(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hmm. i think ard $40 or 45. can't rem. u can see the pic from my blog.

party stuff - lots of party shops ard. one of it at city hall, or those wholesale shops at concourse, or even here online. u planning a BIG party? where u holding??

same. i also not yet plan for my own pte party. hmm. maybe i hold it with bday bash!?! hahaaa. kill 2 birds with 1 stone. haha

Oki thks Mei! Will c your blog.

cos my boy's birthday is in dec, so i got to get ready slightly early than u ladies ; ) Jan still can slowly slowly plan, Dec is super peak plus x'mas!!

Hee, me pretty excited for his party. Wanna buy tuxedo for him as b'day present ; )

I thought you want to know about the digital scrapbooking so desperately, so multi-post on purpose to make sure mcfluffy reads your post :)
hello mummies, i am ordering my own stuff from drugstore.com, if anyone of you interested in any particulr items, PM me so that i can help you get them...paiseh, cannot just spree like that here, so everything has to be done thru PM
Same with my boy. He's sleeping pattern is different when he's at home with us or with my in-laws. Weekdays when he's with my in-laws, he will sometimes take a 3 hr nap from 12pm to 3pm and that's it. But when he's with me at home, usually he will have 3 1 hr naps, once in the morning and twice in the afternoon...very weird.
My boy is the 1st grandson in both our families so nobody (my mum and mil) can remember if my brother or hubby did this when they were babies...hahaha...so better ask PD lor.
21st Dec can celebrate birthday bash & yr birthday together ma? kill 2 birds wif 1 stone?
unless u got special arrangement/celebration for yr birthday...then wont disturb:p

Aiyo...my FLU is killing me
gg to see doc later.
I brought my boy to the chalet over last weekend and he managed to sleep there for 2 nights. Also brought him swimming which he loves! Kicking his legs away in his float and slapping the water with his hands...so funny. And he gets excited when he sees the pool after that. Too bad I forgot to take pictures.
I cannot (ie. lazy lah) find your list but confirm I can attend the birthday bash on 20 Dec. It will be me, hubby and baby. So my hubby can help take pictures.
Look at how amused he was by his own reflection in the mirror OR he is trying to hint me that i am expecting another DiDi for his playmate? Zander turned 9mths old yesterday

lolz..just a silly thought ... :p

since janbb is getting a tuxedo for her boy... n 21st is mei's bday .. can dress mei as "bride" for the bday bash haha

erm..paiseh ar.. really silly thought haha think tt's e effect of after lunch :p
haha. thank you leh. but hor i think i cannot fit into my wedding gown le. haha

haha. no lah. 21st, jn has class.

already scanned le?? didi ah???

wow, tks to ur hb to double-up as photographer leh. can u pm me the usual details that i nid? i dun have.
still dunno gender, gotta wait till detailed scan on 24th Oct. During last scan at 15wks, gynae say he saw something between bb legs (could be didi) but he cannot be 100% sure. I hope he is wrong...i want princess!
Zander in that pix is so cute. Like a cheeky boy smiling to himself in the mirror ; )

Heard that the probability of getting the same gender as the first one is higher (something like 75%). So high chance that you get a boy leh ;p

Dun believe, see our mummies here that have 2 babies... is it mostly same gender?
any mummies's bb very nan gao? my girl these days very noti, cannot guai guai. dun like to sit stroller, must carry her. carry her she will turn here n there. Baby chair also wan to turn. These few days, she kept making the 'cross finger'. Like bad habit.

I like active baby. It's only more fun when baby is active. Guai Guai sits there one no fun leh. My baby almost fell down from stroller last Saturday, luckily hubby was walking beside him, so just caught him on time. High chair - not only turning, he stands up and wants to get down from his high chair. But I really don't mind this - to me, that's the reason I call him "baby". When my baby sits there, I will go and kacau him. He is only guai when sleeping. Haha.... call me crazy!
Zander got a mischievous look & recently learn how to scream le...very noisy. Cute la but sometimes dunno what he wants lo.
He kept getting knocks on his head here & there...meaning while being seated upright on the floor, he try to reach out his hands for toys etc & lost his balance & kena ba lu gu on his head
Cried so loud but after awhile continue playing happily again.

Re: probability of getting a boy for #2
really ah? no la, i think it's in the family gene (husband side).
Mine also same gender.

My hb's side all guys, but both of his bros have diff gender kids.

So i guess no definite answer to it.
Same here!!! Jayden also juz learn how to SCREAM. Sometimes when we are outside in shopping mall, he can scream so loudly. Me so malu ;)

Same gender - wendyg, fishia, mylvera, mei & luca
Diff gender - mom2nat, babe

Heehee, see now already show "same gender" probability is slightly higher rite ; p
Maybe is tougher to be perfect in this world (i.e to get a ger & a boy)

Anymore mummies with more than 2 to prove?

i know, active is gd n cute. But mine is too kua zhang le. If u stop her she will angry n scream. Yest i feel like slacking her already. She is like spoilt brat ler. Sit stroller will turn n pull e top and sit up, like tat i alone hw to bring her out. Dun wan to sit down will push her body outwards n scream. Really cannot stand her..
pm you already.

I saw from another thread that we can book function rooms at Hort Park for birthday parties. They have big and small rooms, I think price quite reasonable but have to carter own food.

My own siblings - boy, girl, girl, boy
My cousin - girl, boy, girl, boy
My another cousin - boy, girl, girl, boy

All very nice, 2 boys 2 girls.

one of my close friend - 7 boys in a roll, no girl
another friend - 6 girls, no boy
And the cute thing is this 7 boys' family lives opposite the 6 girls' family, so they made the youngest one the god-daughter and god-son to each other.

Those are my generation one.

This generation one:

my brother's - 2 boys.
my cousin's - girl, girl, boy, girl
my cousin's - girl, boy
my friend's - 2 boys
my friend's - boy, girl

and the list can go on...... so I think it's equal probability. And it's not inherited, i.e., it's not run in the family. It's all depend on the husband and wife.

Scientifically, chances to have girl and boy are 50:50, as the sex chromosome, X or Y are equally presented in a man's sperms. But I do believe that the pH of the vagina (hence the food you eat etc might affect), the temperature of your body etc will decide whether your egg will attract an X or Y chromosome.
u sound like a Guru! Then i get higher hope for gal
since 50:50..hehe
my frd say if wife is more prone to Veg & husband is more to eating meat then probability would be getting a boy...dunno how true?

Good link for the gender selection, sounds very scientific. Take home message - to have boy, have sex right before the ovulation; deep penetrated, and wife+husband to have orgasm at the same time (challenging!). To have girl, opposite of that, also means wife cannot have orgasm, haha.

Steph, if my 2nd one successfully to be a girl, I buy you a lunch :)
mummies, asking for my friend, she wants to buy Pump body & valve for Medela Swing, any idea where to buy it? and how much would it cost?

Thanks in advance
my gal sleeps even earlier. 6+pm she'll start fussing. My parents would then bring her down for a walk and she'll usually sleep at 7+pm. It's terribly early, I know. She wakes up at about 4+am and sometimes falls back to sleep again after her milk. During the day, especially the late noons, she'll cry whenever we think she wants to sleep coz she'll be yawning or fussing. So.... like you, I don't know whether she wants to sleep or not. Coz she's yawning and fussing, so we put her to bed but she cries the minute we lower her into her cot.

i dunno teething or not. perhaps?

keke, i thought why u post so many times. I use Adobe Photoshop for my digital scrapbooking.

What you mean where I do my digital scrapbooking?

A sample of my amateurish work:
