(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


9 months unpaid! Sound like you were really depressed at work. Do take good care. Take things easy. And enjoy bonding with your kids, oh, and do update your blog :)
babe, you take care ok
i got depression before so i know how crazy you feel right now
its good that you still have your job as of now since you are on no-pay leave. if i take no-pay leave right now, my company sure ask me to go liao lor hurhur...

No need liao..I found it. Thanks. But anyways...do u happen to know if they will send u email to inform you of the new issue??? I have subscribed but never get email from them....
Thanks pixiepixel for the compliment!

Hi Mandy, yes Motherhood Monthly should email you once issue is out.

Here is the link - http://bluetoad.com/publication/?m=4318&l=1 My son is the cover model

Where got Jan issue, the first issue is Feb issue leh. RaeAnne was featured in both Feb and March issues. You didn't see my boy meh, my boy is in Feb issue, as well as a few others Jan mummies :)

Wah, Jayden won 2 1st runner up trophies! He looks really handsome and happy, so definitely deserved it. What's the prizes beside the trophy? My boy is going to the Yew Tee Baby Show next week. All the teachers in the child care centre will come to be supporters since they all live around this area. Stress leh, they are hoping my boy to win, stress, stress :)

Thanks for your compliment. I will tell him later when i see him.
He won 3 1st runner-up actually. His grandparents signed him up! Prizes include diapers, milk powder and a ride on.

Cheers for Hao Re!!!

How to subscribe? Cant find where to subscribe. Probably i will do it again....

Thanks for your compliment. I will tell him later when i see him.
He won 3 1st runner-up actually. His grandparents signed him up! Prizes include diapers, milk powder and a ride on.

Cheers for Hao Re!!!

How to subscribe? Cant find where to subscribe. Probably i will do it again....

yea i also saw hao re! eh, so many jan mummy's bb photos there ah? u posted the photos to them?

i saw raeanne one first cuz the phtoo in middle quite big ma! hehe

i find that jan mummy's baby all very clever leh, cuz won so many contest. i must participate for my boy too liao hahaha, just k/d
Hi Mandy & blessedbaby, Thanks for the compliments!


Yes, the editor asked me if I'm willing to have my son on the cover. I initially submitted his photo for the 'beautiful babies' section. They got interested with his photo so they considered him for the cover.

I got this from the Motherhood Monthly Facebook Fan Group:

**Get our FREE online parenting magazine at**
=> http://motherhoodmonthly.com/subscribe/

Here's a step by step instruction what you should do
1. Go to http://www.motherhoodmonthly.com/subscribe
2. Enter your name & email
3. Check your email for an email titled "Your name, Please confirm your subscription to "motherhoodmonthly". U may need to check your Spam/Junk box.
4. CLICK on http://getresponse.com/confirm.......(MUST DO)
5. The link to the magazine and future issues will be emailed to you.

Email us at [email protected] if you encounter any issues.
my boy also going for the baby competition on the 19th April at Siglap. But no expectation la... cos i think he will be too afraid to perform. heehee.. just for the exposure and fun of it

Sorry :p Sometimes I like to write in Mandarin, can express myself better. You can use online translation tool to translate it? But no lah, nothing special, just an update of how's my boy doing at 15 month.


The auditor also create a group in FB, you can joined the group and you will receive a message when there is a new launch. I subscibed and I received e-mail notification also leh. Our babies photos not in this recent issue, the past Feb and March issues.

You mean in FB ah? Don't think Pauline Poon is kitsune.


Same day leh, the baby show at Siglap and Yew Tee. Ya, it's fun, esp my boy loves the crowd!
Jess_Yew: how to register for the one at siglap huh? i want to bring my girl too. ;-)

Btw, my ex gynae chop chop me like carrot last time. ;-( Only yesterday i discovered that the DHA capsules, she sold to me S$50 per box, but outside only sell @ $30 per box. ;-((
Last time i never do my shopping, coz working so no time to check. sure no 2 & so on will be smarter. ;-)
just now went to tampines1. Still got a lot of shops like not really ready for business. Some still wiping the glass door. Perhaps i was early, went around 10plus-11am. Went to Secret Recipe for brunch, no babies chair yet, have to pay by cash cos credit card system not ready

Then go Uniqlo look see, SUPER crowded! They only have clothes for kids 4yrs old and above, unlike in HK, got younger ones. In the end, cant stand the crowd, grabbing clothes machiam like free when it's not even THAT cheap, one top about $19.90, cheap meh? And it's jus a tshirt, not super good quality some more. What recession???? Then, as i was heading out, saw that they have erected a queue system cos too many people liao. And once got queue only, wah piang, the queue was soooo long! Machiam like LV shop in Taka. kekekeke
wei mylife
i type sms until very tired liao leh hoho
so, sunday i bring the toothpaste when i go out ya
sat dont need lah hor?
oh yah, also went to United kids, something like Kiddy Palace only smaller. Again, cash only and no NETS or credit card. Everywhere still got renovation workers still walking around, carrying tools and cloths
hehe pixie, sorry ah...cos me using qwerty phone easy to type mah...hehehehe

sat ah? u only going orchard in the morning rite? aft that leh?
hahahaa. mylife, thats why i stay home when there is sales on. and that's why I never have chance to grab any good deal. I can't stand the crowd in the shopping mall and plus have to bring my baby, she can't breathe there. ;-)
after that....nothing to do. we plan to bring him go park leh. but dunno which park coz me and my hb not park lovers. maybe punggol park. near our place. that would be in the afternoon or late afternoon. late afternoon not so hot perhaps?
if we super lazy, then no go out liao hahahahahha
morning go swim. else go park if sat never go. we promised each other must do at least 1 activity. move our lazy butts.
afternoon nothing to do
4-5pm go my inlaw place, deposit kid. eat. then go vivo or wherever got Golden Village...

so you based on above and plan your schedule lah hor

**hi-5** I also don't go for sales. I super scared of the crowd (and long queue) during sales, arrive there see the crowd and queue already headache. My hubby is even worse, he has no tolerance for these at all.

For the Baby Show at Yew Tee, closing date is 12th April, if I remember correctly. Guess it's the same for the Siglap one. You have to go to the cc to sign up. A copy of the birth cert and pay $10.70.
yah, that's why we went early to check out the mall. Aft that i also run far far from the mall liao.

okie dokie. Thanks! Will sms u.
hey i wanna ask mummies who latched their babies on last time...when our babies where like 1 or 2mths old kind...
when the bb wants to suckle just for comfort, what do you do?
-put the child to your breast to let your bb suckle a while?
-stuff pacifier?

which should be "correct"?

if i let my bb suckle my nipples for comfort, then wouldnt it be i am their pacifier? isnt that what lactation nurses and books doesnt encourage? how to counteract this?
