(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

mylife, i will be cookingh porridge in slow cooker and think will throw fish in lor

cos my boy just dun eat outside food...what can i do?=(

Could be, cos I also never posted in Sep09 MTB thread. So you already strike? Earlier than Kitsune???


Ya, my mum told me men cannot take dang gui, esp if they get heaty easily. Some men drink a bit of dang gui, the nose will bleed already. Dang gui is meant for 补血. After got pregnant, CANNOT drink dang gui anymore, that's what I learned from the elderly, don't know how true it is.
hey kitsune, congrats!

hehe...me still breastfeeding...way to go man!

Zander finally call ME mama
shag.. jz closed my AR.. tmr another hectic day ...


did u take dang gui after yr delivery? i never leh.. no one cook for me haha my mother told me 1st few days after delivery cannot take dang gui.
cant be me also...
i have to wait for my hse to come b4 no.2 can come. and i have to convince my ah lao den can.. HE WAN TO STOP AT 1

Your #2 drinks better now? Still colicky? Rest well, ya.


Don't run away from my questions leh...... When you want to surrender???

No, I didn't take dang gui. I learned that before, during and after period also not recommended to drink dang dui.
thanks, everyone. Ü

steph, jia you jia you! Congrats, u finally waited for this day. Ü

mylvera, ya, time for u to share your secret too.
mylvera, YOU VERY NAUGHTY! But never mind. Today already have 1 good news. Tomorrow reserved for you to broadcost your good news :)
thanks, everyone. Ü

steph, jia you jia you! Congrats, u finally waited for this day. Ü

mylvera, ya, time for u to share your secret too.

haha i always tell my ex-boss... I am never a GUAI GUAI gal that she thinks i m :p

infact, my whole section is as notti as I am cos most of them I select one mah ..so of cos can "click" haha
aqua, Kam,
our Jan thread is moving very fast, no time catch up ah but i will still read archives if i can find time. Being temp SAHM with no helper is no fun at all. Everyday is fully packed with daily routines like washing bb laundry, sterilise pump parts/bottles, change bb diaper, burp bb & if bb cranky, have to coax or battle with him for at least an hour before he finally settle or soothe himself to Zzz with or w/o pacifier. And i have to settle my own lunch...simple can be instant noodles add an egg & that's it. At nite, is 2 hourly feed as i direct latch so i kinda get used to it now...sleeping less than 5hrs every day. Sometimes i got mood swing too, maybe lack of sleep...cos the 5hrs is staggered so get short-tempered with baby when he is fussy
I even wanna throw him into the dustbin! but i didn't of course. And i lost all my pregnancy weight liow.

#2 can drink well but alot of wind trap in his tummy. We try to burp him for longer period & apply some ru yi oil. Sometimes non of these methods seem to relief his discomfort & he will cry the hse down...very fierce one!

Re: Ox baby
So...left only early next month to try for Ox bb huh? If conceive in late April09 then will be tiger bb liow! Baby dust to all trying for 2010 bb ya

Here's the list of Jan08 mummies preggy with #2/#3:-
1. Yunbb #3 boy 12Dec08
2. steph77 #2 boy 8Feb09
3. joyce #2 boy 11Feb09
4. superbee #2
5. janbb #2 girl
6. angelsky #2
7. kam #2
8. shannonbaby #2
9. kitsune #2
10. ??
Did i get the order/info correct? memory failing...can't remb liow!
Pauline, congrats. ;) So fast!!

Pixel, thanks for giving me the info on your gynae. ;)

LOL @ Kam. btw, am going to see your gynae this Thu since my hubby volunteers to drive me there. I am taking dung gui right after my period to regulate my menses. So far, i take it and breastfeed my girl but dont see any problem. and also have been taking folic deligently since we got married till now. ;) coz we know we'll strike babies anytime. ;)
aiyoh thread move so fast

dont count me in as the next mummy who will be preggy....i take mylvera's HPT to test once in a blue moon only lah

just now PM leave decided to go home sleep. finally sleep at 3pm...then about to doze off liao, my mom called. then hang up, tried to go back to sleep....about to doze off liao, my sis called...then hang up, tried to go back to sleep....about to doze off liao, my dentist called...then hang up, tried to go back to sleep....about to doze off liao, my facial shop called...
in the end, never sleep lor. it took me 3 hours to try to go to sleep but after 4 calls and 2 sms-es, i just gave up. now super "seh".
WTF. sibeh tulan. today really not my day.

