(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Pixie, Kam, Mylife, thanks for the encouragement. Yeah, I guess they will take time to get used to it bah. But I'll never forget their first reaction lor. :p

Kam, we bought a baby doll for RaeAnne at Toy r us when we decided to announce the news to ILs, need a prop lar. haha. Told RaeAnne to sayang baby, carry baby and told her Mummy's tummy got baby, come and sayang Baby and she will pat my tummy but still a bit too rough lar, must teach her to be more gentle. The good thing is she has been very curious about babies since a few months ago, when she see babies outside, she'll smile and point. My MIL ah, the moment she saw the doll (there were 2 sets of clothes) so I was trying to change the doll's clothes, she say wear the purple one and told RaeAnne that's Didi. So, I thought wa, told you got baby, you not excited, then last minute assume it's a didi liao. So xian4shi2 (realistic). :p

Blessedbaby, good that Johanna can sleep on her own after latching. But I think the toughest part is the sleeping without latching at all. Hope you have an easier time than me. Hehe. Well, actually no need to stop BF to conceive, my cousin conceived her no. 2 while BF but her menses are regular cos she doesn't pump often. For, I had no menses so gynae advised to stop BF lor if I want no. 2. True enough, once weaned off in Feb, after first menses come, use OPK to predict ovulation then STRIKE liao. Super heng this time.

Pauline,hehehe. In my case, it works for Johanna both when i am latching before she sleeps or i dont latch her at all. ;-)
Everybody told me the same that no need to stop BF when trying to conceive but then have to stop it once get preggie. So sooner or later, i also need to stop BF anyway. Dunt want to stop her suddenly, i will feel very heartache. ;-)
<font color="0000ff">Mom2nat</font>

HELP!!! I can't find the magazine. They told me the new issue is not launched yet. Can I please bother you to take a look at what magazine you have (that you see Hao Re), the name of the magazine and the month of issue. And where you got it if you can remember (as far as I know, the LiveWell Baby magazine only available free at Kiddy Palace and Guardian leh).

Thanks a million!!!
Javier just got his MMR jab and 2nd dose of pneumococcal jab yesterday on both sides of his buttock. He got a red bump on his left buttock due to one of the jab...but i dun know which one. PD is close this evening and I brought him to GP...he asked why not jab on the thigh. Given antibiotics to reduce the infection. I panic cos last time he got this infection on his lymph node on his left groin area and he undergo an incision to drain pus. So this time quickly see doc.

ur mil prefers boy huh?
Pd commented that my boy is small build....he is 15m nw but only weigh 8.5kg and 74cm. i guess mayb i am petite in size. PD ask my mum whether parents are small build. Javier knows how to walk but he refuse to let go of our hands and insist we hold him to walk...if we let go...he will just sit on the floor. if no one holds him, he will move around either crawling or walk while supporting on sofa, bed...etc. I kinda worried..he seems to have low confidence on walking. how huh?
Verene, my hunch is correct lor, that's why I'm trying for a boy this time. To give them credit, they were very happy when we have no. 1 and did not look disappointed at all when we told them it's a gal. Because they have 2 boys, my hubby and his elder brother. But I suspected they are traditional so if I get a boy this time, they can show off to their friends/relatives mah. That's why I decided to try in March and see if can get boy and make them happy lor.

Verene, RaeAnne is also petite but thankfully she gained some weight in the last 1-2 months, here weight is now 9.3kg and height about 78cm.
pauline, cheer up. i can understand how u feel. my in law also no reaction at all compare to the #1. anyway hack care its my child so long we parent are happy that's enough.
Mom2nat, 200nl extra per pump or how day?

blessedbaby, talk to my manager? don't think so he will approve cos ever since he know i pregnant he already not happy and during confinement he already want me to go back. think maybe lunchtime will run home to pump.

mylife, thanks i will.

luca, ya i will be back to work this coming mon. only took 2months maternity. 3rd and 4th will spread out.
Whole day lah! If 200ml extra per pump, I mah vending machine liao!! I used to get abt 200 to 400ml extra per day.

It is March/ April Vol 24. Sorry, I got it free from Watsons. It is a photo of you carrying Hao Re. I got the mag tat day when I told you.
morning mummies!
bought xandall to swim this morning.
he didnt like the water :-(
but warmed up after that. still, keep clinging onto me most of the time
so tiring..........

nevermind, Javier will try to walk on his own sooner or later.
why dont you try the come to mama/papa game? or act as though you wanna chase him so that he can try to run off? etc etc

we tried to let him stand still and we move away a bit distance and stretch our hands to him, lure him with toys and stuff etc...he would stretch his arms to us but just wont move his legs forward. after a while...he screamed and sit down. *sigh*
my boy got a bit of measle-like rashes on his upper back / neck area after MMR jab...PD says is normal...anyone encounter that?
Happy Easter day mummies &amp; babies!

