) Icy and Baby Xavier
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden
8) Amy and Baby ?
I use firm No too.. but it only works at times. he tends to bite my left side cos he doesn't like it. my supply is really lopsided now. so funny. If i force him to drink more, he'll bite, hold and shake his head and make "eeekkk" sound. Like telling me, "want me to drink more? come lor. see if you dare."

i'm interested in your card. how much are you selling?

Re Gathering
6pm? you all not working? anyone of you meeting earlier? cos i usually have CG on friday evening.. can meet earlier though..
i'm quite keen to meet up with you ladies. but then hor, i may need to go for makeover first haha... all look so modern when meet up at BJG. nowhuang lian por, even though yet to touch the scary "30", like no longer care abt image. tie hair up so can do chores. cham starting to look older than hubby. god knows how long didn't go for facial liao. the last time cut hair at void deck in front of in-law's block, just finished washing hair only my #2 crying for me liao. ran all the way back with dripping hair like mad woman
fishia, bot for $46.01 incl gst for 1800pc. sian bot just after their px increased. it goes in 100pc per pack. per pack i can let go at $2.60. lemme know
ya i will try &amp; meet some of my friends once a mth. But i got many diff group gatherings, sometime becum meet one group one week. I make it a pt to lve by 8pm. Hubby still complain, say i got too many ECA.

Situation really change so much for me. Not to say "cheong party" or "KTV". Now only mummy can understand this type of "mummy life"!

My hubby will fetch me at the venue of my dinner &amp; i die die muz come out by 8pm >.< Hai, Me Kelian ah!!!

But what motivate me is when i fetch jayden in the evening, he will "jump up" when he saw me &amp; "Eh Eh" if i never carry him immediately. Really melt my heart everyday ;p
evening, dun need to go makeover la.. i can shake hand with you. i totally got no time to go for facial or pedicure.
usually after work, i will rush home immediately to take over my mum's shift so that she can 'knock off' and go home. so the rest of my evening is doing housework, taking care of my 3 monkeys (2 children+1dog) . even if i wanna paint my nails, i need to paint one coat, quickly rush to hang laundry first, then come back paint second coat.

totally no life for me..im a 24hour slave. i do not have time to sleep, let alone meeting friends.even if i have dinner with hub outside after work, my mum will grumble aand grumble cos she have to work OT mah..
sigh amy, least your hb get to see you dress mei mei to work plus makeup. i can't poss wear make up at home, show who? my babies? wah paint nails still can do laundry? wun kena meh? can you imagine, me didn't have time with hb dinner alone for like how old my ger is liao... me bad wifey leh. all my priority with my kids. grumble grumble grumble. tink i better fan xing fan xing =P
Wah…. Need to catch up on so much posts since last night!!! Heehee…

Oh oh, u all meeting? Can put me down tentative? I haven’t see u all be4.. me oso paiseh.. heehee… tentative coz my Kaelyn sometimes have moods until I buay tahan dun wanna go out liao.. hiak… bad mummy me hor??? :p

My fren was telling me flash cards DOES make a diff. She did for her 1st as she was not working then… For her 2nd she didn’t as she was working. And she realized tat her 1st picks up and learn things faster than her 2nd. Me bought from Life Baby, but haven’t been flashing.. haha. Me oso feel guilty..

Yah think we all 24/7 slaves, be it we satm or working mums. Very very siong. My Kae has been waking up every hourly at night. Dunno if it is becoz she sleeps in yao lan at my in-laws every sat or sun. Coz she wakes up frequently at night in early week ie mon, tue and wed, but is better on thur and fri (touch wood). I buay tahan liao. Muz experiment this weekend DUN bring her back to in-laws.
evening> you SAHM rite?

previously when i had my #1 , i resigned and stayed at home to take care of her till she is 3 yrs old. then i go back to work lor. so during these 3 years, never put make up one lor..

now that i am working, want to dress up , but fat fat already.. wanna dress up also not nice lei..
nexyanne> i also need to wake up afew time per night. i really miss those days where i can sleep peacefully throughout the night.

my boi will wake up a few times for
1)pacificer drop
2)pillow drop
3)flip and cannot flip back
4)hungry (need to drink 2 X milk )

see, if each of the above happen just once, i will have to wake up 4 times in the night.zoomie liao.
yah SAHM. me and only me @ hm with my darlings. worth it right to look after her till 3 but how cume back to work for #2?
me too thin with not enuff sleep and burn all my fats with running after em =P
Janbb: my bb Rayden must report to his dreamland at 8.30pm daily.. i will leave at 8pm too.
wah! u all tak leave on 12sept?
mi shopping queen too... i will check if my boss not in town, then i'll tak leave too.
hey we #2 moms shld meetup amongst ourselves so that no one can point finger and say we dun take care of ourselves... coz bloody hell we hv no time la.
i can shake hand with u le...go for makeover? haha...anyway i also no make up, no time to glam up or simply lazy la. Unlike JanBB &amp; VioletIce, they r so modern &amp; pretty hot mama with heels! I can't wear heels handling baby.

