(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

wendgy, ur son got so much hair! ;)

itok, i used to like Maclaren one. but realised that i need to go out on my own, so won't be handle that stroller. Bought Capella which is also very light, can open singled handedly. Cheap some more....
Was looking at Combi cos also very light...but when i went to try out, realised too light, seemed to easily topple over if i hang heavy bags on the handle.

babe, my gal also has some red blood vessels in the whites of her eyeballs,should be ok right?


r u refering to those electric belt thingy for slimming waist? like osim u zap? i sqeeze is for legs rite?

if u refering to u zap, then i will tell u my gynae discourage the use of that cos she said will cause bladder problem when we age.

r u on fish oil during preg? if yes, u may considering taking now also cos it will help in post natal blues

hope by the time u see my post, u r feeling better now...

somebody asking abt washing of cot bumper?

i washed the bedsheet abt 3-5 days and cot bumper abt 1-1.5 weeks. my boy now mainly sleep on a rocker in living rm or sleeping on my bed. he oni sleep in his cot bed at night
I dropped A LOT of hair after delivering #1 and it lasted until bb almost 10mths old! can't remember when it started but it was really scary. My pillow, floor, bath room... in fact everywhere you can find my hair!! hopefully it won't happen again.

my bb is doing this now. Woke up and not feeding time yet. He's on bouncer and will fuss anytime soon! i'll have to carry and talk to him and walk around the house..

Re: Maclaren Techno
I'm using one and have no problem going out alone with bb. Though it's heavy i don't carry it. i'll push it to the road and cabby will help to put in boot. Closing is easy. And with some practice, opening it is not an issue too. Usually cabby will hold it straight for me while i open it. I like it cos it's sturdy and I've no problem going up and down escalator...
<font color="aa00aa">re: Maclaren Techno
me also been using maclaren techno. open and closing is easy. also no problem going out alone with #1 when using this stroller. haven try for #2 and #1 together yet. haha...</font>
mom2nat, when bottle feed him he is ok. When latch on he will also fall asleep. But the mouth is still moving.

He seems like sleeping boy if I latch on. But when I put him on the bed he will wake up then would play with him a while. If he wants to sleep he will also make noise telling us time to sleep. Now I am already back to work, so I have to bottle feed him on weekdays and latch on from the evening and weekends. Really quite tired of expressing in the office cos scare people saying me MIA for so long.
what is milk rash?
is it one spot or patches?

my girl also got one white spot above her lips, many weeks liao.. is tht milk rash?
it looks like a little pimple to me. anyone know what is it &amp; how to get rid of it?

fern: me also v upset with my weight. still got more than 10kg to shed leh, do guys know if slimming salons work?
me got c section , so cant even exercise, hw to shed???
qq: tongtong v preety! my girl juz shaved her head las week, so now she is a cute botak girl!

I'm also a c-sect Mummy. Gynae said cannot do any exercises or slimming treatments for at least 6 months. Now also have about 10 more kg to shed. Sighz!
Hi Mummies

Juz wondering for those bottle feeding bb, do yr bb struggle alot and seems v uncomfortable during feeds. Mine recently struggles alot after i burped him and wanna continue feeding in the middle of his feed. He's not like that last time ley...so wondering what's wrong
Any mummies got the same prob?

I am facing the same problem like u. Last time, feeding my son is still ok. He will fuss if we were to remove the bottle half-way to burp him. So what we did was just let him lead us. When he kinda stop eating (after about 90ml of feed), we'll burp him. Then we continue.

But now, huh, nightmare. After the burp, he will struggle like hell and cries. He now even knows how to push the bottle away with his hands. So I also don't know if he wants to continue or not. I checked with my friend's mum who is looking my friend's 2 children. She told me that the baby thought that after the burp, he can rest. But we put the teat back and he has to work again. So that's why he cries. Thus, since yesterday, I persist and don't care about his crying after the burp. Indeed after a min or 2 of crying and struggling, he continues to drink as if nothing has ever happened! A bit amazing, but this is the case for my son.

Oh, another thing I noticed sometimes my son will eat happily, and then suddenly cry non-stop. I found out that he has gas so I have to burp him before he can calm down again.

I would say all the crying really makes me crazy n lost. Because my hb thought I was forcing our son to eat, when in actual fact, he still wants to eat. *shake head*
just a short post on BF...

mommies doing total latch on. After our milk supply has established, we're not supposed to feel engorged or have problems with leakage anymore. Here's some good advices from my BF support group in HK. If we feel too engorged and doing both latch and pump, we're actually hvg "oversupply problem"...

Just cutting and paste here for everyone's references:

<font color="0000ff">It is not actually necessary (or even possible) to “empty” your breasts. And if you do try it tends to take longer for your body to adjust to the “normal”, as apposed to the “early” (round about the first 12 weeks), stage of lactation.

The reason that the “empty your breast” advise is given is that before mothers were told to stop feeding after ten minutes on each side. This casued problems as babies weren't drinking enough milk - so to overcome this problem mothers were told to “empty” their breasts.

I would recommend that you feed until the baby comes off (or falls asleep) on one side and offer the second side. If the baby takes the second side that is fine and if the baby doesn’t take the second side that is also fine. And even if the baby feeds on one side, changes to the second side and then wants the first side again – that is also fine.

Sometimes it is difficult to know which side to feed on next. Some mothers use a safety pin on their bras, others swap a ring on their fingers. There is even a company making special bracelets so you know which side to use. But if you make a mistake and feed on the wrong side it quickly become obvious and you can stop and swap sides.

A lot of people are surprised that breastfed babies don’t drink more as they grow older but it is milk quality that changes not the quantity. Your milk changes from the beginning of the feed to the end of the feed, from the beginning of the day to the end of the day and also as the baby grows – so that it is always prefect for your baby.

I don’t know why people are suggesting that you “pump pump pump” because if you pump as well as breastfeeding you will end you with too much milk. (Over supply has just as many associated problems as under supply – if not more.) And if you pump instead of feeding you will find it much harder work and may end up with under supply problem because direct breastfeeding is much more stimulating to your body than pumping.

“So does that mean that I don’t have to feel engorged to know there's milk inside and that IT IS OKAY to just have enough even if baby feeding schedule is erratic?” – YES

When a baby goes through a growth spurt she isn’t increasing your supply but rather feeding more because she wants to eat more. If you suddenly wanted to gain 2 lbs in a day you too would need to eat more calories and the easiest way to do this is to fit in more meals. It is the same with the baby during the growth spurt she has more feeds. Your body just replaced the milk she takes out so as she takes more milk out – you replace more.

Please bring your baby with you to the meetings – all the other mothers do. I think the flu season will be over very soon, maybe even by 25th March (our next meeting in Central) but if not definitely by 8th April (next meeting in Happy Valley).

It is really difficult to say when she will feed at a longer interval and for shorter time. Some babies are doing so by three months and other not by six months. It is very usual for a baby to have three different patterns of feeding within the day.

Often the morning time is quite regular with feeds at say 7:00 am. 9:30 am and 12:00 noon (regular pattern of 2.5 hours between feeds). Then there is a part of the day where they sleep longer – maybe even 5 hours – and, of course, you hope this is during the night but it isn’t always. The third pattern is one of making up for the feeds they missed while asleep and so they cram lots of feeds into a short interval – maybe 5 or 6 feeds in just 3 or 4 hours. This is called cluster feeding but I tend to think of it as a Chinese Banquet. (see thread entitled Not enough milk - Top up bottles, http://www.geobaby.com/forum/not-eno...t119515p2.html)

The relationship between how much sugar and fat is in your milk is much more complicated than saying “the hind milk comes after x minutes”.

When your breasts are full the milk has more sugar in it (this is called foremilk) and as your breasts are emptying the fat content of the milk increases (this is called hind milk). The change – a decrease in sugar and an increase in fat – occurs smoothly. There is no jump when the milk suddenly has more fat and becomes hind milk.

If your baby manages to take most of the milk in your breasts when he feeds then at each feed your milk will have more sugar at the beginning and more fat at the end.

If, however, you have more milk than the baby can take in one feed (the usual case) then your milk will have more sugar in the morning and more fat in the evening. And it is possible that the milk at the start of an evening feed has more fat content than the milk at the end of a morning feed!

What I really want to say is please don’t worry about foremilk and hind milk. Your baby is already two months old and doing well. You have no problems with your milk or your breastfeeding. Try to relax and enjoy your baby - you are doing great.

The way the breast works is NOT like the way the bottle works. With a bottle - it is full, partially full or empty – and once empty you have to refill it. Whereas the breast is never empty because YOU ARE ALWAYS MAKING MILK. The only time you stop making milk is when your breasts are so full they can’t hold any more.

It is not volume that can be stored but rate of making the milk that is important. You don’t have to hold the 750 mls the baby drinks each day all at once. But you do need for your breasts to be making milk at an average rate of around 30 mls per hour (= 720 mls per 24 hours) - remember that is only 15 mls per hour per breast.

Milk is being produced at all times, with rate of making depending upon how empty the breast is. When your breast is full your milk production is slow. But when your breasts are empty your milk production is fast.

Milk collects in your breasts between feedings, so the amount of milk stored in the breast between feedings is greater when more time has passed since the last feed. The more milk in the breast, the slower the rate of making milk.

To speed the rate of making milk and increase daily milk production, the key is to remove more milk from the breast and to do this FREQUENTLY, so that less milk accumulates in the breast between feedings:

In practice, this means that a mother who wishes to increase milk supply should aim to keep the breasts as empty as possible throughout the day. And the mother who wants to decrease her milk should leave longer between emptying the breast. Leaving longer between feeds can be difficult as babies still want to feed often so we suggest block feeding where you feed on one side for x number of hours and for the next x hours on the other side – thus leaving more milk in the breast and slowing the rate of making the milk.

Linda Smith explains how this works with her 80:20 concept. The 80 percent is the usual amount of milk taken by baby each day. The 20 percent is the residual amount of milk that remains in mother's breasts. If more than 80 percent of the milk is removed, supply increases to maintain the 80-20 ratio. If less than 80 percent is removed, supply decreases to maintain the 80-20 ratio.
How Mother's Milk Is Made

Another good article is How does milk production work?

Problems for the baby with forceful let-down and oversupply:
Gag, choke, strangle, gulp, gasp, cough while nursing as though the milk is coming too fast
Pull off the breast often while nursing
Clamp down on the nipple at let-down to slow the flow of milk
Make a clicking sound when nursing
Spit up very often and/or tend to be very gassy
Periodically refuse to nurse
Dislike comfort nursing in general

Problems for the mother with over supply:
Prolonged engorgement
Repeated plugged ducts – possibly resulting in repeated mastitis if not treated quickly.

Pumping occasionally to let the baby’s father do a feed should be no problem, especially as your baby is now two months old. We recommend that this practice isn’t started before the baby really knows how to breastfeed – usually around the four to six week mark.

If your baby isn't use to the father holding her I'd suggest that he try to hold her as much as possible, especially while she is calm and happy (when she is asleep is ideal). My husband used to love holding our babies and watching the TV at the same time.

Let’s say you’ve just feed your baby and she took lots of your milk so that there isn’t much left in the breast. So now your breast is nearly empty thus you are making milk very fast. As your breast fills up the rate of making milk slows down. So after a while you are half full. But it could take the same time again to get to three quarters full (because the rate has slowed). Then the same time again to get to seven eights full, etc. Remember you have to go through the fast rate of making milk to get to the slow rate and will only get to the slow rate when you have quite a lot already stored in your breasts.

It doesn’t really matter when the baby feeds if your breasts are full or empty. As it is the vigorousness that the baby feeds with that determines how much milk the baby gets out. When talking about breastfeeding never forget the baby in the equation.

I think I’ve complicated the whole situation by trying to explain how the breast works because it doesn’t matter. The breast still works even if we don’t understand it (just like gravity). All the knowledge we have these days is getting in the way of natural breastfeeding.

Let’s stop and think about how mothers managed hundreds of years ago. They didn’t know about fore milk and hind milk (only discovered 15 years ago), they didn’t know about pumping and storing milk, they didn’t know exactly how the milk was made (again only learnt inthe last 20 years). All they knew was that if you kept feeding your baby your body looked after the workings for you and the baby grew.

From everything you’ve told me I can tell that your baby is getting enough milk and so you have a healthy milk supply. Let your body do its work – the only thing you need to do to keep your milk is to keep feeding your baby.

As your baby grows your body is expecting your baby to grow. Part of the baby growing is that there is longer between feeds – your body is expecting this and will cope with it.

When your baby is between 12 and 24 months the number of feeds will be a lot less than now (maybe just one or two feeds a day). But if you continue to feed her your body will continue to make milk. As babies wean themselves it is possible to have gaps as long as a week or even two between feeds and there is still milk there for when the baby wants to feed – no pumping is required – just a baby growing up.

The only time you need to pump is to collect milk for a time when you will not be with your baby to feed her. There is no point pumping when you are planning to stay together. And as you are now worried about possible over supply I’d stop all unnecessary pumping.

On a normal day the baby will take about 75% of the milk you have stored in your breasts. So when there is a growth spurt you have the other 25% to give her. After she has fed you make milk very fast and so even if she wants to feed 15 minutes late you still have loads to give her. If you truly think that she has drunk all the milk – give her the other side – it will definitely have milk there. Why do you think we were made with two breasts? After all having twins isn’t common.

It really doesn’t matter why your baby wants to nurse – she may be hungry, or thirsty, or bored, or lonely, or too hot, or too cold, or frighten by something, or sleepy or almost anything. If she wants to nurse letting her is never the wrong thing to do. And breastfeeding will solve all these problems so it doesn’t really matter what the problem is.</font>

For your reading pleasure!
Thanks for the informative article. At least it cleared some questions which I had in my mind all this while. Most of you would express after you feed the baby. Sometimes, Zach would only want his milk after I have completed expressing. No choice, got to give him and he would suckle happily. I always wonder if he had enough milk and suspect that I did not empty breast completely. Now I know that still got 15% storing somewhere. ha..ha..ha..
My boy dun wan bottle leh. So he latch most of the time. SIgh...
My engorgement depends... sometimes will sometimes wont. Usually is 1 side. Tat day I went out for 4 hours, i came home the breasts so full, when i take off my bra, it leaked non stop! drip all over my toilet floor.

Itok / Babe
Well, my boy can nap 15min then startle, then looking for breasts. Or half an hour., then I oso dunno to give or not. I try to rock, pat, blah blah.. he will yell the house down lor... I oso v puzzled how to go abt training him.

I dunno I can tahan the weight or not. Cos last time I used a Graco citisport, I will carry the whole pram with my girl inside, up and down staircases!

Tks for the article
wa so much to catch up here..really need time to read up..hehe

went out yesterday to do my long overdue rebonding, finally keep my lionhead in check..haha

Sold my place last weekend and am now looking for a good unit in Tampines/Sengkang area. Viewed quite a number of units, still can't find one ideal place..hiaz..really not easy to find a place that we like.

I've added you in my multiply contact :)
i tried carrying Maclaren with my boy in it and i can't do it at all. too heavy. When out and if there is staircase, i'll ask for help.

Thanks for sharing. Now i know why my boy nurse for 10-15mins and refuse to drink anymore. He nurse best when i feed him lying down.
Usually, after 10 pm, my boy will root around for my nipple. Suckle for comfort. I tried not to give him by rocking, patting, cuddling, etc but it wouldn't work. Yesterday, tried giving him pacifier and it works. Within 3 minutes, he calmed down and fell asleep. I quickly took out the pacifier (hopefully, he won't get addicted to it like his gor gor).

I'm using the Maclaren Classic and I like it for its sturdiness, can go up escalator and pavement easily. But really have not strength to carry the whole pram up and down the staircase.

Mom using strollers, do we put our babies at an angle, flat, or upright?? I forgot liao...
Ya I am refering to Osin UZap.. If not was thinking of getting the OTO slimming belt. How is your gyne able to gauge? As I believe diffrent gyne has diff opnions ya? Haha... that means all those who uses that product will have bladder prob when aged? Kinda of concern:p

YOu mean both brands are not ok at all? None of you own it at all meh? How about silmming centres.. Arent it the same? they also use those tremling belt or hot effects etc.. Arent those the same too?? Just a tot?

Re Fish Oil.
Yup I am taking... Is this normal.. none od you are like me.. Argz.. that mekes me feel indiffrent lehz

thanks anyway
hihi, I do go to Karri sometimes when I was sick, haha, the dr quite handsome and jovial. He even blogs about food, was featured in Sunday Lifestyle before but I forgot the address. Anyway, the first benefit of BF pian ren de, my BB also kenna ear infection though I TBF. Asked my GP why and he cited low crime doesn't mean no crime. Ke si ren.

My BB saw ENT dr at KK today, given antibiotic ear drops. Saw KK LC again, she cleared the lumps again, damn painful. Now then she tell me must continue to pump or latch through the night if not the lumps will keep recurring. No wonder. :p BB just fell asleep, got to wake up at 3am again to pump. Sigh, how to sleep like that?

Thanks for the feedback on the stroller... Will try and check out the Maclaren as well. So far, I have not brought baby out yet, except to PD which is within walking distance from my mum's place, or to and fro from my place to my mum's place (10 mins drive) so I have no experience of how to handle baby when out. The trips to PD already feel very stressful for me coz I always will forget to bring something then end up very panicky when outside.

Re: baby struggling when drinking milk
Yup, I face the same issue sometimes. He will struggle and move all about when drinking.. like move his head up and down, left and right, hands and legs kicking etc. Last time (as in compared to say 2 weeks ago), he wasn’t like that. I think coz 2 weeks ago, he still small whereas now he is bigger and stronger already so can karate.

Usually what I do is to move the milk bottle in the direction he moves his head. However, if cannot keep up with his vigorous movement, I will take out the bottle for a quick while and wait for him to “settle/ calm down” then put the teat back into his mouth again.

Anyway, I don’t practice the middle of feed burp coz if I burp him halfway then wanna continue feeding him, he will refuse to drink liao. Additionally, if wanna remove the bottle to burp halfway, he may cry coz like so hungry and we still wanna disturb him like that.

You are moving to Tampines? Hope you find one soon… and join us in the east.
Yup, really very difficult to find a good unit that you like… good luck!

dun worry... initial stage my bou got a lot of colic and he cried non stop and cried even worse when i carried him. but he stops crying when he was taken over by my hubby or my mum. it happen a lot a lot of times. make me very depress and the moment i hand him over i go straight to my bedrm to cry...


u sold ur place? so now where u staying? any alternative like gg to ur mum's place to stay for a while? cos if u sell high u will buy high also rite? but shifting is no joke...

Re: colic/ persistent crying

how do u know your boy has colic? is it characterized by persistent crying? every night when I bring my boy back from my mum's place to my own place around 7plus pm, he will cry. no matter how we carry also no use. i read something about over-simulation in babies... sometimes when there is a change in surroundings, they cry. Donno why mine is like that. Coz there was a day I didn't go my mum's place and stayed at my own house the whole day, he didn't cry. Anyone's baby had such issue before?
Hi AhChapp/itok

Thank u so much for sharing. At least I'm not the only soul here facing this prob. It's really a drag for me to feed him nw...hee. Nw b4 i start feeding him, i'll look at him and say "let's start the fight"...hahaha. Dunno whn will all this end ley

Btw, any idea whn bb colic and reflux will go off? Whn they start on solid? Like say 6 mths?

Re: Rashes
Mummies, if your babies have rashes around the neck area, can try using Johnson &amp; Johnson Diaper rash cream...it works wonders! As for rashes on the face, I use Baby Sebamed Special Healing Cream which is quite effective.

Re: Colic
My PD say colic is also called "100 day cry"...self explanatory...it will usually go away by 3-4 months. My boy's colic was very bad in the 2nd month but gradually improving. He used to fuss &amp; cry every evening and sometimes throughout the day but now reduced to 2-3 times a week and usually only in the evening. But once in a while he will still fuss the whole day. No choice lah, must have patience. I also run of of patience sometimes and "qurrel" with him...haha.
Re: Colic
Correct me if I am wrong.. but I thought colic is like a lot of gas in the stomach?? Or is it just crying non-stop? My PD din say my son has colic.. so I just assume he don't have. I donno why he cries though. But he only cries when we return back from my mum's place at night. and this arrangement started after my confinement ended- so to say, during confinement, he didn't cry in the evening.

100 day cry? Wa lau... my son is only 50 days old today.. dont tell me another 50 days to go? peng san liao

my bb boy struggle when we feed him sometimes. moving arms and kicking. and his body slide down when feeding half way..always need to re-adjust feeding position half way. keke.

YES! My boy will kick and stretch his legs like wanna stand up like that so his body will SLIDE down halfway during feeding.

see already really wanna laugh at him man!
i was from the east, been living in Bedok Reservoir area since dunno when, when my mother moved, still in the area, coincidentaly, my hubby was also staying in bedok reservoir area since young.

