(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

wendy> how come yolk can eat, white cannot eat lei? jialat, i blur blur go and let my son eat the eat white too.. but luckily nothing happened la... yhew.

wendy> my MIL used to be chef too, hence everything i cook she will despice.she will comment this comment that until as seems my food is not fit for human consumption...tsk tsk tsk. so now i dun cook in front of her lor..
<font color="0077aa">Baby Jumper Gym
(6-7 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session) </font>

<font color="0000ff">Mummies in this class, could one of you lead the group &amp; call BJG cos' they will need 1 participating mummy's name &amp; contact no. I can only help u all until here cos had attended the trial lat sat.

Pls put down your preferred date &amp; time.
Any kind mummy to follow up, pls?? >.< SWEAT!!</font>

<font color="0077aa">6 ONZ Liao!!!
4)Serene Ng
5)Hana - (PM slot)
6)Ahcapp (prefer weekend)

7)Mandy (Rem u r interested last round, u on?) </font>
keke.. i havent seen the website yet cos i see the link i also stress liao. cos i have to confessed i am a lazy FTWM...sigh..
hello friends,
hope all are well... long time didn't come in already...

wow, the thread is so happening! cooking delicious porridge, attending music and swimming classes... my poor boy has none. never attended anything. only eating plain cereal and sweet potatoes for now..

i briefly read thru your flash card links... wah! indeed very stressful leh!! think bb also stressful...
hi fishia> my son also no flash cards too..i felt very guilty and stressed when i see the flash card link and the baby gym classes too..

so far, he only eat cereals, and porridge cooked by my mum daily. no swimming classes and music class for him too.

his music class is when he join in my girl watching Disney channel

his swimming class is when my mum baths him daily..sigh..
i even more guilty. i work from home. when maid clean house/cook and i'm working, i just leave my poor boy alone. shifting him from place to place when he cries. only occassionally pick him up to play for a short while.

When my #1 back from school at 12pm, my #2 will join him watch TV too. haiz.. what to do.. #2 relax already... everything also can already... tv, sarong, walker all come out already.. hahaha! else very tough to handle both leh..
u forgot the pacifier, carry to sleep, latch on to sleep.. all the bad habits that we tried to be stubborn with #1. kekekee. same here hor. my #1 NEVER slept in sarong before, now #2 daytime naps in sarong.
Distracted while drinking milk
Mummies, thanks for sharing your experience. I think my gal prefers solids time than being latched. I will continue to feed her cereal with BM twice a day. Hopefully that will top up her milk intake.

I just tried doing avocado puree for my gal. I know mummies have said that all we have to do is scope out the flesh and mash, but I find it so creamy and thick leh. Afraid my gal dunno how to swallow, so I puree it with quite a bit of BM. Hiaz still looks quite thick. I shall try on her later in the afternoon.
amy &amp; fishia,

My baby also didn't attend any classes. Only brought him to Hwa Xia for the dipping in the water (not real swimming). And I do not intend to introduce flash card or to attend classes. My approach is to let him learn naturally, ie to learn from the "real" object by interacting with people and explore things on his own, and to bring him out to the park /swimming/outdoor for activities (not in the classroom) to enhance his physical fitness. Maybe that's because I am a kampung girl and doesn't appreciate all these modern approaches. I let him decide what he wants to learn, so flash card is not for me, but I buy books and read for him. Hope my baby agrees on my approach :)
I'm glad Ian bb is recovering well. BTW, i tried to tag in ur blog but dunno how to do it leh. So does Ian wanna take Eve as child bride??? hahaha...

I oso dunno how to tag on ur blog.. so can't leave my msg there.
wendy,fisha and kam> your description so funny.. now i feel 10% less guility.

with my #1, i try to be hardworking since i am SAHM, but with my #2 , all the rules and regulation kenna kicked to one side (and hidden under the carpet liao)

Not to mention any flash cards, i dun even have the energy to patiently go through my #1 homework and spelling.
the only 'flash' that i tried with my son is 'flashing' clothes and accessories to him everymoring.

before i go work everymorning, #2 will wake up already. then while i getting ready for work, i will 'flash' to him what i am wearing (asking for his opinion whether nice or not) ... keke..
An useful article.
Use this guide to find out what and how much to feed your child at every stage of development from birth to 12 months.

Age: 6 to 8 months
Signs of readiness for solid food
• Same as 4 to 6 months
What to feed
• Breast milk or formula, PLUS
• Iron-fortified cereals (rice, barley, oats)
• Pureed or strained fruits (banana, pears, applesauce, peaches)
• Pureed or strained vegetables (avocado, well-cooked carrots, squash, and sweet potato) How much per day
• 3 to 9 tablespoons cereal, in 2 to 3 feedings
• 1 teaspoon fruit, gradually increased to ¼ to ½ cup in 2 to 3 feedings
• 1 teaspoon vegetables, gradually increased to ¼ to ½ cup in 2 to 3 feedings
Feeding tips
• Introduce new foods one at a time, with at least three days in between to make sure your baby's not allergic.
• Get more detailed tips on how to introduce solids.

Baby Jumper Gym
(6-7 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

Pls put down your preferred date &amp; time.

6 ONZ Liao!!!
4)Serene Ng
5)Hana - (23/8/08 Sat PM)
6)Ahcapp (prefer weekend)

7)Mandy (Rem u r interested last round, u on?)

Haahaa.. jus came online.Janbb thanks. I will take over from here.

