(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Re: Sling,

How is the sling like? any picture/brand to share since some of you thinks it's good? I am short and skinny, i scared I carry sling will end up looking like a potato!


Oh yes, my nipples are long and big. Distorted already. Don't know if they will return back to normal size when I stop pumping. =( What life!

Avent bottles users

Any avent bottles users here? My son is 6.5 weeks old and he is still using the new born teat (1 hole). When can I introduce the slow flow teat (2 holes) to him? I read from the Avent site that the 2 holes teat is from 1mth+ onwards. I worry if I introduce too early, the flow might be too fast for him.

Any advice pls?
hi Ahcapp,

I mix using the avent teat 1 and 2 for my boy. think it depends on individual when to start using teat 2. if ur boy does not choke on teat 2...then it is ok to switch totally. my boy is ok with teat 1 & 2. using teat 2 for him just make him drink his milk faster...he need not suck so hard.
hihi, everyone

Yup, Angelsky and Itok, my CL left this afternoon, MIL is here with us now, she's staying overnight to help take care of BB. She was screaming non stop just now but it's too early for milk and her diapers are clean. :p Glad there's another person to help carry and pacify her.
This mummy very bo eng. Sigh. :p
Thanks wendy and mylife for the wishes!

Ahcapp I am using avent I am oso still using 1 hole ..... my gal still ok with it .. i oso dunno when to change it
Mylife, mine is mainly BM. Anyway, after she poo out 2 diapers worth at the PD clinic yesterday, I'm sticking to BM or EBM for the time being. Scared liao. :p

Haha, looks like quite a few braless mummies out there. But will our breasts sag hah? I also a bit scared, pump also nipples long and protuding, somemore bra-less, no support. :p
Re: Menses after delivery

Just did my pap smear test last sat. I asked my gynae about menses. He said normally menses will come 6 to 8 weeks after you stop breastfeeding. Meanwhile during this period, it is normal to have brown discharge or spotting. I have also stopped breastfeeding & is experiencing little brown discharge. But he said it will take time for menses cycle to become regular again. Normally, the first menses will be heavy or longer.

Re: Fever after 6-in-1 jab

I wonder if any of your babies had fever after taking 6-in-1 jab. Just brought my gal this morning for this jab. Now she is having slight fever with around 37.3 to 37.5 degress... So worried & she was crying... Had put the cooling plaster on her forehead & gave fever medicine (hubby did not want to give). Hope she will be better tomorrow.

Re: Avent teats

I'm using No.2 teats for my 6 weeks old gal from the very beginning. Coz she seemed to have problems sucking No.1 teat & she was drinking very slowly. So now, she is ok with No.2 teats. But I try to use a teat for 1 mth & throw away...My mum said that if the plastic of the teat become not clear, it means the teat is dirty & should be thrown away.
My cousin passed me the little pod sling and I managed to sling him on Saturday while shopping at Suntec. However, hubby and my sis feels that the sling seems cramped but Ian didn't fussed so I think it's alright bah. I mean, when inside the womb, they were cramped too, this would give him security right?

I'm using both Avent bottles and Pigeon bottles. I realized Ian drinks easier with Pigeon teats, maybe bec it's smaller but the teats now have turned whitish, not clear in plastic, does it mean I should change? He's slower in drinking compared to using Avent bottles but when using Avent bottles, he will drip...

When he uses Pigeon bottle with Pigeon teats, he needs 30 mins or so to finish and there's no dripping involved.

However, when he uses Avent bottle with Avent teats, he takes 15-20 mins to finish but he drips from mouth to chin.
hi Wendyg / violetIce,

when using avent bottle on my boy, it drips too. Pigeon bottles doesn't seem to give such a problem.
In fact, my friend had told me avent bottles drips before we start using.
kel, itok,
wrist pain- yes! i have it too!!! i think got it from carrying my boy 1.5mths old too!... i told my hubby that i may not be able to play piano liao...
he massages my wrists now and then when i complain, and i try to be more attentive to how i hold him lor...

my boy "merlioned" a few nights back and the next morning... his appetite increased that night... just wanted to have more and more... then CL didn't burp him long enough and put him into cot too soon, next thing i saw, boy vomitted a lot out onto the floor, and onto CL's T-shirt... heartpain... thereafter i think CL realized her mistake, so been more alert in burping him...

next morning, boy's appetite still there... took more than usual and merlioned on my blouse and bra

after that, been giving him 100+20ml every 2.5-3hrs start to start liao... (previously 100ml per feed)... wonder if it is the "growth spurt" people talk about...

I'm using Avent teats 2 for my 2 mth old le. 1mth + can start using No. 2 teats le. But I'm still using No. 1 to feed water, No. 2 is for milk. Just like Verene.

Your bb is only 6 wks and have gone for the first 6 in 1 jab ? Izit Hep B ? Hep B wont cause fever de leh.

Re : Yaolan
Yes I'm using yaolan for Tate. But it doesnt really seems good to me cos once I stop shaking he fidget. so have to keep shaking de. so tiring one leh. He din sleep long hours using yaolan as what ppl claimed !

I interchange with the cot in case he got addiction to yaolan. Yaolan is used for emergency like when he will scream n yield when he is sleepy so we put yaolan to sleep instead of carrying a hysterical bb. Putting him into cot is definitely NO NO when he is super cranky.

Come to think of it any of your bb is like mine ah? He will fuss n cry when he is tired and wan to sleep. Fuss n cry when he is hungry. Sometimes even when feeding half way thru he fuss n struggle too.
avent teats n bottles:
erm, need to check that the teats r "locked in" to the ring n the ring to the bottle b4 use...

or maybe flow is too fast for baby right now...?

BPA free bottles n teats:
anyone using bfree products? i have many avent bottles n teats *new but dunno if i should change to bfree ones??? glass bottles too heavy...
itok /pinkstars

my wrist pain dun go away leh... sighs.. v scared i sprained my wrist, must be due to my wrist posture when i was breastfeeding her.

i am also using the avent teats 1, my bb kicked a fuss everytime she drinks milk. dunno if the flow is too slow for her, but then i scare i changed to no2., the flow too fast will choke her.she gets v impatient drinking her milk now, one feed can last 45-60mins via bottle..
so tiring
wrist pain
had that for #1. It's due to hormones. Can last v long. Called carple tunnel. Either u go take jab or tahan..

Sleeping and feeding
Any of ur bb at 8 wks still feeding 2.5-3hly even at night? Mine doesn't seem to lengthen his night feeds n sleep longer.

Bb yoga
Cfm? Pls let me know wor...
chaye, my girl is like that, actually very tired, she wants to sleep, but still will suck at the bottle, then get very pek chek, then i confuse, tap her mouth, still rooting and reaching for bottle, so I feed, drink a few mouthful then choke and get very angry, kick and fling her hands, then i pat her and then her eyes close and she goes to sleep. Put her down, 5 mins later, she cry and then I carry her, feed again, burp then put her down, then it starts again, it went on for4 times last night before she finally konked out.

But I must say she very good girl last night, told her CL left, dont bully mummy, she woke up twice and slept so soundly after milk.
Actually even till now after her last feed at 7 am, she is still sleeping, need to wake her up for bath time soon.

Bb yoga, tomo at 3 right? So wear our yoga attire go?

Outing to changi airport on friday, I already half expect that I will be carrying my girl throughout our gathering. She likes to sit in the stroller when being pushed, but does not like sitting in the stroller stationary.
Last night just brought her to the airport to send her papa off. Wa, bring stroller and her milk and my bag, really got a lot of barang barang to carry le.
Same for me. The cycle goes over again, feed, change, poo, put down can't sleep. Then all over again, so so tiring. When CL ard, I just pass bb to her after feeding i go zzzz... now I have to do everything. The night b4, I was awake from 2 to 5am, each time I put him down, eyes big big.
I'm using the Littlepod Sling as well. I also felt that it was very cramp for my boy. Somehow, he likes it alot. Whenever he is cranky, I will use the sling to carry him and he usually calm down after that.