It's a joke. When we bought our flat, we didn't want kids so don't mind the small living area with no dining space. Now we find it too cramp ourselves, no space for my girl to play, so decided to sell. Surprisingly, the cost of 5 room now is only slightly more then my 4 room now. Kind of lucky i guess.
ya lor...my boy also...really gotta hold him tight whn comes to feeding! But i like seeing him in his hungry face...so cute n funny...crazy mummy ah...ha.
hi mommies

i brought danelle for the 6 in 1 and pneumococcal jab yesterday. the total cost was ard $410 incl. of infant drops panadol and consultation. is tat consider cheap???
Bebe yan
Giselle looks so sweet! Really pretty

Is this Danelle 2nd 6 in 1 jab? Sounds like a bit on the high side. i'm paying $440 for 3 jabs and PD is charging $169 per jab for pneumococcal, price inclusive of constultations and panadols.
Haha.. I agree.. though I am the impatient sort.. feeding him can be fun and cute! Esp when he suckle so fast and when you disturb him.. remove the bottle and put back a few times.. aiyo he fuss and screamm.. but in a very lovable way! Esp when he make his mouth in a way that simply makes your heart melt! And yea.. he like always trying to flip over.. ANd my ELias love staring at the ceilinG!! Curious little fellow

My ELias also exclaim in his bb language.. Aiyah...after his feed.. SO cute! thats the only word I can make up! I love seeing him in his sleep too.. Either.. Smiling so sweetly or crying so sadly.. SO many diffrent expresion he can make:p
Colic is stomach pain that cause by wind in stomach and babies normally cries a lot in the night due to this factor.
Morning all!!! Mei I am here hahaha MIA yesterday cos not working and went taka with TT .... always bring her out sure rain de dunno why hahahah a...... am not working today oso wanna bring TT go lunch with my colleague cos they wanna see her ... but seems like wanna rain again
my gal also struggles a lot at certain times of the day. can struggle until she end up head on my lap. at first on my arm, then to my body, den to my lap. heh.
Mine is GAL leh.. so active! Everytime i feed her, I just pray for a smooth feed. Finish all milk at one go and NO struggling and QUICK burping. That's all.
pigeon Y teats

I've just started using Y teats and realised that it's really quite leak proof as stated on the box. No matter how I shake, I can never get a few drops of milk out to test the temperature unless I press on the teat! Like that how I test the temperature? Also, is it normal for the teats to turn cloudy after use? I've been sterilising in my electric steamer. Ok right? Skarli I do the wrong thing again. That time I went to steam my NUK latex teats. So stupid. Use a while, spoil liao.
mine didn't turn cloudy.. or is it becoz mine havent use for long? I started using about 2 weeks ago.

did u wash with the bottle liquid cleanser?
Mummies who stopped bf -
How did you all go about it? Did you express milk less often in a day till finally maybe once a day then supply dwindle? Or just stop pumping altogether and let the breast feel engorged and hard then supply will dry up or something???

so how should NUK teats be sterilised?

during #1 bf days, i din hv engorgement during my ML, and for the remaining months that i bf while i'm working. But hor, he had problms sleeping coz i was low in supply (dat's why no engorgement ma). 3.5kg at birth, i insisted on TBF. So he was hungry all the time even tho he was latched on all the time. For months I woke up 3-4 times at night to latch him on, in the end it became a lousy sleep association - everytime he came into light sleep he couldn't fall back to sleep on his own so had to latch him on. Tried water, patting etc.. no use. So many times nearly dropped him coz i was so so tired.. daytime work, night time latch.
This time, with another large bb (4.5kg at birth), I told myself he gotto eat enuf to sleep enuf. And thus the oversupply. Baby drinks a lot when latched on, but only 40ml from bottle. But what to do, i gotto go back to work soon &amp; he has to get used to the bottle right? So i pump every time he's taking bottle.. he takes 40ml vs my boobs supply 200ml. Yes, it's very troublesome to be engorged and need to pump for comfort.. i was thinking back to those days 2yrs back "how come that time my boobs not so problematic??" Maybe after i start work, they will adjust to the 3 hourly pump &amp; be more obedient. In the meantime, i just gotto find somewhere to store all the excess febm. Yeah, i know abt the quality of bm changing thru the day &amp; months, but maybe i'll mix the old febm with FM when baby is older, or give to my older boy. Save a bit of $$ to buy milk.
<font color="aa00aa">hammies03,
for my #1, i express less often and slowly it will stop. there are medication u can take to stop breastfeeding too.</font>


i took Dostinex to stop BM. You need to get prescription from doc &amp; buy from pharmacy. The tiny pills (2tabs) cost $40plus. You can also try to pump less often to wean off BM.
