(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


no ley
dunno hw also..ha

<font color="aa00aa">talking abt the sling, i still dun know how to use!! faint. think i better bring the sling back to expo to ask MIM to teach me on the spot. haha</font>
eh nez ... my cdrom spoilt if not i can burn for u mail to u ..... let me ask my neighbour for help n if done i mail to u ....

violetice ya use umbrella loh ......

Hi ladies,

i noticed that my baby might has reflux. He matches quite a few symptons of reflux recently.

Does your baby have reflux? Did u bring him/her to see the doc? Any treatment recommended?
The red patch is baby's sucking pad...it's normal to find the area slightly reddish and sometimes a bit swollen after drinking milk.

Does your baby arch his body backwards and straigthens his legs when he cries then it's probably reflux. That's what the PD told me when she diagnose my son's reflux.

So many of you have blogs for your babies, I don't know how to create and also no time to do lah...so here's my boy's photo at 10 weeks. Does he look like the comic character "La Bi Xiao Xin"?? Haha...he always make faces that look like the comic leh.

Oh yes! I very stupid, didn't know about it until just now. =( My poor son has been crying till have tears! No wonder he keeps on wanting me to carry him upright. N when I try to continue the feed after burping, he will arch his back and cry cry cry. Aiyo, I am soo worried, was about to bring him to see the PD but it is already closed.

What did your PD say? Any medicine given? Did he suggest anything to cure/ treat the reflux? I read that there is no cure, as the baby will grow out of it.

Btw, your son is very cute! ^_^ Look at his hair! With side-parting too, so grown-up looking.. hehehehe..
wahhhh...so many cute babies photos!!! All our babies growing up to be cute little things liao...before we know it, we'll be discussing on reaching 3, 6,9 and then 12 months liao!

the info i posted more for SAHM cos it's not an article, more like responses from the La Leche leader in HK. I can understand the difficulty in working mothers who wish to contd BF. Cannot imagine, gotta latch, pump to maintain supply. For me also, sometimes i'd wish that Rylee can take the bottle once in a while, so i can rest, but now i think since i'm SAHM, i'll latch her on as best as i can...it's tiring for me as well. But for your #1, how do u know his sleep pattern no good is due to low supply leh? If u keep latching him on, then ur breasts shud be making milk wat...

how come your son now then got reflux problems? Mine used to have but petering off liao (thank god!). My PD doesnt advocate too much medication for young infants. So he jus asked us to be patient and wait for baby's oesaphagus to mature and stop vomitting. He's more into natural methods like tilting baby's mattress abit so she'll sleep at an angle, burping baby in between feeds, holding baby upright after feeding for at least 15-20mins. So far so good lo. He said as long as baby putting on weight and doesnt seem to be dehydrated, we shud not let it bother us so much...

wat is this 3month rule cannot kena rain?

dont say bottle feed, my baby direct latch sometimes she "plaster" herself too tight to my breast, after finish feeding i also see that mark on her lips area.

wahhhh yday fluke again...baby slept from 10-ish to 630am today! muahahahahahah!! amazing! She eh eh eh at 4plus, woke me up, i "standby" see if she got eh herself to being wide awake, then, she went back to sleep and i fell asleep too, then before i knew it, the next time she eh, it was 630am!
yah, they will eventually grow out of it as their system matures but PD can prescribe some medication to relieve the discomfort. My PD prescribed zantec for my boy when he turned 1 month. Now i think he has grown out of it already. Make sure you carry him upright for 10-15 mins after every feed...helps to make him feel better and carry him at a 45 degree angle during feeding.
Yvonne &amp; Mylife

Actually, I really very silly. Didn't know about such thing called reflux until today. My son has not much problem with his feeding. Just the occasional vomitting.

Anyway, I noticed that for the past few days, my boy doesn't want to continue his feed after burping. He will cry and cry; arches his back whenever I get him to sit on my lap for feeding. I thought he has wind, so I carry him over my shoulder and burp some more. After that, when i try to put him on my lap for feeding again, he will cry again. But once I carry him over my shoulder, ok wor.

