(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


Ur boy sleeps in yao lan in the day. So if u bring him out, will he look for yao lan to slp in? Cos i am afraid tat my boy face will be flaten as he always like to slp on his rite, so now muz think of a way to correct him - yao lan. But afraid he will be addicted.

My girl does not like to sleep, she likes to be rocked and carry to sleep. I was thinking can I actually play soft music to help her go to bed? I realised she can sleep very soundly with the sound of TV, coz we always watch TV in the living room and she likes to be around us. But I dont want her to have a bad habit of sleeping during 8 plus at night in the living room. So I started playing sunday school music in my room while she sleeps in the room.

Any opinions? can I do that?
don't think i'll jab my #2 rotavirus and pneumoccocal. My hubby is against vaccine and only go for compulsary jabs. apparently chances of getting pneumoccocal is very slim for kids more than 2yo . I'll skip this for #1 too.

Re: Sleeping on tummy
Generally my son sleeps better on tummy too but not everytime. And sometimes when i roll him over, he wakes up!

can't confirm the outing now. Will let you know later.

your boy so good - swaddle, put down, sleep!!! mine i can't even nurse him to sleep. He simply refuses to latch on once he decided he had enough. I have to carry him over shoulder (he only likes this position), then put down when drowsy. Tiring cos sometimes take a long time.

I've been playing music since he was few days old. Have to do so else he'll be very easily awaken by my #1's scream or cry.. daytime-radio, nitetime-soothing music.
Maureen Lim,
you also deliver at kk ah? By the doctor or midwife? They only give me letter to polyclinic.How much does pap smear at kk cost?

Sometimes I feel quite sian pumping leh. =( Recently, I have beeing feeling pain/ aches/ soreness in between pumping. My friend who did exclusive pumping told me it's normal. I look at my poor nipples, they seem to have become longer! Don't know if it'll be permanent or not.

I also noticed that with pumping, I sweat a lot. I smell of sour milk sometimes =( Feel quite sad for myself lor.
Ah Capp, I also very sian of the milk smell on me. Imagine I'm someone who's lactose intolerant and doesn't drink milk even when pregnant. Now, whole day smell of milk. Ya lor, if I leak and don't change, smell of sour milk, smell already I also want to puke.
Me also feel sian at times. It is like having to pump every now and then. Some says when supply establish already, then we dun need pump so regularly?? I also start to feel sharp pain at times when I pump.

I am not sure if I sweat a lot, but I always pump in my room, all the fan and humidifer so that the room is cooler. And Yes, I smell like milk, I got wear breastpad, so the pad will start to smell sour over time.. eeek.

The swaddle method only works during 12am and 3am feed. During day time, somehow it is hard to leave him alone to play on his own, he will struggle and want his pacifier or something where he keep moving hands and legs and moving his mouth. Everyday there would be 1-2 times, when he would just keep puking his pacifier cry and wants it back, I had to keep putting it back. Then I will also know he would only sleep after the next feed.
kitsune & icy

Sad to say, it's good to know that someone like both of u understand how I feel. Oh yes, even with the breast pads, I smell of sour milk. =( Btw, when I use avent pads, they will disintegrate on my poor breasts and all the cotton will be sticking onto my breasts. Eeeee..

I was talking to my friend who did exclusive pumping. She told me that the milk supply will become stable by about 3rd month (Aiya, here I was thinking when I go back to work after my 3 months of maternity leave, i am not sure if I can continue to pump milk or not). Anyway, once the milk supply is stable, we don't have to pump so often. Eg can drag from 3hrs to 4 hrs etc.

Also as our babies get older, they might not be drinking so much. eg by 4th month, we might want to introduce solids. So by then, we might not need to pump so often.

I coudn't wake up in the middle of the night to pump milk. =P Immune to my mobile's alarm systems already....
AhCapp, icy, I don't like to wear bra at home so I used to stick the breast pads on my t shirt when I sleep but of course got accidents. In the day, I can feel the milk coming cos got pins and needles feeling so quickly grab the nearest box of tissue. I've never used so much tissue in my life. :p

Ah Capp, I can't wake up to pump as well. Keep on pressing the snooze button when the alarm rings. BB is my only alarm now (she's in the next room with CL), but even then I can only hear at 5+6am, immune to her 2+ or 3+am crying. :p

Just BF my bb, fighting with me again but at least when we carry her in an upright position and pat her, she'll calm down. Maybe she needs to be burped.
Same thing happened to me tonight too, was breastfeeding baby and he screamed at my breast. When my hubby walked into our bedroom, he saw baby wailing at my breast, he broke into laughter. Geez...
I've not tried Avent breastpads but I've tried Tollyjoy and Pigeon and finds Pigeon's more absorbent and doesn't disintegrate.
Sagit, yes I delivered in KK by my gynae. Mine is c section. Pap smear is about $22.

