(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi, Tongtong, yup, she's featured in both issues. Both photos taken by a professional photographer, one at my cousin's gal's 3 year old party, one by my photographer friend so I'm very lucky the editor likes the photos.

Blessedbaby, great memory, yup I'm Pauline Koh but nowadays got to get used to being called Mrs Teo cos the clinic assistant and next time CC's teacher sure call me Mrs Teo. :p

Mylife, went to Tampines 1 just now too but without my gal lar. Went to Manpuku to eat with my friend. It's like Japanese Marche and on level 3, a lot of Japanese people eating there. Price reasonable lar but these 2 days it's good to go cos you get 50% discount voucher for next visit.

Uniqlo's queue was so long I gave up. Very happy to see challenger there. Finally bought a wireless mouse for my laptop. RaeAnne spoilt two of my retractable optical mice by tugging at the cord. :p Went to cold storage too, saw so many types of sausages and cheese. Eye opener. Went to Les enphant, they are having opening sale 20% storewide discount and if you spend more than $40 and get a free baby pillow worth $10 plus you get to be their member.
Kam, Mandy, Jess_Yew: thanks for your info. I will call up and register for my girl. ;-)

Mandy & Jess: is this the one?
Name Of Business : Siglap Community Centre
Enquiry Hotline : 64427296
Business Address : 300 Bedok Sth Ave 3

Is it near my place? If so, I can walk there in 5 minutes. WOWOW

i dun let my boys suck pacifier. so i end up being their pacifier haha
but somehow .. wean them off when i next preg leh
so does that means when your boys were very young like 1mth, 2mth, or 6mths old, they wanna suckle for comfort, you just offer them your breasts?
like that very inconvenient or not huh?
at night nevermind lah, but infant sleeps all the time so need to suckle all the time. cannot possibly 24hrs glue your infant onto your boobs mah rite?
blessedbaby, until now your gal still taking milk from your breasts? or what?

harnor, how you wean your babies off?
yalor. living room tv spoil but everyone at home keep quiet and continue to watch. i give up la, i go and buy. otherwise bad for Javier's eyes.

ya, the one near ur house...
huh blessedbaby....you mean your gal till today is still taking milk from your breasts? you said she dont want bottle?
re: weaning

jz bottle feed. cos i go back to work aft 2 mths of ML, by 2nd mth we already introduced bottle to my sons. my #2 has the luxury of latching as n when he wants during the nite when he is sleeping. but once my FIL heard i preg, he ordered my MIL to look aft #2 so tat i can rest. n everytime #2 cries, my MIL will make milk for him. gradually he weans off completely. Only last sun when he is very cranky cos of breathless,fever n bad throat infection, I latched him alot for comfort.
Jess_Yew: hehehe. I will call them now. ;-)) Thanks. wow, so convenient for me this time. LOL

Mandy & Jess, yeah, can do a mini meet up. ;-) There is a coffee shop near my plc. If our babies are ok after the contest, we can go there for a sip of coffee/ cakes. ;-)

Let me call & register myself first.

Pixelpixel: yeah, my girl is on direct latch. Last time i remember you said your boy didnt have milk for 2 weeks? How did he survive huh? and How is he now? is he taking milk?
I am sure I can wean my gal off anytime from my breasts but the problem is that she is not willingly to drink milk powder or fresh milk.. so i just drag till now.
Yesterday went to see her PD, she mentioned that once i am pregnant with no 2, she may not be interested in my milk anymore coz my milk will changes its taste n also drop in supply.. but i really want to wean her off now..
btw, my milk suppy also drop.. probably nothing to pump out.. ;-) I am very lazy to going back to those pumping days now. so dont know how to get my girl take bottle feeding.-0)

