(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

the other Tracy hogg book I also have..smtg abt problem solved one rite? Dats where I read abt how to burp reflux babies! Don't cry la...I second yvonne's saying, it WILL get better one..tell yourself dat! Last time my bb merlioned damn jialat I also cry with her, then slowly everytime she regurgitates I will wipe it off and say "its ok, its ok, jus a little bit, don't cry..." haha, hubby said I'm not comfortg bb, more like comfortg myself! Don't cry when bb crying, be calm, we all know its VERY overwhelming at times...but ask urself, is bb growing? Is he gaining weight? Crying is wat bb does mah..my PD even joked asked me to stuff my ears with cotton!

wahhhh cry from 10am to 8pm? Mine not so jialat lay, worst from 6-10pm and I was also cryg liao!

sorry I forgot all abt u askg HK! Erm...really depends on wat u like. June is very hot & humid. The summer sale starts in July. In sept still relatively hot, but got sales leftovers from summer sales and many shops throw out good bargains from summer season with limited sizes avail...But in june u get the new arrivals in all the sizes lah! Dec u get to enjoy the winter weather plus also off season clothes
up to ur preference lo!

For babies, I hv learnt dat a very important parenting lesson...we can hv idealistic tots and ways of wat routine and method to raise them..but every bb is different, in the end, hv to throw all books out the window and trust ur instinct of wat suits ur bb best becos they are unique individual beings...this will serve us best when bb grow up to be toddlers, kids and then teenagers. I tink as parents we will always visualized wat WE wan idealistically, but we shud also rem they are unique individuals
Hsving said that,I hv my overwhelmed days too where I need to rant and get some consolation & support too hehe

cool hor!!! I tink I'm gonna buy it this weekend and try...will keep u posted.

Re: hiccups

I let my baby drink some water if the hiccups take long time ....

yen u still swaddle ur baby?
u can get the book from either library or buy from major bookstores, its called The Baby Whisperer.

forgot to add, I also tried the Easy method, morning quite smooth but from 6pm onwards like haywire liao! Same! Keke

frequent hiccuping is one of the symptoms of reflux babies
Thanks, mylife. Will ask hubby to borrow from library or buy from Times bookshop at TM.

First time i went in August years ago, there were lots of good buys Buy clothes, shoes & bags
, 2006 I went in June, everything so expensive, end up not buying much, only 1 skirt, 1 bag and 1 wallet. Wish I can go in July but sigh, with my hubby's schedule fat hope lor cos no school hols in July. :p Think I'll aim for September then.

WendyG, today even my brother ask me about no. 2. Sigh, told him wait for me to have amnesia first and if I have no. 2, I need to stop work or get a maid or both.

But then not young anymore, so I'll seriously try for #2 when #1 can walk, talk and is toilet trained. Anyone knows when is that? :p
morning ladies,

today morning i throw away some frozen EBM as my freezer is full with EBM.
Anyone know what can we do with the excess frozen EBM? I gave away 40 packs previously, but this time round, the mummy cant collect in time, thus i have to throw away the older ones. feel so heartpain!
mylife, ahcapp
i find the routine so hard to implement leh. sometimes really wonder if it works at all?!? anyway i guess what u say is right lah.. just do whatever bit we can and take the cue fr our bb the most cos they r all diferent n hv their own temperament. i still carry her until she sleep, but 5 min later she wake up again then i hv to carry her again. can do this like 10-20 times then she dont wanna sleep liao :p i dunno. i just waiting for her to turn 3 mths which is next wk, then i see what to do.... hope she will change by herself? hee hee

now got new problem too. keep sucking her hand/mittens! try to give her pacifier but she doesnt want. scared develop into bad habit man. n she does this when she's sleeping/about to sleep
Then dun pump so much. I can pump more than wat my baby needs and store, but if I am gg to bf for the next say 6 months,.. then end up those in the freezer oso have to dump. So might as well spend more time resting, surfing net, play with baby, rather than pump and give away. Heee...

Exactly!!! When I have #1, I wanted this this this, train this and tat, blah blah... train her to sleep, blah blah... end up ah, it is the temperament of the child. I always hear MTB saying, wah they want their hbs to wake up and help, they wan their babies to sleep thru, wan this wan tat.... end up ah, get more stressed up and upset. So now hor, I try to enjoy my children more, dun be so rigid, though I hope they will be guai guai and follow routine find.
as a guideline
my #1 walked at 15m, could say first few words b4 12m, until now partially toilet trained. He's 32m.
Icy's baby is toilet trained for poo at 2m.

i'm borrowing my neighbour's freezer to store. Thankfully their freezer quite empty one. U could buy a deep freezer (those that store ice cream).
to reduce pump... dun empty boobies, just pump until comfortable and STOP.

i pump 5min only, maybe twice a day. Mainly to relieve engorgement, not to store. But since i pump, might as well store right. I'll exceed the 2m guideline, but what the heck. now i'm giving my #1 60ml daily, mixed into his 240ml of fresh milk. Hope to increase the qty gradually, & he can help to clear the backlog.
Hmm... looks like should target #2 from June 09 onwards, when BB is 17 months. #1 must be in playgroup before having #2, hopefully, can aim zun zun for school hols. haha.

Yesterday, BB slept from 12+ to 4am, still not good but at least improving. On our own tonight cos MIL going to attend wedding dinner. Keeping fingers crossed. :p
My boy pooed successfully into potty yesterday. But today at Hougang, every thing went haywire, forgot to let him sit on the potty immediately after feed. All efforts gone to waste, must try again tomorrow.

At least your #1 can help you drink. Mine is poisoning him!!

I'm very worried that my #2 will only drink when he smells my boobs especially at night. Starting next week, I will wean off his night feeds although I wouldn't start work till July.

u are also excited to have another baby. keke. I will trying for one soon. perhaps start in Apr 08 bah.

Any idea that companies cant retrench preggies?
Verene, bo bian I'm old liao mah, cannot wait too long. Wa you earlier than me, the earliest I'll start trying after I stop BF at least another 4 months later unless I fail to BF after going back to work. Haha.
Kitsune and Verene,
Just my gal friend experience. She also felt that she was very old and went ahead to start another one quickly. She's siz months pregnant while her #1 is at the crawling and starting to walk stage. She felt that it is very siong as she had to bend down very often. Backache.

Pros of having two babies very close : No need to re-start engine like me. My #1 is quite independent, can go shopping easily, no need to
lug a big bag. Siblings have closer relationship (no generation gap)
Hi ladies,

What a sleepy sat. My son woke up twice last night. We had to feed him at about 2am+ and another one 4am+ which I mistaken for hunger (think he just wanted to suck) Anyway, he cried so loud that I worry about waking up our neighbours. What tough life!


Me first time mum, so what I know is from all the books I read. Let me quote a bit from the Tracy Hogg book:

"...one important difference between corlic and reflux is that despite their crying, colicky babies put on weight, whereas many babies with reflux lose weight. Also, wieth reflux, your baby will tend to arch backward during a crying spell; with gas, he pulls his legs up; and both spells typically occur within an hour or less of the last feed whereas colic isn't necessarily related to feeds. Some studies now suggest that colic has nothing to do with stomach pain at all. Instead, it's caused by a baby's inability to console himself when dealing with all the things that bombard his senses."

I also read that colic tends to occur in the evening.

My son also does not have regular bowel. The PD said as long as the bowel is soft and the bb poo once 10 day also can. Try to give ur baby more water.

Aiya, my son loves to suck his hands too. Give him pacifier also don't want. Headache man.

Hmm.. I only use Tracy Hogg's routine so that it's easy to take care of my son. Eat, Activity, Sleep and the cycle repeats. At least it's predictable and not restricted to a fixed time. Like mylife, once hit evening time, I can only follow baby's cue that's all. I am still learning to recognise my son's crying. Very difficult man. =S

Poor u, it must be very tiring to keep on putting your darling down 20 times! =(


I borrowed the books from the library. I got it after seeing mylife talking about it.