I hope i'll be able to join the gathering but not been feeling well lately
i also dun wear heels if im going to bring my boi out...

no makeup-cos he will smudge my makeup with his slimy saliva fingers.

no heels-difficult for me to carry him

hair all tied up-cos he will pull my hair..
i tie up he also will pull. he will pull the hairs at the base of my neck.

heels i only wear @ offc. i wear comfy shoes to work, change into heels, and change out of heels when i'm heading home. So that i can RUN faster. haha.
alamak.. mummies here not 'huang lian po' la.. at least we still surf net, we have our forum friends, and we do online shopping mah..kekek

not too bad la.. sometimes we are even more informed about new product compared to others..
i also can shake hand with some of u le, cos i also no make up... amy same leh, cannot wear heel to work cos everyday have to send bb to and fro infant care... and ya must tie hair cos when they pull it is really very pain... yes everyday go home take care baby do housework eg. wash bb clothes....

i still can go out with my mummies fren 1-3 times a month. but hb will take care bb loh... den i will try to reach home b4 11..

same, only wear heel in office and change shoes when out of office. heee
Paisey, 6pm I can't leh, cos my boy sleeps ard 7+pm. Can meet earlier? usually I can't go out for dinners. He prob will be yelling at everyone cos so noisy, he wants to sleep! HOho...

Please state your preference, shopping, dinner, shopping AND dinner

Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 6pm 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian (anything)
3) JanBB alone (violetice, ONZ u, to stop u fr spending $$, haha!) (Shopping in the afternoon)
4) Icy and Baby Xavier
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden
8) Amy and Baby ?
Wah everyone talking about flashing cards to baby. I bought a set of ABC flash card from popular and tried to show it to my gal at ~3mths. After a while I stopped, hee cos I got bored. Think I also wanna go popular to buy more flash cards for her to play. I din't know there's a 'method' to the flashing. I read the posts till blur, still dunno what is the right way.. keke...

Cough &amp; cold
Jialat, think I passed my cold to my gal.Last night I saw her having such difficulty drinking milk, so poor thing. Now she has blocked nose and cough. I also noticed she started to spit out some milk now and then. I am monitoring her for fever before rushing to PD, but any way I can help her feel better? Will barley water help?
Waahhh, I'm only away for 3 days business trip and there's so many post to catch up.

Kitsune, you can try mixing avocado with apple (provided your gal has already tried both fruits and no allergy). I tried the other day and noticed there's less browning (of the avocado) and it smells really nice.

Re: Porridge
I have not started porridge but my mum told me to double-boil it (same method for preparing birds nest soup lor), the texture will be very soft so no need to seive/blend further. It will take 2 hours on low heat but porridge will not stick so no need to "watch" the porridge cook.
12th Sept
I dont mind meeting up earlier to go shopping, dinner at 6pm maybe a bit difficult coz baby Gwyneth will be out the whole day since morning, dont want her to get too stimulated. So who is onz for shopping and coffee earlier
Re: Crawling
Someone mentioned about this right? Mummies, please please let your babies have more tummy time and encourage them to crawl. Crawling is a very important development as it can reduce the chances of your child being dyslexic (a learning difficulty). Crawling is linked to a very important part of the brain development...alot of babies who didn't crawl had dyslexia later on. I'm a good example and so is my niece.

But during our time everyone will just assume we were lazy/stupid...I always got 0/10 for my spelling in primary school and i thought I was borned stupid. I couldn't really read until when I was about 10 years old if I remember correctly. My niece who's 12 is also dyslexic, a specialist diagnosed it and told my sis that a lot of babies who skipped the crawling stage became dyslexic. My neice is very sociable and happy kid and excels in her gymnastics and ballet but she's always had reading difficulties and still can't really read well until now even though she can speak english pretty well. So inevitably she's landed in EM3.

I know the problems a dyslexic child will have to face in school/friends/relatives/etc so I'm trying my very best to encourage my son to crawl now. Even though I know very well that every baby is different but I don't want to take the chance since I had to go through it myself and I know how much more difficult it would be in the current competitive world.

Sorry ah...very long-winded. Mummies must remember ok.
Waseh, I went off for meeting and come back already so many posts..

But seems like no one reply on the date for the BJG session leh...

HELLO Mummies interested for the BJG, could you please indicate if you are fine with this date &amp; time I propose??

Baby Jumper Gym
(6-7 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

23 August Sat 230pm

4)Serene Ng
5)Hana - (23/8/08 Sat PM)
6)Ahcapp (prefer weekend)

7)Mandy (Rem u r interested last round, u on?)

Flash cards
I read the link till I am quite stress. See you ladies so hardworking, I think I better buck up and buy some flashcards from popular later. Btw,
What is the correct method of flashing? Can someone sumarise for me? keke

I also cant remember what I ask.. something regarding the hotel cos I was planning to go Hongkong for September.
Which hotel is more convenient, nearer to areas for shopping of babies items and stocking up my wardrobe?
hi hana,

i thinking of attending this:
Date/Time: Aug 23, '08 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Location: Suntec City Convention

Breastfeeding. Is it for me?
Date: 23 Aug 2008 Saturday
Time: 2.30-4pm (Synchronised Breastfeeding starts at 4pm)
Venue: Suntec City Convention
Cost: Free! With Free goodie bag worth $50 provided!

