(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi mummies,

hw u noe bb is having a diarrhea? My bb's poo used to be mustard yellow. today bb's poo is like so watery and the color was dirty mud yellow and quite smelly...
I dun noe whether my gal is having a diarrhea... TIA.


Yes, I took the 6-in-1 jab plus rotavirus vaccine at GP near my hse. 6-in-1 costs $120 per jab & rotavirus vaccine is $100 per dose. The doc administered both the jab & dose.

I asked him abt fever... He said high chances won't have.. But my SIL & mum said normally baby will get fever after any kind of jab. So I still requested fever medicince from the GP just in case. So far I fed her once last night.. seems to be slightly better but still monitoring her temperature.

Any victoria secret fans here? I thought of ordering a few items but not sure of the sizing for the bra. Any one have bought their bra before?
hi mummies,

i'm from the dec thread, just wanted to ask if anyone here is keen to buying the Ergo baby carrier? i bought one at a recent BP at good discount but my boy prefers to sit facing out so have to get another type of carrier instead. So wanna sell my Ergo... if anyone keen, let me know okie?

Siah Ah Cheok
371 Upper Paya lebar Rd #01-03
Yi kai Court
Opening hours: monday 9am-12pm
Tue - sun 9-12pm 3pm-7pm
Wah, you must be very small size hor. Hee. I used L size before but Ian looks like bak chang lor. So worried he'll fall out as the cloth doesn't seemed to cover his head well. Or maybe I didn't put him in nicely, not easy leh.

I should be going there earlier to walk walk then wait for hubby to come after work. Not sure if my sis wants to go. Haven't decide want to bring Ian or not. Scared too crowded and later buy too many things. Haha. We intend to buy LOTS of Pigeon Wipes if cheap. Danelle wants to be carried all the time ar? Ian also like that but he can lie down on the bed provided someone entertains him by talking. Think they're at the phrase whereby they likes attention.

the VS bras runs true in size.


i dun think the pigeon bb wipes will be on discount. refills pack of 3's should be $10.10 i carry her untill my shoulders and back aching, eyes still big big. *faint*
The last Taka Baby Fair, they have Pigeon Wipes in 6 pack, only $18 something. So am hoping they have that.
Think you need a sling at least can keep your hands free? How about placing a musical mobile on her cot? I bought one FisherPrice musical mobile and it keeps Ian entertained for about half an hour sometimes.

Anyone has tried different brands of wipes before? I've tried Kodomo and Tollyjoy but their soapy scent is stronger than Pigeon. Anyone tired Annaku?
Hi Mummies,
anyone knows how much does polyclinic charge for pap smear?

Maybe your bb having diarrhea? Think you better bring your gal see doctor. My boy also same case as you since 27 Feb. Now still got a bit diarrhea but i got bring him see doctor.
Dear Mums, good noon to you all!I came in to seek help, upon my friend, Sophia's suggestion. She is an avid member here and has actually help me seek successful help from here before and thus, here i am myself!

Allow me to intro abt myself..
I am Yiping, a postgraduate student in NUS..I am currently doing a research looking for a particular type of cells in breast milk.

This is my thesis for my Ph D actually and I am trying to culture cells found in breast milk and identify this group of cells. If our hypothesis is proven true, it might open a potential use of
breastmilk and its benefits for the breastfed infant might thus be more than what is already known.

With that note, I would like to seek your help to participate in this study by donating about 30 to 50ml of breastmilk (an amount that you are
comfortable with, at a frequency that you are confortable with) and I can go collect from you at your place when you are convenient. As I am using the cellular component, I would actually require fresh breastmilk (of not more than half a day old) for study and as freezing is detrimental for the cells, the milk should be kept at room temperature or at best 4deg such that they arent frozen, upon which cells that I am interested in would most likely be lysed.

Please feel free to contact me at 93826595, or email me at [email protected] if u have any queries. Hope you would be willing to help and hope to hear from
you soon. I would appreciate to start milk collection as soon as possible, with immediate effect, actually.

Hope to hear from you all soon!

P/S: i have been doing this for the last 3 years and there are promising results presented in various symposiums/ conferences and also published in a peer-reviewed journal..Study has also been approved by a local hospital's ethical review board.. So, neednt worry tt its weird study or wat, k....

Really hope to hear from you especially if you are able to express more than your baby's demand!! And u aint committed or obliged to help me for very long... that is to say, you can stop anytime you want.. If you have questions, please drop a line too! I will try my best to help!
Actually my gal was on 'milk strike' since last wk. the worst pt was last sat that she stop drinking anything aft 11am till next morning. So sunday we brought her to Mt. A's A&E to see specialist. heart pain pain... Whenever she cry, i oso cry, poor hubby need to comfort both of us...

