(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


My baby is same as your boy, poo 2-3 times everyday, he has been crowned the King of Poo by his teachers. They said seen enough for his butt already :-0 No worries at all if no watery poo. Don't think is overfeeding either (you monitor overfeeding by weight gain, not by the frequency he poo), just good and efficient bowel movement.

Baby Hao Re down with flu and cough, with fever comes and goes. Today refused to drink milk and eat, think he afraid of choking, because he might cough when drinking/eating...... Guess will be a tough day for me today! But never mind, bring it on, baby, I am ready for the challenge!
Wolfberries (gou qi zi) in porridge

My MIL told me that I can add 5 to 6 pieces of wolfberries into my son's porridge. But I am unsure as I have not really read about this in the baby books I have.

Anyone put wolfberries into your darling's porridge?
Any mummies out there keen to sell off their bumbo seat to me? As long as its still good condition, i m willing to buy from u at $35.
Pls pm me at 9742 8258

Yes, wolfberries is good for eyesight. =) My son's porridge already fish and 2 kinds of veg every day. So I feel quite weird if I were to add in wolfberries =P So that's why asking if anyone adds to her darling's porridge or not.
Hi mylvera

I am interested to get the Jumbo corner guard. pls count me in!

And also, I want to get a pair of booties from Babymallonline but need to receive it before 30 Oct 08. Possible? Thanks!

RE: Teething

Does the BB milk intake decrease when they are teething? Will they have loose bowels? Relised that for the past few days Javin had been having loose bowels and dun wan to suck the milk bottle. He will eat when spoon feeding him. He is losing wt already cos the milk intake is only 350ml per day and he had cereal for b/f, lunch and dinner porriage.
morning all,


me not ordering for guards leh. I do have spare which I bot from my own spree (when the USA site is having discount).

As for Babymallonline, well, if Mei has consol the orders and it hit US$100 after discount, then I will be the one ordering. If her consol orders is less than US$100, she will pass the orders to PMM.

Me interested in the forum .. just that I can't find anyone to look after my two sons.
re: working mothers forum
bleddy hell, they also know "lack of personal time", so where got time to attend this kind of forum. bleah. Lousy organisers.

lolz..mayb they expect the mummies to bring the kids along? organisers to hire some help to look after the kids while mummies attend the talk? :p
current order is only usd58.17 after discount. dun think we can hit usd100 after discount by 2oct.

ya i also saw it!! hmm. maybe we wait!?! haha...

where to get toilet spray??? any brand?
<font color="aa00aa">AquaDucks Trial - 11 Oct 08 Sat @ The Pines Club</font>
Have sent the confirmed names of mummies/babies to aquaducks. Will email the address/meetingplace/things to all mummies bring after aquaducks has confirmed our trial. Tks.

I guess so. My gal is having the same symtoms. She doesn't to eat much these days and her milk intake is reduced too.

My agl rejected milk powder since China scandal. Dont know why, she just refused it, but she finishes all my EBM. Hmm, now am back to Total BF again. -((

hehe your gal knows milk powder contaminated but not BM :p or yr gal knows mummy SAHM liao ... so can request more of BM
the BP closed liao, but maybe u can contact the organiser to make private arrangement =)

one of her initial posts stated that the spray is available @ Carrefour for abt $9, i think.

i called to enquire. They still charge $$ for every seat the child occupies, and she was dissuading me from bringing my kids so that i can participate in the forum. I dunno why they invite people to talk about the things we already know, like "lack of personal time".

Here is my order
Item: I Love My Parents Color Terry Baby Bib

URL: http://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/32_14/products_id/333/osCsid/cee0ca1944603444b903c694b32fe558

Qty: 1

Price: 1.99 USD

Item: Baby's First Boxers

URL: http://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/499

Qty: 1

Price: 1.99USD

Item: Christmas Side-closure Bib - Embroidered

URL: http://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/619/osCsid/cee0ca1944603444b903c694b32fe558

QTY: 1

Price: 2.99USD


I miss out ur previous posts for the conversion. Let me knw the conversion and i'll transfer you the money.
tks. me also want to get one to clean hands

I Love My Parents - which colour???
Baby First Boxers - which size? which colour??
Christmas Side-bib - which design??
<font color="ff6000">Birthday Bash - Children age</font>
below mummies, can you please indicate the age group of the child(ren) you bringing in 20-Dec-08? I may have lost your email. tks.

mei - 2.5yr
babyship - ?
chaye - ?
mom2nat - ?
rabbit41 - ? ; ?

