(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hi wendyg

so sorry as I can't join u all at ikea tmw cos mum just out from hospital so need to take care of her. Enjoy okie n i will definitely join d next time.

angelsky ai yo ours is opposite ah .... i kanna complain har ... say i dun wanna eat during confinement and all relatives come say i lost so much weight as compare to b4 i preggie ..... and i kanna complain say i dun wanna eat mee sua, dun wanna drink wine, full mth that day never eat anything went out with my husband buy things and bathe b4 my mil boil ginger bath for ... this n that ... after that few days lata my husband's cousin wedding ah ma sit next to me during cocktail time NAG NAG NAG compare me with others this n that .... i so PISSED! I hate ppl compare diff ppl diff style mah .... say i dun wanna drink red dates tea, eat sweet potato leaves ... i so angry cos my mil ask me what i wanna eat i ask her can i eat sweet potato leaves she say she go ask ah ma .... and yet I KANNA TUA! say i wanna eat .... am very pissed the whole confinement is a mess!
and angelsky yup 4th mth still have to buy cake and on top of that each cake must give one fresh chicken .... i really dunno what is this law ... i find weird! and my mum think is not neccessary. And they required my mum to buy me the baby sling loh and have to find 2 stones and boil 2 hard boiled eggs to pray to the bed god ...... so many law!
ahcapp, icy
thanks for your replies. I bo pian. This afternoon, i tried to feed her via bottle ebm again, she started sucking, so my mom quickly asked me to reheat more cos the first one only got like 20ml to test her. So i went and took out the 160ml i had in the fridge. Tot happily she taking liao, who knows, after a while, she started crying her lungs out again. Then slowly, suck a bit, cry, suck a bit cry, until she fell asleep! Coaxed her for so long...time ticking away, in the end, she only ate about 50ml from the big bottle, most of it is "accidentally" trickled into her mouth one. Sigh. So, the rest of milk have to pour away liao..i didnt know and not sure if can put back into fridge...
Oh cannot use hot towel on lumps, no wonder, it seemed to get bigger then.. haha fortunately I managed to massage it out.

I use alcohol swap and try rubbing on my tummy, really have brown brown stains leh, eek so dirty.. can we clean it this way or ur doc says slowly let it disappear by itself.. On the rate that I am rubbing, skin also come off.
aiyo how come so rude, the relatives. did u show them black face.

u also poor thing huh...

np.. c u nxt time
i can TOTALLY understand and agree with wat u said on us being so unglam now. Last time my hubby also got ask me if i'm gonna turn into "auntie" after giving birth...now i told him "see lah, so many things to take care of, the last thing on our minds is to be supermodel now!!" Now, not jus me unglam, he also knows. I rem u also got same stroller as me (maclaren techno xt, rite?) Back when i was in Sg, i also ventured out to Tampines Mall with my mom..aiyoh, so nalu also, spent a long time figuring out how to open the stroller when i took it out from the car, then when going back, spent even longer trying to figure out how to collapse the stroller! kekeke...dat was my first time handling it on my own without hubby, cos all along he was the one doing it. Cannot imagine bringing it out in HK cos here all full of staircase!

Just now I used my body scrub on my brown brown belly button. Ok wor. All the yucky brown brown thing/ skin came off. But not the brown line down my tummy though...
20-30ml ah? Today i had to throw about 100ml ah!!!

forgot to add...i promised myself dat when bb grow up, <font color="ff0000">MUST MUST MUST</font> glam-up myself and NOT be auntie anymore.
We must Jiayou!!!

Ever since I have delivered, I have forgotten that I used to put on makeup before I leave my house. Now all I can think of before I leave my house is pump milk, feed baby, bathing baby etc etc. Simply no time to think about my looks. *LOL* Can u imagine that I only trim my eyebrows after 2 to 3 weeks? Scary man...
think u slowly slowly let her try bah.. maybe not totally take 160ml first, first 20 then 50 or what.. But perhaps u made her wait too long after the 20ml, that why she fedup.

woah 100ml, I understand ur heartpain.. just like when my first 2nd week.. I drop and spill my 130ml of BM.. wanna cry man.

Body scrub work? Okie I will try too.. haha so far dun dare to try cos scare skin will come off, I have a big patch of ugly marks right at the centre of my tummy.
Sorry. Tomorrow, no permit to go out cos my mother wants to go and perm and highlight her hair. I have to stay at home and look after 2 sons.

Kitsune, Icy, Ahcapp, Mom2nat,
Now, I keep on massaging my breast. Like "molesting" myself. Sigh..Hopefully, the blockage will go away and milk flow will normalise.

Breast milk is as precious as gold. Normally, I will take out just enough for my boy. If he doesn't feel full, I will top up another 1 oz or 2 oz from other bottle. In this case, I wouldn't waste a whole bottle of "gold" milk.

