(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hi Yvonne,

my friend apply the baby diaper rash cream on rashes when her gal got rash on body. she uses the J&J kind. it helps for her.

My boy dont have the rash but haf the redness on the neck area. I apply a thin layer of J&J lotion. It helps in a way leh. the redness no more.

rain covers for stroller

I wanna buy for maclaren and combi miracle turn, anyone know where I can get them from? The strollers are not water proof right?

going out

if my baby is sleeping, can I just carry her into the car and then go out? Or we must follow their sleep patten? Wake up then go out? BUt thats not possible wo.
My boy also neck rashes when he was about 5 weeks old. what I do was after showering him I put Kodomo power on his neck and it cleared after 2 days.

You might want to try.

Any TBF mummies try giving water to their baby already?
hi mummies
today is my first day back at work! so busy n tired. yesterday started my gal in infant care. so far so good. she is coping well and managed to sleep from 11pm to 7am this morning.

oh ya,
a great place to buy diapers.
Blk 85 Toa Payoh Lor 2
Ang Mo Supermarket

i just brought my Huggies Dry Comfort for $12.95 (NTUC selling at $18.20) and Pampers Newborn is only $22.95. Most of the diapers brand are $5 cheaper than NTUC. And the best is these are no promotion price, so we can buy any time we like.
Yep, My boy had that very clear double eyelids since birth.... Wonder if if will remain even when he is older.. haha. then that will be nice
Me and hubby dun have that clear ones leh..hehehe! thanks for that compinment

What your bb weight now.. Mine 4.4 kg.. wehn he was like during last few days of confinment month, he already overgrew the new born one... need get S already ... He has been wearing s now onwards.. Dr say usually new born should put on 1 KG at one month! my elias put on 2 KG and imagine he was just 2.63 at birth... haha.. hopefully he wont be too fat! thats what worry me but dr says gd that he is eating well lor.. lo. How abt your Zander?
I not sure why on the 4th mth, but anyway the appt date is exactly the day where Xavier will be 4th mth, I suppose it is okie. Plus the health booklet state next checkup is 3-4mths.

pumping & storage of BM
Just wondering if we are SAHM, and we have more than enough supply for BB feeds, the extra are store inside freezer. These are backup, just in case we fall sick and they cant have the fresh one.. Is it true that when they get older, normally our Breastmilk will not be enough for BB and have to top up with what we pump previously?

I give Xavier tbf thro pumping.. Already long time back introduce water to him becos of his jaundice. He dun like water so dun drink much, seemed like he drink better if I use stringe
Wow, baby elias is growing very well from yr BM.
Zander at birth 2.53kg, he weigh 4.7kg at 8wks. Now, not sure...gotta wait for next PD review 4mths later which will be his 2nd 6in1 jab too.
Thanks for the info on skin rashes.

I'm using Baby SebaMed Special Healing Cream now. PD say it's good enough. Maybe I''ll try the J&J diaper rash cream since I have it and it works wonders when my boy has diaper rash.
Thanks for the info. I haven't tried PetPet before but am considering to try Mamy Poko as some of the Mummies here think it's good. But will definitely want to try Carre4's wipes since it's cheap and you highly recommended it. =)

You're the reason why I'm going to ask hubby to drive me to Cold Storage later!! LOL! I like the Pampers, not too expensive. Mamy Poko good but how much per piece ar?

Thanks for the compliment. My mum also said he looks very "chor lor" (rough) Haha. When I was at Hong Kong travelling, I forgot to bring the funnel even tho I bought the breast pump, so I used my hands to express BM. Painful leh, maybe I abused my breasts too much. So not sexy. Sighz.

My baby had rashes on face, it was quite bad too so brought him to see gp. She gave us Zaricort so we applied and he was ok in 2 days..Not sure if neck is the same but you may like to check it out.

Think if 37.5 is considered feverish...

