(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

eh wendy hahaha actually i oso break the law .... muhahahaha see I am joining the Jan birthday bash ..... hahah so cut twice liao loh ..... i hack care i oso bo chup one .... same preggie i oso like tat

i think it's totally up to u coz u're the parent right. see if u wanna hv a biggie or a quiet celebration, or none at all!
for me, it's was a small full month celebration, so thot of having a big 1st year bday. but leh, jan is peak month cos cny. all $ went into red packets liao. hahaa.
I am relax just that you sound like as if like i want it badly .... is scary loh! I only suggest I shall keep my mouth zipped if i dunno anything next time
haha. no lah. aiyo. k k. i go edit the post now.
alamak! cannot edit. die lah. hahaaa.

i welcome any feedback/suggestions lah. it's the cleaning up i dun like. i'm a lazy person.
ya. there was an empty slot (forgotten which mummy can't come) earlier.

then i thot i better be there early since i got to meet the coach to pass her the little swimmers.
blessedbaby no leh .... dun have was waiting ... but dun have they cut alot i think.

wendy ok ok kekeke i oso wanna know actually but when she tell me cannot cut twice her face damn serious loh
Hahha. my family dont watch TV. So we have no idea whats going on there. Isolated. Hahahah

QQ, wow, you was waiting to see me on TV ah? TQ. -))
What theme are you planning for tt' st birthday? Just curious
blessedbaby ya hahahaha ......... me no theme just normal birthday bash for her but will spend money on the cake for her cos is her very 1st birthday cake

Wendy for me hor like she tell me this or that I will ORHZ and keep quiet no ask hahahaha

cut the cake (2nd time) quietly without her knowing?

my ILs also got such "laws".. simi full mth cannot celebrate 2 diff days .. mz b same day .. etc etc ... i followed .. but my hb's cousin never follow ... n when he never follow .. their ans was "it is very tiring to hold it one day .. the bb cannot take it" aiyah .. to me is all "nonsense" lah ..simi "law" also said by them

Wah, I salute you!!! You don't watch tv at all? I even watch HK drama..... How can you do that? My hubby even worse, once switch on the tv, like glue to the tv already!! Salute salute!
mylvera hahah thats what i am thinking for and hor i saw b4 they have very big ang ku kueh for baby whom turn 1 to step on it dunno what is it I am curious i asked she say she dunno must ask ah ma :p
Kam my hubby oso loh he can watch till like 2plus am then sleep de leh ... and we rent HK TVB series to watch
You get one agar agar and one normal cake like me...not considered cutting twice since it's agar agar...hahahahaha....

I also heck care all these law...I tell everyone not to tell me any "law" so I dunno anything not considered breaking it...hahahaha...
All the venues are ok for me except Orchid CC. It's not in town area right? If it is then ok with me also...I just go with the majority.
ainmummy goes by per pax how many pax eating ... not my kg wor ..... if you see her blog the one with caterpillar for baby caelen that what my neighbour order for her prince 1st yr .... it cost $140 and she say for abt 35 pax

heard cheryl shuen's cake is exp leh ... i mite jz do a small scale celebration else my mother will be fuming mad at me.
True.. need a lot of time to do digital scrapbooking. I used to spend my free time doing digital scrapbooking for hubby and my photos.. now, spend my free time doing up my gal’s photos. Hope in time for her birthday!

No lah, I just use photobucket to host the photo. Anyway, I think photobucket also can do digital scrapbooking right?

Now Kayla got how many teeth? Celeste has 2 lower ones… I think the 2 upper ones are coming out?

First time when I saw that photo of her, she really reminded me of onigiri mah… her head like triangle like that! Hee! You sure you saw the correct blog? My gal got curly hair meh? Anyway, my gal's cute cute, not pretty lah..

I read from newspapers today that it’s important for babies to have other peers to socialize too. I’m thinking of whether I will send my gal to playgroup next time or not. Now, she’s verrrry selfish. Ask her to give anyone her biscuit, she will hurriedly put it into her mouth to prevent us from taking it away. Afraid that she’ll be like that next time when she’s older too, if I don’t expose her to other peers and learn to share.

Hence, anyone living near AMK? We should meet up for playdates! Haha…

My gal’s blog: http://baby.seaneunice.com

Yup, it can be used in powerpoint. Because basically, it’ll be saved as a .jpg file. So can easily add into ppt.

I’m intending to book a chalet and invite friends and relatives to celebrate my gal’s birthday. And yes, will have helium balloons, goodie bags, etc for the kids to play with. I didn’t organize a Full Month party for my gal so I told myself I’ll do a nice one for her 1st birthday instead. :p

But this year's CNY is on 26th Jan, so I'll have to celebrate my gal's BD earlier.. celebrate together with me. Coz my mum was saying, near CNY, nobody would want to come one. True meh?

Keke I don’t mind OCC! Coz it’s near my place!! :p But actually, anywhere’s fine as long as it can accommodate most of us and we can meet up and have fun! :D
I'm just wondering about the cakes, they look so nice, are they acutally nice to EAT?

I attended a relative's first birthday party. His birthday cake looked really nice but tasted awful. So, I wonder if it's worthwhile to buy a nicely decorated cake but it isn't nice to eat? Comments?
Re: birthday cake

hehehe eh .... regarding taste I think should be ok bah ..... for ainmummy if not hor hahaha is for guest each of them one piece hahah very fast finish le
Yes, my whole family dont watch TV. Hahha. We dont know what's on TV. Hahhahahha.

Any mummy has Smiling Orchid' email address? I want to check with them about the cake design.. Heard they are creative and pro.

I am doing Winnie The Pooh theme for my gal. Ordered the theme items from a spree already, so now it's on the way to S'pore. I am so excited. My bb' full month party was kinda spoilt ( as my MIL organised it- hehehe) so this time, I want everything is nicely prepared for my gal.
Luckily the PIL are not around when we celerate my gal; 1st birthday otherwise they would put in their comments/ thoughts- Headache. Hahhaha
Aqua Duck trial: Now i dont know the day and date anymore. Hahha. Was thinking that tomomorow is the trial. Hahha. Luckily asked my hubby and check the date again on forum. Hahhaha. Funny
JanBB, yes! I still want the bee romper. What size is there? I want one for 1 year old, got? Have PM you my HP number. Mass email to all the Jan mummies too.

Kam, read that you bought the BB leappad for Hao Re, so did I, bought in oversea spree. Did you try it? Did Hao Re like it? I tried it when I tested the set but doesn't seem fun leh. :p

How r u all going to celebrate 1st birthday? heehee..my #1 was simply just put up some banners and ppl juz come and eat. Wonder how I shld do for #2.

Hey how do u working mom spend ur time when u reach home with ur bb? Heehee..recently I realise my boy juz keep crawling all over the place. Read to him, he wants to struggle free..sing song he look awhile and then crawl away. think end up my two play with each other rather than me doing constructive things with them.
