(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hee... sounds like my #1. Smiles and laughs a lot, but super cranky. No one believes me when I say she hard to handle. Hee...
Ay, your girl's hair style v cool, can comb to one side some more.
Not going to Taka Baby Fair ar? Agreed that weather is gloomy but will still go. Or else next week start work will be super busy liao. Will update if there's any good buys tonight.
I am wondering hor, when your babies wake up from nap crying, so you guys feed them immediately? Sometimes my boy wake up from his 30min nap and i feed, end up makes me feed I am feeding all day
bebe yan the hair pattern same leh she so cute!!!

Sassy i agree with u wanna go JL oso canT rain so heavily so sian ..... now nuahing at home with baby and packing some stuffs to bring over to my mil place ..... wanna spend some time out with my TT but rain sigh .....

bringing TT out is a bit ma fan ... but i love shopping at those with nursery room ... like parkway hahah they have nursery room i dun have to pack hot water and warm water ... dun have to worry ...

angelsky next time u go shopping start from the top floor bah ..... i always do tat bo bian ... now .....
QQ, top floor? Then how to go down? I started from the bottom, then go by escalator up and then when going down, I take lift all the way down. I can manage going up the escalator with the stroller, but cant manage going down, I tried, I nearly drop the stroller. Scary.

ya lor, me too.. My friend all saw her always smile then i tell them she's cranky they also dun believe..

Her hair very long thats why can comb one side..Behind touch her shoulder already.. haha
when she's born her hair already quite long le.
BIG HUGZ for u...seems like u had quite a difficult time...all of us understood your situation. In some ways or another...my bb also, sometimes good, sometimes just dunno wat she wans. It pains me greatly to see her crying at times and not knowing wat she wans. I wish i'm psychic and understands bb's language. Hahaha

forgot to ask, when did ur #1 sleep longer hours without any routine implemented?

thanks for the reference.

i agree with sassy. Dont stressed up and do comparison cos seriously, every bb is different. U stress up will only cause ur ss to drop.

<font color="ff0000">URGENT QUESTION</font>
can i ask the EBM, after i take out from fridge, feed halfway (cos of bb struggling), turn cold liao, can it be reheated again??

the cutest n most clean nursey room is GREAT WORLD CITY!! Go check it out. u will love it!! Like wonderland. They got hot water n basin, 2 private room n 2 changing table! On top of the table still got toys with music ler.

This is the best nursey room i ever went with Gisele!
HI Saggitarius

Uzap or Trimax ! I'm thinking of getting either one of these too ! I'm also wondering if it works ! I saw a few selling at yahoo auction. Some said used once and want to sell makes me wonder whether izit not gd tat's y they r selling !

Anybody has used these before ? Does it help to firm or reduce tummy ?

Tell u all something
My Co AD&amp;D is coming up end of Mar and our theme for this yr is ARABIAN NIGHTS !!! How can I wear midriff now leh ?!?! I cant show ppl my flabby tummy ! hahaha moreover my belly button is still black leh. Are yours still black or turn back to normal skin color le ?

black belly button?? so serious ah? mine is brownish, i belong to average fair so belly button now look more obvious &amp; hor tummy still hairy leh!
Dunno why..suppose the fine hair to drop/come off by itself after preggy hormones right? gotta go for stomach waxing lo:p
What happened yesterday really frightened me. I was outside talking to someone and my #1 and maid were in living room watching tv. my bb was sleeping in room.

Vaguely i heard some crying. I turned and asked my maid was it bb crying and she said no. Not Jude. However, my instinct told me it was him though the cry sounded different. I rushed into the room and guess what i saw. the beansprout pillow was covering his face and that was why his cry was muffled. I felt so upset and thankful at that moment. Upset cos I've already told my maid not to use the pillow anymore cos he's been struggling a lot these days. I really thank God that my bb is fine! I cannot imagine what will turn out to be if I trusted the maid.