I was on leave yest to do my lasik.. Reborn vision
so happy but now still a bit blur vision.

mylife: u back to sin? any gathering?

any gd stuff at Uniqlo? maybe gg lata or tomoro..
Where you did it? I wanna do too.

I used to pump every 3 to 4 hourly. Cos my son sleeps early, so usually I have an extra bottle which I pump a few hours after he sleeps. I din take any supplements, so I am glad my ss can last until now.
Verene: PD also said that it's normal to have rashes after the MMR jab. But my girl didn't ahve it. The rash should be subsided in couple of days. Do monitor your boy closely.
ur so considerate ah...purposely try for boy for inlaws???

I'm back in SG since 3apr. Mei attempted to organise a gathering, but not much responses cos long weekends, lots of mommies not around bah..so plans to meet was cancelled.

Uniqlo was too crowded when i went, with Rylee in my arms, i ciao aft just walking briefly around..so i didnt see much.
talking about baby boy: my MIL always tell me to read the book how to choose the sex for your baby so that the next one will be a boy. Bought all such of things for me to eat. Some more, tell me stories of so and so is preparing for baby boy and they r eating these foods, blah blah. "Faint". I told my hubby, I can give birth is so good already, your mummy still want to demand. ;-)
My FIL always reminds me to eat well- he said, he wants few more grandchildren.

Both me &amp; hubby told them, since we want 4 kids, sure got at least 1 boy. ;o) They keep quite. Hehehe
Mylife, I'm trying for boy more for hubby so that he has a boy to do 'boys stuff' with. Secondly for ILs lor. As for me, I don't mind boy or gal.

blessedbaby, sian right? Older folks are like that lar. Giving pressure to us about gender of baby, number of babies etc.

Sigh, I finally confirmed my hubby's medical benefits. http://www.stu.org.sg/Mentor08/AprilJun2008/pg8_9Medical Benefits.pdf Hubby's under MSO scheme and it's really lousy. He can only claim if it's subsidised care (ie. I can't choose gynae and need a referral from polyclinic) and even then the cap is $350 for the officer including the dependents. Aiyoh, that means even if I don't choose my gynae, my hubby can only claim up to $350 (40% co pay for me) per year and that's only if he or RaeAnne doesn't claim at all for that year. Cheh, like that where got enough. As for hospitalisation, maternity can't claim at all! :/
Hi ladies,

Went to NTUC yday and found that there is a promo for Gain IQ 3 &amp; 4. Free 1 x Gain IQ bear with every purchase of a 900g tin.

For Gain IQ 3, usual price is $27.75, now is $26.95. Expiry is 23 May 2011.

Here is my whole Gain IQ Bear family. Total 5 of them to collect. From left to right, Brother Bear, Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Sister Bear and Me Bear.

Blessedbaby: my inlaws opp fr urs. my mil always said boy v naughty whereas girl r better and can doll up pretty pretty. is dat e reason y they never buy anything for my boy??! hehehee!

mylife: wen u gg back hk? any chance to mt up?
i m gg hk again in aug wif my frz for summer shopping..

ahcapp: e bear is cute but my bb drink friso..

mon2nat: done mine at Shinagawa wheelock place. who"s ur doc?

They are quite cute I must agree. Each of them is holding a photo frame actually =)

Having no.2 or more babies...

I think those of you who are already pregnant with no.2 or more babies are soo lucky. =D Really envy you. When people ask me when no.2 comes, I always say let nature takes its course. not that I don't want mah, but if it comes doesn't want to come, I can't do much right?

As to having boy or girl, as long as the baby is healthy, I think is very good and lucky enough already. Aiyo, how to choose the sex? =S

I can still remember that time when my sis in law was preggie with no. 1. My in laws actually said this to me "you not young, time to have a baby lor" I was thinking what the h*ll, what do they mean I am not young. I was not even 30 at that time! It's just too bad that their son met me so late lor. Also, my parents sent me off to UK for a university education. They also want to see her daughter excel in her life before having a family right? I was thinking if they consider me old, they should have told their son to find a younger bride. Anyway, I was pregnant not long after and the ultrasound detected a boy. I think they also 'diam diam'. LOL

Quite sian I agree with Pauline. The in-laws love to comment on babies and the babies' sex. =S
Lynn, my MIL &amp; FIL doted on my girl alot. They even said no other grandchildren can be compared to Johanna &amp; they really mean it. Sometimes I also envy.
They just want us to have a boy as my hubby is their only son.
Ah Capp, I took quite long to conceive no. 1, but other people won't know such things and I'm not comfortable to go around telling so whenever they ask about when I'm going to have babies, I act blur lor and say 'shun qi zi ran' lor. :p
I'm flying off on 13apr (monday) 11am flight.
Wahhhh shopping trip! Niceeeeee....got chance u beep me when ur there lah.
i finally found a bbsitter! my question:

1. what is the market rate now?
2. other than cooking and taking care of bb, what else do they do?