Yes, MMR jab is compulsory. It's a misconception that the jab will cause autism. It'll not. I read this from a magazine, interviewing a PD, and he said this.
Wow, mylvera, your FIL so considerate hor, envy envy. Yesterday, hubby told ILs that RaeAnne is going to be a cheh cheh. MIL's face had no expression whatsoever when she repeated hubby's words. A BIG world of difference compared to when they knew we were expecting no. 1 lor. Instead she commented that it's end of cow tail baby again. I told her no, this year it's in Dec so not officially tail yet. Then she said most important is that after do full month celebration then CNY. Duh, every year CNY also different day, how to be sure? Thought they will be happy that we got baby so fast this time but they don't look thrilled at all. Hubby said they not excited because 1 RaeAnne already keep them so busy. Feel quite hurt lor, I especially try in March, hoping to give them a grandson and they are not appreciative at all. Never say a single 'hao' or 'good' or encouraging words. It's as if we just broke BAD NEWS to them. In the end, told hubby that even if ye ye and nai nai not excited, it's ok, I will still shower no. 2 with all my love. But I still feel it's not fair to no. 2 lor that ye ye and Nai Nai have such reaction. Poor baby!
Thinking now that hubby's idea to hire maid is probably right after seeing his parents' reaction about baby no. 2.
dun think too much about it. perhaps like ur hubby said, RaeAnne is keeping them busy too. tats y they didnt have a chance to react. I believe deep deep down they are happy for both of u.
still some time to ur EDD, just enjoy ur pregnancy and everything will fall into place nicely for you when the time comes

my MIL is like yr MIL. in fact my MIL dun like my #2 when he was born. my FIL dotes on #2 cos he gave #2 his name. so bor bian, in front of my FIL, pretend to like #2 lor. gradually she finds tat #2 easier to handle den #1, so now keep telling my #1 tat didi good boy n she dun wan him liao. faint leh .. now end up my #1 insecured!
I just came back form Tampines One. Aiyo, so so crowded. Even need to queue to go into Uniqlo. Many aunties queueing. I see liao too sian to go in. Even Carl's junior need to queue outside to get seats! Carpark full oso, I parked at tamp mall... Now can rest at home, feels so good.

I oso wanna wean my son, but I bear sad leh. The last time I wean my girl I oso felt sad. Hee... I haven't tried FM on him though.
Jess, thanks, I hope so lor. Spotting for this pregnancy made me so anxious and worried. Finally see sac, tell them the good news and they have this type of reaction. Super sian lor!

Mylvera, aiyoh how come your MIL say that? If my MIL say that to my no. 1, I'll tell her never mind, Nai Nai don't want you, Mummy want you, Daddy want you. ;P
mom2nat: yeah lah. i also feel sad. I told my hubby that i will miss her "sucking". LOL
But we have to go thru this once for all right?
are you direct latch your boy too?
my boy has been taking bm from the bottle since he was 2 weeks old so he never had a problem with weaning off the breasts. last time he 2 weeks dont want drink milk coz he sick lah, let him be hungry lor. anyway he eating so much solid now liao, skip a bit of milk nevermind. after recovered liao then he will pick up the milk intake gradually

i think since your gal doesnt wants the bottle, give the milk in sippy cups or beaker? dont take the nippled bottle. coz that is grossly different in texture as compared to your nipples. but at least sippy cup/beaker is as though drinking her normal juice, water etc...
try lor...i oso got no idea liao haha

hey btw, when i weaned my boy off at 2wks old, he cried for my nipples for 3 full days. i just hardened my heart. keep offering him the bottle until he took it gradually *pengsan*

kitsune, nevermind lah, that time i tell my mom, she oso not much reaction. coz my sis gave birth just when i got preggy. so many babies around her, she oso find the news "normal". but gradually she got excited coz it was my 1st child...their perception might change in the process of your pregnancy perhaps?
dun worry too much about the spotting. when i had Javier, i was given 2 jabs somemore to stablised the pregnancy due to the spotting. even more scary. I believe u r will fine!! now everything alrite liao rite?