Are you using the electric yaolan? Some babies are very sensitive to the handmotion. For my #1, the handmotion must be very gentle and even when removed, must also be very gentle. Or else, he will wake up.
No lor. I'm using the manual one. tat's y keep shaking until hand tired. When he fuss n cries my maid will shake him until v hard till he cool down.
Is electric yaolan gd or not ah ? I tot of getting one leh. erm.. wat do u mean by sensitive to handmotion ?
u pat on his or her backside or chest lightly n talk to him or her n shake gently with pacifier on. It works. Most impt u must be patient
wendyg.. thats's a good side-effect leh.. still waiting for the ss to come in..

Violetice thks for ur encouragement... ur ss.. actually quiet ok.. me no 1 week plus already still a bit low but i noticed the abby sleeps longer after latching.. maybe cause she taking in more milk..

My baby is starting to be awake for a long period of time also... guess its like that hor.But luckily she is ok staying in her cot and listenign to music..
i think my baby is ready for a play gym... we put a toy above her, she like wanna use hand to touch the toy. she's 6 weeks plus le. keke.. so exciting.
My mum or helper would use their hands to pat his backside. The hand must moved away very slowly and must make sure he is in deep sleep. But I was using the electric yaolan. So it was going up and down on its own.
violetice, blackcatz I am using MIM sling .... TT also like she will fall asleep whenever i sling her

chaye hmmmmm i think like tat i must change the teats liao lah ..... shall go buy
Hi Mummies,
Mummy and baby yoga
icy, windy, babe, angelsky and mcfluffy,
so sorry i will not be able to join you cos my bb was admitted to kk due to fever. Although fever already subside but bb under 3mth must be placed under observation for 3days according to kk's protocol.if you have any problem please call babybreeze directly and say u r my friend(stephanie).

Positive Infant Class
I managed to get a free trial class for our mummies and babies. It is next monday, 10th March 3-3.20pm at novena square 2 , babybreeze, no time to post details, please refer to my earlier post.
Initially they wanted to charge $25 for 40min session but i told her , most of the mummies knew i went for the free trial so they are not willing to pay for the trial. Eventually they agreed on the free trial. tho they said its 20min but it was ard 30-35mins.pls list down yr name if you are interested, will post more details when i am back on wednesday cos i will be staying in kk w my bb till then.
Mummy' name
positive bb n bb yoga different ah? Or do u mean we change to next mon?

Hope ur bb is much better now..take care
hi miracle

so sorry to hear about your baby and i do hope baby will get well soon and be discharged!

don't worry about the class lah! small matter... so mean we go on monday 10 mar for the free trial, then tmr's 3-4pm class is cancelled right?
tomorrow's mummy n bb yoga is still on at 3pm, its just that i am unable to attend.

info on positive infant ( in this class mummy don excercise lah!)
Combine gentle yoga play, careful sensory stimulation ideas, massage, expressive communication and lots of musical moments, and you have a program that delights young infants, creates and strengthens their neural pathways and aids their growth. The programme also include guided forums to help accompanying parents develop the skills of positive parenting.

The components of the programme are designed to set the foundation for the intellectual, emotional, social and physical development of your precious little ones by providing tools that parents can use any time to promote Baby’s learning potentials:-

careful sensory stimulation ideas

gentle yoga play

lots of musical moments

expressive communication

directed parents form


You will experience the positive changes that our unique program brings to you and your infants through these benefits:-

Enhanced alertness

Stronger immune functions

Sleep better

Improve appetite & digestive system

Develop an active & healthy vestibular system that provides greater sense of balance and coordination.

Parents are more confident about their Parenthood

Parents are more attuned to Baby and themselves

Develop a strong, nurturing bond

Gain tools & choices to relax

Develop a spontaneously positive vocabulary

An infant is born with around 100 billion brain cells, all of which are waiting to be connected. It is the connected neural pathways that determine the effectiveness of the brain. How many of these cells will be connected and how strong these connections will be are all dependent on the infant’s early experiences.

