(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

lolz.. i jz keep subscribing to the online sites for discount ... so far only ordered from a few sites (not all sites)

I do hv newsletter fr mandee, toysrus, leapfrog, etoys, etc etc haha
wendy I am working in singapore taekwondo federation
oops wrong type of coaches.. hee hee. My husband needs to renew some license he said needs to go to National Stadium. I was thinking is that your offc? Actually he dun like the admin working in Sports Council coz v wwwwooooolllllsssss, sounds like the auntie in your blog, i laugh and laugh when i read.
are the prices of the diapers at Giant cheaper than NTUC??? NTUC also having diaper sale. WHich is the best buy???
Is huggies good?? the blue or purple packagin??
Mommies, to share the good news that iherb.com is having flat rate USD 3.99 for international shipping to SG for OCT ONLY. Just order on your own and have it arrive at your doorstep.

First Class International Airmail -- For orders valued up to $80.00, and weighing up to 3 pounds (1361 grams). The favorite shipping method for our valued customers. Very reliable.

Simply log on to www.iherb.com and sign up for an account.
Use discount code <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">MAY484</font></font> to get USD5.00 off your first purchase. No MIN purchase required.
Can mix and match your purchases.

Good buys:

CHILDLife products!
eg: Childlife colostrum
$17.24- $5 discount + $3.99 intl ship = $16.23
USD$16.23 x 1.5 (exchange rate) = SGD$24.35 per bottle compared to buying it for SGD70+ in Singapore.

1st teeth toothpastes!

Nordic vitamins!

PM me if you have queries on ordering. Happy ordering!
Bought organic broccoli, steam the flower parts and tried to make puree broccoli for RaeAnne today but she hates it. Keeps making the want to puke face. :p Wonder if it's because it's not soft enough. Anyone using braun handheld blender? How come some parts of the broccoli can't be pureed until smooth. Only the broccoli stuck under the blade is softest. End up I can only scrap those part to feed. Anyone has the same experience?
Anyone has simple veg stock recipe to share? Just realised I bought too much veg, heng cai, broccoli, carrot and tofu. Wonder if I can make veg stock from there then use it to make porridge? Can add dried scallop to make it more sweet?
Hi mummies,
Can you share your feeding schedule? Just brought Zachy for his 9 month assessment. PD found that his weight is less than satisfactory (25th percentile). Was wondering if I fed him too little. I remembered Kam or Wendy shared sometime back..

I'm also thinking of getting him to eat more. Any baby food book to recommend? Thanks a lot!!
mcfluffy, i used the finger toothbrush for the kids once their 1st teeth popped out. according the the instructions on the first teeth toothpaste, can be used from 3 months onwards!

piglet, my kids oni guai guai sit in the bumbo for 2 months, nowadays if put in they can manage to wriggle and squirm and get out of it in a highly dangerous manner!
not me... my boy also not heavyweight, nothing to boast =) and i'm too lazy to get him started on porridge.. too lazy to cook then find that he reject everything.. bleah. I'm not much of a cook.
I think i bought this book for my mum to cook for my #1 previously... but i really can't remember...

u'd be pleased to know that Gerber brocolli puree is available @ Giant Tampines, so dun trouble yourself. hee hee. But if u want organic then bo pian la.
hum, come to think of it, i think this baby is rather big sized... clothes that fit my #1 at 10m, this baby can't wear at 8m. Now he's wearing rompers sized 18m (I prefer to let him wear rompers so that his tummy doesn't get exposed)
but his weight gain before 6m was abt 500g per month. For my #1, it was 1kg a month. This baby no constipation whereas #1 didn't poo regularly.

let me know wat u wana buy. me thinking of buying some L size clothes for myself since my leave can't be approved and I can't shop during weekends.

my #2 also big size leh .. now only 9 mths but he is wearing 12 mths n above clothing. Goon diapers already wearing XL size ... can share the same size as his gor gor .. he oso got constipation. keep all his food in his body ..so when he finally poo-ed can see his tummy slim down liao.
blackbatz, think if your baby is heavy should be good enough ba, dun be too worried abt the weight.

wendyg and mylvera, mine also leh....wearing sleepsuit meant for 12-18 mths. Gap shirt can wear for 2 yo one...also share clothing with gor gor, who is turning three next month.