My cousin bought a rain cover for stroller at Tom and Stephanie. Maybe Kiddy Palace may have? If I passed by one later, I go ask for you ok?
yah i read if freezer is separate doors from fridge, 2-3 mths but if share door with fridge, then 3 weeks only...my HK apartment fridge comes attached with the kitchen design, and it's pathetically small, so i guess 3 weeks only..but my main question was can i transfer the milk i had in the fridge to the freezer?

Hi can share how is infant care?
I have been planning to put my girl in infant care, if possible when she reaches 6 month-old.
How much is yours and is there any subsidy?
I tried to give baby benjamin water to drink and he did drink but crying at the same time.

I am also giving him bf thru bottle as he will be taken care by baby sitter next week as I will be going back to work.
i am so vexed..becoming human pacifier..today very hard to put rylee to her afternoon nap. she wans to be carried and rock..and her suckle instincts are so strong, carry, rock her to sleep, put down to cot, less than 1min, she jolt awake and starts crying. Swaddled also jolt. Put beansprout pillow also jolt. jolt awake liao do rooting altho she jus ate. She jus refused everything plastic.

From the rate this is going, if she doesnt have enuff aftnoon nap, at night she's gonna be cranky. Sigh
mylife, i know wat u mean..mine also like that. Nurse asked me not to carry but how not to carry? He also been catnapping. Last thing I did was put in stroller and push. Push n sing n after 5-10min he slept. He did whine abit. U can try..
I usually store my milk in the fridge first for a day since i feed EBM to my baby. Usually will have leftovers for the day so I'll transfer to the freezer.

re: water
I've been giving my gal water since she had jaundice too. Furthermore, she hiccups so often. Must drink some water to kill the hiccups. Initially I resisted giving water coz of what books said. But now, seems like she hiccups so often we all cannot bear seeing her like that. She's taking water quite well so I suppose in future don't need to worry that she won't drink water! Heh.
stroller no use for me. Yao lan also no use. Sling got use but then, I'm cradling her so equivalent to carrying her. My gal jolts up from her sleep, screaming and crying like mad very often. Always scare me...
Mum said she has been "scared". I always wonder.."Scared by what huh?" Supernatural things?
VioletIce, I have the same bedsheet as you.

Me again having sore throat again. Just because lack of fluid.

Water, I have been giving water to my baby when he is back home. Due to jaudice have to give him and also train him not to reject water.

Me very similar to u. I make sure that I have about 2 to 3 feeds of EBM in my fridge throughout the day. When I have extra EBM to fill a storage bag, I will pour it into the bag for freezing. I do mix refrigerated EBM with freshly 'squeeze' EBM too.
hi mummies

i would like to join this thread, delivered my girl end jan.

personally i find mamy poko good esp for nite coz it doesnt leak.another brand which is not so common but value for money is 'sealer'. it is available at Giant, very good for day use!each pcs is barely $0.20.

my girl dun drink water too despite having hiccups...

shannonbaby- which infant care did u send ur bb too, the subsidy is $400 rite?
i do that all the time

babe, mom2nat
try let bb sleep on tummy? mine will wake up after 10min if on his back. only on tummy then he'll be contented to sleep his usual 1hr nap

when they get older, they eat more, so defrost 2 pkts...
wendy, I tried put on tum but he still wake n rub his face in struggle to get up against the sheets till all red n rash..

mcflurry, dunno if overstimulation can b the cause coz I brought him out yesterday..
My boy slept the entire day today! Only wake up to feed, bath, poo, change diapers, wipe down and now still sleeping!? He even gave his "evening fussing routine" a miss. Wonder if it's due to the rainy weather...very cooling and windy so maybe he likes it since he's so afraid of the heat. But now I worry if he will be able to sleep tonight...scarly eyes big big after his 9.30pm feed then I will faint!
Hi Babe

