(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

shannon, looks like babies all sick..boo hoo..
Erm, will be there on weekends only usually. Will it be convenient for you? Or maybe can pass to u at novena after work?


I remember you posted here a blog for b'day cake, cup cake for babies. Can share with me again?? I am planning for my gal' bday. hahah

Yup, I enjoy my time at home with baby and do what I want to do.
Only thing I need is to sleep more. Hahahaha

Thanks for the link. It's the one.
<font color="0077aa">Mandy,</font>
Nice to meet u too!!
My boy prefer the sit-down class not the gym part. He made so much noise when asked to do the "Monkey Bar". Muz ask my Jayden to make friend with your Jayden!! I muz said this "You got a very steady boy leh!!" He is very brave &amp; active boy ; ) Mine so timid &amp; sticky to me!! Overall, the class is still quite entertaining to me ;p

<font color="0077aa">Violetice</font>
oh dear, u got bring Ian to see doc? last mth, Jayden also kana fever virus. Me thot teething but PD said is fever virus when fever go up &amp; down for 3-5days. If got rashes, then it could be fake measles. So muz monitor carefully. Take care!!

<font color="0077aa">Mei</font>
Thanks for the socks BP. I bot the socks from Robinson liao, got 20% &amp; is similar to the BP &amp; abt the same price.

<font color="0077aa">Aqua trial</font>
Mei - Hv u been to this trial before? Is it in baby pool? Cos' a bit worry as we can't use neckfloat or donut float then not sure baby will get panic or not when put in the pool? How is it like huh? Any idea?
wendy, i use manual at work or out, and motor at home and weekends
different pumps can get more milk else hit plateau, my boobs very lazy to work nowadays...


i dun think it will be in baby pool coz the adults will hv a difficult time. hey u're not going to throw baby into the pool and stand by the side to cheer him on ley. U're gonna be in the pool holding the baby &amp; doing the exercises, similar to the baby classes u attend, just that this is in the water. Baby may need some time to adapt to the temp of the pool water, after that should be ok. I think u more panic than your baby.

Yes, wendyg is right, you are more panic than your baby.

Did you read my blog, my hubby 'immerse' Hao Re's whole body into the water, he actually enjoys it leh. We never use any float. Just relax and enjoy :) Too bad we can't join this weekend, as we really want to learn some tips on teaching baby to enjoy water play and parents be more confidence, with the right techniques.

Wendyg &amp; Kam,
OIC. Is in this form of "swimming" ah! Cos' I have been using float for my baby &amp; find it a bit "unsafe" suddenly if w/o float, haahaa. Paiseh, me actually quite scare of water &amp; dunno how to swim, heehee. Hubby will be in the pool with baby &amp; i will be up there taking pix ; )

Juz read your blog. Wow, you &amp; your hubby are really "Yong Gan" to put your baby into the water. *clap clap*
U see my blog's video, i already like "Kan cheong Spider" shouting when my boy swim too far or head near the side of the pool. <faint>
hi5 to JanBB. Same to me.

Hubby has been warning me not to bring baby to the pool as I can't swim and SCARED of Water. Hubby will be in the pool and I will be the one taking the pix. Hahha.
Hi all, my baby will get her first flight in another 1.5 weeks. Will be going HK so it will be ard 4 to 5hrs flight.
It will be my first time bringing a baby on flight. Any tips that any of u frequent fliers with babies can share???
I only scared she will cry on the plane niah.....
Anything i should bring or anything?
Ok the flight will leave at 10 plus morning.
I will be bringing a few pcs of diapers, 2 change of clothes, 1 sweater, 1 leg warmer, milk powder, 2 bottle, some baby medication. And her favourite beanie and toy and pacifier.
I'm into digital scrapbooking.
I'm planning to do up a digital scrapbook by one gal's one year old birthday. So far, I've done only photos up to about 5 months old!!! Still got a lot more to catch up.

cranky baby
recently, my gal is becoming very cranky. Cries for nothing, wakes up at weird timings at nights and always cry before she naps or even sleeps. Need to coax her to sleep or drink milk. Hai... wonder what is happening to her.
I m into scrapbooking too! Bought lotsa gadgets but now too busy to continue. It is really really fun.

Wow, digital scrapbooking....is it easier to do? It really nice to showcase on ur girl's birthday.
hi mommies

so long MIA liao. Been busy doing daily things and too tired.

Auqaduck trial sounds like fun...too bad me stay in HK, otherwise would have join too.

Me no expert, but try timing your flight to your baby's napping time. Then when take off and descending, latch baby on (if u're BF-ing) or feed her milk so she can do the swallowing and relieve the ear pressure. I requested for the bassinet but didnt use cos my baby light sleeper, needs to sleep in my arms. Ask the crew to stagger your meals (if u're traveling with your hubby) so u all can take turns to take care of baby (if she's not sleeping in the bassinet)

mine also same. She sleeps at 8-9pm, yday she wakes up at 10plus, 11plus, 1plus and 4plus. It's not those "cry with eyes close" kind of wakeup, but really suddenly jus stir and situp. At 10plus, i was still outside, saw from the monitor she woke up so we went in, she oredi sitting up and when i walked in, in the dark, can see she even smiled at me *faint*

Not sure if i've asked u all before...but do your babies yawn a lot? Mine does and i'm quite worried she not enough sleep.Her sleep schedule is something like this now (she's ever changing, but lately it's like this)

6-7ish morning - Wakeup
10-11ish - Morning Nap but only for 30-40mins
3pm or 330pm - Afternoon Nap for about 1.5 to 2hours
8-9pm - Sleep for the day

In total, i reckon she's sleeping around 12-13hours, which is more or less what babies her age are doing/need? But i dunno why she's always yawning when she wakes up. She also rubs her eyes which also means she needs more sleep. But besides yawning and rubbing eyes, she is wide awake and playful

I've tried ways and means to put her back to sleep including, patting, nursing, rocking, even lying down beside her (she naps on our bed, same at night) for the short morning nap she does now, but exactly 30mins (max 40mins) she will wake up even if i'm lying next to her and tried to quickly nurse her back to sleep. She will nurse but with eyes wide open, and then she will roll over and sit up and smile at me. Ok, so she's awake but then she'll give me a BIG yawn. I have attempted to gently pull her back down, nurse again, but she'll reject and sometimes will cry if i persisted.

What should i do? I'm worried all these yawning and rubbing eyes really do mean she's not getting enough sleep but she jus doesnt want to! Like today, she naps from 11 to 1140, then from 330 to 5pm. By 630pm, she was already yawning 5-6times plus rubbing her eyes. So i figured i'll put her to bed earlier and started the bedtime routine earlier around 7ish. Started nursing her at 8pm, but she was nursing in the dark with eyes wide open. Even attempted to sit up several times. In the end, she played around until almost 9pm and promptly fell asleep. So in the end, she still slept at 9pm despite my effort of letting her sleep early!

Sorry for the long posting but HELP!

looooooks guai? thats a first... i only hear she looks 'boy'... kekekeke.. she's like celeste too!! wake up n cry for nothing in the middle of the night... issit teething?? tummy ache??
Good Morning mummies,
Haiz, how cum is only Wed, halfway there to the weekend!!

<font color="0077aa">Mylife,</font>
my boy sleeping schedule is abt the same as yours. Except he takes longer morning nap (abt 1-2hrs) &amp; shorter afternoon nap (max 1hr). So total also abt 12-13 hrs. I read that babies at 9mths need abt 11-12hrs of sleep which mean our babies shld have enuff sleep ba.

I realised sometimes my boy also give me many "LOUD YAWN" during the day if he tossed here &amp; there during the nite or he wet his pants, perhaps didn't sleep well though is enuff hours of sleep.