Ameda dual pump, I got it yesterday and tried this morning. So far I found it ok. As manual, we can just pump as fast as we can, for electric, have to wait the the pump to work itself. My left side got double of milk than my right side.

Kitsune, Me too. I don't wear bra at home. Also just stick the breast pad to my t shirt.

Last nite didn't sleep well. Not because baby keeps on wake up, cos my girl is having fever because of sore throat. Wake up on and off giving medicine and take temperature.

My right side has more milk than my left side. Do u know if there is any way to make both more balanced?


Thanks for your feedback. I have used Pigeon. I like it. My colleague told me Tollyjoy is good and cheap. Will take a look at this. The avent ones are freebies. Will finish them and close shop.


I have tried to live without bra. Maybe I am still wearing big t-shirts at home. So when my boobs leak, a bit weird =P
ah capp
latch more on left. it worked for me.

re: nursing pads
>> I'm using the Gerber heavy flow ones. I feel they're more absorbent than Pigeon, but more ex.. abt double the price.
Ah Capp, all the while my left side will produce more milk than right side. Even for my 2nd child also the same. I tried to let him latch on right side more but he often doesn't like it think the flow is slower.
The pneumococcal jab is compulsory in many countries, but not in sg yet. Tats why price so high and pple contemplate to take. But hor, if you see why so many ctys make it compulsory, prob got reason lor. Hopefully sg makes it compulsory then it will be subsidized and cheaper lor.

You no use the auto yao lan? I have tat motor, use for #1 for a short while. Dunno still working or not! Hee...
Hi all,

RE Pumping.
I am also quite sian with all this pumping... TOOK fenugreek but doesnt really help. During confinment month... my milk supply was great! Like 4 oz.. and pumping was fast and easy for me. Now its like abt 1 oz at each pump. I do it every 4-5 hourly and I dun latch cos my son doesnt like and would drive me nuts with all his crying. I'll just tahan and pump every 4 hourly.. think pumping will stimulate the breast will it? Kinda of discouraged with the drop of supply.. Is this normal?

Re crying
My boy doest really cry except when he is hungry.. he will scream for milk... He has to be fed every three hourly punctually. Some times I add a little breast milk to fix with formula. Is that ok huh? Please advise?
He sleeps rite after feeding... both day and nite..Only need to be rocked into deep sleep b4 can put him down or he will start making noise.. like trying to talk like that,, haha..some baby language.. Another thing is loves bathing.. once take him out from water.. he will scream again.. wonder wats wrong and if this is normal? lol
As for pacifer.. I dun give him that at all cos dun want him to use that in future as a habit to stop cries!

Super Strong bones.
My boy is super strong strong. A few days old he could already lift up his neck a bit... now at 5 weeks only he can look up into the ceiling and stare for few minutes! and his leg can kick water real hard! Really scarry for me esp when I carry him... scared drop him.... lol.. my mil and CL says this boy is fast and will be able to walk fast etc.. I just listen lor.. And some more put on cot... he can use his head to move from left to right easily himself! Super dangerous thats why we alwayas make sure his cot is clear of toys, and no pillows or blanket at all! or accidents could happen. think once he learn to turn etc... will need to reacjust his cot to a lower level to prevent him from falling rite? REal active babY!

Re smiles / cries during sleep
Why does he sometimes smile so happily in sleep and sometimes cry so bitterly. are these normal in babies or caused by night mares? amd very concerned

Any advises for me.....

Maybe you need to revert back to 3 to 4 hourly pumping to increase ss. Since now only 5 weeks, shouldn't be a problem. It will take a few days. 5 hrly interval is too long, like telling your body you don't need to produce so much milk. That's why not enough for BB and you will give FM. When expressing, it must be at regular interval. Cannot miss a single session. BTW, are you using a machine?

Feenugeek, oats, milo, lots of liquid, can even go back to drinking red dates too to boost supply.

