(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">Mandy,</font>

I'm fine with GUG at Suntec, in fact, been at Suntec twice this week liao. Saw the GUG place.

<font color="aa00aa">mylife,</font>

Noted taken, see when they all arrange, I'll try my best to make it. I also want to bring him to Jacobs Garden.

<font color="aa00aa">angelsky,</font>

Aiyo, time can be arranged. Cannot be biased, shop when had #1, then don't shop for #2?
Icy, I see, didn't know got other timing, will call and check if can change so that can catch up with you and Lyn.

Icy, I don't dare to pump out because after I latched for a few nights after taking med, my breasts started having the letdown sensation again. The day after I took final dose of med, breasts totally soft so I stopped applying cold cabbage. Now, got to apply on and off again. Baby's sucking really very superior to best pump in the world. :p

Mylife, Thanks for info with stopping BF. Will love to meet up when you are back. This time, I'm also SAHM like you liao. Hehe. Where's Jacobs Garden though? :p
Forgot to answer u about the pics. So far i quite like the pics i took of Rylee. Almost all the pics i posted in my blogs were taken by the iPhone. If got good lighting, quite ok. Big screen and one touch. But i did note that if u dont import it into ur pc and delete from ur phone, if u let it sit for too long accumulate in ur phone and taking up space, it'll take longer for the camera to "click" when taking pics.

haha, i also dunno leh. Who will organise. And what is this Jacob Garden ah?

no problems. I also how to stop next time when i do stop. Definitely bu she de. Why u still feeding RaeAnne FM? Can just wean her to fresh milk liao ma.

Ask u all ah...are there any Waldorf certified schools in Singapore? And what is the names and whereabouts? I only know Montessori based is like the hot schools there cos last time always hear colleagues with kids talking about montessori.
Mylife, hehe, I thought it's obvious why I'm not weaning her to fresh milk. GUILT and peer pressure lor, how to feed my baby marigold fresh milk after BM? Don't have taurine, prebiotics, probiotics, DHA, AA, extra calcium and I don't know what else I'm paying for in the super expensive tin of Gain IQ. Even though I don't know if all those will be well absorbed, at least it goes into her mouth and stomach lar, console myself.
Jacob Ballas Children's Garden....
is part of Singapore Botanical Gdns


i couldn't find anything on waldorf on google. Maybe meigoogle can help hahaha.
Now Montessori still v hot here... the sch fees are like S$1000 before subsidy for full-day childcare, compared to $600 for a void deck type of childcare. And the waiting list is....1 yr long! And the list didn't shrink even tho economy is bad!!!
OIC, u got take medication then should be able to stop faster, I didnt take, that why have to do it slowly. Just keep note if there is anymore lumps, think need to clear it, else it is bad.
pauline, what a small world....we used to work for the same co.....and i am also from crescent....hee

work at MOE as checker too...but not at 15 yo but after leaving crescent
topic(s) of the day:
1) Wedding car -Merz "S" class. FIL's car

2) what/when was your first ever proper job? After JC at a electronics factory, semicon type

3) Friso 3
u mean u cannot find any Waldorf schools in Spore or u cannot find anything on waldorf education in google? If it's the latter, then i'm surprised cos it is as popular as Montessori (and often being compared to) here in HK and worldwide as well. I jus asked another mommy and she said waldorf certified school in Spore is Whole Child Nurture Centre run by Kampong Senang at Jalan Hock Chye. Anyone heard of this before? Anyway, this is a link on Waldorf education. Founded by Steiner Waldorf. This method is widely mentioned (and based on) in one of fav parenting book : You Are Your Child's First Teacher.

i stopped last sat...its been a week. i still get letdown leh once in a while
today woke up with a lump in my left boob. quickly pump out to clear the lump *ouch* keep pressing the lump, the milk squirt out...
when i pump my left side only, my right side no simultaneous let down liao. i think body got the message liao
childcare centres

Anyone has any good recommendations on any childcare centres in the west? Jurong east will be the best. Looking for one for my son when he is 18 months old.