I prefer sunday afternoon as my hubby will be working on sats for next few week.

Can interested mummies please put down your preferred date and time so that i can give BJG a call??? thanks thanks
sorry i think u were asking me something about HK rite? I very long didnt log in, tot i saw something from u asking me. Paiseh..didnt have the chance to read

wahhhh, u letting Eve be child bride? kekeke

si beh kao siao. I tot u wear clothes and flash him! hehe

Baby Classes
for me, i bring Rylee go classes for the sake of socialising, let her know the concept of sharing. But i very scared of HFMD. The other day brought her to Gymboree trial class. The props the teacher brought out got one kind of smell, yuck! Dunno if they got clean or not.
They claim that they do, but at the rate of the turnover frequency in the class, i doubt that they do.
u're welcome to join in, and no, i dont mind bringing back things from HK for any mommies. Provided it's not very far to get it lah.
<font color="0000ff">Godsent,</font>
multiply blog quite user-friendly. Just add a comment under the blog title you wish to post &amp; click submit
Or u can leave a msg in my guestbook which u did the other time ya! Otherwise, PM me loh.
BJG sounds very interested lei. but looking at the location *fainted*...even though Bedok and Bukit Batok all start with alphabet "B" but both at extreme part of s'pore..

i must climb over a mountain, and pass by a river "BA SHAN SHE SHUI" to go there lor.. me give up. better give it a miss
yah lor. rock and nurse to sleep! Frankly i wish everynite i can simply nurse my son to sleep. that will save me from lots of frustration. However, this fellow likes to be carried! only on some good days then i can do so...

I tried flash card with my #1. think the flashing part keep his attention and yes, he learns from there...

hey you're coming back! for how long?

anyone's bb biting you while nursing? mine does despite i scream in pain. he seems to find it funny and continue doing so! i wonder how long i can sustain bf once he has teeth...
hey fishia, precisely your baby finds it funny that's why he continues to do it. He's learning smthg called "Cause &amp; Effect"... "Bite &amp; mummy screams".
try to control your scream, instead use a firm tone and say "No".
I poke his cheek &amp; say "No Biting".
<font color="0000ff">evening,</font>

My hubby is quite pro educating Baby Ian. Think he's the "kiasu" parent between the two of us! He used black, white, red flash cards when Baby Ian was born, nowadays he uses colour flash cards.

<font color="0000ff">QQ,</font>

Seldom see you mah. Also wondering how TT is doing. You bringing her out often?

<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

You should test Baby Jayden, quite fun when they respond. Haha.

<font color="0000ff">Hammies,</font>

Honestly, I don't think it's important what kind of flash cards to buy as long as not too complicated. Just buy simple, solid colours/images. The babies also don't know what it is, it's just for them to see new things and for their brain to work and connect.

<font color="0000ff">Lynn,</font>

I think like what JanBB said, probably you're flashing it too slow. Babies like fast speed, they are like a high tech pc ram, fast speed. Haha.

<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

I can understand, if mine is a gal, I will be begging on the streets liao. Haha. Now boy also can buy so many things already! Can post video liao?

<font color="0000ff">Godsent,</font>

How come cannot link the blog? Strange leh, I can link to yours. Did you get the blog's addy right? You sure you so fast want to tie down your Eve or not? Haha.

RE: Flash Cards,

Actually, I know what're the best seller flash cards in Popular because I am working in Popular! LOL
very good lor, now then u say... u work in the main office? I'm big supporter of POPULAR. I hv POPULAR card. hehehehehe
can get $1 off 2-pc meal for KFC
<font color="aa00aa">Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 6pm
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian
3) JanBB and Baby Jayden
4) Icy and Baby Xavier
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?</font>
fishia &amp; wendyg,
learnt from another website that biting means they showing they love you like baby dolphin to mummy dolphin!!! me also tell him "no biting" firmly, just in an even tone. he pretty much gets the idea.

yah man, now my #2 always nurse to sleep @ 2 to nap longer hours tog with #1 and nurse to sleep again @ 9. sigh, i know it's not good for teeth lah, habit lah... yada yada.. but bo pian gotta give myself some sanity alone as SAHM at home. refraining from sarong and tv still. dunno when the temptation will give in haha
sometimes i let #1 eat lunch and watch tv too... feel guilty

i bot some blank flashcards from hiap moh, haven't open ceremony yet. 1800 pcs. one side matt, one side glossy A5 size. anyway want to share? =) their office super near my house at far end of jurong, so you can save on delivery cost, else only if order >$200 den free delivery.

got employee discount for flashcards or not? then we can lom bang you =P

Your fault, you made me lose my ass.


Got employee discount. Think we have a staff sale in Aug, should have flash cards and babies and stuffs bah. Yup, flash Popular card can get $1 off 2 pc meal.
violetice: okie, i'll try again dis sat.. i try to use 1-2sec to flash a card..
mi keen in e gathering. Lyn78 &amp; baby Rayden.
which flashcard is popular?

Godsent: i wanna put my bb Rayden on e waiting list for Eve. heheee!
I'll take some photos of the flashcards tonight and post it for you guys to see.

My staffs told me those are the hot seller for flash cards that's why I bought them. I bought them even before baby Ian was born because that was a staff sale.
<font color="aa00aa">Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 6pm 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian
3) JanBB and Baby Jayden
4) Icy and Baby Xavier
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 6pm 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian
3) JanBB and Baby Jayden
4) Icy and Baby Xavier
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden
8) Amy and Baby ?</font>
