(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


ahha sounds like my neighbour when i deliver #1. they had guests that keep laffing n talking loudly for the day and nite time she gets pissed off cos my son duno how to suckle.

Den the neighbour when i deliver #2 had guests tat even open the "curtain", tat i purposely asked my hb/mom to close so tat i have privacy, to see who is in the next bed.


Lucky you!!!! Haore seems to be so much easier than Javin. During the weekends i always had a hard time looking after him. I cannot make him nap in the daytime. Only maid or mil can do it. It make me feel so sad.... Wen ever he see me or HB he won't wan to sleep one.
my boy can write his eng name but not chinese name. recognising chinese words.. i dun think so ley. i hv to go back to refer to the lesson plan.
why feel sad that your boy is so excited to see u and husband until he dowan to nap. only boring people like your maid and MIL can make him nap. hahahaha.
Wendyg: she was snoring wen e sound stop and finally thot i can get some sleep heard crying.. Itz so scary to hear crying in e middle of e nitz dat i pressed e button for nurse, I juz pretend to ask for a cup of milo. The nurse saw e lady crying, she talk and pray for her.. i tink maybe she got depression..

i tink some mummies been to Marina Barrage? is it fun? wat do they hav over there?
wendyg, mine is a year end baby (in fact both my boys are yr end)....then already devt slower than others. Still learning to hold pencil correctly. Yesterday the chinese teachers asked me to guide him to write his chinese name and i say his chinese name a lot of bi hua leh...then she says some kids also, but they are writing. My boy only 3 years and 4 months leh. Then they are expected to recognise a whole lot of chinese words and i feel stress up. Let alone my boy. Its not easy words k. Sigh

Mylvera, haha, tot my boy is the only one who dun 'talk' yet.....

my boy becoming a little terror....now demand a lot for me....wake up, will cry badly for me...but i left for work liao....he is becoming like his brother....play train and cars same way...like to hide in the store room, beside the rubbish chute (when gor gor was his age)....he smile cheekily. He really smile with a U shape and frown with a N shape

What wendyg said is right. Meaning Javin loves to play with you and hubby, positive thinking!!! At school, Hao Re takes 2x naps every day without fail. But at home during weekends, he only takes 1 nap. And that doesn't bother me at all, if he doens't want to sleep, then don't sleep lor :) As long as he is growing healtily and happily, no worries!
hey dun worri too much abt them being in year end. My friend born 30 Dec but is very successful accountant. More successful than another friend born January of same year, who also was in Accountancy Course.

sometimes we just look at present events and get stressed, but in the long term actually is nothing much. Eg how early they roll over/ sit up/ walk/ talk/ self feed/ drink fr straw/ sprout teeth/ write/ toilet train/ dress themselves blah blah.

if u not happy with the tchrs & sch, maybe it's time to look around for another? Is your #1 happy in sch?
Kam, i saw your blog abt the $$ breakdown. take for example $18 for 1 month's worth of calcium tablets... NTUC pharmacy is selling 2 months worth of tablets for abt $20+. Can save some $$ there. Not to mention the folic, Obimin, DHA etc.
yes my #1 was very clingy when i was in my 1st trimester. only want me to carry her and wake up many times in the middle of the nite. thank god that now she is back to normal ie wake up only once in the middle of the nite cos we co-sleep with her now. and she won't insist to want me to carry her now as she found alternatives ie she will want my hubby or new maid to carry her instead... hehehee.. :p

my number 1 is ok...but i can sense that he is stressed up in chinese

babies born end of the year will catch up slowly...i also year end. BUt then in the first few years, there will be lotsa catching up ah...

ppl turn 4 liao....mine just turn 3 not too long ago......can feel the difference one...as in right now.

kids born in the same year as my number 2 and who turn 2 already, devt so much difference from my boy who cant even utter a single word leh....
that's why i say if we look at the Present, we will get stressed, but long term actually is nothing much la. Kids learn much much more when they're young, so naturally there'll be much difference btwn a Jan 08 and Dec 08 baby, even tho all born in the same year.

u want to say talking, your #2 born Dec 07 can't say anything yet. My #2 born Jan 08 can say plenty things. So how??? Cannot compare like that one la!
So it's really Hammies and Kendrick in that commercial. I saw a glimpse of it and thought I saw Hammies too!

