(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

yeah i think i'd marry the same man... dun hv to get to know someone all over again... i'm so lazy hahaha. But if i choose diffrnt path - eg job, i may not get to know him liao...


Congrates!!! Haven't updated your blog yet huh?


if u could do it all over again, would u go to the same schools, take the same modules, apply for the same jobs, marry the same man?

>I went to many schools, so it's yes for all school, except 1 that I didn't really enjoy.
>Yes, will take the same modules.
>No, probably will apply to different job.
>Yes, will definitely marry the same man!
Hi Mandy,
tried leh to take pics but he was too fast for the camera.
he laffed until a lot of strangers stopped to play with him. even those ang moh oso stopped to play with him. got 1 angmoh boy kept playing with xandall, until his parents need to ask him to go. he was walking unaided (i was behind him) along the walkway of the shops. he just liked the coloured tiles on the floor. then jump from tile to tile. never seen him so happy before...

btw, i saw the hort park pics in fb, hao re really got a lot of fun hor!

re: if u could do it all over again, would u go to the same schools, take the same modules, apply for the same jobs, marry the same man?
>i would go to the same schools, but most prob not the same modules. my secret ambition was (and still is) to be a vet. and i am now in IT??!
>No regrets about my jobs. so yes, maybe apply for the same jobs
>hmmm, i wouldnt marry the same man.
eh mandy ah
you havent bot the disney clubhouse dvd rite?
if you havent, i buy for you tonite...i try to go to the mall. coz i reach sengkang 9pm+ (for those nites i go visit my boy)...shop still havent close. did you realise that the shop has no shop-signboard? "dian ming/zhao pai"
harnor. he takes small slight jumps.
i also didnt know he can do that. he can just walk unaided - thats all i know. maybe the slippery floor @ vivo helped in his jumps ba...??!

Do u know where i can get details for the contests organised by CCs?? My mom wants me to see if there are any more Hehehhe....She is ecstatic than me :p
Thanks arh...no need.....cos my mom went to get it for mi liao.....Thanks alot...
Yah the first time i was there and ask them if they got other branches....they say they are the only one....Yan no signboard one
there is one contest coming up at my mum's place there de CC... siglap CC... not sure if need to be staying around there to sign up. I have been wanting to sign up but keep forgetting to go.. keke
my parents entered me in a contest (maybe 30 yrs ago, put me on a purple chair for the official photographer to take picture to submit, but i was crying. And they kept the picture of me crying on the purple chair. aiyo.
early in the morning go KTV? I hv to bring baby along coz my folks not free... & afternoon still gotto work. u say ley?!?!
honestly, i oredi forgot what underwear im wearing. i never pay much attention

ok, tweak topic:
for FTWM: what are you wearing today?
for SAHM: what are you wearing now?
for all mummues: what colour/brand/cutting(tanga, mini, midi, g-string etc etc) underwear are you wearing today?

Ask QQ for the cc info. She is very active with cc activities :) The last time the cc baby contest I went, info was from QQ.
hey wendy
talking about CC
sengkang CC has a baby contest for babies between 6mths and 24mths. $15 to register; 29/03/09
can try though

"Baby Contest for Punggol Central Residents Only. Age 6 mths to 24 mths. Attractive Prizes & Trophies will be awarded to Top 3 Winner & 3 consolation prize winner for each category. Registeration at Sengkang CC Counter ONLY. There will be 3 category. Group A is for 6mth-12mth (born between 29/03/08 - 28/09/08), Group B for 12mth-18mth (born between 29/09/07-28/03/08) & Group C is for 18mth-24mth (born between 29/03/07-28/09/07). Participants must be staying in Punggol Central Zone. Register at Sengkang CC Counter and fill up form, please bring original birth cert & parent's NRIC upon registeration. Entries must be submitted by 18 March 2009. Must Singapore Citizen & Permanent Residents. "

am i living in punggol central? so weird, the demarcation zoning
u so into DIY. i ask u. i wanna give balloons to my #1 birtday party using balloon sticks. is there anyway to hold balloon without balloon sticks??
hmmm buy from coach website cheaper or buy in SG cheaper?
i know its a dummy qn but why no one in spree section holding coach sprees from coach.com?
tks tks. u help me think.
i want the kids to hold the balloons. basically i dun want buy balloon sticks if can. i wanna use recycled items. any idea??
inflate with helium & kids can hold onto string instd of sticks.

right on, my address is Pg Central hahaha.
Baby Contests at various CCs

1. Sengkang CC
When: 29/03/09
Time: 9am - 1pm
Deadline: 18/03/09
$: $15

2. Baby Show @ ZhengHua CC
When: 22/03/09
Time: 9am - 1pm
Deadline: 07/03/09
$: $15

3. Baby Show @ West Coast CC
When: 26/04/09
Time: 9am - 1pm
Deadline: 13/04/09
$: $10

4. Tampines North CC
When: 01/03/09
Time: 9am - 1pm
Deadline: 01/03/09
$: $5

5. Geylang Serai CC
When: 12/04/09
Time: 9am - 1pm
Deadline: 12/04/09
$: $10
just let them all drag along the floor lor. Say "sorry, the balloons simply won't float".

9am to 1pm... aiyo so long ley.

paiseh ar...me an idiot when it comes to balloon.. u mean without helium, it will not "float"? i used to tink all balloons float..

oic mei i get what u meant
-use firm straws? those bubble tea straws. you must find a way to tie them liao lor
-chopsticks haha

cant think. hungry
let me brainstorm liao then let u know
