(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Finally made porridge for RaeAnne today. Soaked the rice overnight, then use pork broth to cook the rice and stir into the puree heng cai that she didn't finish yesterday. She tasted the first mouthful, was going to make her 'wanna puke' face but hesitated and swallowed. Yippee!


L size is 38pc x 2 packs (in a box)
XL size is 34pc x 2 packs (in a box)

each box is $29.99

Can consider buying. =) I use pampers for my son only at night.

btw, today is last day for the sale.
blessedbaby / precious moments,
Same with my boy, he has been struggling to get to sleep recently and he will also cry out loud in the middle of the night but eyes still closed. I suspect it's due to teething becos he's been biting hard on his pacifier. I will normally let him have a some water and he will go back to sleep.
Re: Mosquito Bites

Hi Mummies,
My daughter went to her granny's house for 2 days and apparently she got bitten by mosquitoes (2 bites on each of her arm) According to my helper, she got her bites while sleeping on my MIL's bed for afternoon naps. Initially, the bites are just small red dots and after a few hours, they become red welts and its slightly hard to the touch. They grow to about 1cm wide. Almost looks like a bruise but redder. Brought her to a GP, but he just said its an insect bite. I'm not sure whether any of you mummies experienced these kind of bites and if so would enlightened me whether its really mosquito or maybe bed bugs? I bring my bb to her there for about 2 nights in a week, so i'm really concerned.

Any inputs appreciated.
morning all,

i have just set up a spree for babymallonline if you would like to order some socks. 20% discount ends on 9 oct 08
u meant the jshoppers ah?? i dun know leh. can u help me pick nice and sweet leg warmers for my #2? hee.

nvm. thks for keeping me informed in advance. ok ok i better go "blow" aquaducks for the details for this comin sat trial.

btw, sat trial is only swim and that's it ah? no lunch hor???
babies use the back of their gums to mash food. Some dun grow molars until 2yo, but in the meantime they can still eat semi-solids. I been pinching bread for my baby and he enjoys that more than porridge!

dun be in such a hurry for baby to sprout teeth. Likely in the genes. My grandma enlightened us yest: my dad's teeth sprouted at 9m - explains both my boys' teeth also 9m. Whereas my youngest aunt had teeth at 4m - explains her baby's teeth-sprouting timeline.

erm, i dunno emily leong ley. my memory really lousy kekeke.
<font color="ff0000">Heinz Baby Products in Singapore</font>
a mummy forwarded me an email reply she received from ava. i've extracted out the relevant parts:

Date: Thursday, 2 October, 2008, 2:57 PM
Dear Ms xxx,

Pl refer to your email to AVA Feedback on 29 September 2008.

Heinz baby products available in Singapore are not imported from China. However, as precautionary measure, AVA has taken samples to test for melamine. The tests are underway.
<font color="aa00aa">AquaDucks Trial - Huggies Little Swimmers</font>
gotten Huggies Little Swimmers S size (7-12kg) for each baby. in return for their kind sponsoring, i've to submit photos to Huggies for own keeping/usage.

<font color="ff0000">may I have a volunteer in <u>EACH slot</u> to help take photos of "BABY HAVING FUN IN HUGGIES LITTLE SWIMMERS", in their respective slot, please?</font>.
I desparate liao.

Slot #1. 10am - 10.30am
1 VioletIce
2 janbb
3 pm_babe
4 blessed serene
5 superbee
6 lu_meihua

Slot #2. 10.30am - 11am
1 QQ
2 blessedbaby
3 lyn78
4 shorty_gal
5 Godsent
<font color="0000ff">6 mcfluffy - photographer</font>

Slot #3. 11am - 11.30am
1 mandygoh
2 tracy_lazy
3 kitsune_sg
4 Tansy x1
5 Tansy x2
6 vereneting

Slot #4. 11.30am - 12pm
1 candyclau
2 AngelaYong
3 Bbdear
4 elmo_78

Slot #5. 2.00pm - 2.30pm
1 manuka_chan
2 babynikkiong
3 grumpus
4 babyship
5 babyshannon

<font color="ff0000">IN addition, don't forget there is a photo contest for our trial with prize sponsored by Huggies. Details of the photo contest, I've already emailed earlier. </font>
hi, my gal sick again. she just ok for 1wk. nw the cough cum again. can any mummies give me tips how to let baby dun had cough? hai.. ytd nit cough until all milk vomit out. esp nite time cough badly. sian. c her like tat.
Is there a flu bug going around?

