(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi, me Jan mummy also, i follow this thread but seldom post cos taking care of my twins with d help of maid, so v busy everyday. ;) life is a mad whirl when both of them cranky.

Just to share, i bought the red/green pampers (Active) for only 9.45 per pack of 46 S size at Carrefour at Suntec last week. went back to calculate, 20cents per piece, even cheaper than nepia! Nepia leaks terribly during nite time! going to go back tomolo to stock up!

I tried NTUC brand, dun like it, very rough on babies' skin. J & J nice but expensive. Tried Carrefour house brand. Very good, per bottle of 200 only $3.90. Very soft too!

Anybody brought their children to KK for 6 in 1 vaccination? Heard Civil service servants can get subsidy? now v cheapskate cos twins, everything double the price leh.
thanks for your input and welcome to the club! is J&J nice? I think i saw it here before in HK..as for pampers, our babies can wear Active liao meh?
hi dawn


The pack of Pampers (red and green colour) is Pampers baby dry. $9.45 is cheaper than NTUC! I got the S size pack for $11+ at NTUC. Aiya, long time no go Carrefour liao. =( No time.


Just to add on...I was told by my colleague that J&J wipes are good and thick, but more expensive. I am currently using Pigeon but I have J&J wipes gien by my relative. Have not done a comparison yet though.


Your baby using M size pampers already ah? =) Mine still using S size. I have seen that box of pampers before. Very cute! Thanks for the info. Will take note and get the box when it's my son's turn to upgrade to M size. ;P


Glad to be of help. =) I read about the 45 deg position from Gina Ford's book. I honestly didn't know about it so I used to feed my baby when he is lying down. Anyway, I surfed around and found that we need to bottle feed our babies in a semi-upright position.

hi all

can i ask for ebm taken out from the fridge, how do u all warm it up? Placing it inside a cup with hot water rite? How long approx i have to put it in? dunno when is considered too hot (of cos not scalding) but also dunno if it's hot enough for bb to drink. Any guidelines?
Nepia will leak at the back during night time for my gal who really output alot during nite....her whole back/romper was soaked! so i only use it for day time. Pampers and mamy poko r good, can last for 7 to 8 hrs at nite when i try to avoid changing diaper so i will not wake them up. Just ordered Goo.n, will try out next week!

Ahcapp, i also tot they type the price wrongly but went back check receipt correct leh. Cold storage sell even more ex, around $12.50 i think when i check yesterdya.

mylife, think all our kids can wear Active pamper dry liow, Small size is for 3 to 8 kg babies leh. J&J good cos i got it as sample from hospital when i delivered, but too ex liow. ;)
Verene, I din see a promotion tag there when i bought it last week so i think normal price? anyway i going tomolo nite again to buy, will confirm again.
yes u can place into cup of hot water. I use the Avent electric warmer. To check temperature, swirl the bottle to mix the contents, then drip drip on the inside of your wrist. Not too cold, not too hot.

re: carrefour wipes
> Do u hv to use 2 hands to tear the wipes apart? Are they soaking wet like J&J wipes?

Yes, pls help update =) Thank you!

Oh yes, don't mind u help me check the M size price too? For NTUC, S size and M Size same price.

Cold Storage selling at $12+ is more exp than NTUC liao. Btw, i tot pampers are standard price at all stores?
read that the EBM should be heat up to about 37 degree celcius which is our body temp. but i usu heat up till abit warmer cos the babies take time to drink leh....so by the time they drink awhile, think is around there liow.

their size S is bigger than drypers/petpet/nepia's small size. drypers and petpet small size oredi starting to make red marks on my kids' thighs liow since yesteday day, luckily left 1/2 packet only.

the carrefour wipes much better than ntuc interms of whether need to use 2 hands to tear. NTUC wipes, i really need to use 2 hands, carrefour one,i just give a tug, it seperates. ;) less wet than J&J wipes, but wet enough, hee hee. got aloe vera some more.

yes mam will come back and report on thursday afternoon. ;)

Thank u! =)

Yes, i agree with u. Pampers size S is as big as drypers/ huggies size M. In fact, slightly longer.
I oso hug him, but once his head touch the pillow, he will wake up. Sometimes I can't rem wat time i last fed him, or change him and for how long blah blah... v tired at night.