Tentatively Friday is ok. Bearing unforseen circumstances.
Formula milk expiry date...

Do u follow strictly by the formula milk manufacter to discard any unused formual milk powder after 1 month?


I don't let my baby wear mittens already now that he is 6 weeks old. Should be ok right? I read that he needs to development his fingers so that he can later on grab things. Is it right?

Ok, will increase the pumping for my right breast a bit more after each session.

Feeling a bit inefficient when my right breast produce so much lesser than my left breast.
Just came back from Ikea Tampines. Brought baby there to shop for some things and have dinner. He slept in the sling most of the time only waking up to drink milk. First time using the MIM sling and still finding it a little difficult to adjust.

How I wish can join you gals next friday but I have to go for my post-pregnancy gynae check-up. My menses also just ended so just nice can do pap smear. You gals have fun!
Fern, you drag too long to express your milk. To maintain supply it is better to express 3 hrly. Now I have to start taking hormone pills for 3 weeks to stop the flow. Already 7 weeks liao still having it. So funny leh don't know how come this time round so long.
hi mummies,

got a Safety 1st Funtime Froggy Bath Cradle for sale. bought at $24.90. willing to let go at $15. brand new and unopened. interested parties please pm me.

Ah Capp, Icy,
I also very sian of expressing milk. Furthermore, I pump every 2 hours in the daytime coz I realised can get a little bit more (20ml) as compared to expressing every 3 hours. And I also noticed longer, bigger nipples! Think and look at them also sian!

my gal needs to be carried to sleep too. And must be deeeeep sleep. If you carry her just for a while and put her down, she'll cry. Sometimes haven't even put her down, just on the way of putting her down, she'll cry. Simply too pampered by my parents already! Nowadays, she even sleeps with us on the bed at night. Think she loves our smell and warmth.

I find the MIM sling troublesome too. Need to adjust. Wonder if I should get the non-adjustable type. My gal doesn't really like to be slinged but when she's falling asleep, good to use that coz must carry her for long.
hi mothers, i need some advice.
I feed my son FM similac and he poos about 3 times daily, but once i supplement with my EBM once or twice daily, he poos many times, like yesterday 13 times with 3 times really watery, like having diarrhoea... What is wrong??
your bb on BM or FM? I read if on FM, quite natural to not have poo a few days.

i totally agree!!!! My mom also always scold me dont carry, frens also say dont rock her to sleep, but she will cry leh...cry so much, will vomit, sigh...i also dont wan to make it a bad habit to carry her, but mine lagi worse, eat oredi, still got to burp and carry for 20mins cos of her reflux, naturally she sleeps in my arms lo.

I think i have committed the sin of using "props" to coax her to sleep. Dunno how i'm going to reverse that next time.
Mine also leh. MUST burp and carry if not she will either make a lot of noise later (as in stretching and got pheglem type of sound)or hiccup non-stop. I think for her, hiccup is not normal. Everytime I wanna be lazy and just carry her upright for a little while and put her down, she hiccups soon after. Meaning, I must die die carry her upright for like 20-30mins so that she can sleep in peace. I can sleep in peace too.

im feel so hopeless as my gal got ear infection and today sun dun ve PD, dun knw can wait till tmr. any mummies can advise wat can i do at the moment or is it bring her to 24hr clinic?
There are PDs which are opened on Sunday till 12.30 pm. Just need to check around.

If the ear infection is really bad, can always bring the baby to a 24hr GP first.
how is the ear infection like ? Got yellow liquid coming out? My boy recently also his ear got yellow liquid coming out. My MIL said just clean it using cotton bud with water. A few months later will heal one.She said infant is like that one.
Happy Birthday QQ!!

yday bought the book by Tracy Hogg, The Baby Whisperer follow-up. I read that apparently babies who are breech AND born by c-section have higher chances of being reflux babies. Rylee is both...so no wonder lo.

For me, if bb fussed at breast only, it'll mean she's about to throw up liao....now am trying to stick to Tracy Hogg methods of implementing the E.A.S.Y routine. (Eat, Activity, Sleep, Your Time)
let me know how u go with the EASY routine. i've been trying to do that too for the last 3 days. not easy leh esp the sleep part cos she keep waking up! then b4 u know irt, time to feed again :p
Hi all,

I read all your woes and stress about breastfeeding n not having enough milk. I delivered my little gal last year and I experienced the same feelings too.