<font color="ff6000">Any mum can recommend a gd PD ard AMK or Bishan area? TIA.</font>
thanks for remembering wendy!

wrist pain
i had the most severe wrist pain right after i've given birth. I had swelling during the last few weeks of my pregnancy, after i hv delivered, i strained it further and turned it into a "real" injury by carrying bb and bf-ing. It felt like dislocation snapping back into place each time i turn my wrist. In the end, hubby brought me to a hand/wrist specialist and i had to resort to injecting steroids into the spot. Now pain free liao. Heng the steroids is non-soluble so BF is ok.

today jus my 2nd day of trying E.A.S.Y and like i said, i cheated liao. Afternoon naps have to put her in rocker. Yday we had the toughest time putting her to sleep at night, cos it's my bday today, so my sis and hubby took me out to dinner last night. Brought bb along...so watever routine flew out the window. She got "overstimulated" i think so even when we put her to bed, she was still cooing and aahing...and then smiling 1 second and frowning the next. But at least she only woke up for 1 feed at 345am.

milk ss
i finally managed to take out my steriliser and breast pumps and did my morning pump. After feeding rylee, and with a full left breast, i managed to get 150ml from one side and 25ml from the almost empty one! So happy! At least now i know my ss is there liao.
But i headache when to give this ebm to rylee cos if i give for one feed, i would miss one feeding session, rite? Wouldnt that cause my ss to drop?

rem we were asking for full night sleep, how about diaper changing? I dunno if that question of ours was answered cos me hardly have time to read thru everything. But i read tis Tracy Hogg book and she mentioned when implementing thru the night sleep, we shud cut off all activities including diaper-changing, so we shud slap on thick nappy cream to prevent rash and avoid changing diaper UNLESS we can really smell the poo or hear an explosive one. I was tinking, then how to sleep? DUH
mylife, congrats!!!! I still struggling wif ss. Ask u ya, u always feed 1 side izzit? for how long? Mine always both sides...btw, how long do u pump for? When is rylee's last feed? I am waiting still for him to learn to sleep thru..

Whose bb still getting up 2.5-3hly for feeds at night? Am I the only one? bb onto 9 wks liao...

the pigeon bottles I got are wide neck bottles as well. The teats are even wider than the avent ones. so far, minimal leakage.

when I order the goon diapers, i also order the wipes. it's moisture is good but it is thinner and smaller than pigeon wipes. I had tried Johnson &amp; Johnson, thick and big but expensive. Also bought NTUC fairprice brand but havent tried. I saw watson selling their house brand too. these 2 are cheaper ranges.
lol my boy still feed well but only thing he still "lau sek". Eat doctor medi also still got a bit. Then now how your gal liao?
You're right..I very small size leh..

I only use Annaku when my kid is about 2+. Cos by then, skin not so sensitive, use anything also can. Annaku has some kind of funny smell.
<font color="ff0000">Calling for Miracle</font>

Should we reschedule the Yoga session? Because babe not interested anymore.. me got possibility cant attend, My baby body temperature went up from 36.5 to 37.3 already, over like 4 hrs.. so maybe he is going to have fever after the Jab.

Windy, Babe, Angelsky, what do u think?
Chaye, violetIce,

<font color="0000ff">Re: MediShield</font>
yes, only my hubby rec'd a letter from CPF to declare our child's health details. We completed the enclosed health declaration form &amp; mail it back to cpf in early Feb08. We also bought HealthShield A+ &amp; Pink of Health from AIA for Zander. Mm...so many diff policy, wonder if there r any duplicate coverage...confusing, blur...must chk with agent again.
re: Wet Wipes

violetIce, i've tried J&amp;J, Avent, Pigeon, Kodomo &amp; TollyJoy. Worse is Avent, can't wipe the poo off my baby's butt well. The best i like is J&amp;J but expensive, next is tollyjoy (unscented) or pigeon.
rylee's last feed is at around 10-11pm. yah..i alwiz feed one side only. feeding time varies..sometimes 30mins, sometimes 20mins...evening can be longer around 45min to 1hr..i reckon cos our milkflow in the eveng is slow. u seldom see me online cos me takg care of bb on my own..if i go msn...cannot chat also. mom only here 2 help me with washg and cooking..she dislike babysittig...dats wat she told me explicitly. sigh..its her own grandchild but i tink se got phobia 4 babies

zander looks so innocent...hehe
ooh zander has certainly grown! wat's his weight now?

