(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">Swissotel Merchant Court - Ellenborough Market Café</font>
International &amp; Peranakan Buffet
Tel: 62391848
High Tea is available from 3:30pm to 5:30pm

straits cafe is good, mariott one oso good.
but marriott one hor, eat a bit liao, very sian of the food. i feel a bit limited. maybe a lot of things i dont like bah...
i dont like the hotel intercontinental, really VERY pathetic selection. but got fondue though...
luvv, u can try the raffles hotel one, but after the ++++++, oredi 40bucks at least

popiah... make yourself lor
nicer tat way
goodwood one ok
last time when i was in sec school, my mom always brings me to goodwood for their hi tea buffet...it was better 10 yrs ago...haha
i went recently (in 2008), hmmm still passable but it didnt made me feel "thats it! this was how i felt when i had it when i was young!"
you could say the magic is gone for me
wah, u good life la.. sec sch already go hi-tea...

yeah now they change the name to Equinox. During my time it was COMPASS ROSE!!!! My sis brought me there once.. over 10 yrs ago. wah we just sat there &amp; refused to move... eat full liao drink coffee/tea until they chased us away. *shiok*
that time my dad made a lot of $$...construction industry
then when the thai baht crashed, the economic recession of '97........he lost everything leh!
got up and down one lah
so still envy or not?
then in poly, no pocket $$, need to buy concession ticket take mrt to poly, still must work part time after school one leh...sob sob
topic(s) of the day:
what/when was your first ever proper job? which job was most memorable? when did you started working? any funny job stories to share?
still envy. at least it's fond childhood memories. 不在乎天长地久, 只在乎chenjing youyou.

i no even go fastfood restaurants when i was in pri/sec. only in late sec then i got chance to go mac. somemore is behind my parents back. haha.
hey hey i oso leh, my parents no $$ for fastfood one when i was young...
a&amp;w, KFC sounded so far away...
anyway, it was only like 4 good years. sec1 to sec 4. after that, slogged all the way ley
nvm. these are memories and experience to share with ur loved ones. - ) it makes one stronger.

wah i sound so noble now. so unlike me.
cheng jing yong you.

re: macs
when little girl eg 5yo, i thought Macs only sold Hamburgers &amp; (small) french fries, coz that was what my mum bought for us. I ate everything, even the sliced pickles!! Until Pri 3 then i realised a marvellous thing called Fillet-o-Fish!! My sis gave me a pinch of the fish fillet.... oh yummy.
First ever proper job:
Part time - Swensens waitress after O level...
Full time - Current job lor. here for 3.5 years. Since after poly until nw.

Memorable ?? meet my hubby lor... considered memorable? hahahaa...
hmmm my first ever job was waitressing at a restaurant in hotel royal @ novena there
banquets at night, buffet steamboat in the daytime. each session pays me $25. means 1 weekend i can work 4 times, i get $100 leh!
1 month=$400. felt super rich that time hoho
got sell cheese at cold storage @ holland v, waitressing at various places, clean up ppl's house, secretary for a newspaper editor, distribute leaflets, data entry clerk, tuition, sales assistant in the defunct Tokyo scene @ funan.
every holiday i sure work. 1st job...hmmm sec 1 bah
no they don't. my elder boy not keen on cold pool water. Younger boy likes water, everyday splash bath-tub water &amp; i hv to mop my floor.. Year end very windy, normally we swim in the mornings.. water very cold... so daddy will advise against swim session.
yup, my trip confirmed le...tickets also bought liao.
This time hope to meet MORE mommies and babies! Esp Baby Ian! Hehe

Yah, hope to see little Jayden too.

Wahhh so many topicssssss of the day, i lost count liao.

Wedding Car - BMW 3 series borrowed from friend

First proper job? What is PROPER job, got pay can oredi rite? I worked a lot of jobs before during school hols, boutique sales, telemarketing, teller, data entry, etc

Yes yes, me too, only went MacDonalds in secondary school. Family bo lui. For some reason, last time KFC like more happening. So, only VERY special occasion like my parent's wedding anniversary we go eat KFC once in a looooong loooong time (not every year can go)

I really salute u leh...u REALLY Google Queen!
thanks!!! going to write them down so that i have a reference..hahaha

my girl is with aquaducks since 7 months old. Now when she dives, she can pick up the toys from the bottom of the pool..lol
1st proper job was during school vacation in secondary school
working as a sales assitant, everyday stock take, parents gave $2 for lunch only and in the end, all my salary gave to my parents....work hard for nothing..lol

i remember working part time on sundays at chinese restaurant in paragon also.
according to the coach, once they reach 18 months or so, won't need parent to go down with them, can just sit by the pool and watch.

my girl still drink pool water at times also..haha especially when this mummy of hers didn't hold her high enough..haha
i LOVE my iPhone. Cannot live without it. Can surf web, check emails and sms using one hand. Mine is 16GB cos i wanted the white one (only came in 16GB). Can download A LOT of applications too like Facebook, MSN
Now u ask me to sms using normal phone pad, i also got trouble liao. hehe
Tao Li don't need la...haha...as long as she enjoys can already. She gets really excited once she sees the pool. Feel like depriving her if i can't go just becos i had menses!
i also like white leh, but its more expensive, so still have 2nd tots of buying 16Gb lor.