Like just now, my hb was feeding him. He was drinking ok. Suddenly, he stopped and cried non-stop until I carry him over my shoulder. Put him down, cry cry cry. Carry him upright over my shoulder, ok again. Don't know why I suddenly flipped thru the Tracy Hogg book I was reading and the word "reflux" came in. The symptons seem to be it lor. I even noticed that sometimes after a feed (more than 1/2hr), I will see 'watery cheese' come out from my son's mouth. I thought that was normal. But now I found that this is also one of the symptons for refulx.

So yes, if this is part of reflux, then my son is a bit slow. He is now 9 weeks old. I read it's common for babies to have reflux, so natural cure is the best. Will definately take both of your suggestions to heart. Thank u so much! I feel bad that my son has to cry until no more tears before I realise that it could be reflux.

btw, how do I tilt my baby's mattress?
mylife, so good, Rylee sleep for 8 hrs? What do you feed her ah? ;) My BB slept at 1:30am last night, woke up at 3:15am, 5+am, 6:40am, 8:30am. Sigh. :p
as a newborn, my elder boy couldn't sleep well coz he was hungry all the time. Was carried to sleep &amp; for whole duration of nap, coz once put him down he'd wake up. At nite, instd of pumping, i latch him on. Faster than warming up chilled ebm, dowan to wake husband up. U can imagine, when i try to put him down, he'd wake up within 10min, so latch on again. The moment my head hit my pillow, he'd cry again. In the end i just sit in his room &amp; latch on &amp; fall asleep sitting upright. As months go by, it became a bad sleep association, even tho he dun need to eat at night, he still wakes up crying. So i'd still be running into his room, patting him, giving him water, lying down next to him etc. Until now 2.5yo, he still sobs in the middle of the night. But now husband is in same room as him. I attend to #2.
My boobs were making milk, but not enuf for #1.. big babies hv big appetite. First 3 days at home he din poo. Followup chk @ PD indicated jaundice shot up &amp; had to be re-admitted.
For #2, I went all out to make sure he had enuf to eat. Supplement with formula, took herb supplement for more milk, wake him up to eat etc. Sure enuf, poo &amp; poo, jaundice very well under control. Phew.

sometimes u give your girl ebm right? add some panadol inside, i'm sure she will sleep thru the night. kekekeke
this coming from another sleep deprived mother. Dun bother abt me hor.
dear mummies

i have a MIM Sling to sell. cos i dunno how to use, always use it wrongly. now i wan2 sell cheap cheap. interested pls call me at 97979554
WendyG, haha, don't tempt me. One mummy told me she used to drink DOM and BF baby immediately after that, BB's face will be all red then he will sleep better. I nearly wanted to try that, hee.

Just fed baby, now her eyes wide open and she wants to play, ee and ah and owing away. Sigh, think she's going to sleep at 1+am again. Lucky my MIL doing night shift today. I just need to wake up and pump.
TT today abit nottie .... keep wanting me to carry .... when i see she sleep put her back on her playpen she will wake up knowing that I am not carry her and at abt 9+ she is really tired and fell asleep till now heehee
anyone hankers for the good ole days before the kid(s) came?
maybe if we all wished hard enuf at the same time, we could really travel back to when it all started.. the pak-tor days!!!!
Yvonne &amp; mylife
Thanks. I tot only my boy has it and I shld change the milk bottles to normal neck ones..