Did Rylee sleep very soundly at nite? I feel that the total no. hours of sleep can't determine whether they have "Good Sleep". Juz my 5 cents worth of thots ; )
blessedbaby hhehe wendy help me reply you

wendy no one joining me and i dun need so much ... hmmm shall look out again.

mcfluffy where you do ur digital scapebooking?

Mei, can wear shorts in bo ..... hahahah my thigh like pig loh so fat and big!
<font color="aa00aa">Birthday Bash - Venue</font>

Not available:
1. GoGoBambini - not available for pte function on 20th dec.
2. Gymboree Harbourfront/Tanglin Mall - not available cos' they are holding their xmas party. and their max is 18-20 babies. We've 34 babies.
3. Orchid Country Club - OKidsSpot under renovation.
4. Jewel Box - Function Rm. S$88++ per head. Too exp.
5. Safra Mt Faber - Function Rm not available.
6. Safra Pioneer Spring Restaurant - not available.
7. Kindermusik Tanglin Mall - max 15 babies.
8. myGym GWC - 20th sat not available. 21st sun available.

For Consideration:
1. Hard Rock Cafe Singapore - 2nd Floor Lion's Den &amp; Partial use of party floor. Per head S$25++ Cocktail Food. Kids meal available.
2. Orchid Country Club - Function Rm. Per head S$30++ Chinese food; S$38++ International food.
3. York Hotel (behind Paragon) - Function Rm. Per head S$45++ lunch menu. Free 20% parking. free flow drinks.
4. Gallery Hotel - Function Rm. Per head S$40 nett. International food. Free flow soft drinks. Free 20% parking. Deposit required.
5. Holiday Inn Atrium - waiting for quotation
6. The Pines Club - Function Rm. Per head S$45++ per adult. buffet lunch. free parking. free cake. free flow soft drinks. baby changing rm. Deposit waived.

Condo Function Rm (can accommodate so many peo?)
1. lyn78 - pasir ris drive 4

Dec is peak season. many places not available and prices were marked up.
Keep searching...welcome places suggested.
dun know abt shorts leh. but i think shld be ok lah. haha. cannot then take off lor. nvm lah.

<font color="aa00aa">AquaDucks Trial - Photos and Photo Contest</font>
Mummies taking pics of your babies during the trial, please contribute to me hor. i nid to give huggies photos as requested for their sponsorship of huggies little swimmers. (Elmo, i haven heard from your photographer fren).
And regarding the photo contest, you have to <font color="0000ff">snap a photo of your baby in the water with Little Swimmers and tell us why your baby loves Little Swimmer in 15 words. Baby with the cutest snap will win a prize.</font> <font color="ff0000">Remember</font> to collect a piece of Huggies Little Swimmers S size from the swim coach on sat. I will pass to her (cos I may not stay throughout all slots). Oh and also collect a copy of my tw catalogue each! hee.
Just brought my boy for his 9th month assessment on Mon so here's some answers from the PD:-

Re: Sudden crying or wakings
If it's in the early part of the night, might be due to over-stimulation earlier in the day. Simple things like watching too much TV, a change in the routine, etc might cause bb to be over-stimulated. If the wakings or crying are in the middle/later part of the night, then most likely due to teething.

Re: Naps
Napping during the day may get shorter and shorter as they grow older and some babies may start to "consolidate" their naps ie. instead of having 2 or 3 naps a day, they may skip the morning nap and have a longer nap in the afternoon. If baby is yawning but does not seem agitated, then let them continue playing until they are ready to take a nap. But if bb gets irritated then try to put them down for a short nap. It's ok if they do not want to sleep as long as they are still happily playing and are not frustrated. They are actually doing very well if they can sleep from 8-9pm to 7am in the morning as many babies still have difficulty sleeping through at this stage.