I jus wanna encourage all of you to stay strong and don't give up bf. It's the best thing you can give to your precious one. Jus keep latching bb on or keep pumping. The supply will definitely increase.
Yvonne, starting using the sling quite difficult. Need more practice once get used to it, it should be ok.

Mcfluffy, shoulder will feel a bit tired. Normally if go out will my hb then I will bring along the pram. But one thing, my 2nd child will snatch want to sit in the pram then I have to sling my baby. Only put him in the pram when I am eating.
i try to give pacifier oso no use leh. she will wake up once it falls out. if i put her in sarong, she will wake up once the sarong stops moving... i'm at my wits end!
i'm also trying to use the EASY method, i think i can anticipate her needs more with the method but like many mummies here, my girl needs to be carried to sleep and need to be deep sleep before putting her down.

i try to put her down on her tummy and she will continue sleeping for that few hours. Now i can catch some free time for the "Y". My girl dislike the sarong and will wake up if i try to leave her there. Maybe you want to try leaving her on her tummy when sleeping?
i did try letting her sleep on tummy too. but she still wakes up! i read that we shdnt carry them until they r deep deep sleep cos if they happen to wake up in the middle of the nite, n find that we r not carrying them, then they will cry again cos wanna be carried leh. so i try to put her in her cot once she is drowsy. but of course, when i do so she cries! i dunno how long more my patience can last. i really think i'm goin mad liao. my #1 was not like this at all. he will take the pacifier n guai guai fall asleep on his own in his own cot...
any mummies here experiencing wrist pain?
i tink i might have sprained my wrist while breastfeeding my ger 2 weeks ago. nw i stop breastfeeding liao, still experiencing wrist pain, esp during nite time when i am asleep.

is this a common sympton? nt sure if i shld go for Tui na
super tired, my CL left today, its the test of mummy now, becoz tonight it will be gwyenth and mama all alone.

just celebrated her full month yesterday, super tired till today. yawn. she was such an angel, everyone say she very good girl, no nonsense, sleep so soundly. after the celebration, go back, make us carry her to sleep, if we put her down, she will poo and then we got to change her diapers, make everyone very busy. Now my hubbie is still carrying her. yawn.

First of all, HI TO ALL. Have not been logging often into this forum coz I was doing confinement. Just finished yesterday. Scanned through the posts and I think all of us have similar problems- baby not sleeping well, handling baby, milk supply, cranky baby etc etc..

Re: COnfinement lady left.
i am in the same boat as you, my CL left yesterday and nightmare begins. I sms Kitsune just now and her CL left yest too. Yesterday was my first time waking up in the night to feed baby.. tough and tiring. I couldn't sleep at all coz sometimes he also fidget in his sleep and gonna be around to pat him. My husband woke up too to make milk etc.. sigh.

Re: baby crying or smiling in their sleep
I had the same concern as you coz my boy sometimes will be sleeping real soundly,.. then halfway, he will cry. Scared me coz I am still lousy at handling baby, i thought I had carried him wrongly and hurt or scared him.

I checked with the rest and the advice is that baby is dreaming. No worries.. just pat baby back to sleep and if it doesn't work, carry baby up and coax him back to sleep then when he has gone into deep sleep, put him back to his cot again. I think it works coz I see my mum doing that to my boy and he calms down. Babies need security.

Re: Wrist pain
I had wrist pain too! In fact, arm also pain hahaha.. i think I no strength to carry baby.. I am feeding mine FM.. so everytime after feeding, my wrist and arm is v painful. But it goes away after a while.

Re: Lochia after delivery
It has been one month since I have delivered but I am still having light bleeding/ spotting (brownish blood) everyday. Is this normal?? I thought by 4 weeks should stop already? I am not breastfeeding.

Yao lan,
Steph, so you use yao lan in the day? I am thinking of using it as my mum is taking care of baby in the day for me while I take care at night. My son is a very light sleeper and sometimes after putting him down to sleep for 15 mins, he will fidget and wake up again. continue on and off like this throughout the day. Was thinking yao lan may let him sleep deeper and better. But I am worried if daytime sleep yao lan, what if at night back at my place he also wanna sleep yao lan? Anyone has such problems?

Eye shit
Anyone's baby has "eye shit"?? My baby started to have quite a lot of eye shit past few days (1 month old). Sometimes it is yellowish and sticky!! My mum said it's becoz baby is heaty- does anyone's baby also have eye shit?