More details: Mary/Shan 62588816

There will also be talks and Q&amp;A sessions, including:
1. Help! I don't have enough milk! Overcoming common problems in breastfeeding. By Sister Kang, Lactation Consultant, Mt Alvernia.
2. Working and Breastfeeding: Is it possible? By Mrs Wong Boh Boi, Senior Parent Craft/ Lactation Consultant
3. The Role of the father in Breastfeeding. By Mr Edwin Choy, Centre of Fathering.

Organised by:
aLife, Anmun, mCYS, Centre of Fathering and Singapore Planned Parenthood Association.
:D Yeap, think mummies bringing babies would prefer earlier cos BB needs to sleep. I also prefer lunch/tea and shopping. :D

Please state your preference, shopping, dinner, shopping AND dinner

Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 6pm 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian (anything)
3) JanBB alone (violetice, ONZ u, to stop u fr spending $$, haha!) (Shopping in the afternoon)
4) Icy and Baby Xavier (lunch/tea &amp; shopping)
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden
8) Amy and Baby ?
Allo allo!

Wahhhh, so gam dong...so many people can come? Some more got "theme" of me returning to Sg..hehe

No lah, 6pm is also a tad late for me. Like JanBB and Mom2Nat, my gal also sleeps early around 7-ish, so i tot late afternoon is better, say 3pm?

No lah, i'm not returning to Sg for good, just coming back from 11-16Sept.

My recommendation for HK hotels is always Langham Place in Mongkok but the room rate is a bit steep. Stanford Hotel also not too bad, just dat it's not near to MTR station.

Eh...no leh, my mom told me, me and my 3 elder sisters, out of 4 of us, only 1 crawled (she cudnt rem who!) and none of us are dyslexic leh. But really got this kind of finding ah? Better be safe than sorry.

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">For those who is interested to meet up on 12Sept, is 3pm ok for everyone??</font></font>
Hi Hana,

Thank u so much for organising. I will be out of town on that day for business trip. =( Think u all better go ahead without me first. So sorry.

i read the website. The class looks like lots of fun =)
hi Yvonne,

Thank u for the info about crawling. Aiya, my son nowadays is very interested in standing up, rather than crawling. I must make extra effort that he crawls as much as he can.
Pls count me in the BJG session

Baby Jumper Gym
(6-7 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

23 August Sat 230pm

4)Serene Ng
5)Hana - (23/8/08 Sat PM)
6)Ahcapp (prefer weekend)
7)blessedbaby prefer weekend

Prefer the date earlier than 23 August. ;0))
Yvonne, thanks for sharing, will make sure we keep encouraging our bb to crawl then. She's already trying but still more like a tunneling machine cos she don't know how to coordinate her hands. :p

Is the date confirmed ? 23 Aug ? It's my birthday leh... hehehe

Mylife !
Sorry leh I dun think I can meet you up when you are back cos I dun think I have the courage to bring my bb out alone !!!! HAHAHA

Yes Yvonne
I read about the crawling thing somewhere. I'm actually quite worried tho cos Tate doesnt really like to be on his stomach most of the time...
How to encourage him to be on his tummy more ah ?
<font color="0000ff">evening,</font>

No need to go for makeover, it must be hard for you to handle 2 kids. Come join us if you want. Btw, your gal is very well behaved.

<font color="0000ff">JabBB,</font>

If really cannot, then it's ok. Would love for you to join us but if cannot also no choice. But we're bad for each other. Haha.

<font color="0000ff">Lynn,</font>

Wah, another Mummy who's adjusts her time so well for baby. Now I feel so lousy......

<font color="0000ff">Steph,</font>

You don't need make over leh. You don't even looked like you have given birth to a baby. So envious. =)

<font color="0000ff">Yvonne,</font>

So by letting them lie on tummy will encourage crawling?
<font color="119911">
Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 3pm - 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian (anything)
3) JanBB alone (violetice, ONZ u, to stop u fr spending $$, haha!) (Shopping in the afternoon)
4) Icy and Baby Xavier (lunch/tea &amp; shopping)
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden
8) Amy and Baby Ashton</font>
Baby Jumper Gym
(6-7 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

23 August Sat 230pm

3)Goodbaby (10th of august or 17th of august or 24th or 30th??)
4)Serene Ng
5)Hana - (23/8/08 Sat PM)
6)Ahcapp (prefer weekend)
7)blessedbaby prefer weekend

Prefer the date earlier than 23 August. ;0))
Wah..Thread moved so fast. Been reading but somehow lost track..Too many for me to read...Nursing the bad flu caught from my boys and doing work at the same time. So fast talk about September liao..

ok...i no prob with gathering at 3pm on 12 sep..count me in..wif bb and maybe hb and #1

Gals can juz keep me in the loop via sms? Coz now I v busy hardly log on often. Icy, Fishia, angelsky and MH have my hp ya?