Personally, I think shouldn't reheat the BM again and again. Nutrients may be lost but I guess it's up to individual.

Good luck to your stairs in HK.
no la, she havent even finished the 20ml, was jus sucking, then my mom hurriedly told me to quickly heat up more cos both of us tot she's taking it ma! So i quickly took out the only bottle in the fridge (the rest i put in freezer liao) which is 160ml...happily thinking she's drinking liao. So it wasnt a case of fed-up liao lo.

haha...last time i also did eyelash extension. Ever since giving birth, i also no time to go and touch up. Now everything drop off liao...so strange to see my eyelash line back to normal, so bare. All my frens in HK came visit me also say i look so pale now. Hips still big, but generally everyone said i lost weight except for my tummy. SO horrible!
yah, lesson learnt liao...the HARD way lo. I naively thot my gal finally taking bottle liao ma, so i quickly go and reheat wat i think is the amount she usually takes lo...around 150ml, my bottle is 160ml, so i tot quite ok. U said u will top up if your bb not full, wouldnt he cry cry cry and impatient while u go and reheat more for him?

Haha...thanks...when i become supermama, i will go out with bb and conquer the stairs!
If empty stomach, surely cry louder. Since 60 to 70% full, wouldn't cry so badly..

Climbing stairs can firm up your butt le..

Any of your BB eating their hands? I don't give pacifier to my boy but when it's close to his meal times, he will start to suck his whole hand, like eating drum stick (or KFC). I wonder if any of you are experiencing the same problem as me. Any advise on what to do? His hands are full of saliva smell.
wendy sigh ... i kw they sure talk about me one ..... i heard something lah ... tats why i so sianz of my in law side now ...

tat day bring my baby back she finish her milk har then cry .... my FIL say she Not enuff wanna drink somemore then go tell my mil say she never drink enuff .... as if like i will ill treat my own daughter i am so angry .... i scare now har if i go back work and baby with them har dunno will they anyhow feed her bo
QQ, wendyg, how to give black face, so many people around. In my mind I was like, very fat meh? After give birth is like that one ma, if true also no need to be so frank right. I just told them, o ya, still fat, baby number 2 coming, end of the year december invite you to my baby full month again. :p. Then another aunt told me to quickly eat and go upstairs and rest, let my hubbie entertain the guests, coz she say just give birth, I cannot talk too much and cannot tire myself out, must rest, else body got a lot of wind if I talk too much.

mylife, now at night, I dont even have time to put face cream. baby sleep, fast fast go do my stuff and then quickly grab my precious sleep. Now mummy already, where got time to doll up. Now go out, means grab and go. But on the other hand, very seldom got chance to out, so when going out, I also look forward to be able to dress up, since most of the time at home, also in shorts and T shirt. Hia~~~ now even going downstairs for a walk with my girl is a luxury. But the weather recently makes it impossible. Walk to near by mama shop, I already feel very happy le.

I think if use avent food warmer, reheat once should be all right ba? If my girl never finish the milk, I will put at room temperature for about 4 hours max and then when she wants reheat a little and let her drink. If cant finish then I will throw away after that feed.

Blackbatz cant go? Hmmm, so who else is left? Only me and wendyg?

Mylife, I bringing my girl to HK around Oct this year le, thats the plan. But my galfren say very troublesome. Make milk must bring my own mineral water, boil and then bring out. Then half day, must go back and boil new ones again.
So mafan. Then she say bring stroller very troblesome also. sian. BUt I wanna go le.

Blackbatz, I dont give pacifier also. My girl when she pek chek, she will eat her fingers which is in her mittens, I will tell her no and then I will put her hands down. If she does again, I will tell her no again. Not sure if its working, but I wanna refrain from giving her pacifier. BUt I also concern if next time she end up sucking her fingers. But my girl has very strong rooting instinct, even in her sleep, she will be sucking her mouth and then bringing her hands and fingers to her face and rub.
I know HK got a lot of stairs but I didn't know they are so unfriendly le..

My boy is pretty much like yours. Sigh...Sucking sound is loud to wake me up from my sleep. Looks like I must consult the senior relatives liao..

Talking about BB co-sleeping with us. Must make sure our pillow is not near them. Drop on their face also very jialat!!

the rain finally stopped at 230pm this afternoon and i decided to drop by Taka's BB fair. unfortunately, there isn't any good buys... only managed to buy some pigeon stuff. babe went to robinsons as there was a private sale for members, wanted to meet her but she called to say tat there isn't any good buys too except for the household section. saved my enengy and walked to paragon instead... ended up buying a crystal pacifier from swarovski to hang it in my hubby's car.