MIA for a few days liao. We had a good trip to the zoo, weather was great after the morning shower on Thurs. Some photos to share

Kam, take a look at his big tummy after lunch...can fight with Hao Re! Hahahaaa...

Kidslink clinic was packed today!! We waited for 1 hr plus even with appointment. My boy was starting to get restless liao cos he wants to sleep but luckily he didn't cry from the jab
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies,</font>

Have something to check with you ladies. Ian has been dropping hair these 2 weeks, not a lot lah but strands here and there but to the extent can really see his scalp getting more obvious. Getting worried.
hi mummies,
Zander is down with cough plus alot of phlegm &amp; he looked lethergic
His MMR jab is schedule tmrl, Monday but MIL say cannot take the jab if he is not feeling well. Izit true?

If it's bothering u, maybe u can call Ian's PD &amp; check?
Steph, RaeAnne is down with cough and cold too. her MMR scheduled for next week. I did ask the clinic if she's not well by then how. They said can reschedule the jab. Think what your MIL said it's true.
my PD usually takes bb temp b4 any vaccination. if they're running a fever, no matter how mild then cannot take the jab.

Thanks. Tried Watson just now. The branch at Yew Tee said all given out already :-(


Hi, first time seeing your son's photos! Very handsome boy leh! He looks chubby, and yes, his tummy is also BIGGGGG like my boy :)

We went to Zoo today (Sunday morning). Bad luck, once we finished our breakfast, started to rain drizzily. Non-stopped. As soon as we decided to leave, rain stopped :p Didn't bother to turn back since it's only 15 min drive for us, and we have signed up the membership. Will go again soon. Despite the short time spent there, Hao Re absolutely enjoyed looking at the animals!


My PD said any jab has to be rescheduled if the child if sick (cough, fever, running rose, etc). Can only take jab when the child has totally recovered for 2 weeks.
Hi gals, can I ask where and how to submit pics for magazine? Heehee..now since I got a bit more time, I wanna try to see if my boy can be charming enough to get some shots..

Can I ask what do u all do with ur kids during their wake hours? Now that I'll be with Abel whole day, I wonder what to do. Suddenly felt so lost when so used to working all the time.
We were at the zoo this morning too! Aiyah never bump into u! But got one mommy from Feb08 came up to me and intro herself
so nice of her, got a cute little girl too, think her nick is Tupao or smtg like that. We were there early too. Rylee enjoyed herself a lot too playing with water there. We let her play even if it was drizzling a bit.

Babe took unpaid leave for 8mths, or was it shorter?
babe, time flies when you are at home. For me, just trying to feed her, cook her porridge, change diapers, feed porridge, bathe her, play with her takes up my time. You can also teach flashcards, teach him to self feed, bring Abel to the library, the park, the zoo etc or do things you always wanted to do but previously got no time.

Hi, mylife, so you met Tubao and Emma today? Emma very cute, can feed herself last month. My gal still far from it but we seldom let her practise lar. :p
Have you ever shaved Ian botak when he was a baby? If not, then it's probably becos his "baby hair" is falling off for "new hair"...know what I mean? My mum told me if we didn't have off their baby hair, the new hair will gradually replace the baby hair but some babies have less hair so it looks very obvious when this happens.

It's advisable to postpone any jab when baby is not feeling well. Their immunity is low and more susceptible to having a fever after the jab, especially for jabs involving live vaccine eg MMR and chickenpox.
gd morning

Re: Jab
My doc mentioned that for this 15 months MMR jab, it is okie to delay for awhile. so i guess if they are not feeling well. it is alrite to take later. He mentioned that so long as take before 2 years old it is alrite.

ya.. me too. nearly wanted to "geng" MC for today haha my bed is so comfortable this morning, or rather, every morning haha
<font color="aa00aa">Steph,</font>

Think will call Dr. Ang Ai Tin later to check with her, later she thinks I drama again. Sighz.

<font color="aa00aa">Yvonne,</font>

We shaved him botak when he was 1 month old.
I so sleepy this am, but got many things I wanna do... so can't nap.

So wat topic you like? Shopping? eating?? HOho...
HOw's your MS?


What ashamed! No "yuan fen" to meet you and baby Rylee :) We didn't plan to let him play at the Big Splash yesterday, so we were at the other side of the zoo. Glad that you finally made it to the zoo, your 2nd last day at Singapore for this trip, ya, and good that Rylee enjoyed it. Have a safe trip back to Hong Kong, and hope will meet you one day!