yah i know wat u mean. every time i go out or hv to run errands, emma's routine goes out the window too n have to start all over again :p sometimes i really wonder if its possible to put them on a routine this young? your girl feeds for so long? mine feed about 5 min only then dont want liao. i always wonder if she has had enough, but simply cannot make her take more. but then the 5 min is enough to make her last for 3 hrs, even 4-5 hrs at nite. so i guess its enuf lor. didnt know she is so efficient. or she is just a small eater?
re: routine when out
> the timing goes haywire a bit, but the sequence is still there.. sleep, eat, alert... sleep, eat, alert.

re: wipes
> For me, i go for wipes that are
1) not too wet
2) one hand operation
Those Tollyjoy barrel types are out of the qstn for me. Bought 2 barrels 3 yrs back when my #1 was born.. need 2 hands to tear the wipes, macam toilet paper. Also need to dig in the hole when it tears prematurely etc. SImply frustrating.
So for my baby, i'm sticking to Pigeon wipes at home. When outside, i use Tollyjoy travel pack, coz all travel packs are the same. Anyway most diaper changes are at home.
For my elder boy now, i'm using Giant housebrand. Fairly one-hand operationable. Some cheap brands i tried before also need 2 hands to separate the wipes coz too wet they tend to stick together altho separate sheets.

Tobey born 11/1 still can't go for longer stretch at night. I'm afraid i may hv prolonged his bad habit of eating little &amp; often. Coz he's so big sized i keep thinking he's hungry &amp; dun deny him &amp; eat full easier to sleep. So maybe for times that actually no need to feed him, i still do.
Everynight he wakes 12mn/3am/5am, or 1am/4am/6am, depending on what time last feed, which depends on what time i retire. The last feed i'm using bottle, but he takes less than 100ml.. there was once i 'guan' him 125ml, he spat up a bit. So for the big baby he is, i guess his max max max is only 100ml... most times only 70-80ml. ha ha ha. poor panda mummy...

someone bought 2 packs of Anakku wipes for me.. i use to wipe table when we're eating out.. ha ha.
mylife, happy birthday
. Ok, about the diaper changing part, I am really jialat. Last night, first time I cope with baby on my own, she slept on her bed in my room next to me. She woke up at 4am to feed, last feed was 12midnight, I latch her, but only 15 minutes, she konked out, mouth still open, I did not even burp her, nor change her diaper, put her back to sleep. 7 am also the same thing, but a bit guilty so I burp her and when I saw her eyes moving, I quickly put her down. So actually I only change her once at 7 am. But after that she was slightly wide awake, I pat her, but I never look at her, nor talk to her.
Windy, Babe, Angelsky, icy, I think miracle busy le, her baby is in hospital right? Seems like now only less than 4, how? If not going, think better call and inform in advance, else not nice. Any opinions? I also need to say to my baby we not going out. kekeke. Else later she disappointed, why mummy say going out, then after that not going out.

I think if you have bot HealthShield from AIA the cpf medishield will not be in force le. If I'm not wrong la...
<font color="ff6000">7th March Friday 3pm
Moms &amp; Babes Tea-time @ Ikea Tampines
- Angelsky
- Blackbatz
- Elmo
- Shannonbaby
- Wendyg
- Windy

anyone else?
or just turn up and approach the table with the most babies. haha.

Wow, your baby drinks very fast. Mine can take up to 30 to 45min just for about 135ml. Don't dare to make him drink too fast as I worry he might vomit. =(

I have switched over to teat no. 2 today. Hmm.. I can see that he doesn't have to suck so hard as compared to teat no. 1. But the time taken per feed roughly the same.

I missed my night pumping last night! Aiyo, I slept from midnight till 6am! I very jia liat man. I pumped for 1 hour just to get both breasts jelly soft again. My mum is staying over this week so she helps me take care of the 3am feed. So I sort of continue to sleep lor. =P When she goes back home next week, I will be back on the 3am shift liao. =(
I agree, but dunno what name Miacle use to have that trial.. can just call and inform?? Babe already known, left windy.. I have her contact..

do u have miracle contact?

my boy having fever, very cranky now.. sigh
My boy who is 8 weeks old also wake for milk at night. Usually every 3hrs but sometimes every 2.5hrs on a bad day or he can stretch to 4hrs on a good day which is seldom lah.

Anyone tried the NTUC diapers? Is it good for day use? It's cheap leh, $9.50 for 60 pcs. Thought of trying it for day use.
Anyone going to the Mother &amp; Baby Fair at Expo from 21-23 Mar? I think quite a fair bit of good deals. Thinking of getting the ear&amp;forehead thermometer which is selling at $86 and comes with a free Thermos flask.