Im the opposite of u, im 2 used to normal fone pad, duno can get used to touch screen anot leh. How abt takin pics, quality good anot, coz its only 2 mega pixel rite?
already told u my elder boy dun like cold pool water. and i think he dun like to swim coz scared to swallow water. Recently he's happy to run around tennis court &amp; throw some balls.

menses still can go la.. wear tampon lor.

i dun like touch screen. =P
pixiepixel, ya lor, 3 weeks later lo.

aqua, well as of now, more active than the sister, my girl was sleeping all the time during the scans, but come out.... GOSH, super active.

violetlce, well my hubbie the one super anxious lo.
I dont mind not shopping till later, the excitement kinda wear out for #2 already, plus with #1 already so busy, where got time to shop.

steph, so your boy also wanna keep you in suspense. will just have to update everyone 3 weeks later. guess by then should be able to see since its the detail scan ba.

janBB, have le, I even say if you good show mummy, daddy come back we can go shop for your stuff. but no such luck.

luvv, high tea, hmmm good wood park? ok realised pixie aleady say.
i don't know how to wear tampons leh! tried twice and gave up..lol

i also don't like touch screen, hubby say i have big fingers cos i like those mobile phones with big buttons..

yes i think excitment wears off already, on top of that, already know what to expect.
alamak... u look for those with plastic applicators. I find them easier to use. But cannot flush down the toilet, pls throw the applicator into the bin.
Yah, white more expensive. But here in HK, i signed up for the max plan cos want to use 3G, and service plans here much cheaper due to stiffer competition among service provider. So in the end, my iPhone not so expensive lo.

Touch Screen
I also dont like touch screen, those that use stylus kind. But iPhone different VERY easy to use. Cos use fingers. Even the Omnia by Samsung also not good altho they tried to use the same technology, not as sensitive.

forgot to answer ur question. No lah, we dont really like to eat at restaurants all the time (expensive leh!!) BUT bo pian cos we live right above Elements mall, for convenience sake, when need to eat out, gotta eat at restaurants lo.
Fishia, yes, my CL is good. If not, I also won't bother to recommend to any mummies. Her strength is in looking after kids because she genuinely loves kids. And she is very pro BF. Willing to boil lots of fish soup with papaya, even prepare warm towel and help me massage so that I have let down if not I really no confidence to BF my gal in the beginning cos supply really low. But i must have disclaimer, must know what your sis in law really wants in a CL. My criteria of good is because my priority is 1) take good care of baby 2) take good care of me 3) Pro BF. 4) Do things fast, not the 'man man tu' type. :p

Mummies who stop BF, do you still have letdown sensation? I still have it leh, from time to time. The breasts will be hard and a bit painful. But I stopped latching RaeAnne since Wed night leh. How come still like that? :p

Questions of the day:
1) Wedding car?
Merz, not included in wedding package hor, I had to rent my own from the florist, my dad said the car is the ancient time 'hua jiao' so cannot stinge cos people will see what kind of 'hua jiao' and see if you marry well. A bit traditional lar, I know. I think it was $388 to rent. Wanted to rent jaguar (my fav car) but it was at least double the price leh.

2) No Mamil gold, mine taking Friso 2 but now switching to Gain IQ. Mummy's guilt for not giving her BM so now switch to more ex FM. :p

3) First job, 15 years old, Sec 3, Temporary checker at MOE cos my Sch (Crescent Girls School) very near to old MOE.

Mummy's outing, I'm keen.

Icy, Lyn, how come your timing is 2-3pm? Like that I also want to change to your timing liao. That girl told me kids below 2 years old, the timing is 11-12pm leh... :p

It took me 1 mth to stop my breast from leaking lol.. I think u still have to pump out a bit from time to time (lengthen it everytime) else later got milk lumps. It was like 6 weeks later, when I go squeeze, still have some leak out.. i quickly pump like 20-30 out, cos I realised my breast is lumpy.

I ask for another timing cos we still have the LNT trial in the morning.