I have read "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" and is now reading "The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior--Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood" I read both books when I am pumping milk.. hahahaha

I find the 2nd one more useful, because it's problems solving. But the first one is the theory which is also good.

Btw, u can go to the website:

N yes, I cried because my son has reflux. Very scared when he cry non-stop. Don't know what to do. N like u, I do feel very helpless n very blur. Didn't know about such thing call refulx till I read about it! My poor son...
i agree...but hor, easy to say than to do lo. Sometimes, as a 1st time mommy, it DOES get to me. Like people say dun give baby watch TV, but my mom help me babysit, sit in front of TV, wat can i do?
End up now, baby also like to stare at TV cos colourful and bright ma...

my bb exactly like yours, keep chewing on her mittens liao...am gonna take away her mittens after weather is not so cold, and i'm pretty sure she's gonna start sucking on her hands liao...i give pacifier she oso dun wan! Trying to comfort myself that she's "developing her fine motor skills"

as i was telling ahcapp earlier, morning, my bb's routine quite easy to follow, i can more or less know her pattern liao...but come evening, she abit cranky still. Sometimes, she refuses to sleep and wan to play! Actually baby at her age, how many hours shud they be sleeping? I tot i read somewhere about 18hours rite? Rylee only sleeps at most 10-12hours only. She is now sleeping from 10-ish or 11pm to 6-7am! 8 hours, then daytime only abit! I scared la...she like got black eyebag leh...

Oh yes, the problems solving book is "The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior--Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood"

That's where I read about refulx and learn about it too. I find some of her tips/ info quite useful. =) I only pick out those advices applicable to me and forget about those not useful ah. Difficult to follow 100% ah. ;)


I think I am not a very good mummy. I mean so many of u not only have to deal with 1 but 2 children! I really admire u all.

Currently, I am looking after my son alone. My mum is out of town and will only be back in 2 weeks' time. DIdn't want to get my MIL over to help as I didn't want conflicts (more like me is the trouble one)

So every day is like a cycle which repeats over and over again. N now my son become so naughty, always cry when feeding half way. His crying is like uncontrollable and it's quite hard to get him back on the bottle again. Worry if he is eating enough. Think he got reflux based on all the symptons he has.

At night, I have to wake up to feed him and also the pumping. A bit stressed. *sigh*

But today better lah. Cry already better lah. =)

am not sure but when he was few weeks old, he always cry and cry and we have to pat him for very long till he burped. and normally he will stop crying after burping. i guess is the wind release. my sil patted my bpy's back and said it sounded 'hollow'so he must have trapped a lot of wind??? but after i trying adding infacol when he was 4 weeks old, he was much better now. able to burp quite fast and 'fang pi'while drinking his milk and cried lesser now. he is now 2months old.

read fr somewhere tt baby will grow out of the colic phase when they r 3-4 mths old. also baby will spend at least a total of 3 hrs out of the whole day crying!


u r so lucky!


my mum also got the 3mth & rain theory
my sister and i age gap 4 yrs.. no problems.. she takes care of me. Until now also. hee hee.

i think another consideration is the caregiver.. if your mom/MIL etc is willing to take care of your kids for u & she's still young & energetic & healthy, then mai-tu-liao, have your kids all at 1 go and then close shop.
I think i wouldn't mind having #3 if i had more family support to take care of them while i go to work.
hi, do you know if infacol can be added into the FM that baby drinks? coz i have a hard time trying to get my son to drink the infacol from the medicine dropper.
Thanks, Ah Capp. I'll check out the website first then.

Wendyg, that's what my ILs say also, FIL keep asking me to quicky have no. 2 cos he say a few more years, they can't help to look after liao, body cannot take it. But MIL who is the main babysitter knows how much work my BB is so she say wait until #1 is bigger can have no. 2. haha.