I don't feed unless he's hungry i.e. can't settle him in any other ways. My boy feeds every 2 hourly and catnaps now and then. Very difficult to get him to sleep well, even on his tummy. So can you imagine how many times i have to make him sleep a day since he's feeding so frequently and can stay awake only for abt an hour? I'm certainly tired out and frustrated at times..
Mummies, I have a stupid question to ask. When do we know to increase the milk for our bb?

Issit when they cry for milk less than 3hrs interval we increase the volume or there is a chart?

I read in books and was told by the PD that if the baby starts to cry less than 3 hrs, must increase the feed already. My PD told me increase no more than 15ml at each time.


I experienced the same with regards to the bean sprout pillow with my son too. Both times were caught by my mum. My parents always check on my son whenever he is asleep. My son loves to move about/ kick about or swing his arms about. I guess that's how the pillow lands on his facte. Yes, we have to be extra careful and only trust ourselves to take good care of your little precious.


My line on my tummy still there. Same for the brownish belly button. =(


If it's close to his feeding time (i.e. every 3hrs), I will feed him. Because my son is very impatient. One moment he might be making noises, next moment he will be screaming for milk.

If it's not really his feeding time, I will check his nappy.
mom2nat &amp; blackbatz

My left breast produce lesser milk than my right breast. I try to pay more attention to my left breast by massaging it more during pumping.

i cant remember the amount to increase, got to see e FM container then can tell u. If i'm not wrong for 2months is 150ml.
After hot towel cover and massage, hot shower and massgae again and pumping and massage 20 mins on that lump, finallY i cleared rge lumps, Milk suddenly gush out from that breast. OMG, no wonder last 2x so little breastmilk.

Taka Fair
I will be there tomorrow since I had to do the Glucose test again at Mt E tomorrow.. so might as well explore the fair when I wait for the next blood withdrawal.

For me, if BB cannot finish the EBM, I will put back inside the warm water to keep it warm and try to feed within 1 hr, if still cannot finish within 1 hr then I throw. But if it is fresh EBM, I will keep 1 side first (without inside the warm water), if still cannot then keep abck in fridge.

I am feeding EBM, I will give more when he fuss and wanna milk when the timing is less than 3 hr. I checked with my PD, as long as he doesnt vomit a lot after feeding, means it is okie. If he vomit a lot, means too much. I increase ard 10ml each time.. sometimes when it is more than 3 hr, I also will feed 10ml more.

It happens to my boy too, then i realised becos the pillow is pressing on the hands when we place it across his chest, so when he lift his hands up, the pillow flip backwards on his head. So next time round, I will make sure his hands are not covered by the pillow.
mon2nat: i tink sealer is value for money, so far my girl used it for 5 or 6hrs, never leak before.

bebe: your girl is so pretty and she got so much hair. my girl has little hair, my mil kept asking mt to shave her hair after full mth, but me unwilling. scarli lesser hair how?
Ya Fishia
This happened to my son also. Once and he was crying also. I think they will cry when they are out of breath ? I always make it a point to chk on him once in a while... Pls ask your maid to do so.

I will also have to instill this habit in my maid too cos sometimes she maybe preoccupied with my #1 and overlooked to chk on #2.

your belly button is brown ? Mine is black leh tho a lot came off liao but still black. My black line has gone tho.

I experience the same too. the beansprout pillow was over my boy's face. it was during the night, luckily my hubby woke up and check on him. now, I seldoms use the pillow on his tummy unless I am beside him.

do keep us update what's the good deal from the taka fair. thanks.

my brown line still here but it is a faint mark.

I had been trying all my bottoms. all so tight. sigh except the elastic bands one. need to invest in new one when I go back to work.
Fishia, verene, chaye, same thing happened to my girl, one day I heard her crying quite muffled and pek chek kind, I walk to the room and OMG, I saw the pillow covering her face, and she was trying to push it away and moving her head from one to another, after that I dont use the pillow unless I am in the room with her or there is someone around.

One day, I actually saw her kick her legs in the air, with one flip of both her hands and the blanket went over her face too. The sight was quite funny, but then if she got choked then it would be another story.