Ahcapp / Mylife
I have been using J&J wipes for my #1 and #2, definitely the best ard. My CL oso say she like it, cos thick and big piece. Dun buy when no sale. Cos abt $5+ a packet. Buy when there is a bundle sale, abt $10+ for 3 packets.
i very toot-toot one, dunno wat is consider too hot..shud be like warm water? I got the Pigeon bottle/food warmer with me, but the plug not suitable for the Hk plug cos it's those rounded 2pin.
Shucks. Use hot water i also dunno how long. 1minute?
so scary just now....

while I was in the bathroom. I heard my hubby shouting at MIL. he scolded her for keeping nagging towards how we care for our son while Javier is crying loudly. blew up his temper. initially, my mil rejected to be care giver for Javier as she wants to continue working. now she keep interfering the way we parents do as care giver. think my hubby buay tahan liao. I just kept quiet. think I saw mil like weeping after tat. I dont dare to say a word. want to hide some corner.
Last night I put my boy to sleep on his tummy and he slept from 10pm until 4am! He didn't really cry for milk but made some eh eh sound so I quickly make milk for him since it's 6hrs already. I resorted to letting him sleep on tummy becos he startles easily and doesn't sleep well on his back. Moreover, he perspires alot and has rashes on his neck so sleeping on tummy will allow the rashes to recover properly. Maybe you gals can try but must make sure your bb's neck is strong enough...my boy can turn his turn when on tummy so I'm not so worried. He has been sleeping on his tummy for all his daytime naps since sunday can normally sleep for 2-3hrs.

Re: Diapers
My 8 weeks old boy is about 6kg already and using size M for some brand of diapers. Anyway, just bought 2 packs of Pampers Dry from COld Storage today, they are having promotion $18.85 for 2 packs.

Yes, our thyroid condition will normally go haywire after birth so will affect milk supply. This is one of the main reasons why I didn't bf. And remember don't put too much pressure and stress on yourself becos it's going to affect our condition. My boy's PD reminded me not to get too stressed up especially since my boy is colicky and cries alot. If you notice that your condition has worsened must see doctor hor.
i am jus curious...any mommies here who had #1 can recall if ur #1 back then manage to jus sleep thru the nite on his/her own WITHOUT u implementing any Gina Ford or Tracy Hogg routine?? I am scared my routine implementation will fail and i will end up still feeding 3hourly in the night even when bb 1yr old!
I believe bb will eventually sleep through the night on their own. Right now they are still young and need to be fed when they are hungry but once they have put on enough weight, they will be able to sleep for longer hours without eating. Give them some time to adjust on their own.
My mum slept with my No.1 while I worked, my BB managed to sleep on his own for longer hours. No Gina Ford or Tracy Hogg.

BTW, are LVs cheaper in HK?
hi, anyone knows what other brand is equivalent to drypers S size? BB's poo leaked from the back. :/ Need a better brand for night. Tried Mamy poko S but cutting too big for her. :p
Understandable about capturing baby's smiling photo. Super difficult. Sometimes need to play and play with him while hubby holds the camera to be ready when he smiled. Like very "kua zhang" hor? Haha!

When did you buy the Pampers from Carre4? I went there last Saturday but didn't see the promotion leh.$9.45 is cheap. I know NTUC selling at $11.80. My baby is wearing that too, M size. Carre4 housebrand for wipes is good? 200 pcs at $3.90 is very worth leh, maybe will go and buy but just went only.. Haiz.

I'll read the link when free. Thanks. Today just realized my baby is drinking 175ml liao so need a better teat flow so he won't drink it for too long.

Huggies Wipes cost $7 for 80 pieces? Even more expensive than J & J or Pigeon leh..

Guessed you need to make sure he's really in a deep slumber. You let him sleep on pillow ar? I haven't let Ian sleeps on pillow yet, when can start?

The Pampers Dry is the red packaging one right? Usual price about $11.80 from NTUC, now really having promo? If so, will go stock up tomorrow wor.
Re: Diapers

My Goo.N diapers just arrived today! So excited! Can't wait to try on my baby today. But as my diaper supply is running out, out of emergency, I bought Mamy Poko M size pull-up diapers for my girl. The cutting is a bit big for her but surprisingly there is no leakage! I have been using Drypers since delivery & found that it will leak especially at night. My girl cannot tahan wet & she is always wake up due to this.