steph, jiayou on bfeeding. u wan lansinohs or not??!

ok, tonite must ML/MB (make love/make baby) liao! hurhur
FJ benjamin got sale
I think got baby guess clothes too coz it says "branded adult/kids clothing, shoes (slurpz), handbags (double slurpz), intimate wear and watches"

2apr - 4 apr
Grand Hyatt, Grand Ballroom
Wendy, the clinic called me back
but the earliest date they can squeeze me in is 23 April, by then, I'll be 8th week lor. Don't think I can wait so long, may have to find another gynae in between. She said if I want earlier date, I can call everyday to try. She can't inform if there are any cancellations. Sianz. :p

Oh ya, I checked their package rates too. Higher than yours, they said they increase price but the delivery charges very strange leh, SO HIGH.
12 week onwards package - $738 excl gst
20 weeks onwards package - $638 excl gst
Natural delivery - $2k+ (4 bedded TMC)
Elective c section - $4k (4 bedded TMC)

She said the delivery charges include dr's charges, room charges and hospital visit and still sound very ex compared to yours. How many bedded was yours? Your $1010 was it after medisave deduction? Medisave can deduct max how much ah? Last time, I hardly needed to pay cos working for sister hosp mah. :p

Thanks, blessedbaby, next in line will be you cos you also trying right? ;)

Icy, been meaning to ask you, why 2010 baby? You like even numbered years is it?
i still have the lansinohs milk bags. I see how my supply by end next month ok? tks!

Just now i was switching between channels & channel 8 had a short interview with a doc/PD...& i saw hammies & his boy Kendrick in it too! Anyone saw it too?
oops oops i saw wrongly. my antenatal package was $720, not $500+. Joy Wong elective c-sect professional fees $1.2k. dunno abt natural.
CLaimed $3200 from Medisave. Paid $2.3k by credit card. that's for my bill. For Tobey, Medisave claimed $765, paid $170 by cc.

Initially i opted for 4 bedder (free upgrade to 2 bedder), but realised i needed a single bedder for better rest. So after 1 night in the 2 bedder ward, i moved to single bedder ward. Very high demand, thank God there was 1 available. They pro-rated my bill.

my elder boy's birth was much higher.. induce la, emergency c-sect la... in the end i think i paid $6k by credit card. not to mention every month checkup i get the 'carrot' from their markup. And when i returned for post natal checkup, they tried to sell me slimming oils $200+ ?!?! *faint*
haha not really for the even numbers, but I prefer a 2 yr gap between my kids. Maybe xin li zhuo yong.. so that when one go pri school, I can relax and the one more yr then the other one go.. same for PSLE etc etc
I agree with u, even 2 bedded also hard to rest. I was quite unlucky, my "room mate" actually let her hb stayed overnight with her.. I keep hearing them talking at night then husband even snore. Feel so uncomfortable while I BF, I can't rest too. Complain to nurse and they say will chase them out in morning.. cos he sleep liaos. sigh

told hb next time, I would want 1 bedded.
congrats to kitsune.

Luvv....i can join to ttc end of next yr...or see if i can get converted to perm staff hopefully end of this yr..i just got re-contract for my job for another 6 months. my mum says 2.5 age gap is good like me and my bro. so it is like 2 kids in 3 yrs lor.

i also wanted to try #2 this yr but due to retrenchment last nov...bo bian haf to postpone liao...sobz. but cant wait too long also cos hubby got condition lor. also got to eat tonic before hand.