haha... my FIL also always say 'Karung guni' to my boy. I will say it in his presence to Javier' nvm, whoever dares to sell Javier, mummy will sell him too' .... hahaahaa.... bad rite me...
Hahhaha... my hb ask me to stop liao, I ask him "why, you need the breasts meh? At least my son appreciates them!" Hoho...
I direct feed and pump oso. But I can't pump much out recently. And he seems to suck for v long nowadays, so dunno isit ss drop a lot, he is not getting enough.
bo bian
you go on breast strike lor haha
she sure die die have to take the bottle/cup. dont lazy lah, express out your bm. she takes fm immediately sure reject one...mix mix a bit to wean her off to fm lah

It's okay. No matter what, your kids will have the full love from you and your hubby. Sometime old people don't know how to express their feeling one. They are sure happy to hear the news, but just like yourself, maybe they already started to think how can they cope with 2 children in a few months time, what changes they have to make, etc, so they didn't put up the excited face lor.

My Hao Re finally "accepted" his mei-mei, and these 2 days when I ask him where is mei-mei, he comes to me and kisses my tummy, oh, so sweet! And he "uses" his classmates to practice how to become a gorgor. His teachers said nowadays he likes to kiss the babies and hug them, and he's very gentle (very unlike him, usually he is very rough when playing). And he doesn't let the 17months old boy comes near to the babies (cos this boy bite one of the babies before), like protecting as a big brother. Really really touching to see this :)
my fren's bb only 2 weeks old ask me how to handle the comfort sucking of the breasts i oso dunno how to answer her hurhur
coz i didnt have that problem before...
i secretly wanted to tell her wean her bb to full bottle immediately so wont have this prob liao...haha...very evil...
mom2nat: my husband also ask me to stop BF. Been advised it's faster to ahve no 2 so he is very keen. Even tell my girl that you have to stop taking milky from mummy, save it for your siblings. Hahhhaha
I think i also dont have enough milk for her also. Each time she drinks so fast and look at me and look at my breasts. ;-)

I have a friend same like you. Also Jan08 baby. She has been direct latched her son until now. Her son also refuses formula. And my friend doesn't pump at all so can't give BM in bottle also. But she is very determined to wean him off. Since he refuses formula, she gives him more solid food. And he is doing well so far. He didn't wake up for night feeds for the past 3 nights, but my friend has to sleep in a different room, and let her boy sleeps with daddy. First night, woke up and looked for the boobs, but realised mummy not around, continued to sleep. Yesterday slept through without waking up. During the day, also avoid the latch him as much as possible (my friend is SAHM also), and give him solid to fill his stomach. Her plan is to totally wean her boy off, then slowly introduce formula or fresh milk in bottle/sippy/cup.

it is the start of LONG WEEKEND!! y stay in office?? i will cheong home immed aft work haha cos wana avoid auditor's qns lah
Kam, it's very encouraging to here that there is somebody is in the same shoes with me. ;-)
I have sucessfully trained my girl to sleep on her own (not dependant on my breasts or anything to soothe her to sleep). I am so amazed that she takes it so well up to now.Keep my fingers crossed. ;-)
My next challenge is to get her to drink fresh milk/ milk podwer. ;-)
I used to have extra 200ml a day to freeze or for my #1. But now can hardly squeeze out much, though still sufficient for Elliot.
I need to completely stop bf if I wanna consider #3. You know, now then I realise I am blessed. Recently I went for papsmear, PD told me I have PCOS and after the scan, no folicles! My 2 pregnancies were assisted and I was so lucky it din take me long b4 I was preg then. PCOS is a reason some pple have fertility probs. So now looking at my kids, I know I am blessed. So oso not too concern abt having #3. Very siong to be SAHM.
mom2nat: yes, you are blessed. And you are different. So no worry, i believe even when you want for no #3, it's going to be easy for you too. Children are heritage of the Lord (Psalm 127:3). ;-)