Itok, yes you can add infacol into milk. Your boy don't like to drink? RaeAnne is ok with infacol but she hates Ridwind, will make face if forced to drink it neat. :p

Didnt go forum these days as had fever and sore throat.. got it from hubby
Cos of that .. didnt really go near bb as it can be infectious for a young bb.. as their resistance really low
Plus my menses came back today finalyy! BEen so worried that I might be preggie... Thank God sia! Not ready now as too close.. already feeling the blues...

Re Reflux/Colic
My Elias doesnt cry for long one.. He only cries when he want milk.. he can be very very fierce.. but the longest he cry a day can be just once or twice less than half an hour.. He whines a lot as mil says he wants things his way only.. like carrying him but have a pattern.. straight up or in a swimming postion during his baths.. And when he wants milk.. he will drink all. and if soesnt want.. he will not even open his mouth! He just know what he wants! Mine whine more then cry sia! Ans mine dun really sleep ofetn... like whole night can sleep long hours but day time sleep a while wake up and must be carried his WAY again or he will scream or cry without tears.. haha:pHe dislike naps but must be CARRIED and his way somemore.. REally something at this young age... must do things right if not he will just scream lor..ONce things are at his way.. he can smile at you.. almak... sometimes.. find him so cute sometimes worried he becomes pamperd.

RE colic
My ped says its normal that baby can cry up to 3 hours a day for nothing.. We cant do much except givibg gripe water and he says I am really one of the lucy ones that ELias only cries when hubgry.. once milk stuck to his mouth he will drink and ok liao... only need be carried and rocked then can sleep if not whine or cry without tears somemore.. Rememebr his way.. carry arong wat and pattern will upset and irritates him.. haha.. What a boY! Me try looking after alone like half a day can pengz liao.. when maid and mil goes marketing.. cant imgaine those full time mummies without any caregiver or heleper.. very strenous can really cause depression or breakdown sia.. thats why I feel child spacing very impt too
I cant imgaine me having 2nd child when my 1st child still needs attention...I need at lesat 2-3 years spacing so that at least no 1 can somehow ubderstand thats he has a younger sibling and know that somehow attention will be on bb and that no matter how we as mummy still love them just the same.. Gd to start planning when bb start to talk and not when he still learning to crawl... hee:p just my opnion
This diiffers in diff pple too
Nice when your no 1 is 2/3 years than start planning 2nd child. This timing will be ideal... After that close shop for me
Infacol can be added in the milk. Easier that way since more difficult to feed them direct due to the taste.

Probably your bb's reflux will go away pretty soon since he will be turning 3 months soon. My boy also cry a lot less now and seems a happy baby, always playing, smiling and "talking" to me. Now he only cries when he wants milk or want to sleep. Other times he will just whine when he's bored and wants to be carried in a different position. Just try to comfort him when he cries and the crying will start to reduce with each passing day.
Ah Capp,
Cheer up! Just try be strong as bb can sense it.. I believe colic will go away when bb grows older! Smile

Whats Infacol for? the purpose??
yup, hv to swaddle her...bo bian le. Besides put her fingers in mouth, she also rub her face and eyes...rub till face red red and one of her eye swollen.
Infacol or RidWind both to help relieve wind/colic. I'm still giving my boy 1-2 times of RidWind everyday. PD says it's ok since it is not absorbed into the system. My boy will usually fart alot after taking a feed with RidWind...hehe.
hey mummies, go check out the BP on Zorijushi food jar and vacuum flask. I ordered 1 of each since the BP price is rather cheap. The BP ends tomorrow so better hurry up if you are interested. In a few months time we will have to start bringing baby food or porridge for our bb when we go out...like so fast hor?
Thank you Fern =) Will try to stay positive. I invited my in laws over for a visit. They will help us look after my baby today while I go out kai kai with my hb for a break. Oh, I really need a break. Anyway, too difficult to get out of the house with my baby.

I also agree with u about having no.2. Now I am very scared already.. =S


After my confinement, my son was actually quite ok to look after. He will only cry when he is hungry, not much crying. But now, easily cry. Don't know why.