when must start eat folic acid before ttc?
Wendy, i c, so your bill is elective c section but 1 night 2 bed and 1 night 1 bed lar. Duh, I also want 1 bedded leh so that hubby and no. 1 can stay over. So,your total delivery bill for yourself is $5,500 (incl Dr Joy Wong's prof fee) and for Tobey it's $935. Wow, really very exp hor and it's considered cheap liao compared to other gynaes. Hubby didn't manage to find out how much he can claim today cos his clerk not around. If he hears how much the whole thing will cost, maybe he will just ask me to go KK. Plus Dr Joy Wong doesn't have night clinic, hubby will not be able to accompany unless it's Sat clinic cos his work schedule not flexi mah, cannot take leave or time off one. :p

Shucks looks like I must check out KK's earliest appt tomorrow so that I can scan at week 6. :p

Thanks, Yen, Icy, Verene, Grumpus.

Icy, I also wanted 2 years gap cos I like even number years ie. 2008 and 2010. But then since strike 2009 baby also good, next time hubby and I can retire 1 year earlier, hopefully to travel round the world. ;P
I think 3 mths before TTC start eating folic would be good. As long as during TTC got eat should be ok
Icy, I only on and off eat after seeing gynae on 10 Feb, haven't even eat for 3 months yet. Now must 'er bu' liao, don't know whether can pop 2 a day or not? :p
1 night in 2 bedder, 2 nights in single bedder. c-sect is major op so they keep us there 1 more night than those for natural.
i think u refer to those "MOH Hosp Bill Size" can get better guage.

why so kancheong to scan week 6? can't see heartbeat until wk 8.
Wendy, I want to rule out 'ec....' pregnancy mah cos this time keep having pulling pain on the left side, started for a few days liao. Last time, I tested +ve on 27 May, 1 June saw sac, 15 June see heartbeat liao. So, should be week 6 or maybe week 7 can see heartbeat right?

MOH website said $4161 for TMC and only $3258 for ESH. How come ESH so cheap hah?

Wendyg is right. Most gynae sees from 8 weeks onwards cos more accurate. So I think it's alright to wait till then. Meanwhile, rest well
Oh re contract, if have opportunity at other companies maybe can consider changing. Contract not much benefits right? Yah we shall try for a rabbit next time...:p

i think what icy said was right, about 3 months before ttc start taking folic acid.

Jia you jia you jia you jia you....mooooooooooo....not easy without help, must chat more to balance your sanity!..

U can pop by a few gynae. They do have adhoc consultation but price not that cheap lor.
eg, woody price is abt 100+ for scan+ consult (if u are not signing for package) but if u sign for package, whatever u paid can be regarded as payment for package lor.
else, if Raffles Women's clinic is ok for u, can pop by too. but not that cheap either. all in all abt 160+ if u opt for scanning too.

most imptly, go with full bladder for scans. this will make it easier for gynae to see yr sac n foetus. heartbeat wun be detected until ard 6 weeks or so but it will be very faint type of heartbeat.
me too but i never on internet browser yet leh. check mails, blah blah

i replied ur email about the hpt. reply me yah

today april fool's day. wonder got any scary pranks or not

yest nite suddenly crazy, go do excercise....coz body checkup, doc say must excercise more...after excercising, my stomach started churning again...twist and turn in bed until 1am....cheh!

jz replied yr email.

re: pranks ... haha mayb i shd come up with 1 prank today ! haha so ... anything fr me today is "inaccurate" haha
Hi All,

Anyone keen? PM me

Below are the details of the private group sign up for studio portrait session. (Foto-U: Benjamin)

============ ========= ========= ========= =========
Mini Studio portrait package @$198.00
One hour studio session
Maximum 5 people
All captured images in CD (high resolution softcopy)
3 pieces of 8R enlargement prints.
Additional person is $10 per head
============ ========= ========= ========= =========

Minimum quota to sign up: 12 mummies
Deposit and payment term: Deposit $50.00, balance payment settle by CASH upon end of session.
Offering period: from now to 10 April 2009.
Validity of booking: 6 months upon closure of offer. (10 Oct 2009)
Mummies preggy with #2,

does #1 become more clingy to you nowadays? Cos javin seems to be super cranky and has very bad seperation anxiety recently. My mil say is due to my pregnancy....

they will sense it one. tt's y u have to start teaching javin to love his sibling inside yr tummy now. dun wait till sibling born liao den teach.

