(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Sleeping on tummy
Ian also can sleeps longer if slept on tummy. I think most babies like it but have to monitor them bec concerned with SIDS.

Fern, I also find my BM ss dropped, my CL still here cos I extend to 40 days because stopped red date tea recently, I asked CL to continue making red date tea for me and ss came back again. Do you take enough fluids or maybe it's because not enough sleep since your CL left?

Ah Capp, your SS very good leh, I used to get about 80ml but after taking fenugreek (6 caps a day) a bit better, I get about 80-100ml when I pump. :p

Wendyg/Mom2nat, I think only the easterners can make it for Ikea Tampines. We can have a separate gathering at the cafe. I don't mind, long time never eat Ikea chicken wings. Haha.

My BB also sleeps like tarepanda in the day, CL said better for her to sleep on tummy cos of her colic.

Mylife, my BB hasn't pooed in 3 days, we keep checking to see if she gek sai but so far, only fart but no poo. Worse, she'll scream & cry when she farts. Sigh. :p

Oh ya, anyone asked LC why BB shake head and refuse to suckle (like cannot find nipple). Until now, I still have the same problem, everytime BB will fight with me, so tired to let her latch on sometimes.
when my boy fight with me during makan, so far only 2 reasons:
- need to burp
- want to sleep

ikea chicken wings i also long time nvr eat.. coz sure get sore throat! i go there once a week =)

coz the bed not as warm as u, and the bed dun hv heartbeat to put him to sleep. He likes to listen to your heartbeat coz that's what he heard when he was in your womb. And maybe the bed dun hv your smell too.
my boy eyes big big now...still dun want to sleep.

need to wait for his next feed at abt 1am before he will doze off.

tired mummy.

My hubby flying off again next week though he just came back from HK today! though he is only going for 3 days...I feel sad.
WendyG, hmm, may be true. After I give up and carry her, she does burp sometimes. Thought we r supposed to burp after feed, latch halfway also need to burp? I'll try that next time. :p

I love the seacoast salad too, got a lot of 'liao', very worth it.
hi mummies
my baby breathe v hard most of the time, seems like she got blocked nose, is it common?
i am unsure if i need to bring her to the bb doc?

I'm no longer breastfeeding my boy le.

I did not give rotavirus and pneumonocal to my #1 too cos I dun rem having such jab at that time. Nowadays jabs are getting more cos more virus flying in the air !

I'm not giving my kiddos chickenpox jab.

Sleeping on tummy
I let my boy sleep on tummy at times and he can sleep more soundly and not startled by noise easily
kel, my baby also breathe very loud and hard, also snore. Its common and normal.

mylife, I also panda now, she also same as your bb, after pooing, also hungry, will have to latch again, then maybe poo again, then hungry again, sometimes after all the commotion, rather than tired, become awake, then want to be carried. My friends say bb used to being carried, so cannot sleep without being carried, but she is feed so often, of coz I need to carry her, so how can its I spoil her by carrying her too much. sigh.
chaye & Kel

My baby too. I have checked with the PD. He said it's normal and it will go away by when the baby is about 4 months old.
<font color="0077aa">next friday ikea tampines huh? ok! wendyg, wats ur mobile no ah? can pm me so can keep in contact via hp if need be..
morning mummies,

yesterday didnt manage to log in as i went to my mum's place. finally get some rest as my mum helps me to look after my gal.

my 10 mth old newphew got it recently after going to the playground downstairs his hse. in the end hospitalise for 2 days n was on drip. so poor thing,thus very impt to go for the jab as we never know wat will happen. prevention is better.

next fri gathering at ikea tampines?? i will be there. wendyg, can pm me yr mobile no too? are u gals bringing baby along?
but after deliver my discharge is blood i think is menses la. Then KK did not ask me to review again. Instead they refer me to polyclinic with their letter for 6 weeks appointment. Then the polyclinic doctor never check my wound. Instead she ask a nurse to explain to me wound must check at polyclinic not there. The doctor just ask me question. Heard from my 3rd Aunt said after deliver must do pap smear the polyclinic never done for me lei. Waste time go there!
ah capp, chaye &amp; angelsky
feel so relieved now.. at least it is common

i reali peifu all those mummies still breastfeeding... me also do partial breastfeed barely a mth, gave up liao.
i very bad n lazy.. i tink breasfeeding takes too muc time, i rather spend the time resting.
me also do beastfeeding during the first month, but i EBM never let my baby latch on before. Cos first time latch on he bite. Now never bf liao cos after one month i want to any how eat things. Ya very peifu them.Guess we are the lazy mummies, haha!
i also anyhow eat things. haha.

can u PM me with your hp, your PM function is off.