Brown line, mine still there. Bottoms I can fit into some, but some the hips cant, coz the hip expanded, will take some time to go back.

Increasing milk intake, I on TBF, sometimes bottle, sometimes breast, I also confused how much to give already, coz by right she was on 125 ml every 3 hours, then subsequently sometimes she take 1.5 hours to finish 125 ml, becoz in between she got air, she fall asleep, she poo then got to change, I also fed up with checking how much she wanna drink. Sometimes milk not hot yet from bottle, she cry until very pek chek I give breast. SIGH. FM is so much easier to track.

End up, sometimes I heat up the milk, she drink only 25 ml, but I heat up 125ml, so the rest I got to keep and feed the next time and by then got to throw if she dont finish, sometimes I see wastage, my heart also pain.
My galfriend was saying that as baby grow and put on weight, mummies will start to lose weight, to a certain extent quite true, imagine we got to lug baby around with all the barang barang and stroller.

Brought my girl for injection today at PD, was thinking to go without my mum, but thank god she went with me. My mum carry my girl, I carry all her barang and my bag and the stroller I carry with one hand, I think I become wonder woman already. No wonder sometimes you see mummies who take the MRT with their babies or children, look so solid, can open the stroller with one hand and one hand carry the baby. I must start to practice at home. I got problem opening the stroller just now, stuck at one point quite malu.

My hubbie was also saying his friend say his wife after give birth become huang lian po, ask me if I will be like that, I was telling him sometimes we got no choice, becoz baby cry, we tend to baby, go out also so much things, I see the way I carry the stroller today, lucky I wore black berms, imagine how to wear dress or skirt or white bottom, sure dirty one. Plus baby always puke milk on my top and then when hungry root for breast and my top also ganna her saliva

I not grumbling, but I really think its quite something to be a mama. Thick skin and super bo chap to what people around us think.
angelsky oh ...... since gg up ok for u then go from bottom to the top .....actually quite ma fan taking pram .... usually i sarong her

bebe yan same my baby oso hair very long when she is born hair behind touch shoulder but hor my mil cut a bit as a yi shi on full mth .... wonder why must we do tat ... so many law think all these law till our generation will nOt follow liao ahahah especially me!
My belly button also brownish/black...looks so dirty but cannot be wash/rub off leh. It used to be so clean and nice and now look as though I never bath like that. Tomorrow seeing gynae some more. My black line is also still there...the colour pigmentation on my tummy actually quite bad.

Beansprout pillow
Agree with icy, make sure the pillow is placed below their hands so the pillow will not land on their face when they struggle/move with their hands.
yvonne &amp; chaye: me too! got brownish black belly button, so dirty! i tried to scrub v hard but it is still so dark..my armpits also...sighs!
reali dare not wear sleeveless clothes now.
feel so dirty &amp; flabby! still got 12kg more to my pre-preggie weight
qq: i also broke alot of confinement rules! buan tahan ! if i know abt those rules, i seriously will tink twice abt giving birth!!!

i read a few mummies here got wristpain, i tink i also have. it is esp bad after i wake up in the morn. how did u guys get treated or u guys all tahan the pain?
how long will it go away?

my mil also make us to cut a bit when full month. Next time i wont do that to my grand children too.. Cos i dun think there's a need lor. When u intend to bring TT to cut hair? Now my gisele's hair all stand up so funny.. haha..

hehe.. thanks.. at first we intend to bring bb to cut botak also cos mil say must cut if nt will one hole one hole. but i think e hole is formed after she woke up from slp, we just need to comb a bit then ok already. I also scare later cut botak then little hair grow out only somemore nw their hair so nice why cut botak.

but i feel that since u say little hair, whhy not give it a try. Cos ppl always say shave off will grow more n thicker, as apply to eyebrows. But if shave off eyebrow will be very funny lo.. hehe..