Anyway, I feel more calm now after reading all you advices and also after seeing the PD yesterday. At least know what to do when he cries. But still quite helpless at times. =(

I wish he will cry less when he reaches 3 month old.. ;)


Hmm.. sad to say, there is no remedy for colic. According to the books. Just have to wait for our babies to grow out of it. The only we can do right now is to make things easier for our babies. eg get rid of wind if there is, improve posture when feeding if it's reflux. Something liike that. Me also very blur, first time mum afterall. ;)

Realised my bb like to suck his mittens recently. When i take off the mittens he will cry. Does any of you have this experience?
hi mummies,
i am from Feb.
would like to order from babycenter by today. need to meet USD 150 for 15% discount.
exchange rate adjustable with what credit card used.

anyone still want to join?
anyone interested in other items also can include here.
if not, i got to cancel liao le..

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
i think at this age, our bb need about 15 hrs of sleep a day. cos i remember all the naps add up together shd be about 3-3.5 hrs, and at nite shd be 12 hrs sleep

glad that the routine is working out for u during the day. i find it hard to implement at all, cos if my girl sleeps only 15 min and wake up, it means i have to feed her again even when her last feed is less than 2 hrs ago! does this happen to u too?
Hello mummies,
Need help realise my three month boy now eat lesser. He usual eat 7 feed per day each feed is 120ml. Now eat 5 feed per day also 120ml per feed. Is it normal? Then recently can tahan two days then poo. Last time one day poo once. Is he eating enough?
I know how you feel... your baby is having the reflux or colic? Mine I also donno issit colic coz sometimes he cries very badly at night.. sometimes ok. Sometimes no matter how we carry, he also cry and we will feel so helpless. I feel like crying with him too! I also wish he will cry less when he reaches 3 months.. but my boy is only 7 weeks.. still like a long way to go- Haiz.

Re: babycare festival
I went to the babycare festival at expo yesterday. Quite a disappointment as it was below my expectation. There wasn't much things to buy at all... a few stalls of maternity clothes, some kids clothes, baby skin care products etc.

Drypers were on sale.. I bought 2 packets of M84 + 8 free pieces at $33. I use Drypers for daytime coz so far, I change every 3 hours so I just go for the cheapest. Saw a lot of people bought Pureen brand coz it was going at a discount. Anyone used this brand before?

I also bought a Combi stroller coz there was a 10% discount.
My boy also like that recently.. and he have his pacifier one.. I removed his mitten recently during the day time and put on only at night.. out of the sudden, he prefer to bite/lick his mittens.

My bb also reduces his feed recently. Usual is 170ml at 3 hrs interval now, 4 hrs interval only take 90-100ml. He is at 10weeks. Not sure is it due to teething!!
hi mummies,
i am from Feb.
would like to order from babycenter by today. need to meet USD 150 for 15% discount.
exchange rate adjustable with what credit card used.

anyone still want to join?
anyone interested in other items also can include here.
if not, i got to cancel liao le..

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
(6) Jacelyn

Please include me. Can you please advise me on the payment.
i am waiting the order to reach USD 150 to proceed. if can't reach, will need to cancel liao.
hope you can understand. noted your order.

USD 80 more to go...
My boy also reduced feed from 120 ml every 2 hourly to 100 ml recently. And he becomes very difficult during feeding, cannot get him to finish his milk at one go. Last time, this wasn't a problem at all.

I thought babies teeth at 6 mths onwards?
huh teething will cos the baby to drink lesser ah? I thought four months then teething right?

ya lor now my boy eat lesser then during feeding time his's head look here look there so diffcult to feed. He also cry at the same time during feed. Is your boy like that too?

there are about USD 30 to go. Will order tomorrow morning if can hit USD 150.
exchange rate will be adjusted with credit card rate.
tentatively use 1.5 first. extra will be used to offset the CGW charges

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) kitsune_sg
(4) babyship (Jan)

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
(6) Jacelyn (Jan)
(7) hen

(C) Made by moms pumping band (USD 29.71)
1) kitsune_sg