You can still remember so well being after delivered your #2, very good :) Only missed out Jacelyn.........

Here's the list of Jan08 mummies preggy with #2/#3:-
1. Yunbb #3 boy 12Dec08
2. steph77 #2 boy 8Feb09
3. joyce #2 boy 11Feb09
4. superbee #2
5. janbb #2 girl
6. angelsky #2
7. kam #2
8. Jacelyn #2
9. shannonbaby #2
10. kitsune #2
11. ??

And yes, Hammies and Kendrick did participate in that commercial, she wrote in her blog.


<font color="ff0000">Do NOT</font> take 2 folic acid pills per day. Overdose is not good. My gynae said you can miss taking the pill one day, but NEVER take more than the recommended dose. Don't have to worry, we get folic acid from food also, like green vegetables and lots of other stuff. My #2 unplanned leh, so I didn't take any folic acid at all. After I found out I am pregnant, only take Obimim once a day, and gynae said is enough.


Oh, so you are going to see Dr WK Tan, ya. Be prepared for long queue :) She is very kind, but don't usually volunteer to speak much. But if you have any questions, just ask her, she can give you very good advise. Take a close look on his wrinkle free skin, and guess how old is she now :)


Ya, I agree, to have 2 years gap is actually good. For my case, my boy is Jan 08 baby, #2 will be Sep 09 baby, only 1 year difference in calendar year, but in actually fact, the age different is 1 year 8 months. For that additional 8 months, my #1 actually will learn a lot more than #2. So when they go to school, #1 might do better than #2, and so we need to give more attention to #2 later so that she can catch up, and also that she won't feel bad to think that why gorgor only older than me for 1 year, but knows a lot more than me? Anyway, this is just my theory :)

Yes, my boy have that too (clingy and bad separation anxiety) right after I found out I am pregnant. Last for 2-3 weeks. Then after that, return to his usual self. Lucky me :)


Did you read my blog on the TMC delivery charges? I noted down every cents that I paid for, you can use as reference, I stayed 1 bedded for 2 nights.


I heard from the nurse the hospital charges for this year still remains, next year might increase. Also, I ask the registration clerk and she said in general, they don't allow kids to stay overnight, but if really have to, have to get permission from the Sister-in-charge for that floor (ie, they can't promise you before you are admitted).

<font color="0000ff">Mylvera</font>,

So, the good news from you for today is.........???
Congrats Kitsune!

Hospital bed: I delivered at Mt.A and opt for 1bedded but dont kw why on dat day which is 3rd Jan so many bbs popped so in e end 1st nitz i stayed at 2bedded then 2nd nitz 1bedded wif hb...
cant sleep on 1st nitz becos my room mate beside snoring and crying.
snoring and crying at the same time?! wow that's a feat...

i was secretly hoping that i won't hv any neighbour in the 2 bedder, but fat chance..
when i was being prepped for my c-sect, the neighbour was preparing for discharge. When i returned fr the op, short while later another mummy was wheeled in. So for my entire stay, i would hv a neighbour. Her husband and mom was with her the whole day, and they talked non-stop, albeit in hushed tones. They didn't bother to set their handphones to silent mode. Ring ring ring ring every now and then. Our curtains were drawn the whole time! i didn't even know what she looked like. So daytime, when i was not bfg baby, i was trying to catch some shut-eye, but unable. Night time, the neighbour slept SOUNDLY - ie snoring. Her baby was in nursery thru the night. My baby was pushed to me when he was hungry, and inadvertently he'd be crying. and bcoz he was big baby, he cried LOUD. I was so paiseh, hoped to minimise noise dowan to wake neighbour. When i was adjusting my bed from flat to upright, it CREAKED aiyo.. the hinges badly need OILING. So i daytime cannot sleep, nighttime cannot sleep.. in the end i gave in and asked to be transferred to single bedder. =P

hi, may i check with mummies who have kids turning 4 this year. IS your child expected to recognise difficuly chinese words like fan jing tou (sommersault) etc and write their chinese name in school?
