(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi, Mylife

Nice to 'bump into' your family at Zoo....Rylee has very fair skin and inquisitive eyes neh...very cute....

Hehe...Read some of Jan Moms' blogs from Pauline's blog links...

i ask u all hor.
vernon neck n the area below his mouth. his chin got rashes very badly. look like heat rashes to me. but calendula dun helps leh...

wat else can i apply to make it better???
he keep scratching it
Hi Cheryal,

Elias also has very bad rashes under is chin and neck areas and head sratach like dun know what too. ALso looks more like heat allergy to me lor

And my doct gave him some med which gets better. But it comes and goes so i also give up using doct med cos seems like a lot of steriod in it and not good for elias.

I am also stuck.. Recently I added ikan bills and silver fish and egg yolk in to his meals where his heat rash or rather some allergy worsens.. So am stucked. I only used those for taste only and yet he still get it. I am stucked so now no more ikan bills and silver fish. Egg yolk my doct says ok but with his current condition can i still give him or should I stop compelety till older or can I just add egg yolk twice a week only to his mee suah.

Can somebody advise?

Also cheryal, since candeula cream doesnt help, I am also in need of hellp what else helps as gtg doct mean givvong our kids steriod based cream which is very bad on long term basis?

ya the caledula can help sometime but sometime it dun.. strange. but this time it is quite serious. as his chin n neck all rashes. alot of small small dots... when hot, and he scratch it got worst. when in aircon. it become better.

best part is he is coughing now. and i darent on the aircon too much...

any1 knw what other cream is good??
ya i tink see doc will give cream which contain steriod
My boy had bad rashes on the back of his neck when he was a few months old...it's due to perspiration and it doesn't help that he could only lie down at that time
. PD pescribed a cream called Dakoxxxx (can't remember clearly).

I think chin and neck area is due to a combination of perspiration and saliva since most of them are teething. Must make sure the area is cleaned periodically and is not left damp or wet. Can use calendula cream or any diaper rash cream (J&J diaper rash cream works great but can't find nowadays). Also try to use mild soap eg Cetaphil during bath and don't apply powder to the neck cos it will clog the pores and make the rashes worse. Just keep it clean and dry and it will take about 1 week or longer to heal properly.
is vernon prone to eczema? cos my girl has eczema and she gets these heat rash too. the neck under the chin, at the back of the neck, elbows, behind the knees and armpits too.
she gets it cos of the heat and the sweat. What i do to minimise it is to make sure i keep those areas dry. sometimes after she plays until all sweaty, i'll give her a quick wipe down and dry off. i also use calamine lotion to keep those areas dry. but these only minimise the rashes, when the rashes get quite bad i randomly and sparingly still use the steroid cream provided by the dr.
1for1 is for the hsbc card members, first 1000 only. must standby your thumbs one lor
the movie is so-so. not much car muscles (which i was hoping for), but more character development. i was hoping for more jap cars but it was pure good ole USA engines purring. chehs!
just to share:
Baby Wash Recipe #1
2 TBSP Baby Wash (choose a natural wash!)
2 TBSP Olive Oil
2 Cups water
Mix well in a spray bottle or your wipes box. Spritz on wipe before using if in spray bottle. Swish solution around over wipes if using a wipes box.

Baby Wash Recipe #2
2 TBSP Baby Wash
2 TBSP Olive Oil or 1 TBSP Calendula Oil
2 Drops Tea Tree Oil
2 Cups Water
Mix well in a spray bottle or your wipes box. Spritz on wipe before using if in spray bottle. Swish solution around over wipes if using a wipes box. Tea Tree Oil has lovely disinfectant properties along with its wonderful, clean smell.

Aloe Vera Recipe
1/4 Cup Aloe Vera Gel
2 Drops Tea Tree Oil
2 Cups Hot Water
Stir or shake until this recipe is well mixed. Don't use until the mixture cools. Spritz on wipe before using if in spray bottle. Swish solution around over wipes if using a wipes box.

Vitamin E and Essential Oils Recipe
2 Drops Tea Tree Oil
2 Drops Lavender Oil (Please be sure to use only pure essential oils - don't use synthetic oils.)
2 Drops Chamomile Oil
2 Cups Water
1 Vitamin E Cap
Cut open vitamin E caplet and squeeze into the water, and add essential oil drops. Mix well in a spray bottle or your wipes box. Spritz on wipe before using if in spray bottle. Swish solution around over wipes if using a wipes box.

cheryl/fern: I suggest getting prebiotic( beneficial bacteria) for them. i also got one natural ingredient rash powder from lapis lazuli and i think it works for my boy when he is infant. i ever tried putting the prebiotic on his rashes and it heals leh.

fern: you might want to try staying out from ikan bilis and fish for elias for the time being.

