(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

i gave my girl the chickenpox jab.
some ppl believe that the vaccination is not 100%, i.e. still can get chicken pox so they think it's better to just let the kid get it.


Yes, true, the vaccination does not protect the child 100%. My nephew just got it yesterday, but it's very mild, just a few pox only, cos he got the jab. So less suffering for the kid.
i took 3mths ML & last mth staggered. I will report to work on 13th May. Another month to be SAHM but i can't wait to get out of the hse! Not that i don't miss my Rayden baby but there is really no life confined 24/7 with baby alone
After this experience, i can conclude that life being SAHM w/o helper is not my cup of tea, damn tough, work is better...got my own income & have some ME time!
Hi Aqua,

I used Cetaphil but he still has rashes.. Aiyah. SO I changed to this little sophie shappoo and bath foam which is under little sophie brand for allergry skin which works quite well for elias. Cos it has extracts of cammomile, aloe vera which is supposedly good?

Yup, I've stopped Ikan biliis and the silver fish liao.. ANywhere without those soup base Elias still finishes his maroni and meesuah and steam fish. ANd now he loves cot fish more then thread fin. Any pple has same prob? Is cot fish better now? as I dun know why he loves them so much more then thread fin now? How many of you facing same problem?

Also Elias has been bating and wahing hair with this mother care little sophie stuff. We mix all in his bath tub water without re rinse as baby one no need re rinse rite? wonder if its that which caused the allergy or whatever?


Elias has rashes under chin and neck and sometimes even in hands.. small small red red pimply like thing lor.. hiaz. so lost now.

My #2 got sensitive skin & he develop rashes on his face, his back & neck area so PD gave Balneum Intensiv wash for gentle daily cleansing & so far his condition improve alot. You can try n buy from pharmacy.

Huh? So i have to change product again? This for bathing? Actually his bathing thing ok. I just need something to soote rashes lor.. like candelulla or something for effective lah

Thanks anyway.. hee
babies go through different phases where they will like certain foods and not like other foods, they are still learning abt different tastes.
Maybe cos yr bb has been eating threadfin all this while and is bored already? Cod fish is a new taste so he likes it better? It's not really a problem u know.
Anyway cod fish is one of the 'fatty fish' , a very good source of omega3 fatty acids so reason why u can't let yr bb eat more cod fish, in fact i rotate between threadfin and cod every other day
grumpus:me too. I been feeding my girl fish everyday (salmon, cod fish, and whtever fish we eat, I just give her some to try), I am so glad that she is a fish eater like me. ;-)

Kam: this morning i brought my girl to T3 & T2 to buy shoes but colettee shop is closed down.
, was trying to look for mag at watson and guardian stores but they don't have. ;-(
Dun know where else can u get the magazine?
grumpus:me too. I been feeding my girl fish everyday (salmon, cod fish, and whtever fish we eat, I just give her some to try), I am so glad that she is a fish eater like me. ;-)

Kam: this morning i brought my girl to T3 & T2 to buy shoes but colettee shop is closed down.
, was trying to look for mag at watson and guardian stores but they don't have. ;-(
Dun know where else can u get the magazine?
Lyn/Kam, I gave RaeAnne chickenpox jab, PD said last time a lot of kids jab once and they kenna so before 5 years old, must jab a booster jab. Bo bian lor, medicine is always evolving so they keep changing their best practices. Keep fingers and toes crossed that RaeAnne won't kenna chickenpox before she gets her booster jab.

Anyway, I will NEVER want my gal to go through chickenpox if I can help it. 1) she will suffer for 2 weeks at least cos it's very itchy and she will scratch and scratch, can't eat well, can't sleep well. 2) She may end up with scars if the blister burst, that's why happened to my hubby, got big chickenpox scar on his face, he must have burst it or scratch it in his sleep. If gal gal get it on her face, then not 'mei mei' liao 3) She will miss 2 weeks of school cos you can't control when she got it. I got it during my first 2 weeks of uni life. No fun man. What if she gets it before an important exam eg. PSLE or O levels then cannot get into good sec sch or good JC? No, no I won't risk all these, I'm a typical kiasu mum bah... I'm waiting for them to develop a vaccine for HFMD, I'll be the first one to sign up for the jab.

