(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

I see, my gynae said 3d got more radiation then hubby say don't want liao. I see, think my hubby prefers 'boy' but I don't want to start calling 'him' or 'her' cos I'm scared if I guess wrongly, baby inside will feel hurt and unwanted. I too 'duo sim' bah.

Cos I'm not sure how much subsidy we can get as I'm now his dependent (wife). Plus I'm 'selfish' lor, was thinking if I'm only going to have 2 kids in my lifetime, I want to experience TMC's great private service' and their fabulous confinement soups which my cousin has been raving to me about since my no. 1 days. ;P


I like TMC, a lot, I feel very comfortable there, as in don't feel that it's a hospital. Yes the confinement soups were indeed very nice. I drank till the last drop, my hubby saw me drank like that then he asked (jokingly) the nurse if he can have 1 pot. So I let him try a spoonful, he agreed it's nice :) My friends recommended me other hospitals, but I faithfully stay with TMC. Though I must say most of the nurses are generally friendly and helpful, but not all of them, some are terrible, esp those older ones, so it also depends on your luck who you get or which floor you stay. I talked to one of the nurses, she worked in many different hospitals before in maternity ward, and she said the workload at TMC is considered the lowest (though still VERY busy), hence generally nurses at TMC are happy because less stress than their counterparts at other hospitals.

If you really want to experience, then go for it! You deserve it! Don't have any regret in your life - if you can do it, do it! Don't think the two siblings will get jealous of each other because of this.
Hi mummies,

didnt come in for a long time.
having very bad ms and all i do is sleep..keke.

congrats on yr #2...

talking abt hospital bill.
i think mine is also consider ex le. cos hb's friend recommend RH to us for my 1st baby. pre-delivery charges was already 2100 for the package from 12 weeks onwards. I didnt really go and compare cos 1st child mah, then hb's friend say everywhere is almost the same price. then my delivery total charges is ard 8k including hospital stay n gynae delivery charges for normal delivery n epidual. Looking at my bill then realise that TMC is so much cheaper.
Luckily, one good point is almost everything can be claim from my hb's company and in the end, i only pay $700 from medisave for all my bills including pre-delivery. $0 cash..keke.
kam, thanks for sharing. hehe, I think my hubby said that to spite me lor cos I was born in KK whereas my younger bro was born at Mt. A. So I asked my mum why so unfair and she said the gynae moved from KK to Mt A lor. Sheesh.
Hi, shannonbaby, how are you? Any preggie symptoms yet? Wa so good, your hubby's company pay for so much.

Oh ya, wanted to ask you since you are also due in end of the year (nov right?), how do you intend to take care of no. 1 when no. 2 comes? Will you send her to playgroup?
talking abt childcare. I am sending my #1 to CC this coming June although she will be 17mth only. feel that she is too bored at home ever since i pulled her out of infant care. thus, send her to my sis's childcare which is near my house. then my sis can help me jaga in case she get bullied. keke.
Oic, is your CC half day or full day programme? I intend to send her in Aug cos she turns 18mths only on 22 July. Actually, I'm a SAHM so very reluctant to send her for half day class so early. Was thinking of Jan 2010 but by then, I'm fraid she'll feel abandoned cos no. 2 due in Dec 2009 plus I may be too busy to help her adjust. At the same time, I know she'll start falling sick more often when she goes to CC so feel bad for sending her 6 months earlier than planned. :p

my #2 is worse than my #1.
vomitting is non-stop. lost weight by grams per day. and worse my #1 is so cranky and sticky to me. cry n cry everyday if i am at home. at night will wake up a few times a day while she already sleep through the nite since she is 6 weeks old.

oh btw, elfa in tampines is quite good. i know the boss and talked to her before. she just took over my daughter's ex infant care centre.

#1 will go childcare (already confirm before i know my pregancy). then #2 will be taken care by my maid (my grandma n my dad will help me jaga since they stay one storey above me)
actually i oso have very good comment abt TMC from frds ... and when I visited them the room is nice oso loh but hor ... i like my gynae and she only deliver in East shore .....

its my family business. so naturally our kids will go to our childcare before they turn 3. after that my sis n i intend to send our kids to chiltern house which is near our hse so that they will learn to be independent, not so sticky to us.

oh i saw yr qns on chinese. i think yr child's school too kan jiong already. usually K1 then they learn how to write their chinese name. N2 (4 yrs old) will learn basic chinese stroke first.

she will definitely feel abandoned if u start her in Jan 2010. And from my experience, u will pulled her out from the school within one mth cos she will cry n cry, then fall sick, then u also tired as looking after #2, in the end, cannot take it and heartpain, thus give up on school and pulled the child out. guess its better to put her and make sure she settle down in sch before u deliver #2.
Shannonbaby, I see, RaeAnne ah, don't know she knows or don't know. So naughty yesterday, I'm waiting to find out. Today, send her to ILs so that I can check out childcare for her lor. That's good to hear I also had good vibes. The first time I went there, I didn't go in, just stand inside near the counter talking to the teacher and there was a lot of children's laughter inside. This time, I went in, the teacher brought me for a tour and I took some photos. She encouraged me to bring my hubby along on Sat to take a look but my hubby this whole month's Sat burnt so got to wait until next month bah.