Hahah... I had the tots too after giving birth. But as my boy grows older day by day, the tots are also fading away...
wendy ... i guess no rockiing but carry her always when she sleep ..... kekekeke next time must go peep peep but these 2 days me on ML leh so she never go .... but i suspect she use to be carry when she sleep ....
aiyoh...I read ur experience also find it tiring! Cannot imagine u going thru it!*hugz* But is it possible he was wakg up &amp; cryg not becos of hunger? If u hv been latchg on then sure got enuff milk wat...was he gaining weight then? If yes then maybe he didn't wake up hungry but more for mommy's comfort or some other reason? Anyway I'm glad things works out fine for your #2 now

u can tilt the cot mattress by rolling a towel and placing it underneath the mattress

hahaha I didn't feed rylee anything la...I jus some sort follow abit of Tracy hogg method of implementg a routine but tweak it to my way ie jus monitor own bb pattern...from evening onwards, she usually feeds around 5-6pm,play awhile then nap at most 30mins...feed again, sponge bath and then we will use yaolan to rock her to sleep..then move her to cot. So her last feed will be ard 8-9plus pm. I know I'm prob creatg a bad habit of using yaolan but well, we r oredi human yaolan previously until my back feels like breakg! At least now not so xiong! Me desperate mommy liao! Anyway this sleepg thru the night prob ain't gonna last so I'm not holdg my breath! Anyone's #1 guai-guai slept thru the nite since 2mths plus and haven't look back since?

oh..nvr heard of this rule leh..care to elaborate? Wat happens if kena rain? Both mommy and bb also cannot ah?

the reason that your bbs don't like febm is because it smell rancid. Personally i smelled and tasted it before - metallic and fishy!
But it is still safe and perfectly alright to feed your bbs with it, provided that they accept it.
My bb rejected it once only but mostly she is ok with it. Here is the reason, fyi:

When milk smells rancid after cooling or freezing, this may be a sign that the mother has high lipase activity in her milk. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down the fat in the milk. Some mothers notice this as soon as their milk has cooled. Other notice it only after it has been frozen. A mother with this problem can prevent it from occurring in the future by heating her expressed milk to a scald (not boil) right after collecting it and then quickly cooling and freezing it, which inactivates the lipase. Once the milk has acquired the rancid smell, however, treating the milk will not help."
mylife old folks say is becos will feng shi loh ..... baby cannot kanna oso .... thats what they say ....
ah capp,
don't worry too much abt ur boy's reflux. my gal also has slight reflux. i counter the problem by burping her (a must), holding her upright (she likes the shoulder position best) for sometime after feeds like wat mylife said, propping her up on pillow (by right shd sleep on tilted mattress but she will slip down so we just use pillow) and she seems better now. rarely vomit now (touch wood!!!)
all went expo ah?

initially was due to hunger, then as the months went by, it became a sleep association. He'd still wake up even if he was not supposed to be hungry anymore. He was gaining the required amt of weight.
FOr #2.. the problem now is that he drinks little fr bottle. Hope he gets used to bottle soon, o'wise he's gonna want to make up for the lost feeds at night, kiss goodbye to "sleep thru the nite"... *sob*
Hi mei,

I am also the same with you. Till now still dunno how to use the sling to carry BB. Look at how other mummies carry look so easy. I keep trying still cannot, bb look so uncomfy inside.

RE: CLoudy teats
Does it means that once the teats turn cloudy i must throw away? Is this caused by inproper cleaning?

RE: BB sticking tongue out
My bb has the habit of sticking his tongue out like brushing his gums lately. Is it a sign of teething? He is only 10 weeks old.
mylife &amp; mcfluffy

My baby was eating happily just now and suddenly burst into uncontrollable crying in the middle of his feed. No matter how we comfort, carry or hug him, also no use. He just cried and cried, until face all red and tears rolled down. Sit him up on my lap, he arched his back and kicked about. Still continued to cry.

I tried to burp him, hold him upright. He only stopped crying after a loud burp came out. By then, he was totally exhausted and is now sleeping like nothing has happended.

My son doesn't vomit often. It's more like the uncontrollable crying (suddenly in the middle of his feed) and the fact that he doesn't eat as much as before worry me. It only happened about a few days to a week ago. 1 to 2 weeks ago, he was able to eat about 150ml per feed. Now he will cry when he finished about 50 to 90ml. I will burp him but he will cry cry cry. The remaining feed will be a struggle. =(

Do you experience the same like me too?
WendyG, me me. Until now when I dream at night, the dreams are still the pak tor days, not even married. Self delusional, haha.