Blessedbaby, Tampines Mall level 3 has Colettee, can buy shoes for Johanna there. Then shun bian walk over and see Tampine 1?
mei, that time i sign package, i think 70+ (less than 80) per pax for 90mins. got foc milk bath if you want. soak in milk bath for couple, get kinky! and free use of jacuzzi
yes, shaw at isetan shaw orchard. top floor. some rooms overlook the whole of orchard and beyond. nice view lah...

my company changed our mobile claims, so all must port to starhub, but they gave me wrong information, making me think that i have to pay 188 for a handset. then in the process, say its now 338 ($150 increase leh). say rectified liao so not their fault. even partial waiver oso dont give. i told them thats the reason why i will not choose SH if i have a choice. ST anytime!...their reply is "thank you for your honest feedback and we will proceed with the handset at $338"
biatch and fiakedup company. i could swear all day long at them.
fiak SH, sibeh no heart! super ngiao! bullshitzz!!

carousel at scotts parkroyal is good. jess says she tried that, not bad leh
<font color="aa00aa">luca,</font>

I like Carousel too. My family likes to go there.

<font color="aa00aa">Mei,</font>

I got free vouchers for Massages, can give you 2 if you want. 30 mins/ session.}
U want full spa facilities with jaccuzzi, steam bath, scrub and massage all thrown in type?

If just massage, can try Life Spa at Pacific Plaza. UOB Lady's card $25, companion rate is $28.Couple room, must top up (can't remember how much)? $25 for 60 minutes of massage is quite worth it.

Can also try HelioAsia at Paragon. Saw them having promotion for full spa..can't remember how much
hi mommies
back in HK. Strange feeling, relieved to be back "home" but at the same time, miss Sg too.

Har nor...was surprised to learn u were there too. I tot i missed u all (yvonne and u) on Thurs liao.

Seems like Rylee has the most teeth for now, got 16 teeth all almost fully out liao. All the stuffs u all said she was doing it back 1-2 months ago and it almost drives me insane. The putting everything into her mouth (even her own shoes!! yikes!), biting everything (including my fingers), drooling, waking up at night, etc. Bad news is this can last from 1-2 months cos the molars take a looooong time to fully emerge. Now she's very funny, ask her to show me her teeth, she will open her mouth WIDE for a split second. Haha.

haha, sometimes rylee also refuse to chew her food.

Rylee did the EXACT same thing as Xandall! If it's some new food she has never eaten before (or cooked in different way), she'd take it out even after i fed her, mashes the food in her fingers and then put it right back into her mouth! Can die ah, the mess she created!!!
Btw, mommies, i have 2 x $5 voucher for this kid shop Chateau something, who has an outlet at Parkway Parade and Suntec City...loooooves their dresses. Bought some dresses for Rylee and got these vouchers, expiring in May/June (cant rem)...would love to pass this to other mommies, anyone interested, jus let me know and i'll get my fren to mail it out to u....dont let it go to waste

do u still want the Similac FM, it was still sitting on my kitchen top when i went back but expiry is still a long time...quite a big tin wor...so dont let it go to waste as well. If u dont want, anyone else wants??
Mylife, I want want. It's Chateau De sable.Cash voucher? Need minimum purchase or not? I bio the dresses there long long time liao, even before RaeAnne is born but super ex and never have promotion so end up I never buy. Stingy mummy. :p
hi tongtong
i like this. can we keep reminding ourselves everyday coz nowadays i really feel very *tired* and *no one* else can help me to pump!!!

What then, exactly, are the benefits of nursing your toddler? Studies show extended nursing has nutritional, immunological, and developmental benefits. In the second year of life (from 12 - 23 months) 445 ml of breast milk provides your toddler with the following: 29% of energy requirements, 43% of protein requirements, 36% of calcium requirements, 75% of vitamin A requirements, 76% of folic acid requirements, 94% of vitamin B12 requirements and 60% of vitamin C requirements. Breast milk is a nutritional super food. Best of all, it is completely free. http://www.vegfamily.com/babies-and-toddlers/breastfeeding-beyond-infancy.htm

wonder if i'll join u soon ley. Tmr i try to buy myself a bottle of MMP. tongtong it's not *exactly* free for me lo... i spend on supplements, pump parts... and no one compensates me for the time and effort in pumping!

yes my baby also shedding hair, so we shaved him again. He was clean shaven @ 7m, and then at 14m. I dun like the hair to drop drop on the bed, on his clothes etc. so we opted for the botak route.
Hello wendyg,

You are back!!! Have a good trip this time? Got lost again or not :) You are still on leave today, right?


Ya, seems to be difficult to get hold of a copy of the magazine. I have left my phone with the Kiddy Palace and they promised to call me when the magazine is out.