gor gor skinny as he grows....tho he eat a lot

di di dun drink and eat a lot...but bigger size...now abt 10.5kg.....
morning mummies,

hmm..think my gal is the lightest. only 7.4kg at 9 mths old. seriously underweight?? fyi, she is still wearing her 3-6 mths romper. really help me to save money on clothings..hehe But I am not too worried, as she is happy and healthy. Guess she is small size like me as I was very small size when young too.
Good afternoon mummies,
Zach weighs only 7.9kg le..Not very big size..Wear clothes suitable for his age group..Kind of worried..
blessed baby
my baby has been waking up every hour too! on and off for the past month some more. I couldn't figure out whether she is really hungry, wanna suckle for comfort, overstimulated, teething, can't soothe herself back to sleep anymore or what. But I noticed when she wakes up she wails out loud with eyes still closed. Sometimes even toss and turn till she crying in sitting position. When I carry her, she will still be crying till I no choice put her to my breast then she will calm down. This clueless mama here still can't figure out what's wrong
hi, mummies, i had bought the california baby - calming massage oil. it help to relax, unwind and ensure a gd nite sleep. every nite i will massage for my gal. i thk got help on it.

For brocoli, I cooked both the florets and the stem. But I cut them up into small small ones before cooking. The japanese baby food book I have only uses the florets, which I think is wasting the poor stems. So I still use the stems.

Yes, when I use my braun handheld blender, some of the brocoli will get stuck and will not get blended properly. So I will use a plastic spoon, scrap those into the blade area and blend again. So it's blend, scrap, blend and scrap.. until all get blended up nicely.

My son still ok with brocoli. But I mixed it into the porridge for him. I read in a baby food book that u can mix brocoli with other more tasty/ sweet veg (like carrot?) to disgust its taste. Perhaps u want to give it a try?

My son is quite greedy. Anything also eats. =P
Blackbatz, 7.9kg does seem a bit on the small side hor. Did PD advise how to increase his weight?

WendyG, thanks for the update. Actually I've never bothered with organic veg but when I found out my MIL had been boiling all the veg first before putting into porridge to get rid of pesticides. I bo bian but to spend the $ on organic veg cos vit c is water soluble so by boiling first then throwing away the water, all the vitamin C is lost. But organic broccoli three times more expensive than normal broccoli. :p Oh ya, met up with my ex hall 4 hostel mates and one of them remembers you cos you were in her orientation group. Do you remember a Emily Leong?

Ah Capp, LOL, I got quite fed up cos I tried blending steamed carrot and steamed heng cai today and same problem. So, today, I got 'brainwashed' to buy a small blender at Isetan (the type with promoter with microphone) at $69.90. Hope it works better lor. By the way, RaeAnne's reaction was yucks to the carrot and heng cai though ILs already putting that into her porridge. :p Took some meat from MIL today, will try and make porridge for her tomorrow.

My mum has the same complain about my blender. For me, I just blend, scrap, blend, scrap....till I get most of the veg well blended. When I feed, I will use my spoon to sieve out those big pieces though.

I have stopped blending some veg like spinach. I chop them finely instead of blending. I am trying to encourage my son to bite instead of just swallow blindly.

Slowly slowly put in bit by bit so that RaeAnne will not detect anything unusual with her porridge =P

I intro egg yolk today. Plus a bit of button mushrooms &amp; torfu =)

My son is quite greedy... nowadays whenever we eat, he will crawl over and wants a bite too. So I will give him some bread to nibble on to make him happy =)
Yeah, same here.. she woke up but eyes are still closed. only keep quite if I pick het up or comfort her with my niple. I also dont know whats wrong??

I will monitor again tonight and see how it goes.. If really everynight, I have no energy man.
Ah Capp, mine quite greedy too, cannot see us eat or else she will make noise. Today when I was eating pau, was quite tempted to feed her a bit of the bao skin. Mine got no teeth yet so cannot bite, realised her teething is quite slow, nearly 8.5 months liao, still no teeth. :p

Wait till I try my new blender then tell you whether good or not.
Mummies! spore biggest kids xmas carnival in suntec on 20 - 21 dec, at suntec convention hall 602!!
over 100 vendors, and also customised play zones and workshops for kids! There is a special story play zone for young tots 6mths-24mths.
Mei - Aquaduck trial

So sorry I have to withdraw last minute. Hao Re is still recovering from her flu+cough. His PD advised against swimming until he fully recovers. I am terribly sorry if this causes you any inconvenience.

My son has 6 teeth, but all at the front. Doesn't really help him to bite his food. hehehee... he will bite us sometimes. LOL

Teeth developement varies from baby to baby. No worry. =)
Pampers @ Gaint..

Ok, I went to Gaint @ IMM just now. Still have stocks for the Pampers in boxes ($29.99 each box) for all sizes.

I bought a box of L size and XL size for my son.

Goon has no more stock for M size... =(
<font color="0000ff">Mcfluffy,</font>

POPULAR Book Store has a lot of board books and it's been on sale if I'm not wrong. Baby Einstein Board Books at $3.95, if member got 10% discount too.