It could be the moro reflexes cum missing out on time to relax...cos my DS had the same problem too in the past. His moro relexes are so strong that it jolts him out of his sleep and started screaming. But he outgrow it when he reaches 3 months old. Now he has fewer moro reflexes and i used bean sprout pillow and place them between the tummy and chest. I also give him time out session before his bed time. When he is yawning and rubbing his eyes, i will keep quiet, dim the lights and carry him without the swaying, bouncing...etc i simply let him relax and i just smle at him...he will slowly close his eyes and fall asleep...then i place him on his bed and leave some gentle SPA music softly playing in the background.
re: rash
my girl has them near her mouth, maybe she greedy
. Anyway, after every feed, she will get rashes on her face. Then after sleeping, the next day her face will look very nice, but then after feed, it will be full of rash again. Will ask the PD tomo when she goes in for her jab.

re: water for tbf
i only gave when she had jaundice and then needed water, after that I dont give her water at all. just breast milk.

violetlce, thanks for helping me ask, I called Tai Sing, they dont have for combi miracle turn and maclaren, but combi they have for other models, not sure if it does not fit just now if its ok.

mylife, you can transfer the milk you have in the fridge after expressing within 48 hours. Usually I will pump out and keep in the fridge, so in case those that I brought down from the freezer to thaw does not thaw in time, I will use those that are pump within the same day still in the fridge, then at the end of the day, those that I pump in the fridge, I will transfer to the freezer.

I also agree that I am getting vexed, these few days gwyneth has been very good, sleeping very well at night and also in the day, but when she wakes up its another story, she needs to be soothe to go into deep sleep, sometimes she roots, so I thought she hungry, go heat up the milk and then she will suckle and then get very angry, then root for my breast, so give her breast, she also get pek chek, give her bottle also pek chek, then she will choke on the milk and kick and punch, then I will think got wind, burp her, then she also angry, then pat her, then she falls asleep. I so stress out by her actions, sometimes when she sleeps, I really dont dare to wake her up, since she is sleeping so soundly.
. But dont wake her up, she dont get to feed. I also dont know how. Like your girl, I think my girl also prefer my breast to the bottle.

mcfluffy, your mum says your girl has been scared, just now I was carrying my girl to sleep, which I know I am not supposed to, but she get startled so bo bian, I noticed she will sleep very nicely, then suddenly her face will turn very afraid and then like scared face, then turn red, her expression give me the feeling that she had nightmare, but wonder so young, what is giving her nightmare.

wendyg, yup I carried her and go today, went town with her and my sis, she was so good, slept in the car, slept in the stroller, then remember she hungry, then haywire already.

re: bringing baby out alone
I tried with my sis today, doubt I will venture to town again alone in the near future, unless its with people. It was quite a terrifying experience. Going up the escalator with stroller was fine, not coming down, so need to take the lift and wait and be patient. Hunger and wet diaper, my girl want feed means now, diaper wet want to change also now, but mummy cant feed on the spot, nor can mummy change diaper on the spot, so she was crying and people were peering through the stroller to look at her.
. Burp her while waiting for my sis to try clothes, she puke out all the milk, the sales girl in the store frown at me. SIGH.
*hugz* poor thing. It'll get better.. the going out part. The key is to anticipate.. feed her before she demands it. Change her immed if she's an impatient baby.
when your girl roots while she's going to sleep, i think it's more of the sucking reflex.. dat's why pacifiers were invented. Not that she's hungry. An experienced mom told me.. when bb is sleepy they dowan to eat, they only want to sleep.
What i think is, if we leave them alone to cry a bit, they WILL fall asleep on their own after they work out their crankiness. But we soft hearted can't bear to hear them cry, so will go down the checklist to meet their needs.. when actually all they want is to zzzzzzzzzz
WendyG, thanks, will try Petpet, think NTUC to sells. Maybe, try out Pampers BB dry too since so many mummies bought.