I don't remember my TMC bill was so expensive leh…moreover I stayed for 4 nights somemore! 1st night got transferred up from delivery ward since only dilated for 1cm after full day of contractions but that was in 2-bedder. From 2nd night onwards, they converted the 2-bedder to single room for us after my neighbour left while I was in OT. Actually quite good this way since hubby get to sleep on a proper bed with his own TV and remote….hahaha! I think we only paid about $1.8k in cash including for baby and hubby who stayed for 3 nights. Mine was emergency c-section as well and I occupied 1 bed in the observation room of delivery ward for 1 full day!

Thansk for the reminder. But I am okay with the charges at the clinic so far. So I won't bother to get from the pharmacy. I bought 90 tablets of Obimin from Guardian at $19 about 3 months ago. My gynae charged me $18 only leh, but that was 2 years ago, unless they have increased the price, yet to find out this month. I rather leave everything to my gynae to take care of.
good for u... for cheapskates like me, i'm saving every penny.. =) and my dad got such a kick out of spending $200+ at Unity Pharmacy coz he could earn more Linkpoints...

too bad he's a guy! and too bad i'm not having anymore!

Same here. No guy gynae for me, strictly ;-) My hubby said it's okay to pay more as long as we are comfortable with the gynae.


Me lor. My boy will defintiely continue in CCC. No choice :)

But for my #2, we are actually considering nanny. Do you have any nanny to recommend, since you also stay at Yew Tee? Infant care, to us, without a single cent of subsidy, is really TOO expensive (though I love to out #2 in infant care also, if not for the $$$......)

No. Never. And will not explore this option. Both hubby and I don't like the idea of having a maid. Even if I have #3 and #4, will still not have a maid, stubborn mummy :)
morning all .... i just went for my thyroid check up ..... doc ask me cannot preggy and cannot accident LOL
got maid very ma fan .... cannot go late nights cos MOM law says that they need 7 hrs of sleep ... so i sian half now i have one following us
mylvera yup not stable ....

wendy eh cannot leh ... cos we gg to work .... so she have to get up at ard 6-7 during this time
eh yvonne
then yours considered cheap
mine was 3bedder in TMC but upgraded me to 2bedder. I also paid around 1.xxK in cash after all medicave deductions...my hb never stay over, i stayed 3 nights, my boy 4 nights.
eh not fair haha
can let maid nap for an hour or two in the afternoon if they have late night, not necessary one whole stretch of 8 hours.

paiseh .. i send tmr can? jz realised the envelopes i bring is too small haha if bigger one i can squeeze more inside :p

HK summer sale usually starts around end of June and ends early to mid august. This year official date not out yet,...i think only lah.

When u let Haore play with water, aft that, u just towel him dry and change his clothes?

Other mommies who let babies play with water out in the open
Will the babies catch a cold? Do u strip them off or let them play with their clothes on? How about shoes? Will they slip and fall? Sorry ah, no experience. Hehe
Blackbatz, thanks for reminding. haven't eaten folic acid until I read your post.

Wendy, I went to check out Elfa at my nearby CC just now. True enough, can start anytime. Saw the classrooms and indoor playground. facilities look not bad lar. But costs per month also quite high, after subsidy it's $400 per month (730am - 1230pm). I can bring her in later at 830am if I want to and start her from 830 to 1030am too but will lugi lor cos they charge flat rate. Their full day class is only $580, only marginally higher. :p

I just called KK and they can give me appt this Friday at 2:15pm to see Dr S F Loh. Just take lar since can scan earlier and he already saw me once in Feb. After that then decide whether I want to go private.