Anyone's darling is with The Little Skool House or Cherie Hearts. Wonder if they are good.

Thank you!
topic of the day

1) Wedding day car
Mine was a rented london cab. So expensive =(

2) My first proper job was a temp clerk at PSA after my A levels, while I was waiting for entry for my uni in UK. I worked there for about 8 months. Had a really great time there! =D

3) Gain IQ. Switched my son over from Similac stage 2 when he just hit 1 yr old. So far so good. Yes, it's really the MOST expensive formula in the market. =S
wendy, thanks for the link. Looking at the pix and description, like more suitable for older kids. If like mine, still can't really walk, I'll need to carry her all the time cos can't possibly put her down and leave her to crawl in the garden soil/dirt right? Faint. :p

Ernmum, hehe, so 'qiao' so am I your 'shi jie' or 'shi mei'. ;)

Icy, ya true, the final dose of medicine helped to dry up boobs.

Pixie, I think better to handexpress a bit to clear instead of pumping. If not body may think still got demand.

AhCapp, ya very exp but now Gain IQ got $2 off discount coupons at NTUC, (put into mailbox), did you get?
i couldn't find waldorf sch in sgp, but if your network mummy already advised u, then perhaps u can start fr there.
Wow so much exciting discussion going on.

My boy also on Gain IQ but coz I didn't change after I started with his sis. Wanted to try Enfa for him but at that point it was more ex than similac...so guess it depends on when the manufacturer increase price.

Alamak, my first and ever job is teaching....maybe next be full time tutor..ke ke ke...

Pauline, takes awhile for the feeling to go away...

Reduction in breast size
Haha...it juz struck me, I feel that after bf stop, the size also drop. smaller than b4 preggy..so sad man! If every kid drop one size, then soon no more..u gals feel so?

Mylife, what is this waldorf school?
did ur baby have mouth ulcer before..? what could have caused it? hw to cure it? my bb these few days very cranky &amp; sticky to me...thk could be bcos of ulcer...
oh ya, i have the coupon too. 1 is off $2 for the 900g and 1 is buy 2 900g and get 1 400g free. All the same for SImilac and Gain1Q and Gain IQ kid.

Similac Mum get $2 off.

But I dun need, any mummies need any of these coupon? I can mail u.
blackbatz &amp; Babe,
I also have this problem, think the nipple is out of shape too. Perhaps I use too much of electronic pump.
How long did u express using electronic pump? When I looked at how the pump "pull" our nipples, I was also very worried. Luckily, did go out of shape.
topic of the day

1) Wedding day car
Our own hatch back, my hubbie was so proud of his "xiao lan" that no matter what also must use for our wedding, even when during our photoshoot, also drove the car along to take.

2) My first paying job? My estate used to have alot of ang mohs, so first paying job was as baby sitter to my neighbour's kid.

3) Gain IQ. BF my girl all the way then after that started her on FM, grab the most ex off the shelf coz clueless where to start. But think enfa now is the most ex :p

Babe, sama sama, i feel now very flat le. Even smaller than before, when I was expecting my girl, my breast grew quite a bit, but with my second its hardly moving man. SIAN. Imagine after this, even smaller, cham lo.
i have the same prob too. now that i am stopping expressing...my boobs are saggy, and small!~
my sis has 2 gals, and she bf them. so imagine how small her boobs are now...if these kind of stuff runs in the family...*shudder* very very sadddddd
hi icy: hw much u pay for the GUG trial? is it a llanguage enrichment class or more on social?
i find LNT class getting boring, and my ger cant really concentrate, her attention span so short
I paid $26.25 for GUG trial at suntec. Promotion until march. It is more on Music and Movement, so lots more songs and movement, there is a bit of phonic and learn of just 3-4 words and 1 letter. Then more playing and have explore things. Whole session is 1.5 hrs - which I find it a bit too long, my boy stand to crawl around after 45mins, in between have a 5 mins break. U can go and try, perhaps ur ger find it more fun to be able to move around.