You have a helper and still feel very siong ah?? Hahha. ;-)
i see you still can go shopping and hubby takes leave for you.. for me, must wait until my neck is long.
I think now our babies are sucking for comfort. My milk drops already..this time, I decide to wean her off even she doesnt take any other milk.
pixiepixel, i think i lack of rest as i was having dirraheao(hope i spell correctly) the past few days and wasn't latching my boy. i have asked the lady to reserve the last bottle tincture and 1 bottle 60 capsules. will decide which one to get when i go down.

mummies who back to work and still bf, how u mummies managing? i afraid i can't manage or no time to pump during office hour as there's no room for me to pump.
Joyce, last time i PUMPED milk in the toilet. pumped 3 times per day, 2 times officially approved by my mgt, 1 time sneak out by myself. ;-)
If you are determined, you can make it. Have talk with your manager and go for it. i know it's very hard, but one day, you will be smile when you look back this time. ;-)
Keep it up.
I didnt go Zoo today becos gotta go settle my mom's Long Term Visit Pass in the morning. Afternoon went to Marina Barrage and Rylee LOVES playing with the water

Dont be disheartened by your ILs' reaction lah. I can understand how u feel but as wat others said, perhaps they're just thinking of how to handle 2 kids since RaeAnne is still relatively young now. Give them some time, sure happy one.

i was quite heng that when i walked into Uniqlo, no queue system yet, but when i walked out, whoa, long queue liao. Me too bu she de wean Rylee off. She's just nursing for naps and zzz now and i've come to feel comfy with it...am SERIOUSLY reading up on nursing while preggie and tandem nursing cos if i get preggie, i dont think Rylee can give my breasts up so easily cos she's very very attached to me. How did u wean ur #1 off last time?

eh never hear u said how u trained Johanna to sleep leh? So clever girl can zzz on her own?

Aiyoh, u jus give birth, pls take care of yourself!
yeah. I started train her last Sun. ;-) And she is coping it very well. After latching, i tell her "it's enough, now time to sleep", amazingly she can sleep on her own.
My method combines both East & West. Means I wont leave the room until she sleeps. I let her soothes herself and once in a while i rub her back and saying it's time to sleep, she guai guai sleep. The longest time it would take her 1 hour to fall sleep and fastest time is whitn 5 minutes. No crying except eh eh sound for 2 minutes. She also dont ask for my breasts anymore when she goes to sleep.
Good thing is when she wakes up, she never cry for mummy anymore but she will give a sweet smiles or call me "mum, mum".
You can try for Rylee, it's not a heart-pain method. ;-)
but then, as long as it takes, I never pick her up let it be 1 hour or 5 minutes- just let her find her way to sleep. After 2 days, she can flip and flop and sleeps on her own without me rubbing her back anymore.;-)

JESS & MANDY: the registration for baby contest is closed. They told me that they already have 130 babies for this time so can't take in anymore. so sad. But if you want, i & Johanna can come and peeping on the contest. ;-) What time does it start huh?
I wean Nat off at 9 months, cos she was too sticky and sucks for comfort. Oso she doesn't drink much, so it was v tiring to maintain the ss there for her but pumping. She din take on bottle well oso. I hack care lah. Just wean off lor. Slowly I replace with FM. then within 1 week I cut her off totally. It was quite sad, cos happen tat week she gana stomach flu and can't take milk and I oso drying liao...
Elliot doesnt' comfort feed tat much cos I dun sleep with him and I dun bring him to our bed. So usually feed liao my mom will put him back to bed or pat when he fusses.

My boy needs to be watched most of the time, cos he puts anything and everything into his mouth. There was once, he bit off the alarm clock button! My girl leh, needs pple to play with her. So leh... 1 on 1. If my maid cooks, I handle 2!! So we dun cook everyday oso. Sometimes go out to eat, sometimes ta bao back.
My girl din take much milk last time oso. I gave her more yogurt and cheese. Hee...