I agree with Yvonne. I also think it's a combination of perspiration and saliva. I also don't use powder as it clogs the pores. I usually don't do/apply anything. Just keep the area clean and dry as much as possible and let it heals itself.


I am also using J&J diaper cream. Can get in Malaysia. You want? Can get for you next time I go.


You can't just listen to your doc that egg yolk is okay for your son. How did you first introduce it? Did you apply the 3-4 days waiting rules when he takes yolk at the very first time? Same as the ikan bilis and silver fish. If first time okay, then your son is not allergy to these food. If you didn't follow the 3-4 days waiting rule when you first introduce the food, then stop all these food, and start by introducing 1 by 1, and use the 3-4 days waiting rule.

And I think rashes due to allergy is not only on the chin and neck, it shows on the hands as well?
mom2nat: i;m not preggie leh, so not feeding 3 la

kitsune: yea i'm not using soap to wash face too. just wash with water

re: nappy cream
i din use also..

jess: you dont need to work meh
i wish but its a very huge spreadsheet and i gotta go through country by country leh
the world is very very big de neh
hmm.... got deadline mah? jia you wor!

today at least morning i can clear last thurs's email from US... keeps me entertained for awhile. tmr then i jialat liaoz.. no email to clear cos my HQ not opened on Monday this week... -_-''....
depends on how severe the allergy. my PD said that if very mild allergy can show up on the face and around the mouth only, no where else.
who is crazy about korea dramas?
as in those that are currently showing in korea right now? not those shown liao, wait for vcd/dvd to come out then all the aunties start to go crazy kind. like those right now kind?
It's ok. I still have 1 tube which I only use for "rainy days"
. Now I'm using Desitin Creamy as barrier cream which is also equally good.

Those rashes takes a long time to heal. So caregiver must make an effort to keep wiping and cleaning the neck and chin area. Old people always say put powder but please don't apply cos it really worsens the condition. And try to keep them cool at home and don't wear collar shirts to cover the area. The rashes need to "dry up" in order to heal properly.
pixiepixel, i not crazy about korean dramas, but i will borrow to fill in time when the canto dramas haven come in. I am currently watching east of eden. Supposedly also showing in korea now, why? YOu crazy over them. kekeke.
I din go Tamp 1 in the end, cos my son woke up late from his nap. I went to whitesands, but carpark full, so end up not much time. sigh...
Later I sending my girl to class, maybe can pop by tamp mall or Tamp 1... hee...
i know aspara got couple massage but me no lobang

Re: MMR vaccination
this morning brought #1 & 2 to Kidslink & yes indeed if any mild fever, cough, flu etc cannot take any jab. So end up, both #1 & 2 no jab, just see PD for their cough & flu. Kidslink charge 2x$40 for consultation!!!
I am glad #2 is growing well on my BM...now weigh 5.6kg at 2mths & 5days
But Zander has lost weight...now only 9.6kg...no appetite too!
east of eden over liao mah rite?
i think quite sometime ago leh....

yah i crazy over k-drama. not very crazy, but some dramas really very very nice.
very tempted to subscribe to their channels via starhub. but i hate starhub so i wont be giving them biz hurhur
now i am watching "queen of housewives". very good storyline. they are airing weekday nights now in korea. got 2 very handsome guys (imho lah)...and the ajimahs all wear very very chio...
why u hate starhub? tell me abt it...
oh i wanna ask u abt the window grilles...so i just call up the contact that u gave me quite sometime from my hotmail & say who?? recommended huh? Can mentioned Jaz? the uncle know who anot? later he blur blur....so he will come down our hse survey? & let us choose the material of the grilles izit? Now Zander is very active, climb here n there so PIL urge us to install window grilles soon.
Mei: spa botanica is v gd but exp..

chickenpox jab: do all of u giv ur bb dis jab? i heard fr my frz dat itz gd to let them hav chickenpox so dont jab??!

anybody been to Empress Jade at Mt faber?
bb friendly?
i hate starhub too! if i had a choice i also won't give them my business but too bad hubby MUST have his sports channels...haiz
envy leh...u really know how to pamper yrself! How to manage with 2 active kids & enjoy spa? U take care of JN & JY everyday after work ah? even on wkends too? peifu peifu!

Wah looks like alot of u been to very gd spa salon...ex anot ah?? the only spa i've been to is The Rainforest Spa by The Aspara at SAFRA Yishun Country Club. Other than that, i also enjoy foot reflexology & body massage at Heart Springs spa at TB plaza. I got sign package (23sessions for $500) with them

Good to see you here :) So another 2 more months for you to be SAHM? Enjoy!


Chicken pox is a viral infection! Would you agree with your friend that letting your son get virus infection is a good thing? Think again.
