(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

No lah, this is not 1st time I posted my boy's photos...just that I seldom do it. Very lazy to re-size the pics lah...haha.

In that case better check with PD...just for piece of mind

Talk about dragging to work...sigh...me on leave since last wed afternoon...really draggggged myself to work today. When's the next long weekend??? Hahaha...

how all long wkend? no go go go bambini last min cos' hb read abt the straits times abt increased HFMD, thus wanna avoid the place.

but we went to another crowded place in the end. hahahaaa

what topic i like ar ... anything lor ..as long as can keep thread active.

my MS.. still very bad. my hb asked me "if u know this MS is so terrible, would u want #3"? i told him, if i know things in future, i would go buy 4d/TOTO liao.


next long weekend? jz apply leave every fri/monday lor
Hahhaha... so funny. Aiyo... but anyway v fast over liao. Luckily my 2 kids MS not so bad, no vomit, only feel like.

I gg out soon, need to go library and maybe go tamp 1 walk walk. hoho...

The Big Splash at the Zoo, the newly refurbished children playground, including a big waterplay area.

Forgot to tell you this - yes, you are right when I posted a few weeks ago wondering what happened to my boy. As you suggested, you are right, he is teeting! I can see at least 2 upper teeth has came out, there may be more, but he still didn't want to open his mouth for me to have a close look, the molar is even more difficult to see. The bottom teeth can see the white-ish thing already, but not out yet. So indeed, he is teething BIG TIME!!!
morning mummies

i am going to take some fridays off so that i have many long weekends. hohoho
last long weekend made me longed for more long weekends hahahhahahaaaaaaaa
kam, oh i see! so what should we wear our tod so that they wont catch cold from playing iwth the water?

yea u are right. myboy's canine teeth are even out. he started to drool again. ai, problem with having so many teeths now is i havent really brush his teeths! i think he will be the one who will get tooth decay first lorr
My son's #13 tooth is sprouting out... but the prob is... he still doesn't wan to chew the food in his porridge! Gotta me mashy kind. Aiyo...

Mine too. Whenever i give him porrige and if the fish bits is abit too bg, he will spit it out everything. But funny thing is that he likes chewing on rice too.

I have these to sell. You interested??



Sorry for the caps. I just copied and pasted. PM me if interested.
mandy: no need to apply nappy rash cream if no rash la

now i only express once a day, down to only 140ml. dunno when the ss will down to 0. ok la, just want to keep myself motivated to continue expressing, just want to share with u all, cuz i know many still bf and going to deliver bb soon.

What then, exactly, are the benefits of nursing your toddler? Studies show extended nursing has nutritional, immunological, and developmental benefits. In the second year of life (from 12 - 23 months) 445 ml of breast milk provides your toddler with the following: 29% of energy requirements, 43% of protein requirements, 36% of calcium requirements, 75% of vitamin A requirements, 76% of folic acid requirements, 94% of vitamin B12 requirements and 60% of vitamin C requirements. Breast milk is a nutritional super food. Best of all, it is completely free. http://www.vegfamily.com/babies-and-toddlers/breastfeeding-beyond-infancy.htm

Usually we will let him wear his swimming suit plus the swim diaper. No need to worry they will get cold and stuff lah, we never worry :) When it's unplan waterplay, we even let him play naked, with only diaper on, never caught a cold from playing with water so far.


My son is opposite - with his 8 fully grown front teeth and some other coming out teeth, his can even chew off the chicken bone! We let him play with a chicken drumstick bone while having our dinner, and when we checked on him a few min later, he has biten off some of the bone already. His teeth are very strong, and he loves lumpy stuff!
jess / mylvera
Yah lor... a lot, but eats like a mouse leh. Only thing he chew is biscuit!

Aiyo, mine oso like plain rice. JUst eat for fun kind.

Do your kids put things and fingers in their mouths? Elliot keep doing tat, eating the paint on toys!!! Sigh... teeth used in the wrong areas!
RaeAnne has 8 teeth now, she started sprouting her first 2 teeth at 9 months plus, now 14 months plus, then have 8 teeth. A bit slow bah. Hee. ;)

Mandy, I'm still using nappy rash cream for at night cos if she poo a bit in diaper when she sleep and we don't know. Next day, her anus will be all red and even have little blisters. Ouch! :p

Want to check, how do you all wash your baby's face at bath time? I'm still using clean towel only with no soap leh but I'm shampooing her hair and rinse off like normal. Don't know when I should start washing her face with soap. Scared she don't know how to close her eyes, wait the soap gets into her eyes. :p
Oh dear!! he can really chew hor!! very good leh, can eat so well. I give minced pork he will spit out when he bit on the pork.

Wah! you still bf ah... I asked gynae, he say bf depletes our own nutrients, so you gotta eat well since you feeding 3!!

Why need to use soap for washing the face? Their skin is very delicate, esp the face, and the soap is rich with all sort of chemicals, no good leh. Unless your gal face is very dirty, else just water will do.


Ya, Hao Re is a power eater. He eats anything and everything :)

And yes, he still bites his toys, esp his books, but not as bad as when he was younger. He did that more often now (has totally stopped this bad habit for a few months), guess because of teething?


I also didn't use nappy cream very often now. Only when his buttock turns reddish or started to develop rash, then I use the cream. So now the cream becomes more for curing than prevention. Now after poo, we wash his buttock thoroughly with water and don't use the wet wipe anymore when we are at home. Wet wipe is only for when we are outside. Not that save a lot on the wet wipe, also my boy has a cleaner buttock :)
Hi, Kam, I'm using cetaphil recommended by PD for RaeAnne so not so harsh, so you also wash Hao Re's face with water and towel still, just checking in case I need to 'upgrade' her.
eh kam
i wanna ask, where to buy swim diapers? i cannot find leh in supermarkets.

mom2nat. my boy puts everything in his mouth. house slippers, his shoes. now he has a penchant for taking out the spoonful that i just fed him and feel a bit with his fingers before putting them back. super messy!!

i got leftover leave carried forward last yr...must clear by june leh

I think I bought it from Sheng Xiong, but not quite sure cos that's very long time ago. Ya, more difficult to find, but go to those bigger supermarket, should be there. Else call Huggies and ask lor.
yupz, enfapro is stage2. okie, u check liao u let me know lor.. if she is okie with it, u can pass it to me this sunday

wah, so gd lei. ours is must clear all every year.
Managed to go partoking with hubby last thurs on eve of Good Friday. Caught Nicholas Cage "Knowing". Not too bad....but i did not know cinema tickets are so expensive now!!! Abit sim tia although hubby paid for them....:p

hi mandy, i went partor-ing with my hubby yest night. watched movie too...fast and furious 4, yes, movie tixs very ex...$10 leh...we were so surprised. but luckily got 1for1 so heng, it costs us $5 per pax...yay!

i went to giant etc etc but no sell leyyyy