We provide parents extensive ideas to help Baby develop these pathways through positive experiences that are diverse, enriching and also enduring
miracle, hope your baby will get well soon

Positive Infant Class
I managed to get a free trial class for our mummies and babies. It is next monday, 10th March 3-3.20pm at novena square 2 , babybreeze, no time to post details, please refer to my earlier post.
Initially they wanted to charge $25 for 40min session but i told her , most of the mummies knew i went for the free trial so they are not willing to pay for the trial. Eventually they agreed on the free trial. tho they said its 20min but it was ard 30-35mins.pls list down yr name if you are interested, will post more details when i am back on wednesday cos i will be staying in kk w my bb till then.
Mummy' name
yah, I use cradle hold for the MIM sling. My boy is 5.525kg as at last week...now should be around 5.7kg. I want to carry him upright but I find the material too soft to support his head leh. Maybe have to practice more.
Re: Wrist pain

I also experience pain. Went to chinese sin sei for massage, he say i sprain my wrist . He also mention that tis is a common problem among mother due t the way that we carry our baby. I also sprain my waist 2 time in 2 weeks as well. Could not even lift up my leg t wear pants and bend to carry baby. All these are due to the incorrect posture we used when carrying babies.
Re: Baby sling

I bought 1 but just dunno how to use it. It seems very helpful. Can carry the baby around without using too much strength. When ever i placed my boy inside he is like the leg is higher than the head and he keep fidgeting inside.

I read on the schedule that 1st 6-in-1 jab can be taken when baby is 1.5 to 2 mths old. So I thought my baby 6 weeks is ok to take. The GP also said ok. Yah.. she is still a bit feverish... but I wonder if it is due to the jab or the cold weather...
I making myself to push on with expressing.. Anyway midnight pump, I will do it after my son 3-4am feed.. then I will wake up, else alarm clock is very diff. I will snooze and sleep on. I make sure I do 1 night pumping because I heard it will make SS come.

I am using Avent bottles and teats.. Seemed like size 1 is still ok for my son since he managed to finished 110ml in 5-10mins. Plus BM very diluted, so flow faster.

I switched to expressing bcos
- BB bite my nipple until bleed and sore
- know how much I am feeding, black and white.. no one can say I am not feeding enough
- mil and hb can help in some feeds
- BB will sleep after 5-10mins of latch and make feeding more regularly and tiring
- BB no patience at times, wanna fast fast
- still have to pump after feeding

miracle,angelsky, windy & babe
I am very worried that I cant attend tomorrow class, brought my BB to 6 in 1 jab today and now he seemed to be heaty and cranky.. I hope he wont get fever.. BTW what happened if less than 4 mummies turn up for the trial??
U took it at the GP ? May I ask how much ah ? Is it administered by doc or nurse ?

Did u guyz receive the cpf letter asking u to update your child health details on the web and he/she will be insured under medishield ? Are u guyz getting it from the board or outside ah ?
Really? But personally, I like the Avent bottles bec the bottles are clear even after using but Pigeon bottles are abit blurred after using. Maybe will let him use Avent more constantly for him to get used to the wide neck teats.

What size are you using? I have the L and XL size and finds he fits better in XL, maybe bec I'm tall so the L seems very small for me also, haha.

Don't mentioned it, we're all here to share and discuss and encourage one another. My Ian also seemed more wakeful nowadays compared to confinement time.

Long time never see your posting leh. How's things? Is the MIM sling good? How much did you buy? I tried the MIM sling at United Square but finds it a hassle bec of the adjustment, too complicated for me.

I'm starting work on the 10th so can't attend the trial. They don't have trial on weekends?

Taka Baby Fair
Thinking of going Taka Baby Fair this Thursday, anyone else is going??


i wanna go to the taka fair... but dunno if i can handle bb alone. u bring ian along? danelle is very awake in the afternoon, in fact she does not sleep after her am feed. very "chuan" taking care of her now. cos she needs to be carried constantly.