Here is my revised order
Item: I Love My Parents Color Terry Baby Bib

URL: http://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/32_14/products_id/333/osCsid/cee0ca1944603444b903c694b32fe558

Qty: 2 (1 blue, 1 pink)

Price: 1.99 USD x 2

Item: Baby's First Boxers

URL: http://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/499

Qty: 1 Blue

Price: 1.99USD

Size: 6-12 months

Item: Christmas Side-closure Bib - Embroidered

URL: http://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/619/osCsid/cee0ca1944603444b903c694b32fe558

QTY: 1 (Let it snow)

Price: 2.99USD
noted. - )

now usd65.34 after discount. usd34.66 more to go to hit usd100 latest by 2oct!

robinsons $50 voucher for nursery dept,
any mummy has this $50 voucher off for S$200 nett purchases at robinsons toys/nursery dept?
wendyg thanks good idea will use the stool idea.

btw mummies who requested i've already sent out the bibs. look out for it.
no i didn't celebrate for him at sch. coz we already hv 2 cakes, one at ILs place and one at my granny's place. On actual day, he didn't go to sch, we brought him out to eat Sakae Sushi kids meal, wow, he loved it.

i'd like to buy 1 pack of pull ups, the largest size. but how to meet u wor.

Oh cancel ah, so sad ;(
Is there any BP on nice socks? Wanna buy the socks that I hv placed order previously leh.
cancelled cos' got a BP on xmas bibs mah. better.

for the socks, u go to overseas spree thread there and order there. many threads on babymallonline.

or u ask mylvera to order from amazon.
sorry haven't been in all week.
Mei, am I still in the trial?

Erm, is shannonbaby back from her peru trip?

Toilet training
Still trying for my gal. At home I'll try let her go without diapers but go out dunno how to bring her to wee. Mommies with gals, how do u do it? Toilet seats like dirty lehz...
shannonbaby, sure sure...otherwise we can meet at the aquaducks trial. Fingerscrossed that my son will recover in time for the swim. He's been down with flu and cough so often this month..
Goodie Bag
Depends on your budget also la..

Some suggestions :
1) Stickers (pasar malam can find easily)
2) Crayons from Colleen (previously bought from those shops fron Concourse, 50 cents for a small box of 8 colours)
3) Light snacks (now must check where they come from, a bit toublesome)
4) balloons, whistles,
5) stationery like pencil, erasers, sharpeners (can try value dollar shop, recently have a lot of Mickey Mouse)
6) small colouring booklet

it's friday!! tmr is weekend and we can be with our darlings 24 hrs!
some news to share... I got a $20 off for US$100 orders from allaboardtoys. (Note to all.. not all things there are cheap tho)

btw, anyone knows where to get disney pinocchio dvd in sg? I can't find it in TS, Poh Kim, BlueMax. :S I wana get it for my son
mei..ya..wanted to also mention..let's go for the BP instead ya!!!
Mummies..if interested go for that so that we can have enough orders!!!
i bring my kids swimming every week, if i can help it.. i'm just not going for the AQD trial

if tough to meetup, then nvrmind la.

chk with u, you work in a place frequented by coaches? U work in Sports Council ?


yup, we can meet in the aquaduck trial or when u come to toa payoh. i think my gal is down with flu too. hopefully she can recover in time for the trial.

u can get the pampers in giant. i think giant having diapers sale. almost all diapers are snapped up very fast. huggies, pampers and mummypoko are all on sale in giants nw. yesterday i went to stock up on pampers since got sale, realise that all the shelves are empty except for S size diapers. hopefully they will stock up today cos thinking of getting some huggies diapers.