<font color="ff6000">7th March Friday 3pm
Moms &amp; Babes Tea-time @ Ikea Tampines</font>
- Windy
- Shannonbaby
- Wendyg
- Kitsune (confirmed?)
- Angelsky (confirmed?)

anyone else?
or just turn up and approach the table with the most babies. haha.
re: ikea
So so sorry, can't make it this fri. Cos I forgot I made PD appt for Elliot on tat day, 3pm! Sigh... hope we can meet next gathering.
Hi, Fern.

I'm also interested to get contact for your Chinese massage lady.

Tried to PM you but you don't accept PM leh. Or you can PM me the contact.

here's something i found abt <font color="119911">green poo</font>

Green poo Says Vicky Pigott: 'If your baby's stools are green and frothy she may be taking in too much lactose (the natural sugar found in milk), which happens if she feeds often, but doesn't get the rich milk at the end of the feed to fill her up. It may also be caused by overfeeding or underfeeding, or is a sign that your baby has a stomach bug.'


My boy likes to sleep on 1 side which is right when ever i turn his head to the left he will automatically turn back himself. Am so afriad that his face will be flaten! He is also used to sleep on his tummy which he can sleep for 4 hours!
wendyg &amp; Jacelyn,

If baby sleep on his tummy, they can't turn their head &amp; alter their position unlike facing up, they can turn left or right ? In this position, will they vomit milk ?
sleeping on tummy
I tempted to let my boy sleep on tummy, cos he startle at noises easily leh. end up i have to wake up many times a night

My boy is sleeping in sarong aka YaoLan for a month liao &amp; we observe that he can sleep better, not easily startled by noises. He only sleep in yao lan during the day. Nite, he sleep in cot.
<font color="0000ff">sagittaurius,</font>

I cannot understand why yr gynae at KK refer u to polyclinic? Mm...so u don't have to see yr gynae for any follow up review? If u r not sure abt the pap smear thingy, u shld call yr gynae &amp; chk.

<font color="ff0000">Re: menses</font>

Today is the 3rd day of my menses &amp; i realised alot of blood discharge leh!! Soak thru the pad this morning &amp; i've changed the 3rd pad as of now! Izit normal ah? scary:S
Re: Menses

I do experienced fresh red blood but it is very little. I don't need to use a normal pad just panty liner will do. I deliverd on mid jan also not sure is this menses or not!

Re: Sleeping on tummy
I dun let my boy sleep on his tummy immediately after milk. i will let him lie down for about 10min then let him sleep on his tummy. So far my boy dun vomit any milk. Initially, he cannot turn his head but after 2 days he can turn by himself already. But i realised he like to sleep on 1 side so on and off i will help him to change his head position.
*quietly pray* blackbatz u can join us hor?? hehe.. u live opposite my block lah.. we can share a cab if u no feel like driving.. keke.. i got no baby seat lah.. *big huge grin*
I have a yao lan oso, but hopefully no need to use it. Cos actually the right way to use, is shake then bb sleep liao shold stop it. But end up bb wake up, then we continue, then hor, some babies must always have rocking then can sleep.
hi mums.. i am from feb MtBS.. Gave birth to my ger 9 days ago. Milk ss very low... very upset.. can i check if any mums have low milk ss for 1st 2 weeks then gradually increased to a lot??