Actually my boy seemed like having fun for most of the music and play sessions, but I wanna look for more learning stuff as I am hoping that he can learn how to pay attention and sit still. He move around too much at home, non-stop!
it takes time...when I brought my elder boy to JG. He would always be looking out of the window ocs there were a lot of playground stuff there.

Evetyone can sit on the "special mat" to listen to stories but not my boy..I always wished that I could hide.
I feel mad everyday!!! My girl is driving me up the wall. Not easy to handle. Think SAHM really ah tough job. Children do good pple say cos the kids smart, if children naughty, pple say MOM dunno how to teach or spoil the them. Sigh...
Thanks for answering my qns, so u paid more on the plan than the fone lar. Funny thing is how come it will slow down the cam when too much pics har, since its a 16GB fone leh hmmm..

I'm still thinking hard on whether to buy, what a tough decision...duh!

Anybody in sg has iphone too, what plan did u subscribe?

My boobs drop more than 1 cup size even though i breastfeed for 6 months only..

My son had ulcer on his upper lip before, it didnt bothers him much, as i only found out that he had it when he slept with his mouth open. Not sure what causes ulcer, maybe too heaty? Supposedly same as adults? I didnt apply any cream, it went off after a few days.
come back to work la.
how does Nat drive u up the wall?

have.. here &amp; there we go out. but i still gone crazy by Sunday afternoon coz not enuf sleep &amp; didn't get to drink my coffee.
Re: GUG Trial
I'm still on the waitlist for the trial at United Square. Requsted for sunday mornings trial which is all full so gotta wait for the next intake.

Anyway, just signed up my boy for a term at Gymboree Level 3. Brought him for trial class on sat and he thoroughly enjoyed it! He used to be clingy when I brought him for the trial class a few months back. Since he enjoys it so I went ahead lor. My main objective is to keep him occupied with some activities he enjoys and learn to interact with other people. He was so excited, kept crawling towards other babies and parents and smiling at them. Everyone commented he was so bubbly and smiley...me so glad.
monday again
weekends are ever long enough leh
this week, only get to see my boy today. rest of the days not free...sianz...all the way till friday, can die from missing him

im still craving for durians

btw, xandall was so weird yesterday. he was laughing non stop when we brought him to vivocity. like as though taken ecstasy pill? no joke man. waitress pour tea, he laff. they change plates, he laff. walk to giant, he laff. look at the trees, he laff. he kept laffing until so many ppl just kept staring at him...
just a very weird outing. never seen him so happy before
icy:yes, i think our kids prf music n movement more! franky speaking, if i am stil young, i would also prf to go clubbin. haha
topic just for u... the rest may answer if u feel like it.

if u could do it all over again, would u go to the same schools, take the same modules, apply for the same jobs, marry the same man?

You son misses you too!!! Just to be with you made him very happy :)


Depending on your tolerance for kids to play with soil/mud/sand/crawling on grass. To me, no problem at all for my son to get dirty and enjoy himself. We already let him do that when he was like probably 8-9 months old (before he can walk), and he totally enjoy it. I always prefer to bring my kids to enjoy the great outdoors and get close to the nature. Good for the kid and good for the parents :)
My mummy signed Jayden us for a baby contest at CC yesterday and Jayden came in 2nd. Hehheheh....It was a pleasant surprise.....
His 1st trophy at home :p THe whole day he was holding the trophy and did not want to let go...:p
wendyg: yes, i would go to the same sch, same modules n apply same job but i may not wan to get married ! married life is too complicated

same school? - mite not, cos i dun tink i wana go thro part time studies and full time work again!
same job? - mite not for this job. unless i siao? wana work under my siao lang boss again??
marry same man? - mite not.. if i know how his mother would be. would u marry the same guy again? :p