Re: Wipes

Using Pigeon now. Find it ok. Wanted to buy Goo.N wipes too but out of stock. Will try to buy the next time I order again.
Mylife, my #1 did auto sleep thru at 2m for 5-6h. By 3m, can sleep 9h...#2 now is tough waking up 3hly or more frequent eventhough both tbf...guess they r different...I was trying Tracy Hoggs and GF but nv got both right as it shld anyway...
Agree that Drypers leak terribly at night too, and not v comfy. told myself once i finish this pack, will not buy liow.

violetice, bought the pampers at carrefour@suntec on 23rd Feb....not sure if it was on promotion than. blur...if known that so cheap, would have bought more! anyway, will go tonight again after my gynae checkup. anyway that day when i was there, saw lots of mummy buying pet pet leh, think maybe there is promotion too!

Carrefour size just nice, not v big. suitable for our babies' stage now. Cos feel that J&J,pigeon big leh, abit wasted to use such a big piece to wipe their little buttocks! haha! Btw, today i saw that the bottle of carrefour wipes has a "superbrand" award chosen by consumer on it....
Yes, the red packaging. I just happened to be at Cold Storage and saw the promo so I grabbed 2 packs lor. I also remember buying it at $11 plus last time. Actually I find that it's doesn't last as long as Drypers but just use it for daytime lor since got promo...hehe. I still trust Mamy Poko for nights.
BB checkup
Brought my BB to checkup on Monday. Xavier is weighing at 4.7kg at week 6. Grew 5cm taller too, head also 5 cm bigger. He had 6in1 jab and the rotavirus oral thingy and go home had fever immediately.. Actually I wonder fever how high then must consider calling doc?

My next checkup is during the 4th mth. Felt so blur becos during our time I though BB checkup is every mth one.

My boy will drink all the milk given. He suck very well, so that why at first when I latch, he suck until I bleed. I realised my BB cant always take 110ml for all feeds, will vomit ah.. so now I give more if the time interval is more than 3 hr.. the rest of the time is just 100ml.

I should be going for the baby and mother fair at expo.. Since so near my house. :D Never been such fair before.. I heard it is more relevant for infants.

My baby is much better now.. but just more cranky. MIL said cannot give too much fever medicine, bad for BB health, fortunately his fever subside now.

Thanks for organising all the trial classes, really appreciate your effort. I am not sure if I am make it for the Infant positive class since I need to go for my Glucose test in the morning. Who else is attending the class?

nappy rashes
I never use the cream that I bought because I find it hard to wash off later. Fortunately, so far, my boy backside consider ok.. haha

I just place cold EBM in a thermal flash to warm, it is faster. Now I change the the water 1x so that it get warm up ard 5 mins. Can use the back of ur arm to test bah, normally I just think it doesnt feel too scalding to the hand means okie.
Anyone's baby has rashes around the neck area? My boy's rashes are very bad. Saw PD and given an antibiotic cream to apply but the rashes keeps coming back. The old rashes will recover but new ones keep popping up...faint! PD say don't use powder becos it will block his pores and cause more rashes since he perspires so much. Now I also got rashes on my arm becos always carrying him and his neck will rest on my arm...sigh.

His belly button also still swollen. Have to apply cord spirit and cord powder twice a day but still swollen. Plus the fact that he cries alot and belly button tends to swell when babies cry. Dunno when will recover?
Normally bb will get fever after 5in1 or 6in1 jabs. Did the PD tell you to call if he has high fever? My PD say a fever of 37.5 to 38 is normal but if high fever of 39 or more develops must go back immediately. But usually will not get such a high fever unless bb is already sick.
Fern.. ur bb's double eyelids very obvious!! good looking.. when does the double eyelids start to be obvious?? Is it right from birth??

Violetice.. ur bb also very handsome looking.. very boy boy.

Hi pp.. just to check anyone using hand to pump out milk..?? i using hand leh.. u all think is ok??or use pump more effective?? can we rent a good pump from somewhere??
yday was heavenly! Rylee's last feedng was at 850pm, then i put her to bed at 1030, 1050pm i gave her some sort of a dream feed via direct latch. She slept until 530am this morning. Dunno if it's fluke or not. But i had a good night sleep!
Unfortunately, becos my breasts used to feeding her at 3am, it was so engorged i had to pump it out. Sadly yday night tried bottle feeding her but she rejected again.
It's good she slept 6hours, but now i'm worried if this goes on, will my ss drop cos brain will start thinking no need so much milk liao.

