(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

i also thot of straws but must find a way to tie. dun know can withstand the weight boh. i go home try tonite. u help me brainstorm? tks tks. dun brainstorm too hard.
where there's a will, there's a way..

erm... simple experiment, u blow & tie up a balloon, throw it in the air and see if it floats to the ceiling. If it does, means u're exhaling helium!!!! & u can go to mei's party to inflate all her balloons for a small fee.
mei, ur balloon dont blow too big lah....
straws hor, can lah
you pierce holes near the tip of the straws...then you twist the rubber parts of the balloons (of what is left to twist into balloon sticks) into the holes of the straw...then make sure it is on top of the straw...voila!
no need to blow until too large. Small little one like palm sized also can. If inflate with helium, sure will float!

i dunno what zoning la.. u call up the CC to enquire lo
eh u were asking what's for lunch.

i hv no date for lunch today.. husband not coming to date me. Should i go shopping or just eat at nearby outlet?
mei i got another idea
u tie the balloon by itself. then you tie a string around it, make sure you leave 2 short strings dangling.
straws - make sure you pierce 2 holes
then loop the dangling strings - 1 into each hole - inside out. then now your balloon is sitting onto the straw liao. loop the strings around the straw, intertwine, then loop to the other side. tie

aiyah, cannot just type type. must show u
i oso no lunch date today. boss working from home...i alone...eat cheap cheap $2 chap chye png lor. save $$

on 2nd tots, i can go meet wendy hurhur

lunch in? den can surf web for shopping
u're at Chai Chee... i'm not.

u hv lunch with your boss?
my ex-boss used to ferry me to work.. 45min drive every morning... after 1yr i quit.
normally u go where for lunch? next time i can meet u la.. we are so near.. hehee...

today i meeting my hubby to go CC to see the environment... wana sign Javier up from 18months onwards
lovely idea!
but hor, i'm curbing my online shopping in view of bad times ahead. Keeping away from sprees page.
Considering to go Popular in search of cheap activity books for my #1. $3.90 book, he finished in 1 afternoon.. writing numbers, counting, circling etc. Know anywhere sells $1 per book, thick thick & assorted exercises?
tks. this way seems better. i can tie the balloon first. then tie the strings. then go thru each hold then tie a knot of the string on the balloon hold. hope it stands. tonite if got time i try. hope i can do it in time for party.
if u could do it all over again, would u go to the same schools, take the same modules, apply for the same jobs, marry the same man
same school - I doubt so for the last one, I would have pursue my dream instead of taking a course which my parent feel is practical.

same jobs - Nope, I got stuck in start-up and SME and there wasnt any prospect to talk abt. They had big dream but doesnt succeed.

Same man - Yes. Still would marry him, one of he nicest thing happened in my life.

I saw the stick sold at Giant at Tampines, Sell in 1 pack, but I cant remember how much.

Coach must see at BP, cos I think some organiser stayed in US and help people to buy.

You hubby usually dates you for lunch huh, wah, so nice!

Baby contest at CC

Think different cc has different rules. Last time QQ's cc (Kembangan) was open to all, no restiction on where you live.

The bad thing about cc's contest is you have to pay...... okay, usually you get a free goodies bag, but I am not very keen on goodies bag.

The last time from Kembangan cc, I still have 1 pack of the "si sheng brown rice", anyone wants?
i can travel to anywhere for lunch. i flexi lunch hoursssss
abt the activity book, u can try those roaming books sale. tj pagar there always have, the activity books very cheap. but dunno if can fufil your $1 criteria or not

yay ok
then we can tok more abt enfa
i anywhere oso go but if lazy, go to the blks opp technopark lor
tg pagar too far for me =(
opp technopark there's a place sell chai tao kuay v nice issit? my husband ate before.

all thanks to the childcare ctr. My boy is 43 months old today. I think older than your girl.
gd childcare ctr.

oh tks for the info leh. hmm. maybe i shld drop by giant and see then save me work to do the DIY method.

bring yr gals to wendy.. let her look aft them for a period
she can teach them


where u working? mayb can meet up during lunch hr
yes, GUG consider as a combine of Gymboree and a tiny bit of LNT and the fun of playing with things. One thing I don't like it, they use marker to draw on my boy hand. I thought it was washable, end up rub until his hand red also cant remove.
u're at Novena right? From the time i get out of my seat & reach Novena station.. is abt 15min.

eh u so clever to volunteer my svcs.. all i do is to sit on babies. =PP

good?! i'm pulling him out by this week. Going to another one, hopefully is better.
tks for the website!! when i deplete this one, will ask u for another hahaha.
hv to find those worksheets suitable for his level. I dun think he can manage word search yet.
change for the better.

no i dun trust myself to home sch my kids... i work ley. & i'll go crazyyyyyy at home.
Hello, mummies out for lunch? Time for me to answer the questions.

What clothes I'm wearing?
T shirt and shorts lar, what else, nobody to see also. Underwear, wait, let me check, can't remember... haha.

same school - Think I'll change my Sec sch, I qualified for SAP school but chose to go Cresecent. 12 years old, don't know what's the difference, just want to sleep late cos Crescent only 5 mins walk from home. In JC, I regreted cos don't have 2 bonus points to knock off my O Level aggregrate PLUS must take AO Chinese. Given a choice, I'll choose Co-ed school, maybe can find boyfriend earlier and marry earlier too. Hoho. Think I should have studied Bio, and try and see if I can enter medicine or else do accounting, all my accountant friends earning more than me.

same jobs - 1998, economic crisis so joined a stat board, no regrets lar. 2nd job was a disaster, quit in 9 months.

Same man - He's the only man in my life and definitely the sweetest one I know, that's why I married him. But wish I had been more adventurous to develop some of my crushes in JC and Uni. haha.
how do u determine their behaviour by still photos....?

my case same as u for secondary sch. not coz of 5min walk... coz all my frens chose that sch so i "herd mentality" anyhow choose. If only my folks or aunts or whoever forced me to go SAP sch. I may hv growled at them but it would be for my own good right...
now not smart liao.. coz i didn't hangout with smart folks... =P

eh, if u marry someone fr sec sch (co-ed), then wouldn't be your present husband liao right?
Wendyg, me too, my mum actually persuaded me not to go to SAP school cos she said I always have motion sickness, cannot take long bus rides.

Bo bian, they r not very educated, also don't know what's the difference. To them, a school is a school. Why go so far to study? That's why if I have a chance, will want to send RaeAnne to a good school. 'Bioing' Poi Ching and St Hilda's now. ;)
Communication studies. My hubby studied English language. He said we both chose subjects where there's no money to be made. haha. :p

Wendy, what I mean is at least I'll get a chance to have some sweet young puppy love mah. May not marry sec school sweetheart also. Actually, my hubby's from Dunman High, also co-ed school mah. His first gf also from that school but he also never marry her. ;)

Can I check with you all..

For sun bb fair event, as i be going down in late morning. Can my boy participate in any event like crawling race, bb contest etc since the fair starts on Fri but I be coming last day of event at late morning .. how ah?

kindly reply.


pri sch i will send my kids to nearby schs. praying that the nearest 2 schs turn out to be good ones. Coz still very new.. one still under construction!

for secondary sch, they can travel to wherever. i believe by then, MRT network would be much more comprehensive.

my folks left the choice to me.. huge mistake. They didn't play active part in my growing up years.. i lived with my grandma until i was 10yo, only saw them in evenings & weekends.

i thought comm studies quite lucrative. what did u major in?