I went back to KK for follow up check today, did pap smear too. Told gynae I have a lump, she referred me to LC. LC told me the lump in my left breast is so big, ask me why never call and see her earlier? She squeezed and massage for me so hard that I screamed in pain and frightened my BB. Still not totally clear, she said must continue to massage hard at home and squeeze areola when feeding BB. If lump don't disappear after 1 week, may have to refer to see dr.
No wonder my left breast has been less productive all this while. :/
re: pampers baby dry
i find the cutting is small and dun like the part where the tape starts.. it's hard & cuts into my boy's thighs as he bends his legs. Or has there been a new improved design?
kitsune, it must have been very painful. ouch. sometimes when I dont pump enough, it becomes rock hard, when I touch, can already full one or two lumps, but I press them hard as I pump already quite jialat, cannot imagine the LC press for you, must have been terrible for you. But why must see doctor if its not clear?

my girl finish half a pack of pampers today, must downgrade already, ouch on my pockets. siong man.

re:wrist pain
today I also ganna the wrist pain, and for me, its both wrists and both arms, goes to show how much weight my girl put on.

wendyg, yup totally, must have over stimulate her with all our talking and rocking and nonsense, to the extend that she want to sleep but yet she wants to participate in our conversation and stuff. sigh. really not easy.

re: sleeping pattern
she woke up only twice last night, 430 am and 730 am, hope it will be the same tonight. I am getting really tired, panda already. tomo, she going for her jab, pray hard that she will be all right. the last time she was hospitalized for jaundice, I burst into tears when I saw her wearing just pampers and the mask blind folding her eyes. sob sob. so embarrassing. the nurse had to console me and she was even younger than me.
hi mummies, dropping by to say hi. and hope u din forget me. hee. gg back to work soon next fri and think i will be back more often while at work. at least no one will fight the pc with me. hee...
Angelsky. Ya, super painful and she must press many times to clear the lump, costs me $50+ for LC consultation. Pay $ for others to inflict pain on me. :/

Breast lump cannot remain there long term I guess so must see doctor if cannot clear cos the dr will poke needle in and analyse contents of lump. Something like that lar, after I hear about the needle, I also scared liao. Die die must clear the lump so even just now while pumping also die die squeeze and massage. Arms aching now.

Your BB wake up at 430am not bad lar, mine 3+am leh, after that 6+am. Still at 3 hr interval, don't know how to drag longer. :/
hiaz..my bb too still wake up 3hly...12+am then 3plus am and then 5am again...so tired...finally wake upo at 0745..is this normal for 8plus wks or is he waking too frequent? His longest stretch of sleep is from 9 to 12pm, 3 solid hrs, after that it's another story. Called LC and they told me he might need more milk to go to sleep better...I latching n now i feel stress

dun be stressed up... as it will affect ur ss. every baby is different and trust me k, my nephew who is turning 1 yr old in april still wakes up 3hrly for milk. and yes, you might wanna try to ebm and feed abel slightly more for the last feed of the day. im feeding danelle on a 4hrly interval.. at night when she is sleeping, can stretch up to 5 hrs.

Re: Taka Fair

The weather is so gloomy... dun think i wanna go to taka alrdy. best to stay at home and "NUAR" together with bb.
i usually feed my baby at 2am then we go to slp n she usually wake up at 7am+ or 8am for milk. I will play with her till 2am then feed her then put her to sleep.
aiyo, sassy "nuar-ing" with ur bb sound so nice ler.. I'm stuck her in office.. So sian.. I started work 2 wks after confinement.. Envy..
Hi QQ n everyone, this is Gisele. She's is 2months+ now (Birthday on Xmas eve). Here is her pic.

now not so 'xiang' already. Around 1month plus they look quite alike..
RE: Effect of medicine and jabs
My boy got fever after the jab, he recovered the next day and then refuse to sleep. Only slept like 30mins to 1 hr then start fussing again. His eyes open big big and wake up easily.. Is this one of the side affect of 6 in 1?

I just realised that i had 2 lumps on my rigyt breast, today can't pump out much from that breast.. I had been a lazy person and had not been massaging and checking my breasts.. Now then realised have lumps.