No offence abt the hair thing, just giving my view. =) but u r e mummy so it's ur decision.
QQ, i still have yet to master how to use the sling, use lagi garang gabo
. I also just cut my girl's hair behind to keep as yi shi yi shi. Agree that so many law, hard to track also. I think by right supposed to shave off all, then the hair will grow out very nice and thick, but my mum also never shave my hair and my sis hair and it also grew out just fine. My CL even say cut eye lash and shave eye brow.

re: wrist pain
Besides wrist pain, I also have ankle pain, jialat. My mum say I walk like a bit bai ka bai ka.
Those who use sarong, can tell me how to use correctly? I carry bb ard n the loop keeps pressing on my shoulder n rub against it till pain. Using cradle but my bb loojs awkward inside like all bent n head slanted. Nv seems success with it. As I walk, the sling also moves.

Mylife n sassy, thks for the encouragement. Guess it's juz worrying as a mom ur bb dun put on the std wt. Dunno not feeding enuf or it's juz bb themselves naturally like that.
bebe yan, angelsky my mil say 4th mth have to shave all BB hair and eyebrow which i object i wont let them do that if they do it i will give black face and wont wanna talk to them ..... i think is so stupid loh .... angelsky u still keep the hair? my mil never say need to keep she jus throw away .... my mother oso never shave my hair or eyebrow or eyelash .... yest it still grow out well loh ....

and during 4th mth have to order cake again to give away .... dunno what law?
Ahcapp, went carrefour yesterday, the price of pampers dry (S) went up liow, $10.90, so I think Yvonne say cold storage 18 plus for 2 packs will be better buy now. The medium size (62) pampers dry was on offer for 14.90, so i bought 2 packs, cos still got 5% discount for the POSB credit card. ;)

violetice, the wipes are still at 3.90! ;)

I also want to go to the taka baby fair, but so difficult to find baby sitter to help while i go out. and i will feel guilty when i m out enjoying myself.

re: wrist pain
my wrist pain started during pregnancy, still persist till now. Every morning will be the most painful cos cold. will it go away one?

re: haircut
I can't bear to shave off the hair or eyebrows till botak leh. will feel heartpain one right? esp for baby gals, will look wierd without hair or not? I thinking of doing the TaiMaoBi, using their hair to make into brushes, dunno if need to shave completely or juz cut enough liow. Anybody did this?

Re: blackbelly button and dark stretch marks
yesterday i went to see gynae and he told me all those dark rail way lines are deadskin and use a cotton swipe with alcohol to rub over the tummy vigourously a few times to show me the deadskin will fall off one. sigh, i suppose it will take time.....
Hi all!

I realised most the clothes I get for my baby is kinda of big! Where can I get nice and yet cheap clothes for him? Which particular shop has? all the pigeonn and tollojoy oness ex yet big! Dun intend get ex ones as they overgrow them real fast!! Like any central areas has them?

Any good advises or recommendations for me, please?
bebe yan, QQ, nope, I refused to shave her hair and eyebrow and eye lash. My mum never shave for us, and our hair grew out just fine. Ok, though I hope for more eyebrows
But my sis has nice eye brows, so whats the big deal. My girl is already dropping enough hair without having me to shave them. My mum dont believe in such as while.

My mum kept her baby hair, coz she say as keepsake wo.

Huh, 4th month still need to give out cake!!! Already spend alot of money as of now. Thought after full month, it will just be us, enough of relatives. During my girl full month, I could hear my hubbie's distance relatives whispering, last time I was a S, now maybe M or L. Some evne say blatantly to my face, now got daughter already, auntie already la, no more pretty girl. Duh. Some even say, aiyo, after 1 month you still have not slim down, got diet or not, got do massage or not, how come you breast feed but also never slim down. Crap. I just told them straight in the face, quite slim already, like it as it is now, healthy. Some even ask how come never wear the gold they gave my daughter, I say thanks, next new year then I put on for her, coz they say my girl was wearing anklet but it was from my grandma. Like this also wanna compare. Sometimes so hard to please everyone.