LV pricing
i'm not sure if LV here cheaper...most prob jus a bit cos when the exchange rates go down, after a short while, LV will remark their HK pricing to match their worldwide pricing.

How about using this Aromatherapy Baby Lotion? I bought one recommended by a fren. She said it's good for skin rash cos it's odourless and very natural. I bought it from Robinson.

i tot bb's checkup is 1mth and then 3rd month? How come yours is at 4th month?

storage of BM
i very toot-toot again...can someone pls tell me again, can i transfer my ebm from the fridge to the freezer or is it die-die must pump out direct to freezer if i wan to keep longer? 48 hours in fridge, 3 weeks in freezer rite?
if rylee dun wake up 3am, then u wake up to pump lor. Anyways re storage of BM, diffrnt people hv diffrnt opinion. I read before freezer 2-3 months. Just surf along and read diffrnt websites for info. I think 3 wks is too short.

re: sleep thru nite
> my #1 had no routine and kept waking up until now 2.5yo still make noise at night. So for #2 tried to implement routine.. Can't stick 100% to routine & at night he still wakes 3-4 hourly. I tend to think it's coz he's such a large baby & needs to eat more, so give him chance la. But i may be inadvertently encouraging him to eat little & often, instd of eat a lot to last him thru the nite. He's still fussing at bottle, wasting lots of ebm. Nxt month when i return to work, my folks gotto battle with him during feeding time. Hope they're mentally prepared..

Drypers "S" equivalent to Petpet "S"

u can rent pumps from TMC Parentcraft. Refer to their website for tel contact. I used hand express during the first week when bb was born.. couldn't pump anything out & boobies hurt so much. Hand express worked but i'd prefer using pumps anytime.

EBM in the freezer is 2-3 mths. can keep in the fridge for up to 48 hrs first than transfer to freezer if cannot finish. fresh EBM at room temp can keep 4hrs, thawed and warmed EBM can keep only 1hr.

this is according to the nurses at the hospital. they said these timings are already adjusted for our climate. some of the websites u surf may give different times as it is more for their climate.
mylife, same as what grumpus is saying
. But you should adjust accordingly and not go strictly based on the books, becoz sometimes the milk may also turn sour.

about your warmer, what about travel plugs? Think they will work with your warmer, else for me, usually I use the avent warmer, but also must watch the timing, sometimes too hot, then sometimes too cold, but too cold very fast become too hot also. Else if I bring gwyneth out, I will thaw the milk that I had pumped out previously and store in the freezer out the day before, so when I go out, just pour into the bottle and then bring hot water out. So guess the theory is the same if you doing with hot water at home, put the bottle into the hot water in a cup, and then very fast the hot water will chill, then I will pour another time, give about 5 minutes?

Re: pumping

sometimes I latch her, but sometimes the timing not right, so I give her bottled breast milk which I had pumped, so I got over supply of breast milk that can last her about 3 days without me pumping, I know supposed to give her fresh breast milk, but I also dont wanna waste those I pumped out, can I alternate the feeding? Those that are frozen are still good for long term feeding right? ie. Go go back to work and we also feed them those we store right?
my bb today kept nap n wake cry, until I no choice latch. End up he sleeps on breasts. Trying to make him drink now...arghhh

For me, i always start out my pumping session with hand pump. Hmm.. I feel it's less painful for my breasts as I can get them to be soften first. I will hand pump/ squeeze for about 10min, then I will use my electric pump. When I am done or when my breasts are soft, I will finish up with another hand pump/ squeeze to ensure that most of the millk are out. For me, i noticed that my electric pump can't really 100% drain out my breasts properly. So I use my hands as well.

For long term expressing, I think really need to use pumps. Although my gynae told me she use her hands to hand pump.
hi AhCapp,

no la, my boy still using newborn size diapers!still left abt 20pcs(mixture of mamypoko & pampers newborn), trying to finish them asap cos they left red marks on my boy's thigh olreadi! must be too tight liao, going to upgrade to S size soon. I bought the M size pampers cos happen to have promo & to stock up, me KS la:p


my boy also have rashes (red red marks) ard his neck! I think this is due to the milk that he vomit/drip out & we didn't wipe it clean properly, that's why rashes develop bah
We didn't use baby powder. We just clean the neck area with warm wet towel & hopefully the rashes will disappear. We r monitoring the condition, if it gets worse, will see PD.