Pigeon selling @ $10.10 for 3 packs of 80s' refill

J &amp; J selling @ $8.90 for 2
It happened to Ian once also. My sis placed the beansprout pillow above his arms bec he startled easily so she thought by putting the pillow on his arms, he will not be startled. Luckily, hubby went in to check on him and saw the pillow covering his face. Scared us all. So now we only placed on his tummy without his arms. I rather he got startled and wake up than...cannot imagine..

Verene, Bebe yen, Mei,
Went to the Taka Baby Fair just now with hubby. I think it's the same as last year, Avent and Pigeon each have a booth space there, selling Sterilizer package and stuffs. Medela also there. I finally saw Huggies Wipes, instead of $7 with box, they are selling at $6. Refill pack also cheaper I think. J &amp; J Wipes also got discount. Pigeon Wipes same price at $10.10. Don't have the 6 packs. Good buys are those baby clothes, $10 for 3 pieces etc. Some nice rompers also on sale. Disney, Pooh, etc.

Bebe yen,
I was also opposed to shaving Ian botak but we're doing the Tai Mao Bi for him as a souvenir. The person said he got more than enough but hubby felt that since cutting already, might as well shaved botak. But true enough, hair growth is rather fast and hair is thicker also. (can refer to his pic in the last thread) We also shaved the eyebrows, aiyo, so weird lor but now started to grow liao...

Thanks for the info. Will need to go Carre4 leh. But will definitely buy if happened to go.
Mylife, so wasted, know how you feel, yesterday I had to pour away 40ml of EBM after finding out from LC that heated EBM can only last 1 hr. Yours 150ml 3X worse than mine. :p

Sassy, VioletIce, $10.10 for pigeon wipes same price as Kiddy Palace. I bought 2 packs recently. Pigeon travel pack (2 packs) also on offer $3.10, NTUC also selling same price.

Blackbatz, my BB still in mittens and she started to eat them liao. Actually, she's 6 weeks already. PD said ok to remove but MIL said her hands cold and scared she scratch her face.

Blackbatz, Icy, Ahcapp, Mom2nat, bruises appeared but lump still here leh, sian.

Ikea outing postponed to next week. Anyone wants to specify a date?

<font color="ff6000">Moms &amp; Babes Outing to Ikea Tampines
Weekday afternoon next week (ie sch hols)
Pls reconfirm your attendance...?
- angelsky
- babyshannon
- blackbatz
- wendyg... ONZ!
- windy
- Mom2Nat
- Kitsune

anyone else?

I have a pack of brand new Drypers XL 40 for sale. I wanted to sell as my mum bought the wrong size for my nephew. It is brand new &amp; not opened before. Willing to sell at $10. Meet up to collect at Eunos MRT. Interested party pls PM me.

Thank you.
Ya, same price everywhere for Pigeon because it's controlled price. Only during certain sale, they have the 6 packs for $18 only.
Wah, poor thing, so many rules/regulations to follow. But hor, if no choice just let them be lah. Sometimes it's not that we want to give in without a fight but if they're insistent also quite hard to ignore. After 4th months, no more hassle lor. Honestly never heard of such things also.
Ian also likes to eat his fingers, like very tasty lor. Haha! I intro pacifier ages ago liao but he prefers his finger, my mum said bec got taste.
We also removed his mittens around 6-7 weeks bec pd and gp said it's better for them to learn to grasp and ungrasp and also for the development of the palm and fingers. Maybe at night then give mittens lor. If you're worried about scratching, then trim fingernails. I did that quite often.
RE: Baby &amp; Mummy dropping hair
Just to check with you gals, people are telling me that when baby drop hair, we as Mummy will also drop, is that true? Thinking of highlighting my hair but if gonna drop then no need liao...sighz.
Dear mummies,

Was busy with my girl recently, really tiring to do everything myself and barely has time to pump. Getting used to doing everything on my own, only no time to do my work. My girl was really good last 2 nights, the 1st night after her 12.30am feed, slept at about 1.30am and all the way till 6.30am for her next feed. Heaven! Last night even better, after her feed at 11.30pm, slept at around 12plus all the way till 9am this morning! a total of 9 hours!! Hopefully she'll continue this way, she knew that daddy was away for biz trip and i was alone in the house for 3 full days. *cross fingers* but today, took longer to settle her to sleep, hope she can sleep for long hours today also.

Anyway my new helper came last night and starting to do some training today, hopefully everything will turn out ok.


We finally shaved our girl today, inlaws had been nagging and chosen an auspicious date for her to do that. Use housecall services by the Huaxia Taimaobi Centre. She actually look very cute in her Bo Tak head now. Hubby say since shaved already and she has so much hairs to make thick brushes, we've ordered 5 of brushes. faint.

Black belly button
mine also still black, can't seem to get rid of them, the line in the middle of it also still there but fading already.

wa your relatives so tactless!! tell them will get post natal blues ah then they'll be responsible for it....i normally just fly such negative comments out of my ears, always forget them the moment they disappear in front of me...haha

how come got to give cakes again on 4th month? never heard of such custom leh, waste $$ and time....does that mean that they will give ang pow again? hehe...