I need to look for a pair of shoes for Hao Re also, more of the sandal type, he has outgrown the old one.
wow! bad experience with starhub man. i agree ST has much better service recovery.

aiyah starhub very $$ minded one. i had a previous job with them as credit control officer, every day do what? call customer to chase them to pay their bill...some of the customer only one month forgot to pay and the bill only like $50 also ask us to call them.
haiyohhhhh heng u got out of SH liao else i will scold you oso hahhahaha
yah sibeh ngeow lehhh...1mth oso call to chase? seow leh
i very sad to part from ST although they never pamper me. even when i signed up for the ST UOB platinum card, not much stuff one...but i switched to UOB ladies card, wah liew, spa vouchers keep coming....
there was ever an article in Straits Times Forum that say telcos never bother to "pamper" the loyal customers and only focus on new customers aggressively...

so fast start official work liao!! wah!!!!

aiyah no chance to meet you. i will post out the stuff today or tomorrow lah, ok?

the HPTs hor, is 15x0.40 + 26cents? pls confirm

Checked the expiry date for Enfagrow. It is on 23 Jan 2011. Made in Netherlands. Forgot to check the Enfapro. Should be made in Netherlands too. Expiry should be quite a long time from now.
Managed to let Jayden fall asleep on his own yesterday night in bed with me without latching him on. Quite a achievement for him....He was tossing and turning but i just lie there. After about 20 mins, he fell asleep. He only woke up at abt 4am to ask for milk. Probably also becos i fed him a late dinner yesterday. A pat on his back from Mummy....
tks. but the one i want is from HK HRC at the Peak. the kowloon one is closed for relocation. not convenient for u to make the trip down, or rather a trip up the peak. unless sun-lu.

i want sth like this (pic is from US website) cos of the wordings "my FIRST". but when i searched the HK website, can't find such design. maybe no have?

or anyone wants? we bulk order? haha
Ok PM me ur address, I'll get my fren to mail to u

That's cos telcos in Sg are too few, and they work with each other so they won't give too much benefits to end users. In HK too many competitors liao, so end users will benefit, can u imagine the cheapest plan also u can talk and talk (without using land line) and still have time left at the end of the month? Very attractive package. Harnor, no chance to meet u, but last minute really rush alot of things and very tired at nite! First few days kept raining, didn't go anywhere, also gotta help my mom settle her passport renewal, visit pass permits etc...

I'm sending Rylee to a waldorf school at The Peak, can try to see if they have for u. Do u need it urgently? Or can wait? Maybe I can help u call their outlet to see if they have or not first.
Thanks for the link, like wendy said, it's heartening to read this when almost everyone has stopped bf. When do u plan to bf until?

Me lo...SAHM. Daytime play, sing songs with Rylee. Sometimes bring her go playgroup let her socialize. Sometimes it's boring cos there's only so much "baby talk" u can do...but itsrewarding to see her grow and learn things everyday. Simply amazing, no $$$ in the world can buy this.
thks mummies on e chickenpox jab... will call pd to fix an appt for his jab.

Any nice buffet below $100 for 2 adults wif a play area for our bb?
tongtong, wnedyg, mylife: i am in dilemma now after reading the link from tongtong re BF. ;( it's so heartening to read this. how many mothers can nurse through the pregancy period huh?
sorry wendyg for mis-spelling your nick. Ooppss

Madny: very happy right that your Jayden can sleep without milky? ;-) These days I always take my nap before my Johanna. Haha. One day I wake up, her half body is out of the bed but she is still sleeping. dun know why n how. Luckily she didnt fall. ;-)
true la, telcos tend to focus on new customers. but at least with ST u make a bit of noise they will waive this and that :p

me also SAHM. during the day time i play with my girl, sing song, dance, read books, just talk to her. teach her stuff like 'chores' or 'tasks' like putting her clothes into the washing machine. take her to the playground, bring her with me to the supermarket. She also roams around the house playing by herself when i need to cook or do stuff

He tried to crawl over me but then just put him back down. Nope, he did not cry at all. It was a bit of surprise for me too :p

Keeping my fingers crossed that he will be like that again tonight.

i have the MMP that i think can last for 2 days. you want?

Actually slowly cut down down....i am not stopping yet...still latching on morning and night...


You are really a "wei da de ma ma"! Your son is at KL and you are at Sin, and yet you are able to bf until now. Wow, I am very impressed!