QQ, my hubby liked ESH too cos very near to home. But I can't find suitable gynae leh, Dr Esther Ng was too exp and Dr YY Tan was too fierce. I need the TLC type of gynae cos I usually have a lot of questions. Don't like impatient drs. :p
Shannonbaby, thanks for advice. Which CC you sending your no. 1 to? How much per month? Is Elfa $400 per month (for half day) considered exp?
kitsune: try dr heng t l. she is my gynae.. v nice n rates affordable. her antenalpackage was ard 600 then, now i dunno
Dr Esther Ng! Did u know her practise was closed for few months bcoz she didn't pay taxes, or under declared her earnings. I went to her 4yrs back when i was 5wks preg with my #1. Horrible horrible system - they don't accept appointment bookings and everyone was queueing outside her clinic (next to the big drain full of cockroaches) before they opened. I was #4 on the list and sommore had to wait 3hrs. PUI PUI PUI. and she was so RUSHED, i hated the whole experience.
Kam, I see, hehe, do you remember how much you paid for 3d? I'll see how. Keen to take bloom shots this round like Steph cos for no. 1, hubby refused cos he said I expose tummy equal indecent exposure of baby wor. Hope this time I can convince him since no. 1 can be in the photo and it'll probably be my last baby liao. :p
Wendy, yup yup, I know, she's always in the news for the wrong reason, either for leaving her sports car in the workshop and refusing to drive away or for tax evasion. Yup, I was also no. 4 on her list and had to wait for 3.5 hours. She was not rushed with me lar cos she had my history and I TTC so long before striking so she quite good lar. Even gave me 2 weeks MC to rest. But I dislike the waiting hours and she very exp too, and CASH terms only. :p

Aqua, your Dr Heng is from where?
yes cash only. so silly! and her waiting area not exactly very comfortable.. the sofa too stiff and I felt claustrophobic! And outside her clinic nothing much for shopping. Maybe walk along the big drain and count how many cockroaches.
The stupidest thing was that i knew i had to scan on full bladder. but HOW to hold my bladder for 3hr?!?!?!?!
Wendy, EXACTY!!! I had to pee halfway then continue to drink water to 'top up' while waiting lor. If not, I will be bugging the nurses every minute or so cos I REALLY REALLY NEED TO PEE. ;P
heng tung lan tel :64407255, this is the eastshore clinic no. u can call them to get bedok clinic no..i think bedok have evening consultation. eastshore one onli morn n aftern

That sounds really bad experience of yours. 3 hours of waiting!!! Wah, I usually wait for 1 hour already not happy, how to wait for 3 hours huh, half day gone already leh.


2 years ago, I paid $180 before GST for the 3D scan at TMC.
i delivered at RH too, how come yr bill so ex?
My prenatal package was $2k, paid $1k upfront, the other $1k included in the hospital bill.
Total hospital bill $4.8k, after medisave only paid $2083 cash. I stayed in one-bedder, elective c-section
My girl stayed in NICU for one week, her bill was $3k, after medisave deduction, paid $864 cash.
hehe, okie okie, I'll kiv. Still haven't seen gynae. and only symptom is pulling pain/cramping, sometimes worry whether really preggie or not. A bit paranoid liao. :p
hello everyone...

I am on mc today.. keke.. so i am at home.... nw trying to read up all the post..

i will start refreshing the webby tmr !!! haha.

heard that elfa in tampines do not have any more vacancy for 18mths toddlers rite

i was also thking of putting my bb there when she turns 18 mths
Kitsune, is it more harmful? My gf does 4d scan every visit le, coz her doc uses the machine.

I must go dig p my bill from TMC already, after deliver gong gong, actually I never really see how much is the bill. Hmmmm.
my TMC bills is abt 5k++ inclusive of baby bill. stayed 4 days 3 nites. and c-sect... pay abt 800 cash... 4 bedded free upgrade to 2 bedded...
babyling, no leh, the elfa teacher just gave me application form and ask me to fill up first then pay money in July/Aug when ready to start. They only have 11 kids now, 2 more joining next week and their ratio is 1:8 and they have two teachers so max class size is 16 lor. Where did you hear from that no more vacancy?
I don't know, my previous gynae imply lar that higher radiation then can see clearer pixs for 3d/4d lor but why do you need to see so clearly? Baby is going to be born in a few months anyway, then my hubby convinced that no good to do lor.
yup, will be choosing back the same gynae since almost everything paid by hb's company and we r comfortable with her.

i also dunno why my bill is so ex. i guess cos my hb n i choose to stay with my girl when she has to stay for another 2 nites. we didnt want to go home without my girl.

my gf stayed in MAH for one week. same reason as me - didnt want to go home without her girl. her bill also come up to 10k since one bedder.
Thanks, mylvera. I don't dare to tell my ILs yet until I see gynae and confirm the sac. But cannot keep carrying my dd since keep having pulling pain so got to put her there more often these few days lor.

How about you? Still waiting for auspicious day to announce ah? April fool not 'huang dao ji ri' is it? ;)
Hehe, cheryl, she's keeping it under wraps. Kam and I are waiting patiently (actually impatiently) for her to announce whether she is preg or not since she's selling/passing her hpt strips to Pixie.
aqua u oso Dr heng ah ... I oso Dr Heng TL loves her bubbly character tats why I am dilema hahahah I would like to try TMC next preggy time
but Dr heng only deliver in ESH heeehee ..... guess I will stick to Dr Heng

And yes she have evening clinic .... just below princess cinema ... I just went there today cos my thyroid doc oso from there.
Ok, I help you drum roll if you ready to announce, how about that?

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Finally the answer that some if not all of you have been waiting for. Is she or isn't she? When is her EDD? Stay tuned for further updates from Mylvera herself as she calls in 'live' to our station after her appointment. hoho.
Wendy, thanks for reminder. Must amend my post liao. Yup, she said she knocking off early for appt. Appt with who? Gynae? Haha, the plot thickens.... ;)