Beansprout pillow
thanks mummies for the warning, will be extra careful when using the pillow or blanket.

Taka Fair
Thanks violetlce and sassy for the info, i don't have to make a wasted trip down then, thgt can buy pigeon wipes if there's good buy.

do u co-sleep with baby? I do leh, already dismantle the cot in my bedroom and replace with the yao lan, but alas, she doesn't like to sleep in yao lan..so now ended up we co-sleep with her on our bed every night, don't know if she'll resist next time if she has to sleep on her own.

removal of mittens
i also removed her mittens recently and today i caught her studying her fingers for a while and started to suck on them and stare at the fingers again...faint
Hi Mummies...

Sorry to intrude...i'm from another sept thread...

I have a brand new graco baby car seat for sale for $240.. Suitable for new born to 4yrs old...the colour is beige/brown...

If interested, contact me at 98774205..
Your gal so cute! Studying her own fingers then think looked tasty and started sucking them. LOL!
Taka fair only good for baby clothes bah. Maybe the March Expo fair will be better?
ya lo and the other day while i was bathing her, she pulled her hair so hard then started screaming out...aiyo don't know want to laugh or what...kekeke...bad mummy!

Ya i think look forward to the Expo fair better..hopefully will have good offers.
Aiyo, serious ar? She pulled her hair and started screaming? LOL! If I were you, I think I will burst into laughter. Cute lah, think she's exploring her limbs and suchs, it's good mah. Showed that she's curious and learning fast. Think my boy seemed to be slower leh, only know how to pull my hair. =(
ya lo and she pulled very hard! ya learning fast at this stage, yours will too! i wonder if she realised that she has no more hair now..haha

anyway besides sleeping, eating and pooing, she doesn't do much when she's awake also, always fuss to be pat to sleep after her feed. don't have anything to entertain her besides talking to her. wonder if any mummy trying to stimulate baby at this stage or only when babies have more response and reaction and learnt to grasp more?
Think now she will feel very "liang" since botak liao. Hee!
Same like my boy, always want people to pat him to sleep, talk to him etc. Today at Taka Baby Fair, hubby chose a few stimulating toys for touch, for developing thinking process and motor skills. Maybe you can buy some to play with her too.

Ikea outing postponed to next week. Anyone wants to specify a date?

Moms &amp; Babes Outing to Ikea Tampines
Weekday afternoon next week (ie sch hols)
Pls reconfirm your attendance...?
- angelsky ... Yup yup
- babyshannon
- blackbatz
- wendyg... ONZ!
- windy
- Mom2Nat
- Kitsune

Luvv, I also know they tactless, but its ok
. Anyway that day supposed to be joyous. Sometimes people just say things without thinking. Bo bian.

Record, my girl slept at 1am last night and she just woke up, finish latching for 10 minutes and she slept again. Think she not hungry, more like want me to soothe her. yes. but i still look like a mess. super sleepy now.
She is now making all her eh eh stretching sound in bed.
Diapers update from y'day papers:

Nepia M (48s's)/ L (42's)
2 packs for $26.95
*Order online and home delivery is $15 per pack. So this time NTUC is cheaper

Shop n Save:
Pampers dry
S, M or L
2 packs for $18+ or is it $19+?
*sorry, lost my papers already. So can't remember exact price

Waaa... your darling soo cute! =) Look at those hair, black and thick. ^_^

Don't worry, my son also eating KFC drumstick every day. I don't give him pacificer. He will suck on his mittens every now n then. These few days a bit cold, so i let him wear long sleeve tops. The sleeves were a bit long, and he was busy sucking his sleeves. =P

My CL once told me that if my son starts to sucks his hands, give him pacifier. As pacificer is easier to wean off. His hands are always there so difficult to wean off. I didn't take her advice though. My son currenly 7 weeks btw.

Oh yes, my mum said the same thing like your mum. She also said hands/ fingers have taste! *LOL* More like salty taste from the sweat! *LOL*

blackbatz &amp; kitsune

For my lump, it did took me quite a few days of pumping to get rid of it. =( Try again and again.


U really make me laugh with your eyelash extensions. =) We poor mummies....

My MIL also said my son's hands cold after I remove his mittens. But I did read that baby hands and feet are colder then adults.

My son loves to rub his face. I remove his mittens in the day time. But at night, my mum will put them on again as worry he is cold.

<font color="0077aa">any mommies got super dry eyes like meeee.... *rub eyes* i went to see gynae, he say is cos eyeballs enlarged due to pregnancy hence need to change contacts. went to optician, she say no need to change contacts, it's just hormones hence the sight blurness. how?!?! i am semi-blind le... SOS</font>