Mylife, I showed my hubby what you wrote about the routine. Our problem is our BB poo poo all the time, 1 feeding can poo 2 times but only a bit. After feeding, even when she's sleeping well, if she poo poo she will cry until we change her, once wake up, very difficult to put her back to sleep. Must carry, pat and walk around for long time. Sometimes even worse after changing her, she wants to play. :p
mom2nat, need time to train him. Ask your mother to bottle feed him. You don't feed him. This is what I do when I stop my 2nd child latching on weekdays when I am going back to work. Or could it be the teat too small?

Wendy, my girl will sleep with my mil since I gave birth to no 2. Now No 2 and No 3, one on the right and the other on the left. My mattress are on the platform that why can sleep in this way. My hb sleep at the side of my no 2.
we went thru hell last time when rylee was younger. During confinement time especially, so what i can say is u jus have to tong and comfort him as best as u can. keep your calm. If he vomitted, he will usually looks very "relieved". My baby gal also like dat. Imagine one big bubble of air inside his tummy, very uncomfortable. For reflux babies, when u pat him, dont do the usual patting ie pat back and stroke upwards, cos that's where the oesaphagus is, when u pat or stroke it, it'll make it worse (dats wat i read lah). Instead, swing him over your shoulder and using the base of your palm, rub the left side of his back in a circular motion. I tried it and usually it'll bring my bb's air up.

how old is your bb now? if i rem correctly, u gave birth around the later part of Jan right? trust me, it WILL get better one. The poo poo will get lesser and she will be a calmer baby. That's wat everyone was telling me back then...true enough, with each day passing, i can see bits of difference with each day she woke up. Last time, my baby also cry when changing (actually now also, after bath, she doesnt like to wear clothes!!) dont talk about any routines, everyday is like u now, change cry, poo cry, put to sleep also cry. Everyday i jus go thru the motion step by step. I kept telling myself things WILL get better one, to retain my sanity! Now bb still young, dont try to implement any routine, let her take the lead. Every baby is different, so i cant tell u any manual of any routines lo. Not any Gina Ford or Tracy Hogg can determine wat sort of routine for ur baby...at most u jus try to copy and follow a bit...but your bb is very young now. Be patient.

ME TOO! Smetimes i also voice out to hubby and hubby will ask me "regret ah??" but i will say, no la, think only cannot ah??? kekeke. I do miss those days, yet with baby in my arms, i also cherish and love her so much....contradicting
rylee has the exact same problem! feed her with bottle she'll scream and cry so much like we're torturing her! I am going to go one last try with this adiri bottle that HK moms recommend. www.adiri.com. Looks quite good. If all else fails, sigh, since me SAHM, latch lo! At most give up my freedom for 1yr only, dats wat my tots is.
Mylife, ya I guess so, just hope she doesn't pick up any bad habits or association cos we are not able to implement routine. Just now woke her up from her beauty sleep to give her a sponge bath. Cry and cry also. Bo bian must be heartless if not, she'll sleep and sleep, tonight eyes wide open until 1+am again. :p

By the way, think I asked you before but when is a better time to go HK, June, Sept or Dec? Bo bian, for me must be school hols due to hubby. The thing I miss most about our before BB days is the travelling. ;)
Yah... last time my gal also like that. Arch back and kicked about, crying inconsolably. Refuse to drink also. There was once she even bit on the teat of the bottle and flung the bottle on the floor.

Anyway, it could be gas inside as well. If cannot burp, apply ru yi oil on his stomach to get rid of the wind.

Nowadays, my mum will frequently apply ru yi oil on my gal's tummy and feet everyday coz my gal doesn't burp much. She's better now and rarely give us problems during feeding.

Dont' force down the milk and let your boy take his time in drinking too? Have smaller but more frequent feeds. It might help.