Re: Touching their privates (For boys, hehehe)
I have this problem with my boy, he's always touching his privates whenever we remove the diapers. PD said it's very normal for boys to "explore" their privates, it's the same process with exploring their hands and feet. Girls usually do not have this problem since there's "nothing much" for them to see and touch...hehe. But PD said this is likely to continue even when they're toddlers. So it's important not to send out negative messages to them about their private parts.
submit to who? I hv a foto of my #1 dated 2yrs back. can use?

esp when the diaper is covering their privates most of the time. When the diaper is off, they will touch to learn abt their body part. it's ok la.
haha. 2 years ago! i dun know can or not. let me ask. it's a contest open to this group of mummies going for the aqua trial nia.

Thanks for the info, esp on the touching private.... my son often does that too! There was one time he even pulled it like nobody's business, I laughed non-stop. Now it's usually gentle touching, almost everytime when changing diaper.

Nap and sleep

My baby now sleeps about 9 to 10 hours at night, and nap 2 to 3 hours in the day, so total 11 to 13 hours. Just nice, I think. And the plus point is, for the past 3 nights, he sleeps through (almost) the nights, from 9pm to 5am. So nice. Feed him at 5am, he continues to sleep till the usual 7am. Though I still wake up very often, but it's a very nice feeling to see my baby able to sleep through the night. I am going to let him sleep on his own in a couple of weeks time. Last weekend, he has also consolidated his 3 naps into 1, so he only took 1 very long, 3 hours nap. Growing up.....

Oh really huh? Hao Re did it on last Sat and Sun. When he is back to the infant care on Monday, it's 2 naps again. He always has very different habits when at home and at school anyway. Let's see if he will take the long 3 hours nap again this weekend. I like that, as it gives me a lot of time to do my own things.
here's a link all about sleep

it also says our babies need 14hr of sleep in total. *fwah*

weekdays my baby takes regular 3 naps abt 3hr apart, totalling abt 3.5hr, coz my parents dun bring him out - at home all the time, maybe boring, so sleep?! weekends it all goes haywire coz we go out in the mornings, afternoons... go new places, see new things, new people, play with my relatives etc. sometimes nap only 30min, then can stay awake 4-6hr. then nighttime super cranky lor.. keep waking up *hiak*

Near for me. I am at CCK :) But the price no inclusive of the zoo admission fee. So don't know if mummies will think that will be too expensive?

That's what my mum said. Baby is bored at infant care, that's why sleeps more (some more got air-con as I don't put on air-con at all at home). Yeap, during weekend, we bring him to a lot of places. But my baby was not cranky at night, thankfully.
fwah is like wah, but got the "f" word meaning. subtle swearing. must watch my language in front of the kids.. they pickup v fast wor...
Would u like to set a deadline for the last call on the venue or shld ask the rest of the mummies to do a vote? Cos' scarely, we plan plan plan &amp; in the end no venue available. Got to chop chop settle the venue (dec such a peak mth) &amp; move on to other items for the birthday bash rite ; ) Even the cake also muz order first once decided.

Where can we find those cartoon big agaragar huh?
Want to order for my boy's birthday too.

My boy also like to touch his "kuku" when changing diaper &amp; we always tell him "Your bird will not fly away lah!!!" kekeke ; )
yap we shld set a deadline AND confirm the headcount cos some places need deposit (function rm). ok. <font color="0000ff">let's settle a venue and headcount latest by 20-Oct (2 mths before the 20th Dec). </font>

birthday cake - i'm trying to ask for complimentary cake.

btw, the cartoon big agar agar, u can contact: 9635-0758 Mrs Chan or u can email them to ask them for the pics [email protected]
i got it for my elder 2nd birthday.
Thks for the contact too.
May I know how much is the agar agar?

Heehee, me now planning to buy many many cute cute stuff for his party. Like party hats, nice table cloth for the cake cutting, cake, other birthday deco.

Where can I find many shops that sell these stuff? Want to c c look look ; )
