(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

its only in bukit batok? very far from my plc... i live in pasir ris... heehee... i check with my hubby 1st...

anyone heard of jwt kids gym?

<font color="0000ff">Mylife,</font>

Gal, can you choose a non peak day ar? Do you know 14th Sept is Lunar Mid Autumn, aka Lantern Festival. Plus, it's my friend's wedding too. Super good day lor. Want to meet but how about another day?
hahahahaha no lah... mine initially too also dun like tummy time. me also xin ruan easily. now happy to do his push up for awhile. just turned 6m on 2 days ago. give em some time plus tummy time opportunity.
<font color="0000ff">Steph,</font>

Emailed you already as requested.
<font color="0000ff">Flash Cards</font>

Want to share something incredible with the Mummies here. From the Baby Jumper Gym's class, we realized that our babies can remember things pretty well. Hubby and I experiment with flash cards while we were home on Sat.

We flashed cards at Baby Ian, stating the fruit/vegetable name, then we picked 2 cards out, focus on one card and tell him it's banana for instance. Then we use the 2 cards and exchange places and ask him, "Which is banana?" Baby Ian actually reached for the right picture! Initially, we also thought it's probably luck or coinicidence, so we tried a couple of times with other pictures like apple, blueberries etc and he got them all right. We thought it could be colours, so we used banana and lemon and he still reached for the right picture. Of course, there were some errors along the way, for example, broccoli and cauliflower, he couldnt' differentiate them. But out of 10, I think he can get about 7-8 right. Amazing isn't it? So I think we should all try this at home.
hi janbb,

i interested in the trial class,but got to c the date 1st,please keep me in the loop,thanks so much!


any 1 has recommendation for contact to buy Exersaucers?which brand to get better and how much?where to buy?
i remember that time c some of u bought it,is it useful?thanks so much!
Hi all mummies ... miss all of you!!!

Violetice ..... is my frd's wedding too .... was thinking replying mylife already but I am thinking what I have on tat day hahah ..... somemore mine is in the afternoon ...... I wanna see baby rylee leh
Oh btw I have quite a number of packets of Nestle Brown Rice ..... anyone wants I would like to share it cos my gynae gave me one whole box and is gg to expire soon In 23 Aug .... dun wanna waste it cos I dun think TT is able to finish
hi qq!
miss u too!

Violetice, qq
oops paiseh, I didn't realize its the lantern festival and such good date. Jialat cos tats the only weekend cos me back only from 11-16sept. 13sept (sat) I can't cos conducting praying ceremony for my dad first passing anniversary, so left only Sunday.
looks like we prob won't hv chance to meet lo...but I also want to see baby ian &amp; TT!!!!
Hi Mylife,
It's ok la..I lost interest in the bag already. That's why didn't ask you to check again.

The Chinese restaurant located at the basement of Stanford hotel is quite good. My friend gave us a treat at the restaurant. I don't think the hotel is that close to the MTR although it is within walking distance. But it is close to the main street (sell IT stuff, ladies' mkt).

Generally, the hotel rooms in HK are very small. Don't think can accomodate a cot.

Flash Cards
That reminds me I must do it for my no.2!! Spend most of my energy on #1.
Baby Jumper Gym
(6 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

If u dun mind, can I juz put down for those show interest as at above, if dun wan then take out oki...

Now got 5 ONZ &amp; 2 pending liao!!
Pls put down your preferred date &amp; time.
4)Serene Ng
5)Hana - (PM slot)
6)nexyanne (Need to check with hubby)
7)Mandy (Rem u r interested last round, u on?)

Hana - could u follow up with this group &amp; call the BJG as they will need your contact when is confirm. Maybe u suggest a weekend &amp; see the rest of the mummies ok? If so, then juz proceed &amp; have fun!
So coincidental is the actual "mooncake festival" date that you have selected. I will also need to confirm later too. Are u staying in HK for good or juz a period of time again? Cos if we missed this round, not sure when then can meetup with u...aiyo..how huh?

BJM mummies (last sat trial)
I have sent u some pix via email. Except for godsent, can we have your email address?

Hmm, how about Friday evening then? Though working but we can meet for dinner or something. I will need to pick baby Ian up from babysitter first. Or I take leave lah. Haha.
As of now, yah, "sort of" staying in HK indefinitely cos of hubby's career. Miss this round, then i also dunno when we'll be going back. CNY next year we also not going back cos this year, hubby took leave for my confinement, so, next year, it's his colleague's turn. He need to go office during CNY one.

wahhhh...take leave ah? hehe...gam dong lo...but no lah, dont wish for u to waste ur leave lah. Dinner a bit tough, unless it's around 6ish cos my gal (as of now) bedtime is around 8pm.

Anyone else can meetup on Friday evening?
If not, then i'll wait for u all one by one come HK lah!
<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

So easily "gam dong" meh. I don't mind lah, since got leave also. I'm thinking where though. Any suggestions? Where you stay ar?
janbb, no other places for BJM?

How fast is it done?? Pics or words? How to do it?

evening, u think too fast to withdraw? Cont full day? I in a dilemma see her keep falling sick n didi catches it.
<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

Town ar. Hmm. How about United Square then? Can walk around if we want and shop for baby's stuffs. LOL. Shucks, I have discipline problems when it comes to shopping!!! JanBB will agree with me. Haha.

United Square got Globetrotters, supposedly a family friendly place.
HELP! I tried uploading a new video into my YouTube account and got the embedding code, when i copy and tried pasting it into my blog Edit HTML mode, it appeared as blank. How ah? Also, my old videos in YouTube, where do i get the embedded code?

United Square is okay for me. Errr...never been there before...didnt know it's family friendly!
if no continue cc den you leave job to look after? i thumbs up. feel abit bad i didn't spend enuff time with my #1 when i was working.

flash <1 s per card. practise with your hb haha. train their brain keke. can be word cards or picture cards. tink if show pix cards too early, they'll lose interest in word cards easily. maths is dot cards. share with mummies that i read from GD that start with whole words, not like A B C.

you bought the flashcards or very gut lat made em?
oh issit!?? Haha...actually me too shopping addict...always buying on impulse. Jialat better dont tell hubby abt united square or else he wont let us meet there!! Hmm..wat will happen if 2 shoppng addict mommies meet at a parents spending place ah? Kekeke siao liao!! Me very hard to msn leh, but I'll try!!
<font color="0077aa">evening,</font>

I not so hardworking leh, I bought them sometime ago. Hubby started flashing him cards while he was few days old lor.

<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

Did you try preview in your blog, can see a rectangle?
angelsky, mylife, blackbatz, thanks for comments.
Stanford sounds not bad, just realise my auntie usually stays at Park Hotel, is that better than Stanford in terms of location and facilities?

Mylife, usually Sun not good for me cos of PT cleaner but since you also stay Tampines, maybe can find a way to meet earlier lar, weekday evening also ok if I can't make it to town. ;)

All the babies so cute at BJG, was just telling hubby that RaeAnne doesn't have this type of mental stimulation. :p

Uploaded a video of her tasting avocado. www.anewpiggy.blogspot.com
violetice .... me har busy with work loh TT is good just that last week she is down with rashes .... now subside abit le ..
<font color="0077aa">Babe</font>
Ya only one branch at Bukit Batok.

<font color="0077aa">Re: The speed of the flashcard</font>
Is eye opening for me &amp; my hubby when we saw the speed of the flashcard &amp; how it was done by the teacher during the BJG trial. If there is some other trial lesson for babies on flashcard near your area, shld go &amp; take a look so that you know how to do it.

<font color="0077aa">violetice</font>
Same here!! We bot the flashcards long ago but seldom use &amp; also not doing the right way. And after that lesson, we also try it on Jayden. But i didn't test him out..heehee. I muz go &amp; buy fruits/vege flashcard too &amp; test him...

<font color="0077aa">evening &amp; godsent</font>
So u wanna sign up? I dun mind too. Think godsent also mention she dun mind for some more lessons. How abt the rest?

<font color="0077aa">steph</font>
Juz read your blog &amp; leave a message in your blog ;) *Hugz Hugz*

<font color="0077aa">mylife &amp; violetice</font>
I dun mind to take half day PM leave on 12 Sept (Fri) to meet up &amp; shopping too... But to meet for dinner in the evening will be difficult for me cos' baby need to sleep early too. Let me know your plan early oki..
re: frozen puree food
>> as with all frozen food, i think can keep a few months. But then again, consider if your baby's tastes would hv changed by then. Older babies shld be encouraged to try lumpier food instd of purees.
And there's another concern abt the depletion of nutrients, not fresh etc.

I try to puree as small portion as possible, eg choose the smallest brocolli. I will freeze the excess that can't b consumed within 1-2 days.
Wow..the flashcards thing sounds really cool...is there a specific type of flash cards that you all bought? I did buy some abc ones from Popular...but think like not enuff variety to show my son...
<font color="0077aa">hammies</font>
I was advised by my friend to buy a range of different category (i.e colors, shapes, numbers, fruits, vege, abc..) Flash 10 cards in each category each day (if got 5 categories, that mean flash 50 cards per day) and do not repeat the same cards in the same day. Me going to buy somemore &amp; try it out too!! I also bot from popular.

To add on, heard that "Daiso" is selling a special kind of "rubber" for our fingers to do the flashcard thingy. It helps to flash the card fast. Only $2 nett.
violetice; ur hb so gd to flash e card for ur bb, i'm e one doing it (only during wkend).. i flash 5cards at a time, but aft lookin at 2cards, my bb look at mi and smile.. instead of lookin at e rest of e 3cards.

mylife &amp; kitsune; i stays at Pasir Ris, dont mind to mt up at wkday evening..
yah janbb the rubber thingy called finger stall. try not to use the same 50 cards for too long cos boring for em. maybe we can share our cards cos ex if we buy all categories?

mummies check out sgparenting website. lotsa of ideas abt flashcards and categories etc. some helpful mummies shared resources. i bot printer liao but still tryin to find momentum to print em.
oh ya i think reading the GD books first helps before embarking on the flashcards thingy. i bot n finished reading liao. any1 wanna borrow instead of buying, PM me.
sure do! But weekday evenings are a bit tough for me cos baby sleeps early and well, i need to bring baby to my in-laws place as well.

wahhhh gam dong gam dong. If i go shopping for babies stuffs..u all must hold me back kind leh. kekekeke...esp mine is girl girl wor. I love buying dresses for her.

thanks for your mail. Ok now i got the codes. But when i click copy and paste it into my posting, nothing came out. It was blank!
Nez - frozen puree

Once frozen, can be kept for months. BUT, never re-frozen thawed food again. Once thaw out, discard if can't finish. Most nutrients should retain if only 1 freeze-thaw involved (I am a scientist, so you can trust me on this :)

Thanx for the inform n advice! Cos I'd freeze carrot n pea, so thinking hw long i can keep. Nw i know!
Btw, hw to do brocolli puree? Steam/boil then belnd it as usual??
Hi mommies,

Found the contact from one of the SMH Tread n wrote to them on right brain training. they conduct classes for bb > 10 mths old if I remember correctly. Would like to share the email contents with u'll n maybe can go for trial classes...

{Email start}
Right Brain lesson structure as follows :
*Warm up music with baby relaxation massage
*Sensorial input
*Flashcards input
*Speed memory training
*Foreign Lang stimulation
*Role play and play pretend
*Motor skills training
Note: Maths, Phonics and Music pitch will be included from the subsequent lesson

In order for you to have a better understanding of our approach, we'll be holding a trial class on 2 Aug 08 (Sat).
Trial class fee is a nominal $10. Subsequent lessons at $35 to 40 per session. Private lessons at your location are also provided at the same costs but to include additional transport charges.

Please view below for details of trial classes:
Location: Punggol
Time: 2 to 3pm or 4 to 5pm
Max no. of students per class: 3
*Note: Actual lessons will be conducted at 2 locations of Clementi and Punggol. However, trial classes ae conducted at Punggol location currently.

Additional information
Background of organizers/instructors
I have 2 years of exp in RB training, during which I attended training courses (2 by the principal and 1 of by the founder in Japan ) and phonics courses. I also have 2 years of experience in teaching English to Japanese children and teenagers in Japan .
Besides me, I have 2 other partners who have 5 and 2 years exp each in RB training. One of them is trained in early childhood education and teaching Japanese language as a foreign language. The other is trained in special needs and children counseling. Both of them are musically trained too.

Kindly revert if you are interested.
In your reply, please indicate location and time slots you are interested in and provide the following information:
a) Child's name and DOB.
b) Accompanying parent's name and contact no.

{Email ends}

Their email : [email protected]
morning mummies,

started my gal with sweet potato puree. been waking up earlier to steam n prepare my gal's food so that she can bring it to infant care for lunch. i usually place it in the tiger food jar and can last many hours.

kam, can check with u, when u freeze the food, do we freeze it immediately when it is hot or wait for it to cool down then freeze it?

so far, i am still preparing my gal food early in the morning. guess when i cannot tahan already then will start to freeze the food during weekend.

I am like a mad woman every morning nw. rushing, rushing n rushing every morning. Wake up, feed my gal's milk, then pump out excess for her to bring to sch, prepare her sch bag n milk bag, prepare her food, put it to steam and at the same time, i will wash up n shower, then change my gal and let her watch baby esintein while i pack her food into the food jar. and off we go to her infant care before i go to work.

re: broc puree
>> yeah I steamed then add bit water &amp; blend blend blend.

<font color="ff6000">QUESTION</font>
>> How to make Spinach puree?
I find it hard to blend leafy veg.. ?