Piglet, mine also running nose and keep coughing. Dunno what to do liao. Cough so long..keep eating medicine...better abit then fall sick again kind...wonder what's the use of all the breastfeeding in the first 6 mths.

Toilet training
Sorry ya..any mommies with older gals. How do u toilet train and bring them to toilet outside? I feel the toilets outside very dirty end up keep her on diapers when we go out. Erm..think I ask this b4 but didn't manage to see resposes. My gal almost 2.5yo and I wanna get her off her diapers.
my elder is 2.5yrs lor. same same. nowadays, she dun want wear diaper but leh i scared not in time to bring her to toilet so i still put her on diaper/pull-up.

i wonder how my parents toilet train ME when we go outsiden when i was young...haha...

1) probably our parents did not bring us out often
2) we are easier to train
3) our parents are used to dirty toilets
4) we can urine in drains
etc etc
yeah, i think we were brought up in the same manner... i remember peeing in drains and the wind blowing at my privates. *sheesh*

consider portable potty. some child toilet seats are foldable, easy to bring out. My aunt bought one for her girl which has a plastic bag lining, so every time she pees, they'll wrap the bag up and discard, then re-line with another bag. The girl so used to it, she uses it everywhere, even tho we're at granny's home and the loo is clean.
but would the child be "used" to these personalised potty that they refused to use public toilets when they grow older??

yap, same as the above that i've posted. hmm...maybe i shld get one hor. haha. usd8.99. wondering mylvera closed her amazon liao or not. haha...
would the public toilets be cleaner as they grow older?
aiyo. alternatively, buy those toilet disinfectant spray la. Carrefour have right? 1 bottle $9. Girls so troublesome hor. kekekeke
haha....ya. my hb also said why so ma fan. just use wet wipes and clean the cover lor. hahaaa. girls....women...haha...

btw, i haven go carrefour yet! haha...
items delivered to my hse today liao .. but I have a babymallonline spree ... if it goes thro, will have another shipment coming back fr USA.
regarding venue? which ones? where was my last venue post ah? hahaaa. i lost. have a few quotes. but some still yet to revert.

what's our budget?
Hi Mei,

Do you mind sending me the photo contest details? i did not receive it previously...so on 11 Oct...do we just proceed to the swmimming pool in pines club? who is the POC on that day?
Hi im from Nov thread
Just wanna check if any1 here has a confinement lady name Bi Hua from JB? If yes, did she also cancel her bookings with you last minute and try to recommend her friend to you? PM me

no worries. will send the email to you soon after aquaducks get back to me on the details and who to meet/address/etcetc. haha. no stress no stress.

so far i only tried OCC for country club range. see below:

<font color="aa00aa">Birthday Bash - Venue</font>
below are the venues I've asked and their replies:

Not available:
1. GoGoBambini - not available for pte function on 20th dec.
2. Gymboree Harbourfront/Tanglin Mall - not available cos' they are holding their xmas party. and their max is 18-20 babies. We've 34 babies.
3. Orchid Country Club - OKidsSpot under renovation.
4. Jewel Box - Function Rm. S$88++ per head. Too exp.
5. Safra Mt Faber - Function Rm not available.
6. Safra Pioneer Spring Restaurant - not available.
7. Kindermusik Tanglin Mall - max 15 babies.
8. myGym GWC - 20th sat not available. 21st sun available.

For Consideration: (sorted in price order)
1. Hard Rock Cafe Singapore - Lion's Den &amp; Partial use of party floor. Per head S$25++ Cocktail Food. Kids meal available.
2. Orchid Country Club - Function Rm. Per head S$30++ Chinese food; S$38++ International food.
3. York Hotel (behind Paragon) - Function Rm. Per head S$45++ lunch menu. Free 20% parking + free flow drinks.
4. Gallery Hotel - Function Rm. Per head S$48++ International food. waiting for revised quotation.
5. Holiday Inn Atrium - waiting for quotation
6. The Pines Club - waiting for quotation

Condo Function Rm (can accommodate so many peo?)
1. lyn78 - pasir ris drive 4
2. mcfluffy - location?

Dec is peak season. many places not available and prices were marked up. Perhaps we choose a cheaper one - MacDonalds??
Keep searching...welcome places suggested.