Re: Diapers
Anyone using Huggies Ultra?? How's the absorbency? Better than Mamy Poko? By the way, which brand of diapers do you gals use for night? So far, I find Mamy Poko the best but have not tried some other brands lah.
yvonne, i use pampers and mamy poko for night time.

icy, hmmm i dont have miracle's contact, but is she going with us for the trial if her baby is in the hospital? or she was helping us to book the trial only? I can call tomo to cancel and tell them that we will arrange again for the trial? since next monday some of us going for the trial for positive infants. how? I can try telling them its for the trial session at 3pm and that some babies are not well, would it be possible to rearrange again. I mean its not within our control

Today, so busy trying to cope with my girl alone, that I did not managed to pump milk on time, ss drop by 200ml. so sad.
Mylife, happy birthday!

WendyG, I think someone asked you before but I missed the reply. How come you know everyone's birthday hah?

Mil helping to look after BB at night but she went back today after lunch to shower and sleep cos my mum &amp; aunt came to visit. But my mum not experienced in looking after BB so still kalang kabok. Sigh, hope tomorrow is a better day.
Angelsky, mom2nat, same for my gal, feed, sleep a bit (less than 2 hours), wake up cry, too early for feed, tried changing diaper (thought just urine) pat for half hour, still continue to cry, bo bian feed again. Ok for 1 side, the other side, start to shake head and get angry. burp her, put nipple near her, continue to root, even spit out milk. Don't know what she wants. :p
my bb still not drinking well. Will suckle for 10 mins only and stop. 2-2.5 hours later will cry for milk. very tiring and i can feel my ss dropping. As for nite, depends. between 2-5hrs. Last nite he woke up 2-3hourly. Hopefully tonite he'll last longer.

my bb also takes abt 70ml only. How i wish he could take more and last longer but he just simply refuse to drink. No way I can 'guan' him cos he will not entertain at all be it bf or bottle. To get him to drink 10 min is already tough at times. I have to keep talking and praising him. Sometimes rock him too!
Wah, not bad, your baby can drinks with minimum leakage, don't know why Ian keeps dripping. How to change him to No.2 if he drips with No.1? How many pcs are there for Goon wipes and how much?

Annaku got funny smell? Soapy smell? Kodomo and Tollyjoy also got soapy smell, thus my hubby prefer Pigeon wipes.

Meeting my agent this Wed, am buying a life policy for Ian, like what you said, so many policies to buy. As for Wipes, never tried J &amp; J but it's quite ex, $4+ for 90pcs from NTUC.

I'm trying Huggies Ultra but finds it not as good as Pampers. It also seemed heavier. But today I saw Huggies Ultra got special discount at AMK NTUC, a lot of pple buying in bulk. Maybe you can buy 1 and try asap. I want to try Mamy Poko but haven't tried yet, is it good?
Mylife happy birthday!

violetice ... me busy with my precious .... she want me to stick with her so sometime hard to read posting now getting better so can post hehe .... for the sling quite ok ..... it cost 40+ for that i bought in kiddy palace


I am opposite leh steph i like using avent .... havent try pigeon yet ... lately just ordered huggies wipes shall see how ... wanna order the Goo.N wipes but OSS now .... currently using tollyjoy like what wendy say ..... like toilet paper ... pull out only so many come out at the same time ....

Yvonne, i check with my thyroid doc he say indeed thyroid affect our breast milk so no milk is coomon
and now i become hyper liao wor .....
mummies guess what my MIL HINTED me yetserday to give birth for a 2nd one! OMG! i dun wish to go thru the confinement anymore .... sigh ... is actually a disaster for me during confinement didnt blog it cos my SIL read my blog .... she will side her mum one so i never blog
violetice MIM not so ex lah ..... hehe my TT pics har ..... u can view her pic in my blog here have to resize leh so ma fan i try ok heehehe

Re: Wipes
Goon wipes for refill pack cost $7 for (70s x 3). I also bought the cute penguin casing to put the refill pack in. it is one-hand operation

Re: Diapers
I am using Nepia and Goon for the night time and drypers for day for now. but my drypers finishing soon...so thinking whether to change brand for day. I find tat drypers side elastic bands are harsh on my boy's ta tui. I might try the NTUC brand.For huggies Ultra, the cutting is smaller than Mamy Poko. Both are abt the same to me. without any promotion, mamy poko is more expensive than Huggies Ultra.