My gal hiccups almost everytime after she drinks her milk if we lie her down. So must carry her upright for a loooooong time. Anybody facing the same problem? I read from books saying that hiccups is common and there's nothing wrong. But my gal hiccups almost everytime after meals! Cannot possibly let her hiccup the whole day leh..
mylife &amp; Mcfluffy

Thanks for your feedback. What is making me worry is the amount of milk he is drinking. Sometimes, he will drink first 50ml, then cry cry cry. If lucky, he will drink first 90ml, then cry cry cry. If luckier, I might be able to get him back on his bottle after burping and consoling. If unlucky, then will have to either try again later or pour the milk away. =(

Yes, the crying is getting on me. I feel helpless. Especially when he cries until face red and tears rolled down his cheek. My hb is with him so he can understand what I am going thru. If my in laws are here, they might think I am torturing my son! =P

Today, I tried different methods of feeding him. Like just now, I basically feed him while standing up, and his body upright. Seem to work. I then slowly sit down but with his body still straigth. Seem to work wor.

apply ru yi oil

Oh mcfluffy, apply ru yi oil to tummy and feet? Which part of the feet ah?

kitsune &amp; mylife

I have finished reading the Tracy Hogg book. Now reading another of her book with questions and answers. It's quite an interesting book I feel. I find the EASY step easy to follow. My son is following the routine quite ok. As least with a routine, I can get some work done when he is sleeping and I can also predict what he wants. But sometimes, when he cries, I will be lost again lah.

Anyway, I must agree that it's very difficult to follow strictly to anyone's routine/ method. Even for me, when it comes to evening + feeding, I just have to follow what my son wants.
If he doesn't finish his milk then don't force him...try to give him lesser milk but increase frequency lor...it's better for their reflux.

I know what you mean about the crying. During the peak of my boy's colic &amp; reflux days, he cried from 10am to 8pm...I felt so helpless, frustrated and depressed that I cried along with him. But it WILL get better...really. Just have to get through each day now and hope he gets better soon.
babies learn thru their 5 senses, and taste is 1 of them. Nxt time when they learn to crawl, just nice they're teething, so everything goes into the mouth, not just fingers.
I had lofty ideas on how often i was going to sweep/ mop the floor, wash his toys etc. In the end I just did what i could &amp; pray for protection!

Thanks for your feedback.

Today, I really cried in front of my hb when I was bathing my son. The crying is really something. *sigh*

I am feeding him EBM. If he doesn't finish, I sometimes heart pain. But now bo bian liao. As long he finish something, I am happy already.

went to the fair, bought nothing. kinda messy there. and too crowded. find the fair more for mummies-to-be bah. wanted to subscribe the mother &amp; baby magazine to get the huggies ultra diapers. end up it is out of stock liao and the stupid staff ask us to come back tomorrow to queue again to subscribe and get the diapers. We cant subscribe today and collect the diapers from their office or wat...so sickening.
RE: reflux
my baby got it when he was barely 2 months old. today, he merlioned twice. Once in the car, and another back home. straight after he finish his milk. He can still laugh after he vomit. Ai yo. I need to wait patiently for his reflux to go away. Sometimes, he will vomit together with a loud burp. I feel so scared sometimes too. Worse, the milk flow thro his nose as well. heartache ah!
Wah the adiri teats looks so cool!! First time I see something like tat. Try and tell me works or not.

Today I went expo, he cry, my mom bottle feed, he cry, rather dun drink, yell enough, slept again. Sigh... How like tat!!! How how how... went thru with #1, now again!

Why you cry?? Too stressed?
Ah capp, where did you get the Tracy hoggs book? what's the title? You cried because BB has reflux? Can understand, when we feel very helpless, tend to get emotional. I also cried when my BB has skin infection under armpit when she was just 2 weeks old. Felt so lousy as a mummy, my poor bb suffering and I didn't even know.

stop at 2 hor.
i also.. dunno how come others kids can guai guai sleep long long, my babies hv to stretch my limit for lack of sleeping time. I like the cranberry's song.. zombie zombie zombie

i'm too numb to cry liao.

anyways, normally my baby will poo 3-4 times a day. TOday only once. sighzzzz.. dun tell me he's saving all the poo for middle of the night.....
