(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


lolz.. ok lah ...if all orders hit US$100 (nett of discount) i help order. but I will nid to ship to 1 of the mummy hse can? central location or someone who has car? I live in Sengkang wor .. no car... quite inconvenient.. den if items reach the mummies in time for the Pine Tree gathering, can distribute there

But then, for bbmallonline, I mite not wait for the items to reach my borderlinx b4 shipping my own amazon items back. u wan any amazon items? cos amazon i have the prime account ..can get it faster

oic. hmm. ur advise. is it cheaper to order from amazon or babymallonline?? cos' amazon also have the items there...

oh will genna complain one ah. oooooo
haha. i very short memory mah.
ok then better to order direct from babymallonline then. so after i've 120usd (100usd after discount) orders, i will email u. hope can hit before expiry date.

btw, what is gd to order from amazon? i dun know what to order.

tmr istana open house. - )

now babymallonline i've usd53.38. nid another usd46.62 more in order to get free US shipping. if cannot meet by 2nd-oct, then i will pass the orders over to PMM in the overseas spree section.

normally i buy thomas n frds dvd from amazon. else i will buy certain items tat is quite rare from other sources in amazon. smtimes i bot DS lite games from amazon too

recently jz bot 2 thomas clothings fr amazon for my 2 darlings as children's day gift lor ..

haiz.. basically ... i love to shop with my fingers :S
yes i want this, but not eligible for amazon prime ley. how ah?

#1 is toilet trained. But we will put diapers on him before he zzzzz. if outside, go find toilet lor. Most times he can hold. Eg before leave home, go pee. When reach destination, ask if he needs to pee. Sometimes he play until forget, or laugh too hard and wet his pants!
Now his bladder control v good, maybe pee once in 3hr, and pee a lot at one go. We make him drink lots water and he monitors the colour of his pee.
He will hold his poo until we're at home. We encourage him to poo before shower, which is once before pm nap and once in evening.

if u can wait...see if babymallonline successful or not..if successful, den I order this for u n can ship together with babymallonline back to sg?
wow. meaning he poo daily? that's good. my elder has constipation track record.

think boy easier. cos stand in public toilet. girl how ah? cos some public toilets i went, is so dirty. how to bring my girl go??? use disposible seat cover?
ya maybe. u can consider getting a toilet spray to spray the toilet seat. Check out the Bulk Purchase threads. My #1 track record is no poo for 11 days when he was 5.5 months, and also blood in his poo everyday. From then on, we give him lots veg & fruit & water to make sure smooth poo daily.

yeah sure tks. i can pick up fr Sk. bill me
When did u start toilet train ur #1?

Also, when he began to self feed, is there a "correct" spoon dat makes it easier for them to self feed?

if u wan ... i can add in your order now .. cos saw tat u are not going for the aqua trial. u can collect fr SK or novena whichever is convenient for u. rates wise ... i temp put 1.46 can? unless citibank revise their rates.
all credit goes to the teachers @ the childcare ctr. he was there since 18m. I think toilet training successful at abt 30m, when he went full-time (after #2 born). Previously we hv to keep bringing him to toilet every 10min, and still get accidents.
self-feed.. any child spoon can la.

novena mrt lunchtime?
rates whatever.. tks.

$20 for a petal massager, 1 duckbill valve, 1 diaphragm.
Hi mummies, what we need to prepare for Aqua Duck trial huh? I bought a float, but no air pump yet... need to buy swim costume? or just need to have swim diaper for our babies only??
i've nvr used the boiling method..
in offc i use sterilising tablets, at home i use steam steriliser.

consider sunblock. No need float.
Mei, yup you are right, should be 9-18mths. Hee. Wa, I started a socks trend, quite a few mummies also ordering, USD2.99 cheap right?

u dun hv to order online ... i bot liao .. but i can't rem e shipping price i bot ... however, can assure u .. more worthwhile den buying in sg.
but those table corners cannot stay stuck on ley. I bought before... waste $$. more afraid that my baby will peel it off the table and put in his mouth!
hi all, my boy have start calling papa and mama.. but he call more papa then mama.. he will start to call mama when he need help.

yeah, finally i have bought my own house. now waiting for 1st appointment.
Zander wearing the F1 headphone that we bought from F1 in Malaysia Sepang circuit
hehe...the headphone is too heavy for his head:p
Hi Steph,
Zander bb is so cute....

Hi Jan BB,
I hv voted for bb Jayden! He is so cute too...who says boy cannot "doll"? Hee hee...he is always fashion-showing with new outfits..

Hi mei,
Aiyo...friend shy la but okay to take pic for us for the full session...so set la, I will ask him to go for our session. I just hv to treat him to a goody goody lunch later. :p
QQ & elmo,
Thks for the vote too!! ;p

cos jayden got a vain mummy here mah... haha..

Oh ya hor, Children's Day!! We celebrated this once upon a time & that was long long ago. And now, cannot imagine that we are celebrating for our children, heehee!! Wow Wow!!

Happy Happy Holiday & Children's day to mummies & babies!!
hi Mummies,

I have the following NEW books for sale.
Great ideas for feeding your babies.


1)Title: First Foods: Expert Advice and Easy Recipes by Dieticians for Parents of 6-24 month olds
Author(s) Samantha Thiessen, Pauline Chan, Anna Jacob, Janie Chua, Wong Yuefen

Usual Price: $27.85 , Selling: $22


2) Title : Feed Your Child Right: The First Complete Nutrition Guide for Asian Parents (Revised Edition)
Author(s) Lynn Alexander, Yeong Boon Yee

Usual Price: $37.45, Selling: $30

Bundle: $50 for both books.

Text 96510417 or PM me if interested.

Self collect.
Pick up point:
Weekdays: Outram to Serangoon MRT stations, Redhill to Clementi MRT Stations
Weekends: Punggol or Sengkang
toilet training
my #1 also toilet trained liao. but i always bring extra panties when bringing her out just in case but yah she good at holding her pee 3 hrs. didn't attend childcare. at night no need diapers. she detests em. gotta bring her up @ 12am to pee. tough to carry her in and out of toilet during preggy days... but recently short trip via long coach journey brought diapers for her to pee.

can anyone advise how to toilet train our baby sons? sit on potty and whistle or let him stand and help him hold his little one and whistle?

first words
mine's jie jie and dad--dy.... hahah cos i always call em
Talking about toilet training...

How often does your baby poo? My son poo poo every day, about 2 and max 3 times per day. All poo poo is solid form, but not hard hard kind. No pain, no crying when he poo. He just hold onto the safety gate, squat a few times and there he goes.

I worry if I am overfeeding him. =( What should be the normal frequency like?

for my elder boy, we started off with him pooing in the potty, then pooing on toilet seat. Sometimes he'd pee also. For pee training, we bought a plastic stool so that he can stand and pee into toilet bowl. Some moms i know train their boys to pee into shower stall drainage area, then pour water to wash it down the drain.
Now my boy is tall enuf, he'll tiptoe and hold and aim.

ah capp
my baby poos average once a day, sometimes twice. i think 2-3 times a day is fine, as long as it's not hard stool like pebbles... dun worri too much la.