Oh ya, Kam, thanks for reminding me. I read it but forgot about it cos that time I not preggie mah. Wa, yours $8k plus leh, even more than what the clinic quoted me, is it because you are PR so more exp? Sorry, I know it's a sore topic for you. :p
ok nevermind, i no rush. i oredi know the answer liao :p :p :p :p

eh where is jess today, never see her online and refresh the jan08 thread LOL

Yes, we towel him dry and changes clothes (but first examine if the water is clean enough, to our standard, for our boy to play with). When he was younger, we let him play with clothes on. Now, strip him (almost) naked, only with diaper on. If it's pre-plan one, they change him into swimming diaper, so that more comfortable for him. So far, he never caught a cold after water play or swimmming. But have to look out for the weather lah, if it's cloudy and windy, we won't do the water play. And also not under hot afternoon sun. Usually we do it before 11am. Usually all those water play area meant for kids are well taught of for safety reason, ie, the floor are those coarse type, won't slip and fall (except one bad experience at Marina Barrage). Having said that, still have to be careful, don't let them walk/run too fast, esp when out of the water, cos the flooring outside the pool may not be that safe. And no shoes. I observed and almost 100% of the kids didn't wear shoes. We have been to Marina Barrage, Zoo, Jacob Ballas children garden, clarke quay, east coast park, and swimming pool. If you need information on these places, ask me :)

My total bill include pre-natal package, all the scans (we did OSCAR, detail scan and opted for 3D scan), delivery doctor fees, hospital stay for mum and baby, and my boy admitted for jaundice, everything in, not just delivery cost only. And this $8k+ is before medisave. We claimed very little from medisave cos only became PR for a few months then. Think at max can claim about $3k+. So ended up still have to pay about $5k cash.

If it's delivery cost only (hospital stay + doctor fees for mum and baby), about $5k. Can claim about half from medisave, the other half cash lor.

As far as I know, PR pays the same cost as Singaporean at TMC, and medisave claimable also same amount (no "discrimination" finally cos it's private hospital?).

Don't know, maybe mine is on the high side. Anyone bother to look at all their bills and compared (before medisave claim)?

how come u did OSCAR for #1? u r way too young for that mah.

I am one who bother to look at my bills b4 payment too. but den most of the time too late cos hb went to pay first n he dun bother to look at bills.
Mylvera, I also did OSCAR leh for no. 1, for peace of mind lor. :p

Wa, Kam yours got 3d scan ah, so good. I was very gian to do it for no. 1 but KK don't offer. I see, $5k sounds more reasonable. RaeAnne also admitted for jaundice for 2 nights 1 day after our discharge. :p My hubby say if no. 2 I choose TMC, RaeAnne will be jealous wor cos she born in a govt hosp, whereas didi or mei mei born in private hosp. ;P Oh ya, I noticed you used 'she' for your no. 2 so confirmed it's gal liao. Amnio results out already?


Most gynae nowadays recommend OSCAR for all pregnancy with age <35. Yes, lower risk but doesn't mean no risk.


Ya, my hubby insisted have to do 3D scan. It's fun lah, but the outcome not very good, as in the scan picture cannot really show how baby looks like. My gynae actually doesn't encourage me to do cos she said it's not helpful to access the pregnancy, but she said if I don't mind paying, she respect my decision loh. But this #2, think won't go for 3D/4D (now advertising 4D, not 3D anymore!)

Ya, we already use "she" cos my gynae said most likely is girl, and my hubby is hoping for girl. Think she won't just said it if not for some level of confidence. If the answer if opposite, then at least can keep my hubby happy for these 2-3 weeks :) No, amnio results still gonna wait another week.

If you can get very good subsidy at KK, why not go for KK, and opt to see gynae at private suite. KK is also very good hospital, full facilites for mum and baby, even better than TMC, right?