I starting to take fenugreek.. but its written 2 capsules per day. Can take more than 2 capsules??
Thanks for sharing ur experience .. cause i am really quite upset that i cannot TBF.. now mixed feeding.
hi jeannie

my 1st 2 weeks also not say alot of milk.. now if i dont pump whole night, morning pump will have 300ml. in the day every 3 hrs pump got 160-200ml. is this alot? this amt is sufficient for my girl's intake, so i guess is enough for me.

dont worry about your ss now, the more stressed up, the lesser milk. guess u've heard this many times. relax, eat well, rest well, enjoy your time with baby, and milk supply will slowly increase.

initially i was also quite stressed up over this whole BF process. now, things have more or less fallen into a comfortable pattern for me and baby.

u can try quakers oats, i diligently drank oats for a whole week, seemed to have helped. but must supplement with ALOT of water, if not SURE kenna constipation.
jeannie (genice)
My supply was very low for first 2 weeks.. Had to supplement with FM for 3rd day and 6th day.. gradually things become better after having fenugreek and papaya soup. U can have more fenugreek if u need to.

My first few days just 20-30ml after 1 hr of pumping. Now ard 130-160ml at 5th week.. It makes a diff when u drinks lots of water.
give yourself time and have confidence. ur milk ss surely will increae over time if u just keep latching bb on, or express regularly *not sure if u latch or EBM lah.

fenugreek u shd take 3 caps 3 times a day, ie total 9 caps a day. otherwise will not hv effect one.

that is exactly what happened with emma n the yaolan! she got so used to the rocking, that each time it stops, she wakes up! so i give up using it for now :p
Thanks windy, icy and michelle. But michelle.. u mean can take so many caps?? will have side effect?? i a bit scared.So are u all on TBF now??

i don't know also why they refer me to polyclinic. I am a first time mum. Maybe that time i deliver is by the midwife not doctor that why never refer me back to kk ba.
Sagit, normally after you discharge from KK they will give you appt for review and pap smear. I went back again today. Did my pap smear liao. Gynae also give me medicine to stop the bleeding cos mine has not totally stopped. Still having a bit of spotting. I don't know want to take or not cos it can regulate the menses to come after that. So sian. Thought I want to bf so that can delay my menses.
wah..Windy envy envy...yr girl so nice to u...how much milk (ml) u gave her ? Last nite 1am, my boy took 100ml &amp; lasted him till 5am...very gd to me liao.
Today, my boy doesn't know what happened. Drink milk drink a bit only. Then sleep wake up cry again. I have just let him latch on now sleep already. I also brought him see doc today for the rashes on the face.
<font color="0000ff">Mom2nat &amp; michelle,</font>

re: yaolan
My MIL introduce yaolan to my boy cos he don't seem to sleep well, always startle by loud noises easily. But MIL also very strict, she say if baby yawn &amp; tired, put bb in yaolan, rock gently &amp; let it stop on it own then don't have to rock liao. If baby still cranky, we give him pacifier &amp; rock yaolan gently then he will go to sleep, it works! However, my FIL is the one who like to rock my boy hard, like sitting see saw!!!
MIL will nag &amp; scold him:p
Steph, my boy is also sleeping in yaolan in the day. He also like to be carried. So far I didn't give pacifier. At nite he is nursed to sleep. So far now at nite he only wakes up one time. Again now he is crying again. Today so cranky.
hi mommies,

today i attempted to make danelle sleep on tummy and i succeeded.
she can even turn her head from left to right.


im also scared tat her face will be flatten if no strength to turn... esp the nose. lol

re: menses

my 2nd menses came today... sigh!!!
RE: Mummy and baby Yoga Class
Should we exchange HP number for mummies attending the classes? Let contact by msn/email: mine is [email protected]

RE: Menses
Does it means that whether you are expressing or breastfeeding, menses will still come?

RE: Sleeping at night
My boy used to swaddled at night, so once he is swaddled, I put him on the cot and just have the night light on then he will sleep on his own.. once a while he will need the pacifier. I tried not to pat him, in case he used to it.

The funny thing is swaddling only works for night, day time bright bright, he refused to get swaddled.

the side effect fr taking 9 caps will be increased bm.. ?

<font color="ff6000">7th March Friday 3pm
Moms &amp; Babes Tea-time @ Ikea Tampines</font>

- Windy
- Shannonbaby
- Wendyg
- Angelsky
- Elmo

anyone else?
or just turn up and approach the table with the most babies. haha.

no need to paiseh. i also nvr met anyone fr this thread, except 2.

my boy can turn fr left to right even on tummy down. he dun vomit milk coz he drinks most when he just wakes up. Night time sleeps on back.