Fern, small but not cheap? I cant find also. I bought petite bandue, i think wrong spelling, you can get from all major departmental stores. Most newborn my girl cant wear, those 3 - 6 months also quite loose, so I bought from this brand, so when she go out, its more fitting. 1 piece of body suit I think less than 20. My sis bought newborn from kiddy palace, I think my gal, 6 months then can wear.
hi angelsky,

I bought the same brand too for my boy. when he was 1 mth, it fits best. but exp, i got the 2 pc romper set and a button kimono style romper. cost abt 40+ liao.

u can try kiddy palace. they got brands for 0-3 mths that fits new born well. I got those button front top there. it cost abt $4 for a plain one to $5+ for printed ones. the carters one that are sold in the BP section is nice and cheap too. I bought their button front romper.
beansprout pillows

Oh thanks ladies for the feedback on making sure the pillow doesn't cover the baby's arms when he sleeps. Yes, it must be when he swing his arms, he will flip the pillows over to his face.


Thanks so much for the update on the diapers. =)
hihi, everyone.

Mcfluffy, Icy, ya, better massage hard. My CL ask me not to use hot towel leh. She said if still blocked and you use hot towel, it will aggravate the blockage cos more milk come out. Before, I only have 2-3 spurts of milk coming out of left nipple. After her massage, become 5-6 spurts, same like right breast. Now, I keep massaging when I'm sitting down, paranoid liao. :p

Bought Pampers BB dry from NTUC today, $12+, not cheap, but since got voucher, never mind lar. Can't find Pet Pet S at the NTUC near my house. Realised that it was Pampers S (not BB dry) that was too big, not Mamy Poko S so I'll use Mamy Poko for night. BB Dry's cutting is slightly bigger than Mamy poko.
u still latch your girl? I dunno abt your pacifier qstn ley.. haven't intro pacifier to baby yet. hope dun hv to..

re: lumps
everytime after i express, i will ask husband to feel for any lumps. If have, immed he will massage to disperse it.

bebe yen
yeah, GWC baby room is great. Also like HK Disneyland baby room. Fwah!

belly dancers typically hv tummies &amp; they aren't shy to flaunt! hee hee

go walk around some HDB central area, can find 4 for $10 cooling cotton tops. So far i saw in Pasir Ris Dr 6, Hougang Central etc. Similar ones in Kiddy Palace cost at least $6 per piece.

re: bb clothes
wa lau, u all let bb wear Carters &amp; Petit Bxxx at home? My baby is in comfy hand-me-downs at home.. only when going out then his branded togs appear! But they're also hand me downs.. from cousins/ brother etc.

Pampers Baby Dry cutting is bigger than MP?! How come u all like Pampers Baby Dry ah. I'm more towards Petpet &amp; Fitti Basic
wow, didn't know so many of you had the same beansprout pillow experience too. i kept it already in case my maid use it again! And i also stop covering him with blanket. I'll use it to swaddle him instead.

I had another frightening experience. Bb sometimes co-sleep with me. One particular nite, think i must be extremely tired and this thing happened. I heard bb let out a cry and woke up but i couldn't find bb beside me. For a moment i panicked. then i used my hand to feel around me and found bb fully covered under my quilt. Gosh! Now I make sure I keep a distance away from him should he sleeps with me. I never expect such things to happen cos i co-sleep with #1 too.

Re: Diaper
I like pampers bb dry too for nite. It lasted my bb 8 hours and no leakage. for day i use petpet. haven't try mummypoko yet.

Re: belly button
mine is dark brown too and the line is still there. When I feed bb, it will be exposed and my #1 is so amused by it.. he will sometimes dig at it and laugh...
Hi all!

Can i check with you. I've gotthis Baby pooh Activity playgym. But realised it doesnt come with a play mat... What type of mat should I get that is safe for my baby? He is only a month plus.. Can he play now or only to wait when he is older.. What kind mat is gd? Can I get it individually outside.. If any of you have spare and dun mind selling... I am keen. let me know


Hi all!

I have the following things to sell:

1) Disney Crib Activity Centre
2) Medela Nipple cream ( Used once only)
3) Brand new Mummy Poko diapers (New born sized)

Interested pls PM me at 98276473
