(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Good Afternoon All Mummies

Me disappeared for 2 days, and only got time now to be online and read all threads. Been feeling very tired and weak for the 2 days, due to *wisdom* tooth choose to grow at this time (or me not wise enough for the post of a mummy *grin*).

Verene Ting
Thanks for the info on the Expo BB fair. I'll go on tml to check up if there's any good deals..

itok & kitsune_sg
I also find the foodcourt nothing much leh. But bo bian, I lazy to go all the way out to market so if I'm home the whole day, I just go there to ta bao. See when free, can go there "la kopi/tea" if our babies are kuai tat day.

RE: Teats turn cloudy
I'd experienced tat. But mine is b'coz the teats, after feeding FM, not properly washed using bottle liquid cleanser, then will turn cloudy. Nowadays, FM contain veg oil so after every feed definitely must use liquid cleanser to clean, not like last time use water rinse can already. Teats must clean properly if not baby will kena oral thrust, which my boy did.

I just on off latch him and supply began to drop. If not can get pills from gynae to stop the milk. I had the pills, but didn't eat. 2 small pills (half of tic-tac sweet size) cost me $30+, to be consume within 2 days, breast will stop producing milk.

Baby struggling during feed
My boy also does the same thing. Last time, kuai kuai drink finish, burp then sleep. Nowadays, head turn everywhere to kaypo while drinking milk and I gotta shift the bottle left and right to "ci hou" this "da shao ye".. Haiz.. This is the time where they start to see and recog things.

Baby watvhing TV
Any babies here know how to watch at TV? My boy seems to like watching tv, same as mummy, and will always turn towards the direction of e TV to look, even if its not on. My MBR has one and it's beside our bed. When the TV is in, he'll look at it and laugh, smile and make noises at it.

WendyG, I'm going back to work in end April, LC told me to pump every 3 hrs for 1 week, every 4 hours nex week, every 5 hours following week and finally every 6 hours to get body used to pumping schedule when back at work. When are you going back to work? Maybe can try to see if it'll relieve engorgement? :p
back in early apr. i'll pump every 3hrs as long as i can. Sometimes long meetings mean that i miss a session. And soon i'll stop due to sheer tiredness. i can live with engorgement as long as i wear a bra. At home i'm bra-less so can feel v heavy.
I see. I'm thinking of moving to every 4 hrly. My workplace is near home so should be able to pump at 7:30am, 11:30am & 3:30pm. Go home then can latch on at 7:30pm after dinner. But if 3:30pm got long meeting then die lor.

I also have engorgement at night or if I'm out for too long. Thought it's ok since I don't have fever, at home I also bra-less but end up with lumps all the time. Got to pay LC again for another screaming torture session yesterday. Painful lumps, got to work round the clock, and pop pills to increase supply etc. Sometimes think if give up BF, less problem. :/

Audrey, true true, food there is nothing much but convenient mah, plus got ntuc downstairs, can shop. Can always rush back to BF if necessary, we arrange to go lar, if not it'll never happen. haha.
Fern Lim
Not to worry too much, I'd also felt sad after giving birth to my boy. It could be that you are giving too much pressure to yourself, which I did then. I tot that I'm well-prepared before giving birth, but who noes I'm actually not. During that time I always think of what if this happened, what if that happened, why can't I do this right, am I not a good mummy to pressured myself. Luckily, my hb was supportive and encouraged me, else I think I really need to see a doc. Nowadays, I just take things one step at a time. However, the feeling comes back sometimes, when I felt pressurised (when baby is sick and not recovering after seeing so many times of doc) that I'm not capable of taking care of him alone.

RE: Baby falling sick
My boy has been sick for almost 3 weeks, starting from oral thrust to flu to blocked nose and cough. Been bring him to see PD (3 times) and KK Emergency Clinic (once). Finally, I'm starting to see the results of him recovering from all these illnesses. Oral Thrust recovered a week ago, blocked nose recovered 4 days ago, only left slight cough (cough only once or twice a day) now. There were times where he cough so badly that I cried and hb was so scared. Really can't bear to see my boy fo thru all these pain, been telling myself to take extra care of him. So evertime we go out, I say this cannot that cannot then hb say I'm a "gan cheong" spider.
husband will help me to clear blockage everyday. He learnt technique while watching LC massage me when i was still in hosp. save $$
Audrey, my daughter has so many dr appointment cards that I lose track of them. So far, she's seen PD for jaundice (then got hospitalised), skin infection, too much poo, no poo (got to insert enema), ear infection (saw GP twice, PD once & ENT specialist once). Next week, she got to go back for review. Currently, she is on both oral antibiotics and antibiotic ear drops. So sian to administer the medicine on a baby.
Sigh, my hubby never learn leh, he carrying baby in the room listening to my screams. Yesterday, he even received a phone call on his HP while in the room. I was trying not to scream. Had to ask him to go out of the room. :p

Great that you understand.. I am also super kan cheong plus worrier.. Guess like what you say.... take one step at a time.. My mil is taking care of him but sometime I still get worked up and worried for nothing cos onne coughm one sneeze and etc, we will start worrying for all sorts of things lor.. Thats just a typical kiasu mummy:p

Also, no body keen in getting FRiso GOld Infant from me.. Sell cheap cheap lah.. just used once leh.. very wasted if throw away sia.. none of you using this fomula meh..

DO contact me at 98276473(P)

My girl sometimes make many noise when she sleep, don't know is got phelgm or block nose. But i checked her nose, it's clear and she doesn't look like she got phelgm.. Do any mum have this problem too?
hi all mummies, long time din login liao.
my gal got red rashes on her face and arm...very worry. Her skin also very dry and sensitive. Is it ezcema?? I tried to apply baby oil b4 bath and lotion after bath. Anyone using QV bath oil & lotion? Is it good?
You can try to feel her breathing, by placing your hand on her chest. If got phelgm, her breathing will not be smooth and you can feel some vibration when her chest inflate. Coz my boy got cough with phelgm, and when I place my hand on his chest, his breathing got some vibration.
Yen, if you not seeing PD, try Baby sebamed special healing cream on the rashes, can buy from pharmacy or Kiddy Palace. Should work.
I agree with you on administering medications on baby. My boy cries when given med initially, now like he used to it and cry lesser (I pratice toking to him while administering them). Anyway, I pm you my contact to easy arrange for meet up at CC sometime.
i tried before, everything seems normal just that got the noise thats all. She look peaceful n comfortable too. She's not coughing or seems to have that problem when she's awake. Just that sometime she will take deep breath once a while.
Kitsune, the sebamed cream can apply on face?? safe to eat?? My gal likes to put her hands in her mouth. Plan to bring her see PD if still not ok these two days.
thanks. I think maybe never wash clean enough? I use liquid cleanser to wash but use very sparingly. Sometimes, I know my mum doesn't even use cleanser to wash. Just use water.

bebe yan
I read that it's normal for babies to make a lot of noise when sleeping. I used to have this problem too. But i realised that if I diligently burp her and carry her upright for sometime before putting her down to sleep, she doesn't really make noise until she wants to get up to feed.

I read from website that for NUK latex teats, use the boiling method. Boil 3 mins will do. Last time I still use electric steamer, steam for 8 mins! No wonder turn all white and sticky. I'm poisoning my baby. bah. Ignorant mummy here.
The Diaper bag looks quite nice! Interested also but I wanna see the interior. You think it's useful or not? Have not see any backpack diaper bags that look nice leh. Cannot possibly ask hubby to carry such diaper bags right? Pink especially. Haha.

oh.. like that i fan xing le...

Cloudy Teats

Try soaking in boiling water, it makes it less cloudy and the oily base is gone. Must use boiling water.
THanks blackbatz! You still take photo for me to see. THank you and sorry to trouble u!! Do you stack them on top of each other after they've frozen? I find that they will slip down. Or do you have other methods?

oh yah, and do you store only 180ml (6ounces) as indicated in instructions?

Now my freezer is filled with standing upright and lying down milkbags. heh... I feel so accomplished. Haha.
Have u try let yr baby taking the frozen BM?? My gal dun like the frozen BM le. Dun know is the freezer not cold enough or the milkbags problem.
mom2nat, try to train him bottle feed so that when you are busy at least got others help you bottle feed. From starting I have giving my boy mixture.

Now I have been expressing 3 times a day during work. Normally morning session at 1030am often very difficult to get letdown. Sometimes I do hate when expressing.

Now my boy seldom wake up for milk middle of the nite. I have to wake up to pump too. Sometimes at 4am plus. So far I also don't freeze the BM cos understand some nutrients will be lost when freezing and the taste is different.

Oil in the milk bottle and teats must use hot water. Like Bebe yan said.

Audrey, maybe you can apply a bit of vicks on his chest and back and behind the ears and bottom of his feets. He will feel better.
Can stack on top of one another or use a tray to help them stand upright. Freezer looked neater and uncluttered.

I store based on the amount which I expressed from the bottle, usually around 120 ml to 150 ml. Never reach 180ml.

Any teats will decolourised when placed in the steam sterilizer..Silicon will turn cloudy, Latex will turn white.
hee, i tot my son is weird. so it is normal to move when feeding ah.. i also scare feeding him, cos he will keep move his head left and right... den stretch, aiyo.....
thank you vvvv much! :D

Meaning I cannot use steam steriliser to sterilise teats?! Since discoloration = not good? Is it? If so, I'm going to sell away my steam steriliser liao. Cannot everything throw in to sterilise then got what use? Troublesome!

Yup, tried before. She doesn't really like the taste. But sometimes, she doesn't mind the whole bottle FEBM. Nowadays, I mix FEBM with chilled EBM. She takes it fine. hehe.
You can call kkh hotline @ 62944050 and tell them you want to speak to LC. They'll take your name and contact. Afterwhich a LC will call you and ask abt your prob. I've tried that. LC Yen Ping is not bad thou I didn't see her personally, but received her advise thru phone. Another LC, Cynthia (senior LC) is good and i've seen her personally. Normally, Yen Ping is the one who takes all the cases and occassionally pass to Cynthia. Came across Cynthia as Yen Ping was on MC tat day and fine her really helpful.
Same here. I've got 2 steam steriliser some more, yet I'm using boiling method to sterilise all my boy's bottles and stuff. So now the steam sterilisers can only sit inside their box. Bo bian, I' afraid his opal thrust comes back again.
I just saw Yen Ping yesterday for another torture session, price up already $53+ include gst. Must bring your own pump and take panadol 1 hour before your appt with her. Joked with Yen ping that I should had taken lots of ponstan instead, so painful. :p
When Cl was ard, she bottle fed him when I went out. But after she left, he dun wan bottle liao leh. My fren say cos our babies grow bigger, smarter liao, can tell the diff. I tried many kinds of teats, diff ways blah blah.. he will cry until like I torture him, v poor thing. V hungry oso dunwan to take. When I go out, my mom say he take v little oso. Sigh... I oso wan to train him, but he dun wan, just like #1. I have so many kinds of bottles all thanks to #1 refusing bottles! Sigh...
mei heehee ya loh the 3 mths rule ....... sigh ... but i still went out jus now hahahah went PP to develop photos and oso keke bought some clothings for myself hahah my husband is nagging me already!
Hi All

Bottle Feeding
To all mummies who bottle feed their babies with wide neck bottles. Did anyone notice that there is a slight bruise mark (slight reddish) on your baby's mouth (between the upper lip and nose)? I noticed that my boy's mouth seems a bit reddish, not sure if its due to him sucking the bottle to hard and bruised himself. He only has Avent milk bottles.

My baby also the same, kept turning here and there while feeding, aiyo, so frustrated. When I latched him, I feel that he treats my nipple like a toy! So bruised.
Re: MIM Sling

Any mummies using it? Got one hand me dwn recently, but dunno hw to use ley...feel so clumsy...any advise?