I tried using hot towel to cover the lumps and massage on it. is that the right method? It doesn't seemed to disappear.. How do i know that my massage is working? I press hard then can feel pain.

the needle story very scary leh
I was pumping and then read your post about the lump. OMG. I have a lump too and have been trying to remove it. But I wasn't too hardworking, only massage on and off. Then when i read about you saying need to extract using needle, I quickly massage until my arm was aching and my breast felt super bruised. Still no effect. Cham. Very worried liao. Next few pumping, I'm going to massage massage massage.... Hope it goes away! My mum said too many days liao. Die...

my gal also will have rashes all over her face. Hee, because when she struggle, sometimes the milk will drip on her face and chin so everytime must clean her face with cotton wool and water after meals.

About the being frightened thingy, when my gal sleeps, she will also make the scared face expression! Or crying face look. Think she nightmare... but what? Heh.

Anyway, you brought your gal out and it's a good attempt! I haven't even brought her out yet. Don't dare to leh.. plus these few days keep raining. She's terribly afraid of cold. At home already layer her like bahzhang.

when baby roots when she wants to sleep, i give her pacifier. Then when she sleeps, pacifier drops and she makes noise. How ah like that? Keep putting it back in?

I shall not remind myself that my gal wakes up at 12am, 2am, 4am and 6 am....... :s give her more milk at last feed also no use. She cannot finish. And her longest stretch of sleep also at 8,9+. Sometimes can hit 4 hours! other than that... it's 2 hourly. Yours ok liao la.. hee. We got active, alert baby ma..
my gal is about 6 weeks. I give bottled EBM so can see how much I'm giving. She can never drink more than 90ml at one go. Daytime is standard 2 hours. Evenings sometimes 1hr!
But luckily for me, since I bottle feed, can get others to help. You direct latch can die leh.. but persevere on! Your gal will know how wei da you are next time.
I am going to take a very hot shower and try massage the breast again. My lump dunno how many days already, I never bother to check, only know that normally that side dun have much milk.

my bb also like urs, in the day time. His pacifier keep dropping then wake up and try. Need 1 pax to standby there place in for him.. else he become awake.. must go into deep sleep before he dun need the pacifier. Dunno why night time, then he is ok, can sleep in his own.

My bb also 6 weeks, I also give EBM, 100-110ml, can last him 2.5-3 hrs. Sometimes he sleep, so even 4 hrs.
my bb is 7 weeks, I am giving EBM, 130ml every 3 hours. Daytime he usually sleep about 1.5 hrs to 2hrs. On good days, he wld zzz till the next feed.

Nite time, I would feed him 10pm and around 11.30pm then he will zzz till 4am-5am for next feed, but after that it will be interval of 3 hours.

Wonder anyone knows how to stretch their night sleep longer?
Heng ah!! I thought I was the only person with the weird problem of less milk on one side. Massage already also like that, was wondering if it was a case of dwindling supply.

But then, latch on, BB no problem leh. Got milk come out from his mouth. Only thing is when I express, the SS drop quite a lot on one side. It wasn't liek this last week. Sigh!
anyone knows how much does polyclinic charge for pap smear. Very sad lei deliver two months liao my wrist still have not come back to the usual size.I now eat two meals per day also no use. Any one knows what exercise to do to trim the wrist area? I think or buying UZAP is it good?

My milk ss one one side is half of the other side.

Aiyo, your baby so cheerful and cute!!

Be thankful your bb sleeps 3 hours stretch, mine no routine yet. Sometimes latch every 1/2 hr, sometimes can sleep 3 hours(prob once a day only!)

I used to have it at my arm pits even! Lumps need to massage. When bb is feeding or you are pumping, massage on the lump oso, to let the milk there disperse.

Is sealer diaper good? I try a few brands, think mamy poko the best, but costly. Trying to find a good one for day use. The pampers one i buy, size S, seems v big. The huggies one, the tape not sticky enough... Sigh...
